Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Homework at Focus School Cottingham Campus Week commencing: 22nd February 2016 Year 7: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 24/2/16 Poetry selection. 3/3/16 Maths 23/2/16 Resource sheet 29/2/16 Science 25/02/16 Rocket pack 29/02/16 History 23/02/16 History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 Geography 23/02/16 Continue with WW1 poetry guide. Simplifying algebraic expressions Evaluate your bottle rocket project. How did it fly? Describe the forces involved during the various stages of flight. Was your rocket in budget? Did your team work well? What would you improve upon next time? Who was King before King John I? What is a glacier? History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 French 25/02/16 Label the images Complete the task Worksheets and word list 3/3/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: DT 22/02/16 h/w booklet 29/02/16 26/02/16 Create a visual health and safety guide to working in a Textiles classroom Extend observational drawing to explore other facial features eg. lips and hair Art h/w booklet 04/03/16 Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 24/2/16 Text extracts. 3/3/16 Maths 23/2/16 Resource sheet 29/2/16 Science 24/02/16 Worksheet 01/03/16 History 25/02/16 Continue with Dickens study. Simplifying algebraic expressions Explain the similarities and differences in series and parallel circuits. What is a puritan? History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 Geography 22-2-16 Template discussed in class 29/2/16 French 26/2/16 Weather diary to be kept each day Complete the tasks (1-3) Learn the lists (in task 1) For a test French to English Worksheets and word list 4/3/16 Year 8: Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: DT 22/02/16 Art 24/02/16 Complete product analysis of two existing textiles products based on the theme Analyse examples of 3d sculpture work h/w booklet 29/02/16 Picture examples given in the lesson 01/03/16 Year 9: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English 24/2/16 Homework books 3/3/16 Maths 22/2/16 Write a “Guide to SPaG” to include the key elements to develop. Practise: P7 qu 2 & 4 Challenge: P27 qu 4 & 5a-d Extension: P27 qu 5e-h & 6 Homework textbook and homework exercise book 25/2/16 Science 23/02/16 Intranet 01/03/16 History 23/02/16 Who was Alfred Wegner and what theory did he propose? What was the Treaty of Versailles? History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Geography 25/2/16 French 25/2/16 ADT 22/02/16 Climate change reading and summary notes- what is global warming, and what effects can it have? Complete the tasks Learn the word list for a test. Carry out independent research in order to find a new drawing technique. You must put together a powerpoint slide or a handout that you can share with others in the class to help teach them how to use the technique. Photocopied sheets/ science work 3/3/16 Work sheet 5/1 and word list 3/3/16 h/w booklet, books, speaking with family, access to powerpoint software (if needed) 29/01/16 Year 10: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English Language 22.2.16 DIT response to mock exam paper Marking feedback Exam paper 29.2.16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: English Literature 23.2.26 Maths 22/2/16 Science 22/02/16 History 23/02/16 Geography 22/2/16 French 24/2/16 ADT 25/02/16 Using Great Expectations as your inspiration, write your own setting in the style of Dickes. Page 47 Practise: qu 1a-f Challenge: qu 3ab, 4ab, 5a Extension: qu 3cd, 4cd, 5bc Who was Alfred Wegner and what theory did he propose? Why wasn’t his theory accepted for many years? Who were the Hollywood 10? Managing tourismsuggesting responses to problems created by tourism Translate the texts into English. Carry out independent research in order to find a new technique. You must put together a powerpoint slide or a handout that you can share with others in the class to help teach them 29.2.16 Homework booklet Homework textbook Homework exercise book 25/2/16 Intranet 29/02/16 History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 Class notes on positives and negatives 29/2/16 Copy of texts (p42) vocabulary list h/w booklet, books, speaking with family, access to powerpoint software (if needed) 2/3/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 10/03/16 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: how to use the technique. Year 11: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date English Language 22.2.16 Complete personal plan 29.2.16 English Literature 25.2.16 Maths 22.02.16 Further Maths 24/02/16 22/02/16 Exercise book and exam paper Intranet 1/3/16 Science History 23/02/16 DIT response to mock exam past paper question Algebraic fractions questions – select 4 from sheet and extension questions Modified calculator exam paper What is a salt? How can they be made? Dots of War on Afghanistan war? Self-Directed homework plan Exam paper Marking feedback Sheet, h/w book History textbook, intranet 1/3/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 2.3.16 25.02.16 29/02/16 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: Geography 24/2/16 French 25/2/16 DT 23/02/16 Super volcano case study notes Research school life in France Write 150 words in French, describing and comparing with school life in the U.K Refine ideas for a packaging solution for your product Revision book information 26/2/16 Vocabulary list 3/3/16 h/w booklet 01/03/16 Year 12 & 13: Subject Date to be set Details of homework set Resources Needed Due in Date AS Accounts 24.02.16 Limited companies ppQ Past paper Q 02.03.16 AS Business 24.02.16 Past paper question on cash flow and sources of Past paper Q 02.03.16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: finance A2 Business 22.02.16 Past paper BUSS3 Past paper 29.02.16 AS English 23.2.16 Stimulus material Homework booklet 29.2.16 A2 English 22.2.16 24/2/16 Past paper question Homework booklet Text book 26.2.16 AS French A2 French 22.2.16 1.First vocab book 2.Carnet de vocabulaires 3.AQA book, notes and supporting feuilles de travail 4. Geographical notes, resource materials on LR 1. mardi 23 2.jeudi 25 3.lundi 29 4.lundi 29 AS Geography 24/2/16 Texts/ revision book 2/3/16 A2 Geography 25/2/16 Do men and women really speak different languages? Essay response. Lg4 Section A past paper question Elan 1: P90 Translate the four texts into English 1.vocab-p.56-57 of original booklet 2.Pages 1 to 3 of new carnet 3.using the feuille de travail-write about the causes and effect of delinquence amongst young people 4.Cultural topic: write about the geography of LR and how this has and does impact on the region Holderness coast case study summary Describe and explain changes in global Text books 29/2/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 2/3/16 Focus School - Cottingham Campus The Old Victorian School Hallgate, Cottingham East Riding of Yorkshire HU16 4DD Telephone: 01482 840722 Facsimile: 01482 840723 E-mail: urbanisation patterns AS Economics 24/2/16 AS EPQ 25/02/16 A2 Product Design 25/02/16 AS Maths 23.02.16 FSMQ Lv2 24/2/16 FSMQ Lv3 Year 12 23/2/16 FSMQ Lv3 Year 13 24/2/16 Workbook questions on the economic cycle and macroeconomic policy Set own targets for selfdirected making Prep any remaining templates and extend plan for making Test corrections Work through any questions that were incorrect in test. Exam questions on errors Workbook questions 29/2/16 EPQ folder 02/03/16 Working drawings, scaled plan and plan for making sheet Exam paper, hw book 02/03/16 Exam questions worksheet 29/2/16 Exam questions on linear functions Income tax and national insurance exam questions Worksheet and exercise book Worksheet and exercise book 26/2/16 Northmoor Education Trust - Affiliated to Focus Learning Trust – Focus School Number 206 DFES Registration number 811 6007. AQA Centre Number 44122. Registered Charity Number 1072562 26.02.16 29/2/16