Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Homework at Focus School Cottingham Campus Week commencing: 07 December 2016 Year 7: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 10/12/15 Brain power 16/12/15 Maths 8/12/15 Worksheet 14/12/15 Science 10/12/15 Prepare a reflection on what have been the most important things we have learnt this term for a feedback session . Converting between metric units of measurement Find out about the various forces we have on Earth and give examples of where these forces are used. Intranet 14/12/15 History Geography 10-12-15 Description of a rainforest Class notes 17-12-15 French 8/12/15 KS3 tool kit Copy of tool kit Test on 14/12/15 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Food 7/12/15 Biscuit design task Guidelines provided 14/12/15 DT 7/12/15 h/w booklet 14/12/15 Art 11/12/15 h/w booklet 18/12/15 Citizenship 9/12/15 Produce diagrams to show the stages of making your bird box so far Use photocopies of your work and plain paper to produce an abstract collage Spelling list – learn for next lesson Provided 16/12/15 Year 8: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 10/12/15 Brain power 16/12/15 Maths 8/12/15 Prepare a reflection on what have been the most important things we have learnt this term for a feedback session . Generating sequences and finding the nth term rule Worksheet 14/12/15 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Science 09/12/15 Describe Felix’s decent back to Earth. Why did his speed change? Moodle 16/12/15 Geography 8-12-15 Class notes, paper 14-12-15 French 7/12/15 Plans for city for the future- draft KS3 tool kit Copy of tool kit 14/12/15 Food 7/12/15 7/12/15 Templates, recipe and guidelines provided h/w booklet 14/12/15 DT Art 9/12/15 h/w booklet 16/12/15 Citizenship 9/12/15 Make Gingerbread biscuits for next lesson Evaluate the overall success of their clock thus far from the point of view of design and function Evaluate what skills you have learnt throughout this project and identify your overall strengths and weaknesses Spelling list- learn for next week provided 16/12/15 History Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 14/12/15 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Year 9: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 10/12/15 Brain power 16/12/15 Maths 7/12/15 08/12/15 List of topics, revision pack, exercise book. Worksheet, graph paper 16/12/15 Science Prepare a reflection on what have been the most important things we have learnt this term for a feedback session . Revision for end of term test. Interpret complex distance, time graphs to describe a journey. 15/12/15 History Geography 11-12-15 DIT work on assessment Assessment/mark scheme 17-12-15 French 7/12/15 KS3 tool kit Copy of tool kit 14/12/15 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Food 7/12/15 Notes from theory lessons plus guidelines Plan for making produced in a previous lesson 14/12/15 9/12/15 Prepare presentation on Teenager’s meal Review and amend your plan for making based on your progress so far Investigating Britishness DT 7/12/15 Citizenship Resources provided 16/12/15 Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 8/12/15 Role-play reflection Homework booklet 11/12/15 Maths 7/12/15 10/12/15 List of topics, revision pack, exercise book. Worksheet 14/12/15 and 16/12/15 Science Revision for end of term test. Efficiency/Sankey diagrams of energy transfers. DIT work on assessment Exam qu, mark scheme 14-12-15 14/12/15 Year 10: 17/12/15 History Geography 11-12-15 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: French 8/12/15 Exercise book 15/12/15 h/w booklet, intranet, revision guide 17/12/15 9/12/15 Type of material and learn as much as you can for the Controlled Assessment Collect information on 3 production processes - one off, batch and mass production Research task DT / Textiles 10/12/15 Citizenship Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed English Language 7-12-15 English Literature 10-12-15 Resource sheet, homework 10-12-15 booklet Poems, homework booklet 17-12-15 Maths 07/12/15 Complete ‘why’ question under timed conditions Unseen poetry comparison question under times conditions My maths tasks – ratio and proportion Complete Questions set by peers. Year 11: Mymaths Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Due in Date 10/12/2015 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Science 10/12/15 Current and P.D. calculations Worksheet 17/12/15 Geography 9-12-15 Revision for mock exams Revision books 16-12-15 French 7/12/15 Corrected stage 1 material 14/12/15 Food 7/12/15 Resources provided 14/12/15 DT 8/12/15 Continue to prepare material for the Controlled Assessment Exam revision questions on effect of heat on food Collect information on 3 production processes - one off, batch and mass production h/w booklet, intranet, revision guide 15/12/15 History Year 12 & 13: Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Subject Date to be set AS Accounts AS Business 9/12/15 8/12/15 A2 Business 9/12/15 AS English 7-12-15 A2 English 7-12-15 Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date develop a GOBCCRAMP revision card past paper questions cash flow budgets Case study on employee disputes Revision of accent research and analysis in preparation for assessment Revision of key terminology and exemplars in preparation for assessment Laptops 16/12/15 Pp Q 15/12/15 Case study 16/12/15 Vocabulary p42-44 Prepare answers to questions on fashion and image Vocabulaires : p.35/36 Vercors booklet : Ch.8 (p.41-42) Page 2 of “Le Racisme” booklet –“La France doit faire mieux” Vocabulary booklet Question sheet Test on 14/12/15 Answers due 14/12/15 Vocabularies booklet Vercors booklet Le Racisme booklet La Société Multiculturelle resources,key phrases and vocabulary, Elan and AQA books. Vercors for 14.12.15 La France doit faire mieux for 10.12.15 Revision for 10.12.15 Vocabulaires for 10.12.15 11-12-15 11-12-15 EBC AS French 7/12/15 A2 French Mon 7.12.15 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: AS Geography 9-12-15 Revision for Assessment : (Listening, Reading + Wrting(part 1) Revision for mock exams Grammar revision book Revision books 16-12-15 A2 Geography 7-12-15 Revision for mock exams Revision books 15-12-15 AS Economics 7-12-15 Text books 14-12-15 AS EPQ 9/12/15 Initial and formal designs 16/12/15 A2 Product Design 9/12/15 Initial and formal designs 16/12/15 AS Maths 07/12/15 Presentations on aspects of market failure Make an appointment with your client to review formal design proposal and how it has developed since the last meeting Make an appointment with your client to review formal design proposal and how it has developed since the last meeting Q 8 p386. Write a differentiation question and solution Textbooks 10/12/15 FSMQ Lv2 07/12/15 08/12/15 Question sheet (3&4) Exercise book Question sheet Exercise book Homework book 14/12/15 Y12 FSMQ Lv3 Comparative pie charts questions Questions on normal distribution Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 11/12/15 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Y13 FSMQ Lv3 09/12/15 Exam questions on Correlation coefficient and regression line Exam question sheet Exercise book Homework book Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 14/12/15