Animal Farm Political Campaign Project

Animal Farm Political Campaign Project
Task: The animals have just chased Farmer Jones from his property and are now in control of
Animal Farm! The farm is looking for a new leader, and each animal is interested in the
position. Your task is to choose a character from Animal Farm and create a political campaign
for him/her. Through your campaign, you will encourage the other animals on the farm to vote
for your character.
Step 1: Choose an animal to “become.”
You may choose from the following characters:
 Snowball
 Squealer
 Boxer
 Moses
 Mollie
 If you would like to campaign for another animal, please see me.
Step 2: Create a propaganda poster to publicize your animal’s campaign.
Just like the posters used by presidential candidates during campaign
season, your poster must advertise your animal’s qualifications to be
Animal Farm’s leader. Your poster must include:
 At least one propaganda technique – this can be communicated
through your slogan OR illustration
 A catchy slogan that communicates your animal’s vision for
Animal Farm (Consider the slogan “Four legs good, two legs bad”
used by the pigs in the novel as you create your own slogan.) Your
slogan must be unique – no copying from TV commercials or
magazine ads.
 An attention-grabbing illustration
 Your animal’s name (displayed prominently)
 Note: You will create your poster in the Computer Lab.
Step 3: Write a persuasive political speech for your animal.
As you prepare your animal’s political speech, refer to Old Major’s speech in
Chapter One (this will be a good starting-point for your speech). Your speech
must include:
The four stages of a persuasive political speech – the stages must be
identified in the margins of your paper
Rhetorical devices (at least 3) – highlighted
Propaganda techniques (at least 1) – underlined in red
Parallelism (at least 1) – underlined in blue
Your speech must be a minimum of 4 paragraphs (at least 5
sentences per paragraph).
Your speech must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12.
Make sure you write your speech in first person point-of-view (as if your
animal is giving the speech).
Step 4: Deliver your speech.
 You may deliver your speech in person on the due date, or you may
videotape your speech to be played in class on the due date.
 Both partners must participate EQUALLY in the presentation of the
 Your speech must demonstrate how your animal is qualified for the
position of Animal Farm leader.
 You must learn your speech. You may look at your paper a few times
during your presentation, but you will lose points if you are simply
reading from the sheet.
 When you deliver your speech, remember to use persuasive speaking
Project Due Date: Friday, November 19, 2010
You will be given two days in class to work on your project with your partner. Anything not
completed in class on these group work days must be accomplished outside of school. Please
make accommodations if additional time is needed.
 Speech Work Day: Monday, November 15, 2010
 Propaganda Poster Work Day: Tuesday, November 9 and
Tuesday, November 16 in the Computer Lab
Extra Credit Opportunities:
 In Animal Farm, the animals sing “Beasts of England” after each meeting. This song is
used to motivate and inspire the animals. You and your partner can receive extra credit
if you create a song to inspire people to join your campaign and SING it for the class.
 You are required to write a political speech and create a propaganda poster to endorse
your animal, but try to think of other creative ways to advertise your animal’s abilities as
well. For example, if you are campaigning for Mollie, you could create hair ribbons to
advertise your campaign. Just make sure that you are not using bribery to endorse your
 Anything that goes above and beyond the standard project requirements will be
considered for extra credit!