
PBS Hospital Medication Chart
Reference Group
Terms of Reference
Dec 2014
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................3
Purpose .....................................................................................................................................3
Role and Function ....................................................................................................................4
Composition ..............................................................................................................................4
Terms of Appointment .............................................................................................................4
Confidentiality ...........................................................................................................................5
Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................................................5
Deliverables ..............................................................................................................................5
Timeframes ...............................................................................................................................5
Reporting and Evaluation Mechanisms .................................................................................6
Reporting ...................................................................................................................................6
Support for Committee ............................................................................................................6
Operation of the Committee ....................................................................................................7
Personal Information................................................................................................................8
Appendix 1: List of Secretariat Staff Members...................................................................................9
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission)
officially commenced operation on 1 July 2011. The Commission was created under
the provisions of the National Health Reform Act 2011 and is a Commonwealth
Authority operating under the requirements of the Commonwealth Authorities and
Companies Act 1997.
In November 2013, Cabinet agreed to reduce the regulatory burden through the
expansion of paperless claiming for PBS medicines dispensed from medication
charts to include all public and private hospitals at the conclusion of the current trial
in residential aged care facilities. Cabinet also agreed that the Minister of Health
would bring back to Cabinet an Implementation Plan for the implementation of
paperless claiming for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) as part of the 2014-15 budget package.
In 2013 the Department conducted a review of chemotherapy funding arrangements.
The purpose of this review was to identify options for a long term and sustainable
funding model for chemotherapy services. The review made a number of findings
regarding funding of chemotherapy services. Of relevance to this project was the
finding that efficiency benefits could be achieved by reducing the complexity and
administrative burdens associated with chemotherapy reimbursement on the PBS.
As a result of this review, the Australian Government proposes to simplify a number
of administrative processes to reduce the administrative burden faced by prescribers,
pharmacists and hospitals when prescribing, dispensing and claiming for PBS
These measures will:
 Allow prescribing of PBS medicines using a standardised medication chart in
private and public hospitals. This will remove the double-handling where
prescribers must currently write both a medication chart order and a PBS
prescription for the same medicine.
 Enable community pharmacies, and public and private hospital pharmacies, to
make a single electronic claim for payment for PBS medicines dispensed off a
standardised medication chart. This will eliminate the unnecessary paperwork
where currently a pharmacy makes an electronic claim and must also submit all
paper prescriptions.
The initiative builds on current work permitting PBS supply and dispensing from
medication charts in residential aged care facilities
The PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group (Reference Group) of the
Commission is created to:
 advise the Commission on conduct of the PBS prescribing, dispensing and
claiming on a Medication Chart project
 provide technical perspectives on proposals in relation to the development of a
paper based Medication Chart and subsidiary documents; reference tools and
training materials
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
 represent key stakeholder perspectives
 act as the primary vehicle for consultation and advice throughout the project.
Role and Function
The Reference Group will undertake the following functions:
meet to consider project matters
advise the Commission on the project and associated planning
identify appropriate stakeholders and strategies for project communications
provide expert perspectives on project reports and proposals
monitor the safety profile of the PBS Hospital Medication Chart
recommend preferred outcomes and positions
provide other advice as required by the Commission.
categories will be identified for all Reference Group members
organisations will be invited to nominate Reference Group members
individuals may be nominated as Reference Group members.
Reference Group members will include:
Chairman: Commission nominee (1);
Department of Health nominee (1);
Department of Human Services nominee (1);
Pharmacy Guild of Australia (1);
Consumer representative (1);
Industry representatives (2);
Professional group representatives (4) including doctors, nurses and community
 Jurisdictional representative (1)
 Private hospital sector representative (1)
Terms of Appointment
Each member is appointed on the basis of their nomination / individual skills,
knowledge and expertise and holds their appointment at the discretion of the
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Members may resign from the Committee at any time by providing a letter stating the
intention to resign is presented to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality
in Health Care (copied to the Chair and Secretariat) at least four weeks prior to the
date of resignation.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care will consider
appointments to vacancies, as appropriate.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care retains the
discretion to terminate a member's appointment to the Committee at any time and for
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
whatever reason.
Committee members may, on occasion, be provided with confidential material.
Members are not to disclose this material to anyone outside the Committee and are
to treat this material with the utmost care and discretion and in accordance with
terms of their confidentiality agreement.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest is defined as any instance where a committee member, partner or
close family friend has a direct financial or other interest in matters under
consideration or proposed matters for consideration by the Committee. A member
must disclose to the Chair any situation that may give rise to a conflict of interest or a
potential conflict of interest, and seek the Australian Commission on Safety and
Quality in Health Care’s agreement to retain the position giving rise to the conflict of
interest. Where a member gains agreement to retain their position on the Committee,
the member must not be involved in any related discussion or decision making
A committee member is not to participate in committee business until the Deed of
Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest form has been completed.
Progress of this project is dependent on a number of external contingencies,
including changes to legislation and changes to systems to allow claiming from
medication charts. Timelines for the following deliverables will need to be adjusted if
there are delays from these contingencies:
 December 2014 – Reference Group to approve final first draft medication chart
and support materials to be used for piloting
 January 2015 – Private hospital pilot strategy to be agreed by the Reference
 April 2015 – Public hospital pilot strategy to be agreed by the Reference Group.
The project commenced in May 2014 and is due to conclude in August 2016. The
Reference Group will be evaluated in August 2016, or at the conclusion of the
project, and recommendations on its future made to the Commission. Any extension
to the project and consequently the Reference Group will be via a contract variation.
There will be four meetings over the life of the project; meetings will be scheduled as
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
10. Reporting and Evaluation Mechanisms
The committee is to report on the objectives of its task in such a way as to enable the
outcome to be evaluated. For long standing committees, evaluation may occur after
delivery of each milestone or outcome. Evaluation criteria may include whether the
 meets the needs of the target audience
 is utilised by the target audience
 results in change
 is supported by key stakeholders.
11. Reporting
Routine reports are provided to:
 Department of Health (funding body)
 Commission Board members
 Commission standing committees
o Inter Jurisdictional Committee
o Private Hospital Sector Committee
o Primary Care Committee
12. Support for Committee
The work of the Group is supported by the funding agreement between the
Commission and the Department of Health, for the PBS prescribing, dispensing and
claiming on a medication chart project.
The Secretariat will:
provide support and policy advice to the Committee
develop agendas, papers and/or briefs for Committee meetings
arrange meetings for Committee to discuss issues
distribute relevant information in a timely manner to promote robust
discussion and feedback
ensure all members are kept informed of issues and information relevant to
the work of the Committee
incorporate Committee recommendations into the development of materials,
where possible
provide feedback to the Committee on outcomes of discussions and
progression of work
arranging venues and catering for meetings
arranging appropriate travel and accommodation, and
verifying reimbursement of eligible expenses.
A list of staff members to contact within the Secretariat is available at Appendix 1.
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
13. Operation of the Committee
The Chair
The Chair is ultimately responsible to the Australian Commission on Safety and
Quality in Health Care for the operations of the Committee. The Chair will preside at
all meetings at which they are present. If the Chair is absent from a meeting, a Deputy
Chair will preside.
Members obligations and expectations
1. Members are appointed for the term specified in the instrument of
2. Members are nominated to represent the organisations listed at point four or
as independent content experts.
3. Members are to actively participate in all meetings and share information,
noting that individual members may advise their organisations where
4. Members will initially be appointed until 31 August 2016.
5. Individuals on the PBS, Claiming from a Medication Chart Reference Group
will declare any potential competing interests with the Commission.
6. Where members have missed two consecutive meetings, it will be at the
discretion of the Chair to declare the seat vacant and seek a replacement
7. Members will sign a deed of confidentiality.
8. Members of the PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group will be
remunerated according to Commission’s Remuneration and Reimbursement
Policy for Committees. Members will not be eligible to be remunerated under
any Remuneration Tribunal determination if they hold an office or are a fulltime employee of the Commonwealth, a state or a territory or a state or
territory authority or instrumentality.
It is intended that the PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group will meet two
times per financial year in Sydney at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality
in Health Care office. The proposed meetings will be scheduled according to member
Due to the expert nature of the PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group,
proxies for meeting attendance cannot be accepted unless prior agreement has been
negotiated with the Commission.
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
Travel and Accommodation
Travel, accommodation and related expenses for non-Government members will be
met by the Commission.
A quorum for a meeting is half the committee membership plus 1. Any vacancy on the
Committee will not affect its power to function.
The agenda and related papers are normally circulated to members two week prior to
the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Secretariat. They will provide a
concise and focused report of decisions and actions taken. Minutes will be made
available to members in a timely manner.
14. Personal Information
The personal information a committee member provides to the Commission will be
kept in compliance with relevant privacy and confidentiality legislation.
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014
Appendix 1: Secretariat
Damen Pearce, Project Officer
Phone: 02 9126 3547
Email: damen.pearce@safetyandquality.gov.au
PBS Hospital Medication Chart Reference Group - Terms of Reference – Dec 2014