Control of Rice Insect Pests G.C. Jahn & Islam Zahirul Integrated Pest Management Training Course LECTURE CONTENT Introduction Basics of Cultural Control Single Field Cultural Control Practices Community-wide Cultural Control Practices Examples of Cultural Options Against Specific Insect Pests Introduction What is CULTURAL CONTROL? The modification of management practices so that the environment is less favorable for pest – invasion – reproduction – survival – immigration Introduction Ecological Pest Management “Cultural control” is referred to as “Ecological Pest Management” (EPM) by some authors (e.g. Speight et al. 1999) This is because cultural control is a way of changing the ecological factors that affect pest numbers. Introduction Is there a difference between EPM and Cultural Control? In practice, they are the same. In theory, they are different ways of looking at crop protection, i.e. . . . EPM – looks for intervention points to manipulate the ecosystem Cultural control – looks at each aspect of crop management and how it affects pests. For our purposes the terms can be used interchangeably. Introduction Aims of EPM In EPM the crop is managed to: Improve resistance of the crop to pests, by optimizing plant health Enhance the proliferation and efficiency of natural enemies Introduction Aims of Cultural Control To achieve reductions in pest numbers through crop management. Increase yield. Improve grain and crop quality. Improve seed viability (germination rates). Decrease cost of pest management. Reduce the negative impact of pest management on the environment and health by reducing reliance on pesticides. Basics Basics of Cultural Control Advantages vs. Disadvantages Types of cultural control – – Primary Secondary Examples of Cultural Control Practices Adoption scale Basics Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Cultural Control Advantages: Inexpensive Slow development of resistance (compared to chemical control) Low environmental impact Compatible with other pest management Disadvantages May suppress some pests, but increase others May require communitywide adoption Generally slower than pesticides for controlling outbreaks. Basics Types of Cultural Control Primary Cultural Control – those practices adopted specifically to control insect pests. Secondary Cultural Control – those practices adopted for general crop health, but which also prevent pest build up. Basics Examples of Primary Cultural Control Draining a rice field to control caseworm. Transplanting older seedling to prevent whorl maggot damage Increasing the seeding rate to compensate for feeding by ants or birds Adjusting the timing of planting or land preparation to avoid certain pests (e.g. chafer beetle, stem borer, rice root weevil) Basics Examples of Secondary Cultural Control Maintaining water in the field to prevent mole crickets, ants and other soil pests. Land preparation – e.g. plowing to prepare the soil for planting while at the same time turning over stubble that harbors stem borers. Weeding Fertilization – splitting nitrogen applications to avoid build up of certain pests (e.g. brown planthoppers, gall midge) Basics Examples of CULTURAL CONTROL PRACTICES Rotations, intercropping, mixed cropping, barrier, trap crops Tillage Mulches HPR Phytosanitation Water management Fertilizer management Basics Adoption Scale Some cultural practices offer direct benefits to the farmer if carried out at the farm level. However, some others require community-wide action to be effective. Single field cultural practices – e.g. transplanting vs direct seeding for weed control Community-wide cultural practices – e.g. crop rotation to break pest life cycle Single Field Cultural Control Practices Single Field Cultural Control Practices Overview Planting methods Seedling age Clipping Plant Density Crop cover – using Azolla Water management Fertilizer management Single Field Cultural Control Practices Overview of Single Field Cultural Control Practices Works well when for pests that can be excluded from the field e.g. flooding eliminates dryland pests such as root aphids. Works for avoiding pests in time. Does not work well for reducing overall pest populations of species that readily move between fields such as adult rats or flying insects. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Planting Methods Transplanting into flooded fields suppresses dry land adapted pests such as white grubs, root aphids, termites, mole cricket, ants, and others. Seed beds are easier to protect from pests, than entire fields, due to small area. Delayed transplanting is may help avoid certain insects (e.g. stem borer) or diseases. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Seedling Age Transplanting older seedlings: Reduces seedling time in the field. Reduces population buildup of pests that prefer the vegetative stage. Reduces damage from caseworms and whorl maggots Avoid one generation of stem borers, leafhoppers, and brown planthoppers. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Plant Density The effect of plant density on insect pest abundance is varied and complex. Dense plantings change crop growth, development, and microclimate, which in turn has an effect on pests and their natural enemies. Sparse planting encourages weeds and indirectly has an effect on insect abundance. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Clipping Clipping the tops of bundled tall seedlings prevents lodging and removes stem borer and hispa eggs, if present. Not commonly used with modern rice varieties. During the wet season, removal of the top third of a standing crop at the vegetative stage can remove leaf folders and stem borer egg masses, hispa eggs and grubs, and thrips. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Crop Cover - Azolla Covering the paddy water surface with Azolla (water fern) reduces incidence of whorl maggot. Azolla cover also assists predators move from hill to hill in search of prey (e.g. planthoppers). Single Field Cultural Control Practices What is Azolla? A. nilotica Azolla is an aquatic fern (pteridophyte), that floats on the water surface of flooded rice fields, small ponds, and canals. 1-5 cm, except for A. nilotica of Africa which reaches 15 cm. Multiplies vegetatively and sexually. Seven Azolla species are recognized Distributed widely from temperate to tropical regions. Single Field Cultural Control Practices Uses of Azolla Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, thus high N content Used for green manure in wetland rice in China, Vietnam, and Philippines Weed suppression in rice Single Field Cultural Control Practices Water Management Draining field 1-2 days suppresses: – – – – Whorl maggots, root feeding midges, water weevils, caseworms Alternate draining and flooding for 5-7 days helps control black bugs, planthoppers, gall midge, hispa, and stem borers Single Field Cultural Control Practices Fertilizer Management IPNM = Integrated Pest & Nutrient Management = Managing soil nutrients and pests in a complementary fashion, i.e. pest management has a neutral or positive effect on soil quality soil nutrient management has a neutral or positive effect on pest levels Single Field Cultural Control Practices Why do we need Integrated Pest and Nutrient Management (IPNM)? Some nutrient management causes pest outbreaks Some pest management techniques degrade the soil IPNM could reduce pest problems and enhance soil fertility Single Field Cultural Control Practices IPNM FOR A CHANGING RICE ECOSYSTEM New cultivars & GMOs Increased amounts of fertilizer being used Interactions poorly understood, therefore the potential for disaster (e.g. outbreaks) - note pesticides Current pest problems related to fertilizer use may be exacerbated Single Field Cultural Control Practices EXAMPLES: PEST MANAGEMENT THAT REDUCES SOIL QUALITY Burning straw to control insects and diseases Plowing fallow land to hinder weeds and the insect pests they harbor Draining fields Single Field Cultural Control Practices EXAMPLES: PEST MANAGEMENT THAT IMPROVES SOIL QUALITY Flooding fields to prevent infestations of thrips mole crickets or weeds Crop rotation with a legume Using fish and ducks to help regulate pests Single Field Cultural Control Practices EXAMPLES OF PEST PROBLEMS CAUSED BY FERTILIZER Nitrogen (N) applications tend to increase populations of: – – – – weeds sheath blight leafhoppers gall midge N applications lead to heavier stem borer larvae, which presumably cause more damage High N levels associated with pest outbreaks Single Field Cultural Control Practices EXAMPLES OF USING FERTILIZER TO HELP MANAGE PESTS N applications decrease thrips populations Phosphorous (P) improves tolerance for root pests Potassium (K) tends to suppress pests Silicon increases resistance to blast, bacterial blight, planthoppers and stem borers Zinc reduces stem borer damage Single Field Cultural Control Practices FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS CAN: Raise pest levels Lower pest levels Raise the levels of some pests and lower the levels of others Have no effect on pest levels Depending on several factors. . . Single Field Cultural Control Practices FACTORS TO CONSIDER Fertilizer – – – Composition Timing Amount Cultivar – – – – Hybrid New plant type Transgenic Duration Single Field Cultural Control Practices How would Nitrogen effect . . . Nn = Nt + B – D + I - E Birth rate? Mortality? Immigration Emigration? Single Field Cultural Control Practices FERTILIZER AND BIRTH RATE N increases birth rate ( = fecundity) of many phloem-feeding insects (e.g. planthoppers and leafhoppers insects) More babies! Single Field Cultural Control Practices FERTILIZER AND DEATH RATE N tends to lower insect death rate ( = mortality) N increases insect tolerance to stress, therefore lowers mortality Some parasitoids concentrate attacks on insect hosts that feed on the leaves with the highest N content Single Field Cultural Control Practices FERTILIZER AND IMMIGRATION Rice treated with high N attracts more pests Single Field Cultural Control Practices FERTILIZER AND EMIGRATION N tends to soften plant tissue, making penetration of the plant easier. Therefore insects should tend to stay in a field with high N. . . .which should reduce emigration. Comfortable animals tend to stay at home Single Field Cultural Control Practices WHAT IS KNOWN? Nitrogen & insects Increase insect tolerance to stress Greater insect fecundity (e.g. sucking insects) Increases insect feeding rate More abundant, e.g. brown planthopper Less abundant, e.g. thrips and whorl maggot Rice attracts more pest Promotes recovery from pest damage Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE KNOWN: Weeds & Pathogens Sheath blight - increased severity with increased N Blast - use silica to increase resistance Low density of Echinochloa can outcompete rice at high N Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE KNOWN: Balance is important! Studies in India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam have found lower pest incidence in fields with site-specific nutrient management, compared to farmers’ practice Why? Farmers tend to apply unbalanced fertilizer regimes Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE KNOWN: N effects N increases number of eggs produced by some insects, (i.e. increase birth rate) High N can attract ovipositing insects (i.e. increase immigration). N augments plant growth rate, therefore softer tissues and easier penetration (reduces emigration). Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE KNOWN: P effects P (Phosphorus) improves root development, therefore greater tolerance to root pests (e.g. root weevil) Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE KNOWN: Potassium (K) Effects Lowers plant sugar Lowers amino acids Promotes thicker cell walls Increases silica uptake Therefore suppresses many pests Single Field Cultural Control Practices APPLICATIONS of IPNM knowledge to date Avoid fast pest build up by splitting applications of N, with a basal application for slow release. Plow straw into soil to increase silica uptake and reduce stem borer Apply N to promote recovery following a pest attack Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE UNKNOWN Quantifying the balance between pest & yield increases when fertilizer is used Multiple effects: Fertilizer combinations on different soil types, with multiple pests on different cultivars Single Field Cultural Control Practices THE UNKNOWN How will pests respond to fertilizer on new cultivars? How do natural enemies respond to fertilizer applications? (How do fertilizers effect the rate of death of pests?) How do grain sucking insects respond to fertilizer applications and does this effect grain quality? Single Field Cultural Control Practices OBJECTIVES OF IPNM RESEARCH Understand processes involved in how fertilizers effect crop losses due to pests on different – – cultivars soil types Predict the consequences of intensified rice production on crop losses due to pests. Single Field Cultural Control Practices ? DESIRED OUTPUTS Identify situations where outbreaks are likely to occur Predict effectiveness of pest control strategies and soil nutrient management under different circumstances Integrate pest and nutrient management strategies Community-wide cultural control Community-wide Cultural Control: Overview Eliminating or drastically reducing a pest population by removing its habitat. Preserving a high diversity of natural enemies by maintaining habitats. Can use indicator species for diversity of natural enemies (e.g. dragonflies in rice). Rely on taxonomy and phylogenetics to define biodiversity (Douglas and Brunner 2002, May 1990) Community-wide cultural control Indicator species Indicator species – species whose presence, theoretically, indicate a certain level of species richness in a habitat (MacNally and Fleishman 2002, Noss 1990) Why use indicator species? – – – Complete species inventory is expensive Species inventory is time consuming Less expertise required Community-wide cultural control Community-wide Cultural Control Practices Examples: Crop rotation Crop area Rice cropping frequency Plant maturity Planting time Synchronous planting / flowering Community-wide cultural control Community-wide Cultural Control Practices -- continued Trap crops Flooding stubble Tillage Weed control Harvest methods Straw and stubble destruction Ratooning Examples of EPM for specific insect pests Rice caseworm - Nymphula depunctalis (Guenee), Pyralidae, Lepidoptera. EPM for rice caseworm Rice fields with wider hill spacing (30 x 20 cm) usually suffers less damage from caseworm. Early planting may escape the peak caseworm moth activity period. Draining of fields for 5-7 days kills caseworm larvae. Use of older seedlings reduces the duration of the susceptible stage of the crop. Nitrogen fertilizer use at optimal dosages and split applications reduce the rice caseworm’s abundance. Examples of EPM for specific insect pests Rice whorl maggot - Hydrellia philippina Ferino, Ephyridae, Diptera. EPM for rice whorl maggot Adult flies are more attracted to standing water. Therefore, by draining the water at 3-4 days intervals during the first 30 days after transplanting, egg lying is reduced. Covering the water surface with Azolla and Salvinia molesta prevents rice whorl maggot infestation. Direct-seeded rice is not as attractive to adults as a transplanted rice crop is. Fields with higher plant density suffers less damage. Close planting decreases oviposition and subsequent damage. Examples of EPM for specific insect pests Slender rice bug - Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg), Alydidae, Hemiptera Rice bug EPM Simultaneous crop maturity in all fields in an area dilutes rice bug damage. Staggered planting should be avoided. Rice maturing late in a few fields may suffer severe damage because of the rice bug concentration. Rice bugs are capable of surviving on other vegetation during the off-season. Control of bugs on other vegetation, especially in the off-season, can be beneficial. Summary Nn = Nt + B – D + I – E Cultural control aims to increase: mortality emigration Cultural control aims to decrease: natality & fecundity immigration CONCLUSIONS Cultural control is a prophylactic method of control, i.e. used for preventing pest problems. Cultural control is rarely use as a tactical means of control Cultural control should be considered the first defense, around which other control options are built. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T. W. Mew K. L. Heong A. Barrion L. Almazan Elsa Rubia Sanchez References CABI (CAB International) 2001. Crop Protection Compendium (2001 – edition) – CD or on-line version. United Kingdom. Dent, D. 1995. Integrated Pest Management. Chapman & Hall, London, 356 pp. Dent, D. 2000. Integrated Pest Management (2nd Ed.) CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 410 pp. References - continued Douglas MR and Brunner PC. 2002. Biodiversity of Central Alpine Coregonus (Salmoniformes): impact of one-hundred years of management. Ecological Applications 12(1):154-172. IRRI and UQ. 2002. RiceIPM (version 1) - International Rice Research Institute (Philippines) and The University of Queensland (Australia), CD. Litsinger JA., 1994. Cultural, mechanical, and physical control of rice insects. Pp. 549-584 In: EA Heinrichs (ed.) Biology and Management of Rice Insects. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 779p. References - continued MacNally R and Fleishman E. 2002. Using “indicator” species to model species richness: model development and predictions. Ecological Applications 12(1):79-92. May, RM. 1990. Taxonomy as destiny. Nature 347:129130. Noss, RF. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: a hiearchical approach. Conservation Biology 4:355-364. References - continued Reissig WH, Heinrichs EA, Litsinger JA, Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew TW and Barrion AT. 1986. Illustrated guide to integrated pest management in rice in tropical Asia. International Rice Research institute, Philippines, 411p. Takahashi, F. 1964. Reproduction curve with two equilibrium points: a consideration in fluctuation of insect populations. Research in population Ecology 6:28-38.