Liberalization and risk taking: the case of Spanish Savings Banks Manuel Illueca Universitat Jaume I and IVIE Lars Norden Erasmus University Gregory F. Udell Indiana University Valencia, November 27th, 2012 • We study Spain, and specifically, the caja banks - Spain's economic condition precarious - The Euro’s future … crucially depends on what happens in Spain The Economist, Nov. 25, 2010 • Unlike Ireland, Portugal and Greece, but like Italy, Spain is large • Cajas are nearly 50% of the Spanish banking system – The cajas are a disaster – The majority of the European stress test failures were cajas – Oliver Wyman‘s report: 5 out of 7 failures are cajas • What happened? Our paper • Our paper is about the intersection of two important dimensions of banking - Bank governance Political influence - Banking deregulation/liberalization • We look at a common, but extreme, form of governance – the “non-traditional” bank: non-profit banks • We ask this question: - What happens when you mix deregulation, nontraditional banking, and political influence? • Our paper is about the intersection of two important dimensions of banking - Bank governance Political influence - Banking deregulation/liberalization • We look at a common, but extreme, form of governance – the “non-traditional” bank: non-profit banks • What happens when you mix deregulation, nontraditional banking, and political influence? TROUBLE! • The common denominator – Non-traditional governance – Not stockholder owned • Ubiquitous – – – – Germany - savings banks Italy – cooperative banks Japan – cooperative banks U.S. – Mutual S&Ls, Mutual Savings Banks, and Credit Unions – Spain - The Cajas • Like Spain, many countries deregulated these institutions ... – Germany (State guarantees), Italy (geographic barriers), France, Japan • ... Including the U.S. – Branching and product deregulation of the S&L industry – Spatial and product deregulation of credit unions • The cajas are a very interesting natural experiment – Significant deregulation: the final removal of branching restrictions in 1988 followed by aggressive expansion – Also associated with a change in governance that affected political influence • After deregulation, cajas expanded rapidly • Expansion was associated with a significant increase in risk in lending portfolios • Weak governance played a role - Geographic expansion driven by political influence - Increased political influence resulted in: - higher ex ante risk - higher ex post risk (i.e., default) • History - Existed for 100 years - Established by local governments, churches and/or welfare societies - Private foundations with no owners - either retain profits, or - pay “social dividends” - Purpose: - promote savings by middle- and working-class people - provide lending to small businesses from the same city or province – In 1975 spatial scope extended to provincial level – After 1975, extended to regional level – Then in 1988 extended nationwide • At least one of two criteria in 1992 • i) more than 50% of its own branches in the province or, • ii) savings bank i has more than 5% of the total number of branches located in that province • Cajas initially municipal-level institutions • In 1985 national legislation gave control to: - Depositors (44%) Local governments (40%) Founders (11%) Employees (5%) Depositors Local governments Founders Employees Diffuse Consolidation of control: for 50% of SBs, one regional government had a stake on average of 20% Depositors Regional governments Local governments Founders Employees • Branching deregulation and economic activity - Mostly positive (e.g., Jayaratne & Strahan, 1996; Clarke, 2004; Acharya et al., 2007) - One study mixed (Huang 2008) • Branching deregulation and bank behavior - Banks entering new markets face higher ex – post risks than incumbent banks (Bofondi & Gobbi, 2006; DeYoung et al,2008). - In Spain, deregulation leads to an increase in competition and higher risk (Salas &Saurina, 2003), Carbó et al, 2003) • State ownership, bank behavior, and economic activity - State owned banks underperform private banks, negative real effects (e.g., La Porta et al., 2002, Clarke and Cull 2002, Barth et al. 2004, Beck et al. 2004, Berger et al. 2005, Ianotta et al. 2007 Hau and Thum 2009, Puri et al. 2011) - Behavior affected by political influence (e.g., Sapienza, 2004) • Savings banks in Spain - Weaker governance than commercial banks (Crespí, García-Cestona, and Salas, 2004) - More risk-taking behavior (Salas & Saurina, 2002; Jiménez & Saurina, 2004) • Banks: Financial statements, branch data (1992-2010) - All Spanish Commercial banks (AEB) - All Spanish Savings banks (CECA), definition of home markets (Fuentelsaz & Gómez, 1998) • Firms: Financial statements (1997-2007) - 40,401 audited firms (205,891 firm-year obs., SABI) - Number and identity of bank relationships, location of firms’ headquarters ( matching of firms and banks) • Additional factors - Population and GDP at the province level (INE), physical distance between provinces - Results of local and regional elections (Ministry of Interior) • Analyze firms that start borrowing from SBs from other provinces - Focuses on expansion behavior • Univariate analysis - Ex ante risk greater - ZSORE riskier than those that “never” borrow from SB - EQ/TA ratio lower for “never group” - Risk highest when regional gov’t has stake in SB and host and home are the same political party Risk: higher for firms borrowing from SB out of home region Firms borrowing from SBs from other regions SBs from home regions + Commercial Banks Total: SBs_home + CBs L_TA L_EQTA L_CURR L_ROA L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_GROWTH L_LISTED Obs Median 9,855 29.94 114.48 2.71 2.56 17 0.22 3.05 7.44 0.60 4,639 Median 8,949 34.14 123.74 2.98 2.82 19 0.25 2.16 6.20 0.81 13,534 P-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1567 SBs from home regions *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Median 8,050 33.87 122.81 2.97 2.88 18 0.20 2.09 6.00 0.58 2,752 P-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0087 0.0000 0.0001 0.0850 0.0000 0.0001 0.9046 *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** Commercial Banks Spanish Commercial Banks Foreign Commercial Banks Median P-value Median P-value 8,862 0.0000 *** 12,823 0.0000 *** 34.34 0.0000 *** 35.00 0.0000 *** 123.78 0.0000 *** 129.10 0.0000 *** 2.96 0.0002 *** 3.25 0.0844 * 2.82 0.0000 *** 2.82 0.0000 *** 19 0.0000 *** 19 0.0015 *** 0.24 0.0143 ** 0.42 0.0000 *** 2.14 0.0000 *** 2.49 0.0000 *** 6.32 0.0000 *** 5.62 0.0031 *** 0.79 0.2185 1.50 0.0003 *** 9,741 599 Risk: higher for firms borrowing from SB out of home region and higher yet if SB politically influenced L_TA L_EQTA L_CURR L_ROA L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_GROWTH L_LISTED Obs Firms borrowing from savings banks from other regions Regional Government Ruling party in the borrower’s region and the savings bank’s home region Without With voting Rank-sum Test Different Same Rank-sum Test voting rights rights With vs Without Different vs Same Median Median P-value Median Median P-value 9,116 10,096 0.0041 *** 9,855 10,760 0.2694 34.29 28.64 0.0000 *** 29.89 26.69 0.0002 *** 122.17 112.17 0.0000 *** 113.97 111.23 0.0879 * 2.92 2.64 0.0098 *** 2.80 2.49 0.2386 2.67 2.55 0.0002 *** 2.57 2.51 0.2957 17 17 0.4982 18 17 0.1179 0.21 0.22 0.4475 0.21 0.23 0.2237 2.46 3.11 0.0000 *** 3.12 3.14 0.8670 6.21 7.53 0.0084 *** 7.73 7.36 0.9948 0.47 0.73 0.3846 0.82 0.64 0.6245 1,070 2,059 1,091 940 Reference group Alternative group L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Alternative group MODEL 1 (Logit) NEW=0 NEW=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.1052 0.000 -0.0107 0.000 -0.2930 0.000 0.3955 0.000 0.0528 0.020 0.1788 0.015 -0.2549 0.322 -2.2627 0.000 L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Alternative group L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Year fixed effects Industry fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 YES YES 13,010 0.1031 *** *** *** *** ** ** *** MODEL 2 (Multi-logit) NEW=0 NEW_REG=0 Coeff. p-val. -0.0264 0.405 -0.0073 0.010 ** -0.1872 0.072 * 0.1889 0.000 *** -0.0268 0.514 -0.0866 0.554 -0.0104 0.983 -2.8084 0.000 *** NEW_REG=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.1495 0.000 *** -0.0130 0.000 *** -0.3722 0.000 *** 0.4014 0.000 *** 0.1001 0.001 *** 0.1735 0.083 ** -0.3287 0.342 -3.4548 0.000 *** YES YES 11,879 0.0820 MODEL 3 (Multi-Logit) NEW=0 NEW_REG_P=-1 Coeff. p-val. -0.0262 0.409 -0.0073 0.010 ** -0.1869 0.072 * 0.1890 0.000 *** -0.0267 0.515 -0.0865 0.554 -0.0109 0.982 -2.8111 0.000 *** NEW_REG_P=0 Coeff. p-val. -0.1179 0.001 *** -0.0144 0.000 *** -0.4284 0.000 *** 0.4080 0.000 *** 0.1071 0.008 *** 0.1278 0.332 -0.0419 0.921 -4.5837 0.000 *** NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.1826 0.000 *** -0.0111 0.000 *** -0.3114 0.001 *** 0.4072 0.000 *** 0.0995 0.020 ** 0.2339 0.081 * -0.7173 0.182 -4.0263 0.000 *** YES YES 11,861 0.0769 Risk higher if another province w/o home regional control Risk higher yet if home regional control Risk highest if regional control and parties the same • Loans by expanding SBs underpriced – No changes in interest coverage – Lower spreads • CEO and Chairmen turnover higher for SBs with regional stakeholders • Chairman more like to change if political party changes in regional government • CEO turnover declines when SB rapidly expanding into new markets Results on risk taking and executive turnover consistent with management being rewarded for aggressive expansion Higher CEO and Chairman turnover under regional control Dep. Variable Pred. sign INTERCEPT REGION_DUM POL_CHANGE INC_EXPANSION ROA LN_TA Year fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 (+) (+) (-) (-) Model 1 (Full sample) Coeff. -1.423 0.863 1.498 -5.170 -0.453 -0.040 Yes 686 0.066 p-val. 0.501 0.012 0.000 0.441 0.279 0.763 Change in political party Lower CEO turnover if aggressive expansion CHAIR_TURNOVER Model 2 Model 3 (REGION_DUM=1) (REGION_DUM=0) Coeff. 2.028 p-val. 0.496 Coeff. -3.246 p-val. 0.186 2.161 -2.982 -0.870 -0.154 Yes 270 0.082 0.024 0.753 0.335 0.426 0.997 -15.16 -0.146 0.111 Yes 379 0.055 0.020 0.213 0.730 0.156 Model 4 (Full sample) Coeff. -0.429 0.588 -1.081 -10.86 -1.497 -0.050 Yes 677 0.073 p-val. 0.845 0.037 0.130 0.099 0.002 0.685 CEO_TURNOVER Model 5 (REGION_DUM=1) Model 6 (REGION_DUM=0) Coeff. 1.098 p-val. 0.630 Coeff. -2.067 p-val. 0.508 -0.400 -19.08 -2.451 -0.102 Yes 246 0.077 0.581 0.050 0.009 0.455 -0.892 -6.987 -0.945 0.006 Yes 348 0.043 0.384 0.547 0.111 0.973 • Robust to different samples – 1st vs. 2nd half of sample period – Madrid & Barcelona vs. rest of Spain – Only firms with 8 years of data • Some evidence that SB’s governance problem driven by dispersion in voting rights (Crespi et al. 2004) - Robust to controlling for overall dispersion • Robust to firms borrowing from foreign banks - Foreign banks also strategically expanded - Firms borrowing from foreign banks riskier - But, still not as risky as firms borrowing from nonhome market SBs • Risk results might be related to borrower specific characteristics - Likelihood of switching to a new bank - We run a conditional logit model (fixed effects) MODEL 1 (Logit) L_ZSCORE L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_BIGAUDIT BANK_SIZE BANK_EQTA BANK_DEPTA BANK_LOANTA BANK_ROE Year fixed effects Firm-Bank fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 Ref. : SWITCH_ALL=0 Alt.: SWITCH_ALL=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.0520 0.000 *** 0.0072 0.723 0.1108 0.000 *** -0.2920 0.000 *** -0.0002 0.000 *** -0.8435 0.238 0.0148 0.923 0.7310 0.000 *** 1.5481 0.000 *** YES YES 169,410 0.1462 MODEL 2 (Logit) Ref.: SWITCH_NEW=0 Alt.: SWITCH_NEW=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.0826 0.001 *** -0.0228 0.493 0.1470 0.000 *** -0.3402 0.001 *** -0.0006 0.000 *** -3.2122 0.134 0.1231 0.686 1.0755 0.006 *** 1.3113 0.003 *** YES YES 51,568 0.0745 MODEL 3 (Logit) MODEL 4 (Logit) Ref.: SWITCH_NEW_REG=0 Alt.: SWITCH_NEW_REG=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.0972 0.005 *** -0.0762 0.168 0.0703 0.202 0.0364 0.817 -0.0002 0.011 ** -8.9820 0.069 * 0.4509 0.316 1.8648 0.003 *** 1.9760 0.003 *** YES YES 26,316 0.0781 Ref.: SWITCH_NEW_REG_P=0 Alt.: SWITCH_NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.1410 0.006 *** -0.1976 0.007 *** 0.1064 0.140 0.1114 0.603 -0.0009 0.478 -7.8913 0.036 *** -0.2889 0.614 2.4366 0.002 *** 2.9319 0.001 *** YES YES 13,131 0.0836 2nd stage: Outcome equation Our main results hold L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Year fixed effects Industry fixed effects 1st stage: Selection equation Where to expand? BANK_SIZE BANK_EQTA BANK_DEPTA BANK_LOANTA BANK_ROE LN(PROV_GDP) LN(PROV_POP) PROV_NEIGHBOR INTERCEPT Total number of obs. Censored obs. Uncensored obs. Joint significance test Wald Chi2 Independence test Wald Chi2 MODEL 1 (probit) MODEL 2 (probit) MODEL 3 (probit) Ref. group: NEW=0 Alt. group: NEW=1 Coeff. P-value -0.0612 0.000 *** -0.0061 0.000 *** -0.1295 0.000 *** 0.2383 0.000 *** 0.0335 0.014 ** 0.1073 0.014 ** -0.1462 0.329 -1.3768 0.000 *** YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0016 0.000 *** -3.2327 0.000 *** -1.3173 0.000 *** 0.3968 0.000 *** 5.0811 0.000 *** 1.5238 0.000 *** 0.8503 0.000 *** Ref.: NEW_REG=0 Alt.: NEW_REG=1 Coeff. P-value -0.0804 0.001 *** -0.0028 0.163 -0.1028 0.184 0.1156 0.000 *** 0.0873 0.004 *** 0.1823 0.074 * -0.1666 0.625 -0.7098 0.099 * YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0012 0.000 *** -3.4847 0.002 *** -3.3661 0.000 *** -0.3826 0.202 2.7835 0.005 *** 1.2418 0.000 *** 0.8615 0.000 *** 1.6041 0.000 *** -23.35 0.000 *** 20,701 18,400 2,301 Ref.: NEW_REG_P=0 Alt.: NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. P-value -0.0398 0.206 0.0024 0.338 0.0470 0.614 0.0009 0.962 -0.0004 0.992 0.1147 0.300 -0.4083 0.321 0.3031 0.542 YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0013 0.000 *** -12.691 0.000 *** -3.833 0.000 *** 0.5581 0.094 * 0.2643 0.814 1.2238 0.000 *** 0.8755 0.000 *** 1.4667 0.000 *** -22.97 0.000 *** 19,914 18,400 1,514 -27.23 46,507 33,804 12,703 0.000 *** 3,673.8 0.000 *** 4,294.5 0.000 *** 3,325.1 0.000 5.46 0.000 *** 72.20 0.000 *** 1.46 0.227 *** • SBs forced to hold non-diversified portfolios prior to expansion – SBs “adapt” their lending to the new market rather than move to a diversified portfolio (e.g., BBVAs national portfolio) or mimic their home portfolio Dep. Var.: DIFF_LOANS INTERCEPT ADAPT DIVERS SPEC Obs. Adj. R2 Pred. signs (+) (+) (+) Model 1 Coeff. -0.0028 0.1708 p-val. 0.000 0.000 Model 2 Coeff. -0.0010 0.0575 30,840 0.0142 30,840 0.0013 p-val. 0.235 Model 3 Coeff. 0.0008 p-val. 0.000 0.066 -0.0485 30,840 0.0015 0.212 Model 4 Coeff. -0.0016 0.2030 -0.0130 -0.0911 30,840 0.0193 p-val. 0.024 0.000 0.650 0.028 Less than 10 years after market entry: lower Z-score in new markets for all SBs irrespective of governance Reference group Alternative group L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Alternative group L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Alternative group L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Year fixed effects Industry fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 Category 1 Less than 10 years since market entry NEW=0 NEW_REG=0 Coeff. p-val. -0.3823 0.027 ** -0.0263 0.093 * -0.7455 0.170 0.3485 0.003 *** 0.1070 0.631 -0.7322 0.330 2.5943 0.198 0.1838 0.937 NEW_REG=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.2216 0.030 ** -0.0209 0.016 ** -1.2732 0.000 *** 0.3637 0.000 *** 0.3578 0.012 ** 0.1864 0.654 -1.3726 0.411 -3.4351 0.051 * NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.3407 0.006 *** -0.0196 0.047 ** -1.0333 0.006 *** 0.3893 0.000 *** 0.3952 0.014 ** -0.4621 0.367 -17.13 0.997 -2.8150 0.108 YES YES 575 0.1740 Category 2 More or equal than 10 years since market entry NEW=0 NEW_REG_P=-1 Coeff. p-val. -0.0109 0.737 -0.0058 0.048 ** -0.1881 0.080 * 0.1794 0.000 *** -0.0239 0.571 -0.0645 0.668 -0.2124 0.690 -3.1272 0.000 *** NEW_REG_P=0 Coeff. p-val. -0.0981 0.013 ** -0.0129 0.000 *** -0.3695 0.002 *** 0.4006 0.000 *** 0.0973 0.030 ** 0.1425 0.326 -0.0551 0.903 -4.5837 0.000 *** NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. p-val. -0.1703 0.000 *** -0.0094 0.005 *** -0.3135 0.011 ** 0.4015 0.000 *** 0.0919 0.045 ** 0.2893 0.041 ** -0.5699 0.291 -4.4475 0.000 *** YES YES 11,286 0.0732 More than 10 years after market entry: lower Z-score in new markets only observed in SBs under regional control 2nd stage: Outcome equation Our main results hold PROV_HHI L_ZSCORE L_AGE L_BIGAUDIT L_NREL L_Ln(TA) L_GROWTH L_LISTED INTERCEPT Year fixed effects Industry fixed effects 1st stage: Selection equation BANK_SIZE BANK_EQTA BANK_DEPTA BANK_LOANTA BANK_ROE PROV_HHI LN(PROV_GDP) LN(PROV_POP) PROV_NEIGHBOR INTERCEPT Total number of obs. Censored obs. Uncensored obs. Joint significance test Wald Chi2 Independence test Wald Chi2 MODEL 1 (probit) MODEL 2 (probit) MODEL 3 (probit) Ref. group: NEW=0 Alt. group: NEW=1 Coeff. P-value -0.1086 0.000 *** -0.0626 0.000 *** -0.0060 0.000 *** -0.1287 0.000 *** 0.2384 0.000 *** 0.0342 0.012 ** 0.1059 0.016 ** -0.1497 0.315 -1.2939 0.000 *** YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0016 0.000 *** -3.2257 0.000 *** -1.3105 0.000 *** 0.3992 0.000 *** 5.0612 0.000 *** -0.1569 0.000 1.4916 0.000 *** 0.8910 0.000 *** Ref.: NEW_REG=0 Alt.: NEW_REG=1 Coeff. P-value 0.2868 0.000 *** -0.0767 0.002 *** -0.0031 0.122 -0.1065 0.169 0.1159 0.000 *** 0.0854 0.005 *** 0.1809 0.079 * -0.1273 0.702 -23.41 0.000 *** YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0012 0.000 *** -3.5164 0.002 *** -3.3612 0.000 *** -0.3807 0.201 2.9101 0.004 *** -0.0515 0.208 1.2294 0.000 *** 0.8757 0.000 *** 1.6017 0.000 *** -23.35 0.000 *** 20,701 18,400 2,301 Ref.: NEW_REG_P=0 Alt.: NEW_REG_P=1 Coeff. P-value 0.5271 0.000 *** -0.0266 0.401 0.0014 0.574 0.0482 0.608 -0.0010 0.959 0.0072 0.842 0.1054 0.341 -0.4498 0.270 -0.1987 0.691 YES YES Ref. group: SAMPLE=0 Alt. group: SAMPLE=1 Coeff. P-value 0.0013 0.000 *** -12.780 0.000 *** -3.8372 0.000 *** 0.5815 0.081 * 0.3575 0.749 -0.0195 0.653 1.2286 0.000 *** 0.8766 0.000 *** 1.4458 0.000 *** -23.03 0.000 *** 19,914 18,400 1,514 4,139.9 0.000 *** 3,294.2 0.000 85.18 0.000 *** 1.98 0.159 -27.39 46,507 33,804 12,703 0.000 3,524.1 0.000 1.67 0.197 *** *** *** • Did ex ante risk-taking result in ex post poorer performance? YES • Five of the eight cajas failed the 2011 stress tests - The biggest Spanish banks did not - A number of cajas were rescued during 2008-09 - Oliver Wyman‘s report: 5 out of 7 failures are cajas • Bankruptcy analysis - Logit model for bankruptcy - Key findings - ZSCORE predicts bankruptcy - Also, borrowing from out-of-province SB - Driven by political connectiveness (same party) - Effects more powerful for firms in construction and real estate development Baseline model Risk higher if borrowing from an outside caja Risk higher yet if home regional control Risk highest if parties the same Ref. group.: DEF=0 Alt. group.: DEF=1 AVG_ZSCORE AVG_AGE AVG_BIGAUDIT AVG_LISTED AVG_NREL AVG_LNTA AVG_GROWTH NEW NEW_NOREG NEW_REG NEW_REG_NOP NEW_REG_P INTERCEPT Industry fixed effects Year fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 Model 1 Coeff. p-val. -0.8384 0.000 -0.0069 0.000 -1.1794 0.000 -0.0145 0.967 0.0834 0.000 -0.1562 0.000 0.0445 0.563 0.2424 0.000 *** *** *** *** *** Model 2 Coeff. p-val. -0.8379 0.000 -0.0068 0.000 -1.1784 0.000 -0.0162 0.963 0.0813 0.000 -0.1570 0.000 0.0447 0.562 0.750 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0.1397 0.2813 -0.1081 YES YES 67,116 0.1159 *** *** *** Model 3 Coeff. p-val. -0.8377 0.000 -0.0068 0.000 -1.1776 0.000 -0.0162 0.963 0.0812 0.000 -0.1571 0.000 0.0443 0.565 -0.0998 YES YES 67,116 0.1159 0.128 0.000 0.769 0.1399 0.127 0.2268 0.3371 -0.1001 YES YES 67,116 0.1160 0.003 0.000 0.768 *** *** *** Construction + Real Estate Risk higher if borrowing from an outside caja Risk higher yet if home regional control Risk highest if parties the same Dep. Var.: DEF AVG_ZSCORE AVG_AGE AVG_BIGAUDIT AVG_LISTED AVG_NREL AVG_LNTA AVG_GROWTH NEW NEW_NOREG NEW_REG NEW_REG_NOP NEW_REG_P INTERCEPT Industry fixed effects Year fixed effects Obs. Adj. McFadden R2 Model 1 Coeff. p-val. -0.6714 0.000 -0.0408 0.000 -1.5926 0.000 -0.0615 0.935 0.0547 0.042 0.0310 0.486 0.2002 0.028 0.2940 0.001 *** *** *** ** Model 2 Coeff. p-val. -0.6679 0.000 -0.0407 0.000 -1.5903 0.000 -0.0774 0.918 0.0482 0.077 0.0287 0.520 0.2024 0.026 0.750 * ** *** *** *** * ** *** 0.0989 0.3549 -0.1081 YES YES 9,090 0.0866 *** *** *** Model 3 Coeff. p-val. -0.6678 0.000 -0.0407 0.000 -1.5878 0.000 -0.0821 0.913 0.0480 0.078 0.0292 0.513 0.2020 0.027 -1.3982 YES YES 9,090 0.0870 0.562 0.000 0.008 0.0989 0.561 0.3052 0.3991 -1.4029 YES YES 9,090 0.0871 0.021 0.001 0.008 *** *** ** *** *** • What happens when you mix deregulation, non-traditional banking, and political influence? TROUBLE • Spanish savings banks expanded aggressively • Lent to observably riskier borrowers • Higher ex ante risk • Higher ex post risk • At lower interest rates • Aggressiveness fueled by poor governance that allowed political influence Thank you for your attention