
professional development opportunities
Assessment Solutions in RE at KS3
Birmingham: 30 November 2015
This one-day course will give teachers of RE up-to date and practical
This course will enable
solutions to issues in assessing RE with 11-14s. Carefully selected
strategies and examples will demonstrate good practice in assessment.
teachers of RE to:
Examples of pupils’ work that clarify progression will exemplify ‘life after levels’  Clarify their own understanding of
Task setting and a marking policy will be demonstrated.
good RE assessment
Lat Blaylock, course tutor, will provide a clear overview of current
assessment issues related to RE, and 10 examples of assessment tasks
and approaches that enable pupils to show progress, demonstrate a range
of learning skills and knowledge. The course is suitable for all teachers
of RE in all types of schools, from subject leaders to beginning
teachers, and enables faith schools, community schools, academies and
other school types to develop their own RE assessment practice effectively.
Outline of the day
Session 1: 9.30am – 11am
How can the RE teacher enable every pupils’ learning to improve?
• The uses of assessment: entry points in Year 7 and exit points in Year 9
• Tracking progress across the key stage: a lightweight approach
• Well set assessment tasks in RE: building better learning
– three ready to use examples for ‘life after levels’
 Develop tried and tested ways of
gathering evidence of
achievement in learning from
religion and pupils’ critical and
evaluative skills
 Build up their confidence in
planning progression, working
‘after levels’ and by other means
in RE
 Use innovative and stimulating
assessment tasks carefully
 Use thinking skills and creative
assessment for learning in RE
 Improve standards in RE through
the use of worked examples of
assessment activity.
Session 2: 11.30am – 1pm
How can the RE teacher devise excellent assessment tasks?
• Assessment of knowledge in RE – examples from Christianity and Islam
• Assessment of reasoning and enquiry skills in RE
– examples from Christianity and non-religious viewpoints
• Assessment of insight and critical evaluation in RE: learning from religions
and beliefs about questions of identity, meaning and commitment
Session 3: 2pm – 3.30pm
How can the RE teacher make best use of marking and reporting?
• Can marking be more fair, useful and manageable? Yes: three strategies
• Recording achievement: simplicity, fairness and accuracy
• Two final tasks that bring the theory of the day together in practical ways
This course will explain:
 What good achievement looks like
in RE at different ages and stages
 How to set excellent assessment
activities for learning from religion
and a range of pupil skills in RE
 How to manage assessment when
pupil numbers are high
 How government guidance relates
to your classroom via your RE
syllabus (Agreed Syllabus,
Diocesan requirements, Academy
programmes, life after levels)
Conclusions and evaluation
All delegates will receive a folder of resources and online access to the presentations and other resources used.
This course is being led by Lat Blaylock
Lat Blaylock is a senior RE adviser and editor of REtoday magazine. He provides professional
development opportunities for several thousand primary and secondary teachers a year in a
variety of local authority, diocesan and ITT contexts and has a national reputation for practicality
and inspiration. He supports the development of RE in schools and academy chains nationally. He
has written curriculum materials, including agreed syllabuses and units of work. Lat served as a
member of the RE Council’s Expert Panel in its subject review of RE in 2013.He spent 11 years
teaching RE, Humanities and PSHE.
Please complete the form overleaf and
post to RE Today, 40 Imperial Court, Kings Norton Business Centre, Perhore Rd South,
Birmingham B30 3ES
or fax back to 0121 459 8616
Members save money!!!
This course costs £205. RE Today subscribers can claim a discount of £30 and there is a range of discounts for
NATRE members (please check your member handbook for your specific membership discount). This price
includes course material, downloadable materials and £15 discount on RE Today publications purchased on the
day. Join NATRE today for only £75 p.a. to save on this course and receive month-on-month benefits with our
termly mailing:
• REtoday magazine – 96 page magazine offering a lively mixture of RE news, practical
suggestions for classroom activities and reviews of a wide range of current RE resources
• Essential RE curriculum book – Essential RE meets the needs of secondary teachers in a
diverse education system and is relevant to current education policy and focuses on
knowledge, providing students with a good grasp of what is essential to religion and religions.
Monthly benefits include: • Monthly e-newsletters • £30 off all courses
• 10% discount on RE Today titles • £10 off termly webinars
To find out more about the benefits of joining and our full range of membership packages, visit
No. of
Assessment Solutions
for RE at KS3
30 Nov 2015
Sec NATRE Bronze
school membership
* discounts for NATRE members - please check your member handbook for your specific
membership discount
Delegate’s details
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RE Today Services,
40 Imperial Court, Kings Norton Business Centre, Perhore Rd
• Tel: 0121 458 3313 • Fax: 0121 459 8616
South, Birmingham B30 3ES