Broadwater Public School Our School Anti-Bullying Plan Anti-Bullying Plan – Broadwater Public School Our School Anti-Bullying Plan This plan outlines the processes for preventing and responding to student bullying in our school and reflects the Bullying: Preventing and Responding to Student Bullying in Schools Policy of the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities. Our school community will have opportunities to discuss, provide feedback and comment on their understandings of bullying through parent representative meetings and general discussions. This in turn will feed into the content our Anti-Bullying Plan. Students and staff will also be provided with opportunities to discuss bullying, their perceptions of it in our school and strategies to prevent it happening. Statement of purpose Broadwater Public School students have the right to come to school to fully engage in teaching and learning activities and their daily school life without any fear for their safety or well-being. For students to positively engage in the educational opportunities at Broadwater Public School they have an absolute right to learn in an environment where they feel safe from any form of bullying. Any inappropriate behaviour that inhibits another student’s right to learn or otherwise interferes with their well-being cannot, and will not, be tolerated. Protection Bullying is repeated incidents involving the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more other people. Cyberbullying refers to bullying through information and communication technologies. Bullying is different from ordinary teasing, rough and tumble or school yard fights. What makes Anti-Bullying Plan – Broadwater Public School it different is that the incidents are ongoing and there is usually an imbalance of size, strength and power between the children involved. The bully may also have the power because other children side with the bully to protect themselves. Conflict or fights between equals or single incidents are not defined as bullying. All members of the school community including students, school staff, parents and caregivers have a shared responsibility to actively work together to eliminate and resolve incidents of bullying behaviour when they occur and to create a safe and happy environment, free from all forms of bullying. This includes: Contributing to the prevention of bullying by modelling and promoting appropriate social behaviour and respectful relationships. Supporting the school’s Anti-Bullying Plan through their individual words and actions. Assisting students to understand and identify bullying behaviour as outlined in this plan. Supporting all students in the school to deal effectively with bullying through strategies in the Anti-Bullying Plan. Prevention The following strategies and programs will be implemented to support bullying prevention in our school. Give clear messages about expected behaviours in our school as indicated in our Student Welfare and Discipline Policy. Promotion of the school’s Positive Behaviour Award system. Each class will engage in teaching and learning activities included in our Bullying unit in Term 1 each year. This will include an explicit outline of the school’s Anti-bullying Plan. Senior primary students will have access to Cybersmart Hero (online in–school activity) Recognition of National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (March) Engaging in activities from the website. Display bully-free school posters, encourage reporting of incidents and encourage empathy. Early Intervention Early intervention strategies and programs to support students identified as being at risk of developing long-term difficulties with social relationships and those students who are identified at or after enrolment as having previously experienced bullying or engaged in bullying behaviour will include: Developing a clear understanding of the Student Welfare and Discipline Policy and the Anti-Bullying Plan. Ensure student has access to School Counsellor services Set up a 'buddy' system where students form a support group for the identified student(s). Ensure activities concerned with Bullying, including strategies to deal with it, are a part of teaching and learning programs in the school. Response Broadwater Public School will provide detailed information about bullying to our school community to empower them to recognize and respond appropriately to any form of bullying that may occur. Our Anti-bullying Plan outlines the responsibilities of all concerned parties including students, staff, parents, carers and the wider school community. The process to be followed when a bullying incident occurs is outlined in the flowchart attached to this plan. See Anti Bullying Action Plan. The following strategies and programs will be implemented to support students who have been affected by bullying behavior: Ensure students involved have access to School Counsellor services if deemed necessary. Planned meetings between student(s) and Principal to discuss ongoing welfare. Teach assertiveness skills and place students in situations where they experience success (empowering). Action Plan followed when incident occurs. The school newsletter and personal communications will provide the means to deliver updates to parents and caregivers about the management of bullying incidents at school. Aspects of privacy legislation will be given the highest consideration. Where a serious disciplinary matter arises involving, but not limited to, assault, threats, intimidation or harassment the principal may contact the NSW Police Force. If the principal becomes aware of a child protection concern they must identify whether the risk of harm to the child or young person is suspected to be 'significant' or not. To guide this decision and in deciding what subsequent action needs to be taken, a Mandatory Reporter Guide has been Anti-Bullying Plan – Broadwater Public School developed. We will use this Mandatory Reporter Guide to assist us to determine whether a report to the Child Protection Helpline (Community Services) is required. Where assistance is required in making this decision, or using the Mandatory Reporter Guide, the Child Wellbeing Unit will be contacted by telephone on (02) 9269 9400. Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 Students and parents may appeal if they consider that correct procedures have not been followed, and/or that an unfair decision has been reached. Principal’s comment Students or parents requiring assistance where they believe an unfair decision has been made should contact Regional Office. Regional Office personnel should identify appropriate support people for the student or parents if this type of assistance is requested. The NSW Department of Education and Communities (DEC) seeks to resolve difficulties, grievances and complaints in a prompt, impartial and just manner. Principles of fairness, accessibility, transparency, responsiveness, accountability and constructiveness are paramount when dealing with a complaint. This Anti-Bullying Plan has been developed by the staff of Broadwater Public School in consultation with our students and the school community. Bullying of any kind has no place in our school and all measures will be taken to ensure student’s well-being and safety. We expect our school to be a safe place for students to learn and teachers to teach. Stephen Curtin – Principal Sandra Williams – Teacher Linda Wythes – Teacher This Anti-Bullying Plan will be published on our school website under the Student Welfare link. Parents will be made aware of this link through our School Newsletter. Rebecca Dicinoski – Senior Administration Manager As part of our weekly staff meetings student welfare issues are discussed. If there has been an incident of bullying, staff will take the opportunity to discuss the incident and determine the effectiveness of the Anti Bullying Action Plan. Staff will also determine the effectiveness of the prevention and response strategies used. School contact information The Anti-Bullying Plan will be reviewed every three years through a school community survey. This survey will determine the school community’s perceptions and understandings about bullying and whether strategies in place are working in our school. 02 66828136 Additional Information Straun Presgrave -Police Youth Liaison Officer 02 6626 0599 Anti-Bullying Plan – Broadwater Public School Broadwater Public School Pacific Highway Broadwater 02 66828226