Objective 2.02

SEM1 2.02 Operations
PE - Utilize project-management skills to
improve workflow and minimize costs
PI – Develop project plan
What is a Project Plan?
• Project = unique task with a beginning and an
• “A project plan is a specific plan for
accomplishing a project’s objectives.”
• A road map to bridge the gap between
concept and reality
Who does Project Planning?
• Project Manager
– Plans and completes
– May involve stakeholders and participants
• Stakeholders
– Benefit from successful project completion
• Participants
– Role in the project as authority figures, team
members, experts/consultants, or support
services personnel
Factors Affecting Project Planning
• The project’s objectives
• The information available
• Past success
• Personal insight and experience
Project-Planning Tools
Charts and computer software are used as tools
to help answer the following:
• What has to be done and when
• Who is responsible for doing it
• How the work will be monitored
Project-Planning Tools (cont’d)
• Help make educated guesses using
information gathered
• Help organize and combine resources
• Help report status of project’s progress
through visual charts and software
Benefits of Project Planning
Gives direction and keeps project on track
Helps coordinate parts of the project
Provides a standard for completion
Keeps focus on the end result
Motivates by dividing into steps
Helps deal with uncertainty
Developing a Project Plan
• What are my objectives? List goals.
• What exactly is my project? Precisely define
by listing outcome, completion date, and total
• Is my project do-able? Check to see if time
frame, costs, and quality mark is attainable.
• What will I need to complete my project?
(Materials, human resources, money,
schedule, and spending plan)
Developing a Project Plan cont…
• Can my project be monitored effectively?
Determine how to keep quality level,
schedule, and budget in line.
• What if something goes wrong? Start
planning early, be flexible, and realize changes
have a domino effect.
Performance Activity
• Note to the Instructor: Review and present the Developing
Project Plans Briefing (pp. 5-49—5-51) to students in a
lecture or discussion format.
• Identify a sport/event marketing DECA project in which
students plan to participate.
• Set up a project plan for the sport/event. Discuss your
project plan with the students involved to obtain their
feedback. Modify the plan, if needed.
• Give the plan to the students to use.
• Obtain feedback from the students at the end of the
project to determine strengths/weaknesses associated with
your plan.
Sample VoCats Questions
38. What should a business anticipate when
developing a project plan?
A. Research
B. Publicity
C. Change
D. Secrecy
#38 Answer
38. C
• Change. Change is something that occurs constantly and
usually without warning. When developing a project plan, a
business should always provide for change because it is
inevitable that something will change. For example, a
customer may add a new requirement or need a larger
quantity. Being prepared to deal with any changes that may
take place during the course of the project will help to make
the project successful. Not all projects require research or
secrecy. Businesses don't provide for publicity unless the
project is unique and of interest to the public.
SOURCE: OP:001/2.02
SOURCE: Reynolds, D. (2009, March 17). Create and use a plan for change management:
Theories, strategies and implementation. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
39. Which of the following is a true statement
about project planning:
A. With a project plan, you can mentally walk
through your project from start to finish.
B. You should avoid a custom-made project plan.
C. Through project planning, you can evaluate what
you have accomplished.
D. You should minimize the involvement of others in
the planning process.
#39 Answer
39. A
With a project plan, you can mentally walk through your project from
start to finish. A true statement about project planning is that you can
mentally walk through your project from start to finish—in a makebelieve way. In your mind, you see each part of the project.
Sometimes, it is helpful to develop a custom-made plan for your
project, especially if it is a one-time event. Project planning does not
help you evaluate what you have accomplished because, during the
planning stage, you haven't accomplished it yet. And, when others
need to be involved in a project (stakeholders, participants, experts,
etc.), you should involve them.
SOURCE: OP:001/2.02
SOURCE: QS LAP 28—From Here to Done
#40 Answer
40. Why is it important to define your project
A. So you can spend less money
B. So you can create something tangible
C. So you can involve other people
D. So you can achieve your objectives
#40 Answer
40. D
So you can achieve your objectives. Knowing exactly what it is
you want to do (precise project definition) helps you achieve
your objectives. It does not help you create something
tangible, though your project may involve tangible items or a
tangible outcome. It does not help you involve other people,
though you may want or need to do that. And, unfortunately,
it does not help you spend less money because—by detailing
what you want to do—you might discover that your project
will be more expensive than you realize.
SOURCE: OP:001/2.02
SOURCE: QS LAP 28—From Here to Done
41. Why is it important to think ahead about how
you will monitor your project?
A. To make sure the project's quality doesn't suffer
B. To pick the right helpers
C. To practice monitoring the project
D. To guarantee the availability of needed resources
#41 Answer
41. A
To make sure the project's quality doesn't suffer. It's important to think
ahead about how you will monitor your project so that you will know
how you will keep the quality level, the schedule, and the budget
intact. You will not be practicing any monitoring during the planning
stage. Monitoring occurs during project management. Picking the right
helpers is beneficial, but it is not why you need to think ahead about
monitoring your project. Thinking ahead about how you will monitor
your project does not guarantee the availability of needed resources.
SOURCE: OP:001/2.02
SOURCE: QS LAP 28—From Here to Done