Jordan School District Dual Language Immersion Core Curriculum Map 3rd Grade – CHINESE Program 2014-2015 W e e k 1 Chinese Literacy Chinese Language Back to School activities Management SOURCE: USOE Chinese Website Textbooks: Chinese Language for Primary Schools: 2A and 2B HanYu PinYin Step By Step B Resources on line: Xue Le Literacy Essentials: Teacher Read Aloud Shared Reading: Whole Group Instructions: Oral Language – Listening Comprehension Vocabulary Text-Based Comprehension – Skills and Strategies; Craft and Structure Research and Media Literacy Foundational Skills – Fluency and Decoding Spelling Science / Social Studies Chinese Language Back to School activities Management Source: JSD website, UEN, USOE, Interconnection SS Standard I: Students will understand how geography influences community location and development. Benchmark: The geography of a community influences the cultural development of the humans who inhabit the community. There are relationships between climate, natural resources, and other geographic characteristics and a community's cultural development. The unique characteristics of an area influence where and how communities develop, their relative wealth and power, and how they adapt to changes. Mathematics Chinese Language Back to School activities Management, Pre Assessment This is the recommended instructional schedule. It was designed so that content contained in each Interim could be covered prior to taking the benchmark. Teachers can adjust the schedule to meet the needs of their students. However, be aware that the benchmark due date is solid. (Math Department) Textbooks: Math EnVision * Pre and Post Tests are required for Title One Schools. They are recommended but not required for all other schools. TOPIC 1 – Numeration Lesson 1 – understand that multidigit numbers can be represented in different ways.” Language Art English Language Back to School activities Management; Pre Assessment Textbooks to use are Principal and school’s decision. Textbooks: Journeys Common Core by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - 2014 Edition Literacy Essentials: Teacher Read Aloud Shared Reading: Whole Group Instructions: Oral Language – Listening Comprehension Vocabulary Text-Based Comprehension – Skills and Strategies; Craft and Structure Research and Media Literacy Foundational Skills – Fluency and Decoding Spelling Grammar Writing Guided Reading – small group instructions based on students’ reading levels, 4 times per week 1 2 Grammar Writing Guided Reading – small group instructions based on students’ reading levels, 4 times per week Vocabulary Words: latitude, longitude, compass rose, north, south, east, west, continents, ocean, key, equator, desert, plain, tropic, tundra, grassland, mountain, forest, wetland, natural resources, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, economic development, community development, recreation, natural resource extraction, agriculture Chinese Language for Primary Schools: 2A 2A Lesson 1 1-1 我长大了課程設計 1-2 我长大了課程設計 Objective 1: Determine the relationships between human settlement and geography. a. Identify the geographic features common to areas where human settlements exist. b. 1-3 我长大了課程設計( 深广:我比去年更快 乐) 1-4 我长大了 worksheet(空心單字 ) c. Use map features to make logical inferences and describe relationships between human settlement and physical geography (e.g., population density in relation to latitude, cities’ proximity to water, utilization of natural resources). Compare the shapes and purposes of natural and Lesson 2 - understand that multidigit numbers can be named in different ways.” Lesson 3 – understand how to read and write numbers in the ten and hundred thousands. Lesson 4 – Understanding Number Lines - understand the number line representation for whole numbers Lesson 5 - Counting on the Number Line - understand that there can be patterns in counting sequence of numbers Lesson 6 – Comparing Numbers - understand place value can be used to compare numbers Lesson 7 – Ordering Numbers - understand that place value can be used to order whole numbers Lesson 8 – Problem Solving: Make an Organized List - understand how making an organized list helps in some situations to determine when all possible solutions have been found. Vocabulary Words: digits, place value, standard form, expanded form, word form, period, compare, order UNIT 1: Lesson 1 Daily Opening Routines: T12-13 T36-T37 T44-45 T54-55 T62-63 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Such a Deal” T 14-15 Vocabulary in Context: T18 T50 Principal, soared, strolled, worried, proud, announced, fine, certainly Vocabulary Strategies: * Context Clues Anchor Text: “ A Fine, Fine School” Humorous Fiction “ One-Room Schoolhouses” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Terms about literature: setting, characters, plot, illustrations, mood Target Skill: Story Structure Analyze illustrations Target Strategy: Summarize Phonics: Short Vowels a, e, I, o, u Words with VCCV Pattern Fluency: Accuracy Spelling: Crop, plan, thing, smell, shut, sticky, 2 human-made boundaries of cities, counties and states. 1-5 我长大了 Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Unit Test 1 Math Core: 3NBT.1, 2 3 Objective 2: Describe how various communities have adapted to existing environments and how other communities have modified the environment. a. Describe the major world ecosystems (i.e., desert, plain, tropic, tundra, grassland, mountain, forest, wetland). b. Identify important natural resources of world ecosystems. c. Describe how communities have modified the environment to accommodate their needs (e.g., logging, storing, water, building transportations systems). d. Investigate ways different communities have adapted into an ecosystem. spent, lunch, pumpkin, clock, gift, class skip, swing Sentence Dictation: T66 Grammar: Simple Sentences Spiral Review: Capitalization and Punctuation Narrative Writing: T33 Daily Proofreading Practice Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 1.2 – 1.4 Comprehension: 1.5 – 1.7 Phonics: 1.8 – 1.11 Grammar: 1.12 – 1.14 UNIT 1: Lesson 2 Daily Opening Routines: T104 T128 T136 T146 T154 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Sequayah” T106-107 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Trial, jury, convinced, guilty, pointed, honest, murmur, stand Vocabulary Strategies: * Dictionary / Glossary Anchor Text: “ The Trial of Cardigan Jones” Fantasy 3 Identifying elements of culture: ions/culture/ m hat-are-the-elements-ofculture.html review?LPid=23841 Objective 3: Analyze ways cultures use, maintain, and preserve the physical environment. a. Identify ways people use the physical environment (e.g., agriculture, recreation, energy, industry). b. Compare changes in the availability and use of natural resources over time. c. Describe ways to conserve and protect natural resources (e.g., reduce, reuse, recycle). d. Compare perspectives of various communities toward the natural environment. e. Make inferences about the “ You Be the Jury” ” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Terms about literature: setting, characters, plot, illustrations, mood Target Skill: Conclusion Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: Long Vowels a, e, I, o, u Words with VCe Pattern Fluency: Phrasing Spelling: Spoke, mile, save, excuse, cone, invite, cube, price, erase, ripe, broke, flame, life, rule Sentence Dictation: T158 Grammar: Kinds of Sentences Spiral Review: Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Dialogue, Revise and Proofread Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 2.2 – 2.4 Comprehension: 2.5 – 2.6 Phonics: 2.7 – 2.10 Grammar: 2.11 – 2.12 4 2A Lesson 3 4 3-1 过新年課程設計 3-2 过新年課程設計(课文 ) 3-3 过新年課程設計(我爱 阅读) 3-5 过新年課程設計(寫字 練習) 2A L3 过新年(课程设计) positive and negative impacts of human-caused change to the physical environment. UNIT 1: Lesson 3 Daily Opening Routines: T198 T224 T232 T242 T250 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Open Your Eyes” T200 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Afford, earn, figure, block, customers, contacted, raise, spreading Vocabulary Strategies: * Antonyms Anchor Text: “ Destiny’s Gift” Realistic Fiction “ Kids Making a Deifference ” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Understanding Characters Target Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate Phonics: * Common Vowel Pairs ai, ay, ee, ea Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: Long a and Long e Lay, real, trail, sweet, today, dream, 5 seem, tea, treat, afraid, leave, bait, screen, speed Sentence Dictation: T254 Grammar: Compound Sentences Review Kinds of Sentences Narrative Writing: Revise and Proofread Daily Proofreading Practice Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 3.7 – 3.9 Comprehension: 3.10 – 3.11 Phonics: 3.12 – 3.13 Grammar: 3.14 – 3.16 TOPIC 2 – Number Sense: Addition and Subtraction 5 Lesson 1 - Addition meaning and properties Lesson 2 – Meaning of subtraction Lesson 3 – Using mental math to add: adding mentally and breaking them into calculations that are easy to do mentally. Lesson 4 - Using mental to subtract Lesson 5 – Rounding to nearest ten, hundred, using number line UNIT 1: Lesson 4 Daily Opening Routines: T292 T318 T326 T336 T344 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The Bixby Bridge” T294 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Crew, tide, cling, balancing, foggy, disappears, stretch, excitement Vocabulary Strategies: * Word Families Anchor Text: “ Pop’s Bridge” Historical 6 Lesson 6 - Estimating sum of two whole numbers. Lesson 7 - Estimating difference of two whole numbers Lesson 8 – Understanding meaning of an equation to find the value of an unknown in an equation. Lesson 9 – Problem Solving: Reasonableness Assessment: (For each lesson) Quick Check 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Unit Test 2 Vocabulary Words: addends, sum, commutative (order) property, Associative (Grouping) Property, Identity (Zero) Property of addition, difference, fact family, round, estimate, compatible numbers, equation, < > = 6 2A Lesson 4 SCIENCE STANDARD I: The Process of Science, Communication of Science, and the Nature of Science. Students will be able to apply scientific processes, communicate scientific ideas effectively. Math Core: 3NBT.1, 2 3OA.8, 9 Fiction “ Bridges ” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Compare and Contrast Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: * Long o Spelled oa, ow Fluency: Expression Spelling: Load, open, told, yellow, soak, shadow, foam, follow, glow, sold, window, coach, almost, throat Sentence Dictation: T348 Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns Review Compound Sentences Narrative Writing: Draft Dialogue, Revise and Proofread Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 4.2 – 4.3 Comprehension: 4.4 – 4.6 Phonics: 4.7 – 4.8 Grammar: 4.9 – 4.11 UNIT 1: Lesson 5 Daily Opening Routines: T386 T412 T420 T430 T438 Phonemic Awareness 7 4-1 长大后课程设计 4-2 长大后课程设计(课文 3-4) 4-3长大后课程设计(我爱 阅读) 4-4长大后课程设计(深广 :会飞的蚂蚁) Objective 1: Generating Evidence: Using the processes of scientific investigation (e.g., framing questions, designing investigations, conducting investigations, collecting data and drawing conclusions. “I Can Statement: a. Framing Question: Observe using senses, create a hypothesis, and focus a question that can lead to an investigation. b. 4-5(翰林写字练习) 我要长大PPT 我要长大课文(毛毛虫说 ) Designing investigations: Consider reasons that support ideas, identify ways to gather information that could test ideas, design fair tests, shared designs with peers for input and refinement. c. Conducting investigation: Observe, manipulate, measure, describe. d. Collecting data: Deciding what data to collect and how to organize, record, and manipulate the data. e. Drawing conclusions: Analyzing data, making conclusions connected to the data or the evidence High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The Tennessee Tornado” T388 Vocabulary in Context: Stands, fans, score, league, slammed, polish, style, pronounced Vocabulary Strategies: * Prefix mis_ Anchor Text: “ Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburg Pirates” Biography “ Baseball Poems” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Cause and Effect Target Strategy: Visualize Phonics: Long I Spelled I, ie, igh Fluency: Intonation Spelling: Slight, mild, sight, pie, mind, tie, pilot, might, lie, tight, blind, fight, die, midnight Sentence Dictation: T442 Grammar: * Plural Nouns with _s and _es Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft a Personal Narrative 8 gathered, identifying limitations or conclusions, identifying future questions to investigate. Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 5.2 – 5.4 Comprehension: 5.5 – 5.7 Phonics: 5.8 – 5.9 Grammar: 5.10 – 5.11 7 Objective 2: Communicating Science: Communicating effectively using science language and reasoning. I Can Statement: a. Developing social interaction skills with peers. Topic 3 – Using Place Value to Add and Subtract Number and Operations in Base Ten Standard 1: Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. dex.html b. Sharing ideas with peers. c. Connecting ideas reasons (evidence). d. Using multiple methods of communicating reasons/evidence (verbal, charts, graphs). with 955_math-games-rounding.html tml es/math/rounding.html Objective 3: Knowing in Science: Understanding the nature of science. Number and Operations in Base Ten Standard 2: Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of UNIT 2: Lesson 6 Daily Opening Routines: T12 T34 T42 T52 T60 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Bats are the Best Beasts” T14 Vocabulary in Context: Twitch, swoops, squeak, echoes, details, slithers, dozes, snuggles Vocabulary Strategies: * Suffixes _able, _ible Anchor Text: “ Bats Love the Night” Narrative Fictions “ A Bat is Born” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Sequence of Events Target Strategy: Question 9 I Can Statement: a. Ideas are supported by reasons. b. There are limits to ideas in science (e.g., what can be observed, measured, and verified). c. Differences in conclusions are best settled through additional observations and investigations. d. Communication of ideas in science is important for helping to check the reasons for ideas. operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. _t_1.html m/ambleweb/mentalmaths/pyra mid.html raction.html Lesson 1 - Adding with an Expanded Algorithm Lesson 2 – Model for adding 3digit numbers Lesson 3 – Strategies in adding 3digit numbers 8 Lesson 4 – Adding 3 or more numbers 2A Lesson 5 2AL5(翰林写字练习) 5-1 天上的大象課程設計 (課文1-2) Lesson 5 – Problem solving; draw pictures and use it to write appropriate number sentence Lesson 6 – Subtracting with an expanded algorithm Lesson 7 – Model for subtracting 3-digit numbers Lesson 8 – Subtracting 3-digit numbers Phonics: Words with VCV Pattern Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: Spoke, mile, save, excuse, cone, invite, cube, price, erase, ripe, broke, flame, life, rule Sentence Dictation: T64 Grammar: What is a Verb? Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Response Paragraph Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 6.2 – 6.4 Comprehension: 6.5 – 6.7 Phonics: 6.8 – 6.9 Grammar: 6.10 – 6.11 UNIT 2: Lesson 7 Daily Opening Routines: T102 T126 T134 T144 T152 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Louis Braille: Boy Inventor” T104 Vocabulary in Context: Imagine, tolls, illustrate, scribbles, 10 Lesson 9 - Subtracting across zero 5-2 天上的大象課程設計 (課文3) 5-3天上的大象課程設計 (我愛閱讀天上的小白羊 ) 5-4 天上的大象課程設計 (深广:太阳是甜的) Lesson 10 – Problem solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence Math Core: 3NBT1, 2 3OA.8 Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 sketches, tracing, research, texture Vocabulary Strategies: * Synonyms Anchor Text: “ What do Illustrators do? Informational Text “ Jack Draws a Beanstalk” Traditional Tale Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features Target Strategy: Analyze and Evaluate Phonics: Three-Letter Clusters ( scr, spr, str, thr) Fluency: Expression Spelling: Three, scrap, street, spring, thrill, scream, strange, thrown string, scrape, spray, threw, strong, scratch Sentence Dictation: T156 Grammar: Verb Tenses Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Opinion Paragraph Focus Trait: Organization Weekly Assessment: 11 Target Vocabulary: 7.2 -7.4 Comprehension: 7.5 – 7.7 Phonics: 7.8 – 7.10 Grammar: 7.11 – 7.13 9 Topic 4 – Meaning of Multiplication Operations and Algebraic Thinking Standard 3: Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities (e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem) ory_g_2_t_1.html Lesson 1 – Multiplication as repeated addition: Understand that combining equal groups is one meaning of multiplication Lesson 2 – Arrays and multiplication: Understand that an array is a special arrangement of equal groups to find product. Lesson 3 – Commutative property (order) UNIT 2: Lesson 8 Daily Opening Routines: T194 T218 T226 T236 T246 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Sweet Berries” T196 Vocabulary in Context: Harvest, separate, ashamed, borders, advice, borrow, patch, serious Vocabulary Strategies: * Context Clues Anchor Text: “ The Harvest Birds” Folktale “ The Treasure” Folktale Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Conclusion Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: Silent Letters kn, wr Fluency: Stress Spelling: 12 Lesson 4 – Writing multiplication stories Lesson 5 – Problem Solving: Writing to explain in math. Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick check 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Unit Test 4 10 2A Lesson 6 SS STANDARD II: Students will understand cultural factors that shape a community. 6-1 手影游戏课程设计 6-2 手影游戏课程设计(课 文3-4) 6-3手影游戏课程设计(我 爱阅读) Benchmark: All people exist within cultures, or the way of life of a group of people. All human communities have cultural attributes. These attributes change over time in response to changes in the world around them. Indigenous cultures in North and South America demonstrate these attributes, and teachers are Vocabulary: multiplication, factors, product, array, commutative property of multiplication, equation, multiplier, multiples, Identity (one) and Zero Properties of multiplication, Distributive property, Associative property, division, divisor, dividend, quotient, unknown factor, equal groups, row, column, decompose, compose Math Core: 3OA.1, 3, 5, 9 BENCHMARK 1 DUE Tracks A and B – Sept. 9 Tracks C and D – Oct. 3 Traditional – Oct. 3 Itch, wreck, knee, patch, wrap, knot, watch, knife, stretch, write, knew, knock, match, wrong Sentence Dictation: T250 Grammar: Using Commas Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Response Paragraph Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 8.8 – 8.10 Comprehension: 8.11 – 8.12 Phonics: 8.13 – 8.14 Grammar: 8:15 – 8:17 UNIT 2: Lesson 9 Daily Opening Routines: T288 T314 T322 T332 T333 T340 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The Magical Art of Mime” T290 Vocabulary in Context: Familiar, applause, vacant, rickety, blurry, blasted, jerky, rude Vocabulary Strategies: * Dictionary / Glossary Anchor Text: 13 6-4手影游戏课程设计(深 广:捉太阳) 6-5(翰林写字练习) encouraged to select examples from these rich cultural traditions. “ Kamishibai Man” Realistic Fiction “ The True Story of Kamishibai” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Vocabulary Words: indigenous cultures, American Indian, Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Great Basin, Southwestern, Arctic, language, religion, customs, artistic expression, Europe, economic specialization, exchange systems, markets Target Skill: Analyze Illustration Target Strategy: Monitor / Clarify Phonics: Vowel Dipthongs ow, and ou Fluency: Intonation Spelling: Clown, round, bow, cloud, power, crown, thousand, crowd, sound, count, powder, blouse, frown, pound Sentence Dictation: T344 Grammar: Kinds of Sentences Spiral Review: Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Prewrite a Response to Literature Focus Trait: Organization Objective 1: Evaluate key factors that determine how a community develops. I Can Statement: a. Identify the elements of culture (e.g., language, religion, customs, artistic expression, systems of exchange). b. c. Describe how stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture. Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 9.2 – 9.3 Comprehension: 9.4 – 9.6 Phonics: 9.7 – 9.8 Grammar: 9.9 – 9.11 Compare elements of the local community with communities from different parts of the world (e.g., industry, economic specialization). Topic 5 – Multiplication Facts: 14 d. 11 e. f. Identify and explain the interrelationship of the environment (e.g., location, natural resources, climate) and community development (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, industries, markets, recreation, artistic creations). Examine changes in communities that can or have occurred when two or more cultures interact. Explain changes within communities caused by human inventions (e.g., steel plow, internal combustion engine, television, computer). Use known Facts: Operations and Algebraic thinking Standard 8: Solve two -step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding /gsmbegin.html en/zoo/index.htm en/adder/index.htm /NewThinkingBlocks/thinking_blo cks_multiplication_division.html Objective 2: Explain how selected indigenous cultures of the Americas have changed over time. /NewThinkingBlocks/thinking_blo cks_addition_subtraction.html I Can Statement: a. Describe and compare early indigenous people of the Americas (e.g., Eastern Woodland, Plains, Great Basin, Southwester, Arctic, Incan, Aztec, Mayan). ems.html Lesson 1 – 2 and 5 as Factors; UNIT 2: Lesson 10 Daily Opening Routines: T382 T408 T416 T426 T434 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Ryan Hrelijac, Saving Lives at Six” T384 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Invention, experiment, laboratory, genius, gadget, electric, signal, occasional Vocabulary Strategies: * Shades of Meaning Anchor Text: “ Young Thomas Edison” Biography “ Moving Pictures ” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Main Ideas and Details Target Strategy: Summarize Phonics: Words with au, aw, al, and o Fluency: Phrasing Spelling: Talk, cross, awful, law, cloth, cost, crawl, chalk, also, raw, salt, wall, 15 b. c. Analyze how these cultures changed with the arrival of people from Europe, and how the cultures of the Europeans changed. Identify how indigenous people maintain cultural traditions today. understand counting patterns can be used to find multiplication facts Lesson 2 – 9 as Factor: understand counting patterns can be used to find multiplication facts Lesson 3 – Multiplying with 0 and 1: understand the generalizations when multiplying a whole number by 0 or by 1 Lesson 4 – Patterns for facts Lesson 5 – 10 as a Factor 12 Lesson 6 – Multiplying by multiples of 10 2A Lesson 9 Lesson 7 - Problem solving: twoquestion problem 9-1 文具的家(介绍文具 及课文一) Vocabulary: multiples, Identity (one) and Zero properties of multiplication, Distributive and Associative properties 9-2 文具的家课程设计 Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Unit Test 5 9-3 上课了(我爱阅读) 9-4 谁的铅笔(深广) Math Core: 3OA3, 7, 8, 9, 3NBT3 lawn, always Sentence Dictation: T438 Grammar: Pronouns and Antecedents Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft a Response to Literature Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 10.2 – 10.3 Comprehension: 210.4 – 10.6 Phonics: 10.7 – 10.8 Grammar: 10.9 – 10.11 UNIT 3: Lesson 11 Daily Opening Routines: T12 T32 T40 T50 T58 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ J-Block” T14 Vocabulary in Context: Contribute, athletes, improve, power, process, flexible, fraction, compete Vocabulary Strategies: * Suffixes _less, _ful, _ous Anchor Text: “ Technology Wins the Game” Informational Text “ Science for Sports Fans” 16 Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension 9-5(翰林写字练习) 9-6 画一画写一写 Target Skill: Sequence of Events Target Strategy: Question Phonics: Vowel dipthongs oi, oy Fluency: Phrasing Spelling: Joy, point, voice, join, oil, coin, noise, spoil, toy, joint, boy, soil, choice, boil Sentence Dictation: T62 Grammar: More Plural Nouns Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Cause and Effect Paragraph Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 11.2 – 11.4 Comprehension: 11.5 – 11.7 Phonics: 11.8 – 11.9 Grammar: 11.10 – 11.11 13 Topic 6 – Multiplication Facts: Use known facts Lesson 1 - Distributive property: understand that an array can be broken into smaller arrays but the total is still the same. UNIT 3: Lesson 12 Daily Opening Routines: T102, T126 T134 T144 T152 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words 17 Lesson 2 – 3 as a Factor: Understand that multiplication facts with 3 can be broken into a 2s fact and a 1s fact (e.g., 3 x 6 is 2 x 6 + 1 x 6) Lesson 3 – 4 as a factor: can be broken into two facts (e.g., 4 x 7 is 2 x 7 + 2 x 7) Lesson 4 – 6 and 7 as factors: can be broken into the sum of a 5s fact and 1s or 2s fact (e.g., 6 x 8 is 5 x 8 and 1 x 8) Lesson 5 – 8 as a factor: can be broken into the usm of two or more previously known facts (e.g. 8 x 6 is 4 x 6 and 4 x 6) Lesson 6 – Multiplying with 3 Lesson 7 – Multiplication facts: other strategies Lesson 8 – Multiplying to find combinations of groups Lesson 9 – Problem solving: Multistep problems Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Unit Test 6 Math Core: 3OA.3, 5, 8 3MD.7c, 3MD.8 Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Growing Up” T102 Vocabulary in Context: Risky, grunted, profit, crops, plucked, scowled, tugged, hollered Vocabulary Strategies: * Idioms Anchor Text: “ Tops and Bottoms” Trickster Tale “ Goodness Grows in Gardens” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Theme Target Strategy: Visualize Phonics: Homophones Words Endings in _er and _le Fluency: Stress Spelling: Hole, whole, its, it’s, hear, here, won, one, our, hour, their, there, fur, fir Sentence Dictation: T158 Grammar: Writing Questions Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Compare and Contrast 18 Paragraphs Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 12.2 – 12.4 Comprehension: 12.5 – 12.6 Phonics: 12.7 – 12.10 Grammar: 12.11 – 12.13 14 2A Lesson 11 11-1 孔融让梨課程設計 11-2 孔融让梨課程設計 SCIENCE STANDARD II: Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather. Objective 1: Investigate the natural world including rock, soil, and water. I can Statement: a. Observe, compare, describe, and sort components of soil by size, texture, and color. b. Identify and describe a variety of natural sources of water, including streams, lakes, and oceans. c. Gather evidence about the uses of rocks, soil, and water. 11-3 孔融让梨課程設計 11-4 孔融让梨課程設計( 空心单字) 11-5(翰林写字练习) Supplemental Materials (pdf) UNIT 3: Lesson 13 Daily Opening Routines: T194 T218 T226 T236 T244 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The Best Worst Day” T196 Vocabulary in Context: Examined, peak, fondly, steep, Rugged, mist, pausing, pleaded Vocabulary Strategies: * Homophones and Homographs Anchor Text: “ Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend” Legend “ The Trail of Tears” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension 19 Target Skill: Compare and Contrast Target Strategy: Analyze and Evaluate Phonics: Contractions with n’t, ‘d, ‘ve Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: I’d, he’s, haven’t, doesn’t, let’s, there’s, wouldn’t, what’s, she’s, aren’t, hasn’t, couldn’t, he’d, they’re Sentence Dictation: T248 Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement Objective 2: Observe and describe the changes and appearance of the sun and moon during daylight. I Can Statement: a. Observe the sun at different times during the day and report observations to peers. b. Observe and chart the moon when it is visible during the day. Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Informative Paragraph Focus Trait: Organization Supplemental Materials (pdf) Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 13.8 – 13.9 Comprehension: 13.10 – 13.12 Phonics: 13.13 – 13.14 Grammar: 13.15 – 13.16 Objective 3: Compare and contrast seasonal weather changes. 15 I can Statement: a. Identify characteristics the seasons of the year. b. Topic 7 – Meaning of Division Lesson 1 – Division as sharing equally of Lesson 2 – Division as repeated subtraction Identify characteristics of weather e.g., types of precipitation, sunny, windy, foggy, and cloudy. Lesson 3 - Finding missing numbers in multiplication table Lesson 4 – Problem solving: UNIT 3: Lesson 14 Daily Opening Routines: T286 T310 T3`18 T328 T336 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ More Than A Pet” T288 20 Choose an appropriate equation c. Observe and record weather information within each season. Supplemental Materials (pdf) Lesson 5 – Writing Division stories Lesson 6 – Problem Solving: use objects and draw a picture Lesson 7 – Meaning of Division Vocabulary: division, divisor, dividend, quotient Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 .7.5 7.6 7.7 Unit Test 7 Math Core: 3OA.2 , 3, 4, 6, 9 Vocabulary in Context: Lying, loyal, partners, shift, quiver, patrol, ability, snap Vocabulary Strategies: * prefixes in_, im_ Anchor Text: “ Aero and Officer Mike” Informational Text “ Kids and Critters: A Nature Newspaper” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Author’s Purpose Target Strategy: Summarize Phonics: Words with ar, or, ore Fluency: Accuracy Spelling: Horse, mark, storm, market, acorn, artist, March, north, barking, stork, thorn, forest, chore, restore Sentence Dictation: T340 Grammar: Pronoun-Verb Agreement Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Prewrite an Explanatory Essay Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: 21 Target Vocabulary: 14.2 – 14.3 Comprehension: 14.4 – 14.6 Phonics: 14.7 – 14.8 Grammar: 14.9 – 14.11 16 UNIT 3: Lesson 15 Daily Opening Routines: T378 T402 T410 T420 T428 2A Lesson 12 12-1 我的好朋友课程设 计 L12 My best friend part 1 12-2 我的好朋友课程设 计 L12 My best friend part 2 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Give Yourself a Gift” T380 Vocabulary in Context: Festive, ingredients, degrees, recommended, anxiously, cross, remarked, tense Vocabulary Strategies: * Using a Thesaurus 12-3 我的好朋友课程设 计 L12 My best friend part 3 Anchor Text: “ The Extra-Good Day” Humorous Fiction “ Imagine a Recipe” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension 12-4 我的好朋友课程设 计L12 My best friend part 4 Target Skill: Understanding Characters Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: 22 Words with er, ir, ur, or Fluency: Expression Spelling: Nurse, work, shirt, hurt, first, word, serve, curly, dirt, third, worry, turn, stir, firm Sentence Dictation: T432 Grammar: Verb Tenses 12-5 我的好朋友 (空心 單字)L12 My best friend worksheet Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft and Explanatory Essay Focus Trait: Voice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 15.2 – 15.4 Comprehension: 15.5 – 15.7 Phonics: 15.8 – 15.9 Grammar: 15.10 – 15.12 17 Topic 8 – Division Facts Lesson 1 – Relating multiplication and Division Lesson 2 – Fact Families with 2, 3, 4, and 5 Lesson 3 – Fact Families with 6 and 7 Lesson 4 – Fact families with 8 and 9 Lesson 5 – Problem Solving: Multiple-step Problems UNIT 4: Lesson 16 Daily Opening Routines: T12 T38 T46 T56 T66 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Counting Cans” T14 Vocabulary in Context: recycle, project, dripping, carton, complicated, pollution, rubbish, hardly, shade, global 23 Lesson 6 – Making sense of x and ÷ Equations Vocabulary Strategies: * Context Clues Lesson 7 – Dividing with 0 and 1 Anchor Text: “ Judy Moody Saves the World”” Humorous Fiction “My Smelly Pet” Humorous Fiction Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Lesson 8 – Multiplication and Division facts Lesson 9 – Problem solving: Draw a picture and write number sentence Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Unit Test 8 Math Core: 3OA.3, 4, 5, 7, 8 BENCHMARK 2 DUE: Tracks A, B, C – Nov. 7 Track D – Dec. 5 Traditional - Nov. 25 Target Skill: Story Structure Target Strategy: Monitor /Clarify Phonics: Words with air, ear, are Fluency: Intonation Spelling: Air, wear, chair, stairs, bare, bear, hair, care, pear, pair, share, near, ear, beard Sentence Dictation: T70 Grammar: What are Adjectives and Articles? Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Persuasive Letter Focus Trait: Ideas 18 Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 16.2 – 16.4 Comprehension: 16.5 – 16.7 Phonics: 16.8 – 16.9 Grammar: 16.10 – 16.11 24 SS STANDARD 3: Students will understand the principles of civic responsibility in classroom, community, and country. Text Books: Chinese Language for Primary Schools: 2B 2B Lesson 13 2B 13-1 Chinese Lesson Plan 2B 13-2 Chinese 2B 13-3 Chinese 2B 13 Flashcards copy 2B 13 Journal page with words copy UNIT 4: Lesson 17 Daily Opening Routines: T108 T132 T140 T150 T158 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Otzi’s Story” T110 Benchmark: There are purposes and roles of representative government. People are elected in this nation to represent the views of other people. There are rights people have within this government. There are multiple functions and services of government. Community members have rights, and with those rights come responsibilities. For a community to function effectively, community members must understand and accept those responsibilities. Recognizing and considering the viewpoints of others is essential in a community. Vocabulary in Context: Fossils, clues, remains, prove, evidence, skeletons, uncovering, buried, fierce, location Vocabulary Strategies: * Suffix _ly Anchor Text: “ The Albertosaurus Mystery: Phillip Currie’s Hunt in the Badlands” Information Text “ Finding Fossils for Fun” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Conclusion Target Strategy: Visualize 2B 13 worksheet 1 copy Vocabulary Words: right, responsibility, symbol, tradition, patriotic, government, civic, respect 2B 13 worksheet 2 copy Objective 1: Describe the rights and Phonics: Words with /j/ and /s/ Fluency: Stress Spelling: Age, space, change, jawbone, jacket, giant, pencil, circle, once, large, dance, jeans, bounce, huge 25 2B 13 worksheet 3 copy responsibilities inherent in being a contributing member of a community. Sentence Dictation: T162 Grammar: Adjectives That Compares Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Opinion Paragraph Focus Trait: Voice I Can Statement: a. Identify how these rights and responsibilities are reflected in the patriotic symbols and traditions of the United States (e.g., Pledge of Allegiance, flag etiquette, etc.). b. 19 c. List the responsibilities community members have to one another. Identify why these responsibilities are important for a functioning community (e.g., voting, jury duty, taxpaying, obedience to laws) Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 17.2 – 17.4 Comprehension: 17.5 – 17.7 Phonics: 17.8 – 17.11 Grammar: 17.12 – 17.14 Topic 9 – Understanding Fractions Standard 2: Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. (For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal areas, and describe the area of each part as ¼ of the area of the shape) Domain is limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Objective 2: Identify ways community needs are met by government. I Can Statement: a. Differentiate personal and between community ory_g_2_t_3.html Number and Operations – Fractions: Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed UNIT 4: Lesson 18 Daily Opening Routines: T200 T226 T234 T244 T252 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The World Tree” T202 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Pollen, store, clumps, passages, absorb, throughout, coverings, spines, tropical, dissolve Vocabulary Strategies: * Word Roots Anchor Text: “ A Tree is Growing” Informational Text 26 b. c. needs. by a parts of size 1/b Identify roles of representative government (e.g., make laws, maintain order, levy taxes, provide public services). http://www.amathsdictionaryforki Research community needs and the role government serves in meeting those needs. Fraction bar, fraction pieces, naming fractions: /grade_g_2.html resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/math s/fractions/level4.htm actions.html Objective 3: Apply principles of civic responsibility. I Can Statement: a. Engage in meaningful dialogue about the community and current events within the classroom, school, and local community. b. c. Identify and consider the diverse viewpoints of the people who comprise a community. Demonstrate respect for the opinions, background, and cultures of other. _t_1.html Lesson 1 – Dividing regions into equal parts (same area) in different ways Lesson 2 – Fraction and regions: that regions are part of a whole Lesson 3 – Fractions and sets (numerator) Lesson 4 – Fractional parts of a set (denominator) Lesson 5 – Locating fractions on the number line “ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features Target Strategy: Question Phonics: Words with /k/ and /kw/ Fluency: Expression Spelling: Shark, check, queen, circus, flake, crack, second, squeeze, quart, squeak, quick, coldest, Africa, Mexico Sentence Dictation: T256 Grammar: Using the Verb be and Helping Verbs Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Problem and Solution paragraph Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 18.7 – 18.8 Comprehension: 18.9 – 18.10 Phonics: 18.11 – 18.12 Grammar: 18.13 – 18.15 Lesson 6 – Benchmark fractions: understand commonly used 27 20 2B Lesson 14 2B 14-1 Chinese Lesson Plan fractional amounts, called benchmark fractions, can be used to estimate other fractional amounts. Lesson 7 – Fractionals and lengths: lengths can be represented using fractions Lesson 8 – Problem solving: make a table and look for a pattern 2B 14-2 Chinese Lesson Plan 2B 14-3 Chinese Lesson Plan 2B 14 Flashcards copy 2B 14 Journal page with words Vocabulary: halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, twelfths, fraction, unit fraction, numerator, denominator, mixed numbers Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Unit Test 9 UNIT 1: Lesson 19 Daily Opening Routines: T294 T318 T326 T336 T344 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Bear Scare” T296 Vocabulary in Context: Scolding greedily, ignores, hesitation, burden, glancing, base, console, drowsy, heroic Vocabulary Strategies: * Prefixes pre_, re_, bi_ Anchor Text: “ Two Bear Cubs” Myth / Play “ Whose Land Is it?” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Story Structure Target Strategy: Summarize 2B 14 worksheet 1 copy 2B 14 worksheet 2 copy 2B 14 worksheet 3 copy Phonics: Vowel Sounds in spoon and wood Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: Mood, wooden, drew, smooth, blue, balloon, true, crooked, chew, tooth, hooves, cool, food, pooch Sentence Dictation: T348 28 Grammar: More Irregular Verbs Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Prewrite a Persuasive Essay Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 19.2 - 19.4 Comprehension: 19.5 – 19.6 Phonics: 19.7 – 19.8 Grammar: 19.9 – 19.10 21 Topic 10 – Fraction Comparison and Equivalence Number and Operations – Fractions Standard 3: Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. a. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. b. c. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions (e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole UNIT 4: Lesson 20 Daily Opening Routines: T386 T410 T418 T428 T436 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Clever Colonies” T388 Vocabulary in Context: Shelter, colony, constant, wilderness, climate, region, unexpected, gliding overheated, layer Vocabulary Strategies: * Dictionary/Glossary Anchor Text: “ Life on the Ice” Informational Text “ The Raven: An Inuit Myth” Myth 29 numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a number line diagram . d. 2B Lesson 16 resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/math s/fractions/level4.htm 司马光救人 Day 1 actions.html _t_1.html 司马光救人 Day 2 doc 22 Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model 司马光救人 Day 3doc-1 SCIENCE STANDARD III: Physical Science: Students will gain an understanding of Physical Science through the study of the forces of motion and the properties of Lesson 1 – Using models to compare fractions: Same denominator Lesson 2 – Using models to compare fractions: same Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Main Ideas and details Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: Compound Words Fluency: Accuracy Spelling: Birthday, anyone, sometimes, everything, homework, afternoon, airplane, grandmother, something, without, himself, faraway, sunburned, daylight Sentence Dictation: T440 Grammar: What is an Adverb Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft a Persuasive Essay Focus Trait: Organization Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 20.2 – 20.4 Comprehension: 20.5 – 20.7 Phonics: 20.8 – 20.9 Grammar: 20.10 – 20.11 UNIT 5: Lesson 21 Daily Opening Routines: T12 T34 T42 T52 T60 30 司马光救人 Day 4 doc-1 司马光救人 Day 5 2B 司马光救人 生词卡-1 materials Numerator Objective 1: Analyze changes in the movement of non-living things. I Can Statement: a. Describe, classify, and communicate observations about the motion of objects, e.g., straight, zigzag, circular, curved, back-and-forth, and fast or slow. b. c. Compare and contrast the movement of objects using drawings, graphs, and numbers. Explain how a push or pull can affect how an object moves. Lesson 3 – Comparing fractions Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Lesson 4 – Comparing fractions on the number line Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Seal’s Story” T14 Lesson 5 – Finding equivalent fractions Vocabulary in Context: T Prairie, slick, fetch, clattered, sniff, rough, batted, thumped, buzzing, rustle Vocabulary Strategies: * Prefix non_ Lesson 6 – Equivalent Fractions and the number line Lesson 7 – Whole Numbers and Fractions (understand tha a whole number can be represented by a fraction Lesson 8 - Using fractions: ways to compare and order fractions Lesson 9 – Problem solving: draw a picture to show data and find solutions Target Skill: Story Structure Target Strategy: Monitor / Clarify Supplemental Materials (pdf) Vocabulary: equivalent fractions, simplest form Objective 2: Analyze objects and record their properties. Anchor Text: “ Sarah, Plain, and Tall” Historical Fiction “ Wagons of the Old West” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Unit Test 10 Phonics: Base words and _ed, _ing Fluency: Intonation Spelling: Coming, swimming, dropping, tapping, taping, invited, saving, stared, planned, changing, joking, loved, gripped, tasted Sentence Dictation: T64 Grammar: 31 I can Statement: a. Sort, classify, and chart objects by observable properties, e.g., size, shape, color, and texture. b. c. 23 Math Core: 3NF.2, 3, 3a, 3NF3.b, c, d Supplemental Materials (pdf) Adverbs that compare Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Fictional Narrative paragraph Focus Trait: ideas Predict measurable properties such as weight, temperature, and whether objects sink or float; test and record date. Predict, identify, and describe changes in matter when heated, cooled, or mixed with water. Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 21.2 – 21.4 Comprehension: 21.5 – 21.6 Phonics: 21.7 – 21.8 Grammar: 21.9 – 21.11 Topic 11 – Two-Dimensional Shapes and their Attributes Standard 1: Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombi, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombi, rectangles, and square as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. read_flip.php?book_id=97264&size =1.4&style=popup2 laterals.html UNIT 5: Lesson 22 Daily Opening Routines: T102 T126 T134 T144 T152 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ The Taste of Hope” T104 Vocabulary in Context: Migrate, survival, plenty, frightening, accidents, solid, chilly, landscape, Thunderous, dramatic Vocabulary Strategies: * Word Roots Anchor Text: “ The Journey: Stories of Migration” Informational Text “ The Grasshopper and the Ant” 32 /math-instruments/grapicorganizers/44643.html Lesson 1 - Lines and line segments: are sets of points Lesson 2 – Angles: formed by rays with a common endpoint Lesson 3 – Polygons Lesson 4 - Triangles Lesson 5 – Quadrilaterals: polygons can be described and classified by their sides and angles Lesson 6 – Combining and separating shapes: polygons can be put together or taken apart to make other polygons 2B Lesson 18 Day 1 24 Lesson 7 – Making new shapes understand that polygons can be combined and divided to make other polygons. Lesson 8 – Problem solving: solve by breaking apart or changing the problem into simpler ones and use those to solve the original problem. Day 2 Lesson 9 – Problem Solving: Make and test generalization. Day 3 Vocabulary Words: Fable Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Compare / Contrast Target Strategy: Visualize Phonics: Spelling changes: _s, es.ed, _ing Fluency: Phrasing Spelling: Cities, cried, puppies, hurried, stories, flies, parties, tried, pennies, fried, carried, babies, spied, ponies Sentence Dictation: T150 Grammar: Making Comparisons Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Descriptive paragraph Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 22.2 – 22.4 Comprehension: 22.5 – 22.7 Phonics: 22.8 – 22.13 Grammar: 22.14 – 22.16 UNIT 5: Lesson 23 Daily Opening Routines: T194 T220 T228 T238 T246 Phonemic Awareness 33 Day 4 Quiz 生词卡 point, line, line segment, intersecting lines, parallel lines, ray, angle, vertex (of an angle),right angle, perpendicular, acute angle, polygon, side, vertex (of a polygon), diagonal, polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, equilateral, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, right triangle, acute triangle, obtuse triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, line plots, pictograph, bar graph High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Piggy Goes to Town” T196 Vocabulary in Context: Sincere, managed, loaded, loveliest, conversations, inspired, reunion, currently pleasure, terror Vocabulary Strategies: * Suffixes _er, _est Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 Unit Test 11 Anchor Text: “ The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman” Fantasy “ Moving the U.S. Mail” Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Math Core: 3G.1, 3G.2 Target Skill: Sequence of Events Target Strategy: Analyze / Evaluate Phonics: Suffixes _ful, _y, _ous, _ly, _er Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: Singer, loudly, joyful, teacher, fighter, closely, powerful, farmer, quickly, careful, friendly, speaker, wonderful, truly Sentence Dictation: T250 Grammar: 34 Possessive Nouns and Pronouns Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Dialogue Focus Trait: Voice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 23.7 – 23.8 Comprehension: 23.9 – 23.11 Phonics: 23.12 – 23.14 Grammar: 23.15 – 23.16 25 SCIENCE STANDARD IV Life Science: Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things. Objective 1: Communicate observations about the similarities and differences between offspring and between populations. I can Statement: a. Communicate observations about plants and animals, including humans, and how they resemble their parents. b. Analyze the individual Topic 12: Time Measurement and Data Standard 2: Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. Lesson 1 – Time to the half hour and quarter hour Lesson 2 – Time to the minute Lesson 3 – Units of time Lesson 4 – Elapsed time UNIT 5: Lesson 24 Daily Opening Routines: T288 T312 T320 T330 T338 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Mapping the World” T290 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Voyage, lava, rippled, arrival, guided, twisted, aboard, anchor, spotted, bay Vocabulary Strategies: * Shades of Meaning Anchor Text: “ Dog-of-the-Sea Waves” Realistic Fiction “ The Land Volcanoes Built” 35 similarities and differences within and across larger groups. Lesson 5 – Problem solving: work backward Supplemental Materials (pdf) Objective 2: Living things create change and depend upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs. I Can Statement: a. Make observations about living things and their environment using the five senses. b. 2B Lesson 19 Day 1 c. Day 2 Describe and model life cycles of living things. Supplemental Materials (pdf) 26 Identify how natural earth materials (e.g., food, water, air, light, and space), help to sustain plant and animal life. Vocabulary Words: hour, half hour, quarter hour, minute, seconds, a.m., p.m., elapsed time, perimeter, miles, area, square unit, capacity, cup ©, pint (pt.) quart (qt.) gallon (gal.), milliliter (mL), liter (L.), mass, gram (g.) Kilogram (kg.), weight, ounce (oz.), pound (lb.), ton (T.) Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Unit Test 12 Math Core: 3MD.1 BENCHMARK 3 DUE Tracks A, B, C – Feb. 13 Track D – March 6 Traditional – Feb. 20 Informational Text Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Author’s Page Target Strategy: Question Phonics: Prefixes un_, pre_, re_, bi_ Fluency: Accuracy Spelling: Unfold, rejoin, untie, reheat, unfair, unclear, repaid, rewrite, unhurt, recheck, unlucky, unwrap, reuse, unsure Sentence Dictation: T342 Grammar: Complex Sentences Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Prewrite a Fictional Narrative Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 24.2 – 24.3 Comprehension: 24.4 – 24.6 Phonics: 24.7 – 24.9 Grammar: 24.10 – 24.11 UNIT 5: Lesson 25 Daily Opening Routines: T380 T404 T412 T422 T430 36 Day 3 Day 4 Quiz 生词卡 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Extreme Skiing, Extreme Danger,” T382 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Approached, section, avalanches, increases, equipment, tanks, slopes, altitude, succeed, halt Vocabulary Strategies: * Analogies Anchor Text: “ Mountains: Surviving” Informational Text “ The Big Cleanup” Play Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Phonics: Suffixes _less, _ness, _able Fluency: Expression Spelling: Painless, sickness, sadness, helpless, thankless, kindness, hopeless, darkness, fearless, thickness, careless, goodness, spotless, softness Sentence Dictation: T434 Grammar: 37 Words That Compare Narrative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft a Fictional Narrative Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 25.2 – 25.3 Comprehension: 25.4 – 25.6 Phonics: 25.7 – 25.9 Grammar: 25.10 – 25.12 Topic 13 - Perimeter 27 Lesson 1 – Understanding perimeter; the sum of the lengths of the sides Lesson 2 – Tools and Units for perimeter UNIT 6: Lesson 26 Daily Opening Routines: T10-T12 T22 T26 T32 T35 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud Lesson 3 – Perimeter of common shapes Lesson 4 – Different shapes with the same perimeter Lesson 5 – Problem solving: try, check, and revise Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Principal, proud, announced. Advice, loyal, ability, absorb, loveliest, compete, approached Vocabulary Strategies: * Abbreviations Anchor Text: “ The Foot Race Across America” Narrative Nonfiction “ Paca and the Beetle” Folktale “Fast Track” “Ode To My Shoes” 38 13.5 Unit Test 13 Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Main Ideas and Details Target Strategy: Analyze / Evaluate Phonics: Common Final Syllables _tion, _sion,, _ure Fluency: Accuracy Spelling: Person, helmet, until, carpet, Monday, enjoy, forget, problem, Sunday, garden, order, mistake, umpire, herself Sentence Dictation: T438 Grammar: Suffix _ion Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Compare and Contrast paragraph Focus Trait: Organization Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 26.2 – 26.3 Comprehension: 26.4 – 26.6 Phonics: 26.7 – 26.8 Grammar: 26.9 – 26.11 2B Lesson 20 39 28 猫和老鼠 Day 1 UNIT 6: Lesson 27 Daily Opening Routines: T58 T68 TT72 T78 T81 猫和老鼠 Day 2 猫和老鼠Day 3 猫和老鼠Day 4 猫和老鼠 worksheet(空 心单字) Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Maglev Trains” T58 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Research, tools, familiar, gadget, invention, experiment, electric, power, prove, improve Vocabulary Strategies: * Homographs and Homophones Anchor Text: “ The Power of Magnets” Expository Nonfiction “ Electromagnets and You” Photo Essay Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Cause and Effect Target Strategy: Summarize Phonics: Double Consonants Fluency: Intonation Spelling: Jelly, bottom, pillow, happen, butter, lesson, cherry, sudden, arrow, dollar, 40 Topic 14 – Area Measurement and Data Standard 5: Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement. a. A square with side length one unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area. b. 29 A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units. e/activities/AreaExplorer/ _t_4.html manipulatives/areaGRID.html Measurement and Data Standard hello, rabbit, letter, button Sentence Dictation: T85 Grammar: Contractions Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Problem-and-Solution Paragraph Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 27.2 – 27.4 Comprehension: 27.5 – 27.7 Phonics: 27.8 – 27.9 Grammar: 27.10 – 27.12 UNIT 6: Lesson 28 Daily Opening Routines: T 104 T 114 T118 T124 T126 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Rising to the Challenge” T104 Vocabulary in Context: T Throughout, textures, peak, steep, tropical, landscape, slopes, altitude, survival, equipment Vocabulary Strategies: * Word Roots Anchor Text: “ Becoming Anything He Want 41 6: Measure areas by counting unit squares (sq. cm., sq. m, square in, square ft., and improvised units) es/math/areaandperimeter.html html /PartyDesigner/ ml th-games/airlines-builder/ eos/area-alert/ html Lesson 1 – Understanding are: covering regions Lesson 2 – Area and units Lesson 3 – Standard Units: size of the area unit determines the number of units for the area of a figure Lesson 4 – Area of squares and rectangles 30 2B Lesson 21 To Be” Biography “ My Blue Belt Day” Journal Entry “I chop Chop” “Long Jump” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: fact or Opinion Target Strategy: Visualize Phonics: Words with ough, and augh Fluency: Phrasing Spelling: Taught, thought, rough, laugh, bought, cough, ought, caught, fought, daughter, tough, through, enough, brought Sentence Dictation: T131 Grammar: * Commas in sentences Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Instructions Focus Trait: Word Choice Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 28.8 – 28-10 Comprehension: 28.11 – 28.13 Phonics: 28.14 – 28.15 Grammar: 28.16 – 28.18 Lesson 5 – Area and the 42 Distributive Property 2B-21-借生日-生词卡1-1 2B 21 借生日 Day 1-1 2B-21-借生日-Day-21 2B-21-借生日-Day-31 Lesson 6 – Problem solving: Solve a simpler problem Lesson 7 – Area of Irregular shapes Lesson 8 – Same area, different perimeter Lesson 9 – Same areas and fractions Lesson 10 – Problem Solving: Selecting appropriate measurement units and tools 2B-21-借生日-Day-41 Vocabulary: regions, area, unit, perimeter 2B-21-借生日-Day-51 Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 Unit Test 14 Math Core: 3MD5, 5a, b, 3MD.6, 7, 7a,b,c, d, 3MD.8, 3G.2 UNIT 6: Lesson 29 Daily Opening Routines: T150 T162 T166 T172 T174 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Two Players” T150 Vocabulary in Context: Excitement, score, athlete, tense, succeed, league, earn, partners, pleasure, contribute Vocabulary Strategies: * Prefixes un_, dis_ Anchor Text: “ A New Team of Heroes” Drama “ Champion ” Informational Text “Defender” Spellbound” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Understanding Characters Target Strategy: Monitor / Clarify Phonics: Words ending in _er, or _le Fluency: Expression Spelling: Apple, river, little, October, ladder, 43 summer, purple, later, November, giggle, uncle, winter, center, double Sentence Dictation: T179 Grammar: What is a Preposition? Topic 15 – Liquid Volume and Mass Lesson 1 – Customary units of capacity Lesson 2 – Metric Units of capacity Lesson 3 – Units of mass Lesson 4 – Units of weight Lesson 5 – Problem Solving: Draw a picture 31 Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Unit Test 15 Math Core: 3MD.2 Informative Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Prewrite a Research Report Focus Trait: Ideas Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 29.2 – 29.3 Comprehension: 29.4 – 29.6 Phonics: 29.7 – 29.8 Grammar: 29.9 – 29.11 UNIT 6: Lesson 30 Daily Opening Routines: T198 T210 T220 T223 Phonemic Awareness High Frequency Words Vocabulary Boost Oral Language: Read Aloud “ Service Dog” T198 Vocabulary in Context: T10 Worried, certainly, raise, afford, applause, anxiously, dramatic, guided, ingredients, fetch Vocabulary Strategies: * Compound Words Anchor Text: 44 Topic 16 – Data Measurement and Data Standard 3: Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent five pets. Vocabulary Words: Data, picture graph, pictograph, symbol, key, scale, category, title labels, compare, how many more/less, tally marks, chart, survey eagraph/ Lesson 1 – Line Plots Lesson 2 – Length and line plots Lesson 3 – Reading pictographs and bar graphs 32 Lesson 4 – Making pictograph “ Saving Buster” Realistic Fiction “ Acting Across Generations ” News Article “Company’s Coming” Poetry Guided Retelling: Oral Language – use Retelling Cards Text-Based Comprehension Target Skill: Conclusions Target Strategy: Questions Phonics: Schwa Sound Fluency: Reading Rate Spelling: Below, about, belong, around, again, alone, because, above, between, alive, Behind, begin, along, before Sentence Dictation: T227 Grammar: Correct Pronouns Opinion Writing: Daily Proofreading Practice Draft a Research Report Focus Trait: Organization Weekly Assessment: Target Vocabulary: 30.2 – 30.4 Comprehension: 30.5 – 30.7 Phonics: 30.8 – 30.9 Grammar: 30.10 – 30.12 Lesson 5 – Making Bar graphs 45 Lesson 6 – Problem solving: Use Tables and Graphs to draw conclusions Assessment: (for each lesson) Quick Check 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Math Core: 3MD.3, 4 BENCHMARK 4 DUE: Traditional – April 24 Tracks A, B, C – May 15 Track D – May 29 Post Test Due: Track A – June 10 Track B, C, D – June 26 Traditional – May 29 SAGE TESTING 46