
Ag Sales CDE Test Bank
Mid-Buchanan RV
Agricultural Education Department
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Of the five types of buyer resistance, the one that is toughest to overcome is:
a. Product
b. Need
c. Time
d. Source
e. Price
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Being a self-starter involves all of the following except:
a. Working with minimum supervision
b. Being flexible when working with others
c. Learning more about job responsibilities
d. Taking on more responsibilities
Being flexible when working with others
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Throughout the sales presentation it is usually best to
a. Avoid shifting the focus of attention away from your product to competing products
b. Discuss all the weaknesses of the competing products
c. Discuss competing products even if you are not familiar with these items
d. Refuse to discuss competing products
Avoid shifting the focus of attention away from your product to competing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is the best probing question?
a. “How have you been lately?”
b. “Have you ever used our product before?”
c. “What has been your experience using our competitor’s product in the past?”
d. “Looks like you have big problems here, huh?”
“What has been your experience using our competitor’s product in the past?”
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
During the call phase one, you should do all of the following except?
a. Offer a sincere compliment
b. Shift attention to the topic of business
c. Explain the features and benefits of your product
d. Introduce yourself and your company
Explain the features and benefits of your product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The average person spends the greatest amount of time:
a. Speaking
b. Listening
c. Writing
d. Reading
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What method would you not use to determine customer needs?
a. Direct questions and answers
b. Listen carefully
c. Guess the problem
d. Watch facial expressions
Guess the problem
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one reason that having industry information is important for a salesperson?
a. To provide an understanding of performance standards
b. To use when making suggestions about product features
c. To understand market developments
d. To provide unbiased information about a product
To understand market developments
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the general strategies for negotiating buyer
a. Find some point of agreement
b. Validate the problem (determine of its valid)
c. Encourage the prospect to compare your product to the competition
d. Understand the problem
Encourage the prospect to compare your product to the competition
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If both demand and supply increased equally for an agricultural product, what would
be the results on the quantity of the product sold and the price received?
a. The same quantity will be sold at the same price
b. An increases quantity will be sold at a lower price
c. An increased quantity will be sold at the same price
d. An increased quantity will be sold at a higher price
An increased quantity will be sold at the same price
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
According to Maslow’s hierarchy, which level reflects the desire to feel worthy in the
eyes of others?
a. Social
b. Physiological
c. Self-actualization
d. Esteem
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Prospecting is:
a. Pre screening all prospective buyers in a given area based on willingness or ability to buy
b. The process of grouping identifiable customers who posses similar need and desire
c. Classifying customers according to sales volume
d. The process of identifying potential customers
The process of identifying potential customers
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the electronic communications system most frequently used by salespeople?
a. Voice mail
b. Telephone
c. Internet
d. Facsimile
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The path in marketing goes as follows: Manufacturer to wholesales to retailer to
consumer. Where does selling fit into this process?
a. Between retailer and consumer
b. Between wholesaler and retailer
c. Between manufacturer and wholesale
d. Throughout the entire path
Throughout the entire path
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the four phases of the customer-oriented sales
a. Recommending a customer action
b. Discovering customer needs and situation
c. Providing customer service after the sale
d. Establishing rapport with the customer
Discovering customer needs and situation
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Point-of-purchase displays, premiums and contests/games are examples of:
a. Customer service
b. Sales promotion
c. Public relations
d. Advertising
Sales promotion
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Compensating a salesperson with a set amount of money is known as:
a. Straight commission
b. Combination
c. 50% average
d. Straight salary
Straight commission
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the first step a salesperson should take in greeting a customer?
a. Shaking hands
b. Expressing appreciation for the meeting
c. Introducing himself or herself
d. Addressing the customer by name
Shaking hands
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The least efficient source of prospects would probably be:
a. Cold canvassing
b. Networking
c. Referrals
d. Friends and acquaintances
Cold canvassing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When preparing for a sales presentation, the salesperson should:
a. Wear his or her best suit
b. Wear the same style clothing as the customer
c. Wear his or her trendiest clothing
d. Wear dirty clothing if the customer does
Wear the same style clothing as the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Possible rational buying motives of customer most likely include:
a. Economy
b. Affection
c. Safety
d. Both a and c
Both a and c
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the purpose of a formal written code of ethics?
a. To establish certain rules and practices to govern the day-to-day operations of an
b. To resolve all debate in society about what constitutes ethical behavior
c. To outline punishments for all unethical behavior by employees
d. To end ethical dilemmas by setting down ethical guidelines covering all situations
To establish certain rules and practices to govern the day-to-day operations of an
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not part of the pre-approach?
a. Preparation for the sale
b. Product summary sheet
c. Product knowledge
d. Create customer attention
Create customer attention
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The promoter tends to:
a. Be higher on the aggressiveness scale and higher on the formality scale
b. Prefer a great deal of very detailed data
c. Be higher on the aggressiveness scale and lower on the formality scale
d. Make decisions quickly and take immediate action
Be higher on the aggressiveness scale and lower on the formality scale
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The ultimate goal of the “marketing concept” is
a. Customer satisfaction
b. Product diversification
c. Brand loyalty
d. To make a profit
Customer satisfaction
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following describes a function of the manufacturing sector of the
agricultural industry?
a. Provides insurance to protect the producer against losses incurred during
b. Sells the outputs of agricultural production to the consumer
c. Transports agricultural goods to market for sale to consumers
d. Makes items like fertilizer and chemicals, feed, and machinery for use by producers
Makes items like fertilizer and chemicals, feed, and machinery for use by
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the four sales personality types?
a. Introvert
b. Omnivert
c. Ambivert
d. Extrovert
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When putting together a presentation for the controller, do not:
a. Approach him or her in a businesslike manner
b. Make a direct and fast-paced presentation
c. Discuss the product in terms of “winning”
d. Approach him or her more personally and informally
Approach him or her more personally and informally
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What does the salesperson do while completing the approach of a sale?
a. Puts the customer at ease with a warm, friendly welcome
b. Qualifies the customer
c. Makes a sales presentation
d. Closes the sale
Puts the customer at ease with a warm, friendly welcome
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which would you not necessarily need to know about the product you are selling?
a. Advantages of the product
b. Who makes the product
c. Safety in use of the product
d. Who first invented the product
Who first invented the product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following activities is most clearly a personal selling activity?
a. Public service activities
b. Samples
c. Direct mail
d. Complaint handling
Complaint handling
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one trait of successful team members?
a. They share their ideas with others only when asked to contribute
b. They focus their attention on the problems facing the team
c. They ignore decisions that they feel will hurt the team
d. They take interest in what other members of the team are doing
They take interest in what other members of the team are doing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Sales ethical standards include:
a. Deal honestly with people
b. Do what is morally right
c. Tell the truth about your product
d. Try to get a better deal than the customer
Do what is morally right
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When confirming the sale after the close, you should do all of the following except:
a. Remind them of the product’s benefits
b. Reassure them that they have made a good decision
c. Thank them for the order
d. Explain the fine print in the contract
Explain the fine print in the contract
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Disadvantages of a selling career include:
a. Carried activities
b. Working long hours
c. Meeting new people
d. Freedom to use own selling style
Working long hours
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the advantage of using the telephone for a sales presentation?
a. You don’t have to look the customer in the eye
b. It decreases the amount of travel time
c. It doesn’t take as much preparation
d. None of the above
It decreases the amount of travel time
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Product features that can be seen and/or felt are known as:
a. Intangible
b. Concrete
c. Tangible
d. Dynamic
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following provide customers with specific information about a limited
number of related products?
a. Manuals
b. Demonstration materials
c. Business letters
d. Product analysis/information sheets
Product analysis/information sheets
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
An example of a service that is sold to farmers/ranchers includes:
a. Fuel
b. Seed
c. Machinery
d. Insurance
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following should occur after the interview?
a. Send a follow-up letter
b. Make the initial contact
c. Call the interviewer every other day until you get the job
d. Research the company
Send a follow-up letter
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The equilibrium price of an agricultural commodity, at a particular point in time, can
be determines by using:
a. The demand schedule
b. The supply schedule
c. Both the supply and the demand curve
d. Both the demand schedule and the demand curve
Both the supply and the demand curve
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When dealing with a silent customer, a sales representative should do all of the
following except:
a. Be patient
b. Let them confirm the facts
c. Watch closely for buying cues
d. Ask intelligent questions to stimulate conversation
Let them confirm the facts
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When a prospective customer says “Your price seems a little too high”, and the
salesperson says, “Yes, our product is the most expensive, but cheaper to use over
the long run,” the salesperson is most likely using a tactic known as:
a. Direct denial
b. Negotiation-the-single-problem close
c. Summary-of-benefits close
d. Indirect denial
Indirect denial
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following should be done in a job interview?
a. Bring a friend in case you have to wait
b. Be fashionable late (about 15 minutes)
c. Wear appropriate clothing for the interview
d. Chew gum to keep your teeth from chattering
Wear appropriate clothing for the interview
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What are the two main categories of stock?
a. Common and preferred
b. Short and long
c. Common and special
d. Regular and preferred
Common and preferred
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
As price of an agricultural product increases, the supply:
a. Decreases
b. Equalizes
c. Increases
d. Remains unchanged
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
In a presentation in a direct sales environment, the salesperson should focus on:
a. Market information about future demand
b. Customer testimonials about the product
c. Cold canvassing to discover other customers
d. Benefits of the product for the customer
Benefits of the product for the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not an example of public relations?
a. Customer service
b. Special events
c. News releases
d. Public service activities
Customer service
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Completing work assignments on time is a sign of
a. Cooperation
b. Confidence
c. Honesty
d. Dependability
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the motivation behind most business decisions?
a. Increased revenues
b. Profit
c. Competition
d. Tax reduction
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
How are sales recorded?
a. Cash register
b. Sales tickets
c. Electronic cash registers
d. Credit card slips
e. All of the above
All of the above
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the steps to follow when handling complaints?
a. After investigation, politely explain what you think happened to cause the problem
b. Accept responsibility for the problem
c. Determine whether the complaint is real or perceived
d. Be sure the customer is satisfied with the solution
Determine whether the complaint is real or perceived
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not a method for finding potential customers?
a. Personal experience
b. Present customers
c. Competing salespeople
d. Commercial sources
Competing salespeople
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the minimum standard for determining ethical behavior?
a. If an action develops moral standards
b. If an action is rewarded by profits if an action obeys the laws
c. If an action is not punished by a business
If an action is not punished by a business
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one of the best methods of determining a customer’s needs and wants?
a. Tell the customer what he/she should want
b. Listen to the customer
c. Observe how the customer is dresses
d. Assume you know what the customer wants
Listen to the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not involved in making direct sales to consumers?
a. Makes sales presentations to the final consumer
b. Setting up promotions and advertising
c. Dealing with customer complaints and questions
d. Teaching employees how to make sales
Teaching employees how to make sales
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If a prospect says, “I don’t understand how this (computer software) works,” and you
show them how it works, you are most likely using which of the following methods
for negotiating buyer resistance?
a. Trial offer
b. Third-party testimony
c. Demonstration
d. Superior benefit
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When dealing with resistance related to price, the salesperson should:
a. Sell (emphasize) the features of the product
b. Focus on price
c. Apologize for the price
d. Point out the price/quality relationship
Point out the price/quality relationship
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is selling?
a. Assisting the customer
b. Forcing the customer to buy
c. Ringing up the sale on the cash register
d. The opposite of buying
Assisting the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is a good way to prevent customer complaints?
a. Make sure the product and warranty is well understood
b. Avoid contact with the customer after the sale is made
c. Tell the customer that it’s not your fault
d. Shift responsibility to a third party
Make sure the product and warranty is well understood
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not part of the application information category of product
a. Use of the product
b. Care for the product
c. Instructions for operation
d. Performance standards
Care for the product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
In the processing industry, all of the following are true of the salesperson’s role
a. Customers are not seen frequently
b. Sales tend to be very large in terms of the amount of money and occur frequently
c. The salesperson must know very specific, detailed information about the product
d. Sales territories tend to be much larger
Sales tend to be very large in terms of the amount of money and occur frequently
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Benefits of product knowledge include:
a. Helps establish rapport with the customer
b. Salesperson confidence
c. Impressing the customer with how much you know about your product
d. Domination the interaction with the customer
Salesperson confidence
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The social influence affection the buyer behavior defined as people who are similar
in income, education, etc. is:
a. Reference groups
b. Roles and family
c. Culture and subculture
d. Social class
Social class
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
“Will you purchase the product if I can offer you a discount?” is an example of which
type of closing method?
a. Choice
b. Summary
c. Assumption
d. Conditional
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The three stages of active listening are:
a. Ask questions, listen and verify
b. Have a listening goal, have a good listening environment and be aware of bias
c. Hearing, attention, and understanding
d. Work at listening, resist distractions and capitalize on thought speed
Hearing, attention, and understanding
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The four subdivisions of promotion are:
a. Promotion, price, personnel, and product
b. Advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion
c. Product, price, promotion, and place
Advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is a bad method of handling customer’s objections?
a. Listen to the customer’s objections
b. Pause before answering objections
c. Argue with the objections
d. Show empathy with the customer
Argue with the objections
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What information about the company is needed for a sales presentation, as listed in
the text?
a. Company policies
b. Technological advances
c. Market trends
d. Consumer reports
Company policies
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
One purpose of goal setting is:
a. To use the goals to help fulfill objectives
b. To stop problems from occurring when completing projects
c. To divide projects into manageable parts to manage time effectively
d. To link short-term and long-term objectives when completing a plan of action
To divide projects into manageable parts to manage time effectively
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The buying and selling process:
a. Relies exclusively on the salesperson
b. Begins and ends with the salesperson
c. Works well when there is good communication between the salesperson and
d. Does not require the interest of either party
Works well when there is good communication between the salesperson and
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one thing that should be done to maintain a positive relationship with
a. Treat others within the business organization considerately
b. Follow established line of authority in the business organization
c. Communicate problems to superiors without complaining
d. Discriminate against other employees of the business
Treat others within the business organization considerately
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following does not belong on a resume?
a. Work experience
b. Educational experience
c. Height, weight, and nationality
d. Name and telephone number
Height, weight, and nationality
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
It is a good sales approach to:
a. Make suggestions from the customer’s point of view
b. Suggest additional merchandise to the customer while they are considering their
first purchase
c. Avoid specific suggestions
d. Keep the customer from handling the product
e. Interact with several customers simultaneously
Make suggestions from the customer’s point of view
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When a salesperson believes the customer is ready to close based on feedback,
which type of closing method is most appropriate?
a. Choice
b. Conditional
c. Summary
d. Assumption
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If promotion is a personal goal, be sure you:
a. Worry about what the boss thinks but not what customers think
b. Try to get along with others
c. Maintain the status quo
d. Not risk being critical of the boss
e. All of the above
Try to get along with others
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
__________________ is how responsive the amount of an agricultural product
produced or consumed would be to a change in price
a. Price
b. Elasticity
c. Consumption
d. Supply
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Retailers who sell products made from the output of the production sector are in
what sector of agriculture?
a. Production
b. Service
c. Manufacturing
d. Marketing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The final step in a sales presentation is:
a. Approach
b. Handling objections
c. Close
d. Demonstration
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which one of the following is one of the ways you can improve your active listening?
a. Try to anticipate what you think the speaker is going to say
b. Take as many notes as possible in order to help you remember what was said
c. Listen primarily for facts rather than feelings
d. Let the speaker know what you think you’ve heard
Let the speaker know what you think you’ve heard
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When will a person attempt to satisfy upper-level needs?
a. After satisfying the need for self-actualization
b. When he or she is motivated to change
c. When the salesperson is very persuasive
d. After satisfying lower-level needs
After satisfying lower-level needs
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following are barriers to communication in the context of sales
a. Buyer doesn’t need product
b. Well organized sales presentation
c. Salesperson has the same communication style as the customer
d. Good listening skills
Buyer doesn’t need product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
A salesperson compensation system that is based upon a percentage of sale is
known as:
a. Straight commission
b. Combination
c. 50% average
d. Straight salary
Straight commission
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Per-unit figures are used when making decisions because:
a. Businesses want to have low per-unit costs
b. Those figures are needed to calculate average total cost
c. Businesses want to have high per-unit costs
d. Those figures are needed to calculate total cost
Businesses want to have low per-unit costs
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
How much educational experience is necessary to obtain a job in agricultural
management without the benefit of on-the-job training or experience?
a. Less than a high school diploma
b. High school diploma
c. Some college experience
d. College degree
College degree
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following sources of credit provides short and long term credit for
individuals and businesses?
a. Commercial banks
b. Bank credit cards
c. Savings and loans
d. Small business administration
Commercial banks
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is stock?
a. Shares of ownership in a company
b. Certificates insured by the government
c. Certificates issued by the government
d. Shares in diversified investments
Shares of ownership in a company
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Why are sales tickets important?
a. They are needed for submission with tax forms
b. They are permanent record of each transaction
c. They are the last record of the merchandise sold
d. Because the state government uses them to adjust the families tax burden
e. All of the above
They are permanent record of each transaction
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one of the best methods determining customer’s needs and wants?
a. Tell the customer what he/she should want
b. Listen to the customer
c. Ask the customer questions
d. Assume you know what the customer wants
e. B and c
B and c
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is an element of a good sales presentation?
a. Minimizing the use of visual aids
b. Point out the downside of the product first
c. The customer’s needs are the focus
d. Keep the customer from being involved
The customer’s needs are the focus
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not a step in the process of applying for a job?
a. Contact the employer
b. Participate in FFA activities
c. Interview with the business
d. Follow up after the interview
Participate in FFA activities
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the first step in the financial planning process?
a. Compare the amount of money received to wants and needs
b. List wants and needs and establish goals and objectives
c. Make a list of the source and amount of the money received
d. Monitor the plan and make adjustments when necessary
Make a list of the source and amount of the money received
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The sales environment in which raw materials are sold to be used to produce a
salable product is:
a. Retail sales
b. Wholesale sales
c. Processing sales
d. Direct sales
Processing sales
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is a category of product knowledge?
a. Customer support information
b. Maintenance information
c. Company information
d. Product information
Maintenance information
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following should occur most directly after the salesperson has
discovered the customer’s needs?
a. Confirm customer’s interest in the specific area of business related to your product
b. Recommend a customer action
c. Close the sale
d. Initiate social conversation
Recommend a customer action
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The guidelines for goal setting include all of the following except:
a. Prioritize
b. Set both long term and short term goals
c. Set broad goals
d. Have a time frame for achievement of goals
Set broad goals
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not a source of product knowledge?
a. Salesperson’s company
b. University research
c. Consumer reports
d. Salesperson’s competitors
Salesperson’s competitors
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
During call phase three, you would do all of the following except
a. Match benefits to buying motives (needs)
b. Convert benefits to features
c. Focus on most important needs
d. Propose a customer action
Convert benefits to features
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not important in learning to take instructions from others?
a. Listen closely in order to understand instructions so asking for help is unnecessary
b. Ask questions when the information that has been given in the instructions is not
c. Use the instructions that have been given to complete the task correctly
d. Always ask for help if a task cannot be completed correctly for some reason
Listen closely in order to understand instructions so asking for help is
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
How much time do you have to capture your customer’s attention?
a. 5 minutes
b. 30 seconds
c. It just depends
d. 2 minutes
30 seconds
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When the change in price is greater than the relative change in quantity produced,
and agricultural commodity is said to be:
a. Inelastic
b. Elastic
c. Unitary elastic
d. Necessity
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, before esteem needs can become a
priority, this previous level of need must be addressed:
a. The need for self-fulfillment
b. The desire to feel worthy in the eyes of others
c. The desire to be free from danger
d. The desire for affection, identification with a group, and approval from others
The desire for affection, identification with a group, and approval from others
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Opportunity cost is included in which of the following?
a. Cash costs
b. Expenses
c. Noncash costs
d. Returns
Noncash costs
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following types of written communication is not seen by customers?
a. Manuals
b. Bulletins And flyers
c. Internal reports
d. Demonstration materials
Internal reports
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is interest?
a. The amount paid by an individual for letting someone use his or her money
b. The amount received by an individual for letting someone use his or her money
c. The sum of money placed in a savings account
d. The sum of money received after selling a share of stock
The amount received by an individual for letting someone use his or her
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following items would tend to increase the profit-maximizing level of
a. Lower fertilizer price
b. Higher than expected corn price
c. Irrigating
d. All of the above
All of the above
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The amount of an agricultural product available for sale at different prices at a given
place and time is called:
a. Demand
b. Supply
c. Market
d. Utility
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When negotiating buyer resistance, you should do all of the following except:
a. Know the value of your product
b. Always try to agree with the prospective customer
c. Anticipate buyer resistance
d. Try to determine if the objection is valid
Always try to agree with the prospective customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What type of electronic communications system is used to send correspondence
over the telephone line that might otherwise be mailed?
a. Facsimile
b. Word processor
c. Internet
d. Voice mail
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Identifying potential customers is the process known as
a. Qualifying
b. Prospecting
c. Target marketing
d. Prescreening
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following businesses is an example of the wholesale selling
a. Feed distributors
b. Feed mills
c. Grain elevators
d. Lumber yards
Lumber yards
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When a sales person asks the customer to decide between two product options as
part of the close, this is an example of which type of closing method?
a. Direct
b. Choice
c. Summary
d. Assumption
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following measures can be used to represent opportunity cost when
the opportunities available require different amounts of investment?
a. Net return
b. Rate of return on investment
c. Total return
d. Total expense
Rate of return on investment
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following requires collateral to obtain money?
a. Signature loan
b. Secured loan
c. Unsecured loan
d. Credit cards
Secured loan
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the guidelines for closing the sale?
a. Ask for the order more than once
b. Focus on as many features and benefits as possible
c. Display a high degree of confidence
d. Recognize closing cues
Focus on as many features and benefits as possible
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Whatever provides the customer with advantage or gain is called?
a. Feature
b. Intangible benefit
c. Benefit
d. Bargaining chip
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is one of the situation factors you should ask about during
call phase two?
a. Weather
b. Current practices
c. Hobbies
d. Educational background
Current practices
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following describes a controller?
a. Higher on the aggressiveness and formality scales
b. Higher on the aggressiveness scale and lower on the formality scale
c. People-oriented; perceived as talkative
d. Responds to appeals to his or her reputation
Higher on the aggressiveness and formality scales
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the best way to handle a know-it-all customer?
a. Let the customer know that he/she does not know it all
b. Tell the customer you know it all
c. Don’t compete or argue with the customer
d. Ask the customer to leave the store and come back later
Don’t compete or argue with the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Purchasing a large piece of machinery in order to reduce the cost required to
complete a particular operation is profitable if
a. The saving in labor is less than the cost of owning the larger machine
b. There is sufficient capital available
c. The cost of owning the larger machine is less than the saving in labor
d. The savings in labor is equal to the cost of owning the larger machine
The cost of owning the larger machine is less than the saving in labor
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
A sales proposal should:
a. Be very long and detailed
b. Be completed before a presentation
c. Be vague with little detail
d. Be put together without organization
Be completed before a presentation
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Honesty involves:
a. Being blunt when discussing the shortcomings of others
b. Following rules and regulations
c. Expressing anger when problems occur
d. Being truthful when giving information
Being truthful when giving information
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not one of the five most important factors to consider in
selecting the proper wardrobe for agricultural selling?
a. Simplicity
b. Neatness
c. Appropriateness
d. Expensiveness
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following does not affect the customer’s perception of a salesperson?
a. Salesperson’s expressed knowledge level
b. Nonverbal signals
c. Salesperson’s appearance
d. Financial standing
Financial standing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one trait of successful team members?
a. They share their ideas with others only when asked to contribute
b. They focus their attention on the problems facing the team
c. They ignore decisions that they feel will hurt the team
d. They take interest in what other members of the team are doing
They take interest in what other members of the team are doing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Approximately what percentage of monthly income should be spent on housing,
according to general budgetary guidelines?
a. 5 to 10 percent
b.10 to 20 percent
c. 20 to 30 percent
d. 30 to 35 percent
20 to 30 percent
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the first step in setting goals?
a. Stating the goal
b. Developing a plan of action
c. Making a commitment to the goal
d. Prioritizing objectives
Stating the goal
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the difference between non-constructive and constructive criticism?
a. Constructive criticism on identifies the problem, while non-constructive criticism I
includes instructions
b. Constructive criticism often hurts people, while non-constructive criticism does not
c. Constructive criticism includes instructions, while non-constructive criticism only
identifies the problem
d. Constructive criticism rarely corrects a problem, while non-constructive criticism
usually corrects it.
Constructive criticism includes instructions, while non-constructive criticism
only identifies the problem
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is one of the three most common types of customer?
a. Want-to-buy-it-all customers
b. Just looking customers
c. Know-it-all customers angry customers
Just looking customers
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When should you leave blanks on applications?
a. When you have nothing to say
b. You should not leave blanks
c. If you do not like the question
d. At the end of the page
You should not leave blanks
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which trait is the sum of all the other traits of a positive work attitude?
a. Flexibility
b. Courtesy
c. Enthusiasm
d. Cooperation
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When prioritizing goals at work, an employee should consider ________ goals first
a. Sales
b. Career
c. Individual
d. Organizational
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which items should appear first on a resume?
a. Education and work experience
b. Employment objectives
c. Names and addresses of references
d. Name, address, and telephone number
Name, address, and telephone number
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What should an employee do when receiving criticism?
a. Choose the right setting and time to receive the criticism
b. Defend himself or herself to the boss to defuse the criticism
c. Disregard non-constructive criticism, which is never valuable
d. Listen carefully to the message being given in the criticism
Listen carefully to the message being given in the criticism
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The best source for prospects would probably be:
a. cold canvassing
b. networking
c. referrals
d. friends and acquaintances
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
How should a sales presentation be structured to appeal to the supporter?
a. Avoid conflict in the presentation.
b. Discuss the product in terms of “winning”.
c. Do not spend too much time on important stuff.
d. Make a fast-paced presentation.
Avoid conflict in the presentation.
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When closing a sale:
a. Don’t be apologetic
b. Make a ceremony out of the closing
c. Give the prospective customer every chance to change his or her mind
d. Be sure you have the customer sign something immediately
e. All of the above
Don’t be apologetic
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The sales person should:
a. Listen to the customer even when argumentative
b. Allow the conversation to wonder to other topics
c. Rush the customer in to a purchase decision
d. Allow the customer to procrastinate as long as possible
Listen to the customer even when argumentative
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When should an employment objective be changed?
a. Each time you update your resume
b. Every six months
c. Every year
d. Every time you ably for a job
Every time you ably for a job
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
One source of industry knowledge is:
a. Market reports
b. Consumer reports
c. Customer testimonials
d. Personal experiences
Market reports
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Why can acting unethically damage a career?
a. Because unethical behavior is always caught
b. Because regaining the trust of others may be difficult or impossible
c. Because workers who act unethically are automatically fired
d. Because all managers have high standards of ethics
Because regaining the trust of others may be difficult or impossible
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which level of need must be satisfied
next, after psychological needs have been met?
a. Esteem
b. Safety and security
c. Self-actualization
d. None of the above
Safety and security
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If the expected price of corn is $2 per bushel, what is the most profitable level of
fertilization for non-irrigated corn?
a. 0 units
2. 1 unit
c. 2 units
d. 3 units
3 units
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not a way a customer may determine a solution to a
problem when deciding whether to make a purchase?
a. Reviewing experiences with a particular company
b. Talking to others with similar needs or problems
c. Personalizing a particular product of a company
d. Looking at advertisements for what is on the market
Personalizing a particular product of a company
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
A closing attempt made at an opportune time during a sales presentation to
encourage the customer to reveal readiness or unwillingness to buy is:
a. Special concession to the close
b. Direct appeal to close
c. Assumption close
d. Trial close
Trial close
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the relationship of personal selling to marketing?
a. Marketing is an important part of selling
b. Personal selling and marketing are essentially the same thing
c. Personal selling is one of the subdivisions of promotion and promotion is one of the
4 Ps of the marketing mix.
d. Marketing is promoting your product and personal selling is trying to convince a
prospect to purchase your product.
Personal selling is one of the subdivisions of promotion and promotion is one of
the 4 Ps of the marketing mix.
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one reason it is important to have a personal budget?
a. A budget helps plan how money is to be earned
b. A budget is a planning tool to enable individuals to set priorities and monitor
progress toward goals
c. A budget ensures that the planned expenditures of money will never have to be
postponed until a later time
d. A budget allows an individual to spend more money than is received
A budget is a planning tool to enable individuals to set priorities and monitor
progress toward goals
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
An increase in the supply of an agricultural commodity due to government programs
results in a shift of the supply curve:….
a. Unchanged, but more would be sold at a lower price
b. Unchanged, but more would be sold at a higher price
c. Shifted to the right
d. Shifted to the left
Shifted to the right
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not part of the marketing concept?
a. Satisfaction of customer needs is the primary reason for a firms existence
b. A firm’s activities should be directed at satisfying customer needs
c. Focus is on making a product first and then seeking customers
d. Long-term profits will result from satisfying customer needs
Focus is on making a product first and then seeking customers
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
a. Are the most important people to any business
b. Do the business a favor when they make inquires
c. Are the people who make it possible to pay the salesperson’s salary
d. Are not an interruption of the salesperson’s work
e. All of the above
All of the above
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The most common and difficult task of the salesperson in a retail situation is:
a. Calling on retail business
b. Setting up promotions and advertising
c. Educating employees of the business
d. Dealing with customer complaints
Dealing with customer complaints
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Government programs to increase the food supply have:
a. Not affected productivity
b. Made it possible to increase exports
c. Made it possible to increase imports
d. Decreased productivity
Made it possible to increase exports
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the second step in developing a savings and investment plan?
a. Selling mutual funds
b. Opening an insured savings account
c. Cashing in certificates of deposit
d. Diversifying investments
Diversifying investments
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
In the financial planning process, which step follows implanting the financial plan?
a. Establishing short-, intermediate-, and long term goals.
b. Monitoring the plan and making adjustments if necessary
c. Determining how much money is received
d. Indicating how much money is spent
Monitoring the plan and making adjustments if necessary
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Regulating to ensure sanitation and eliminate the dumping of waster in process
facilities have:
a. Not had impact on food safety
b. Decreased the cost of production
c. Increased the cost of commodities
d. Not affected small producers
Increased the cost of commodities
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is the customer’s benefit of having salespeople?
a. The customer finds out more information about the product
b. The customer gets coerced into buying the product
c. The customer buys more of the product than he/she originally planned
d. The customer is an adversary for the salesperson
The customer finds out more information about the product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following is not part of maintaining a positive relationship with one’s
a. Communicating properly with the boss when problems arise within the organization
b. Discussing personal attitudes and feeling when bringing problems to his or her
c. Remembering that the boss’s job is to help others achieve the purpose of the
d. Realizing that to combine all the necessary task the organization must have an
orderly system
Discussing personal attitudes and feeling when bringing problems to his or her
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
How do you make a goods sales presentation?
a. Criticize your competition
b. Match customer needs to product features
c. Make sure that you as the salesperson do most of the talking
d. Get the customer involved in the presentation
Match customer needs to product features
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Personal skills needed in selling do not include:
a. Enthusiasm
b. Persistence
c. Irritability
d. Tact
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If a prospective customer says “I can only afford a monthly payment of $100,” this
statement is most likely an example of:
a. Verbal closing signal
b. Negotiating the single problem close
c. Indirect denial
d. Nonverbal closing signal
Verbal closing signal
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
After esteem needs have been satisfied, the next level of need according to Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs would most likely be:
a. To be part of a group
b. To fulfill one’s potential
c. To be free from danger
d. To be worthy in the eyes of others
To fulfill one’s potential
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Which of the following should be included in the preapproach of a sales
a. Closing the sale
b. Showing the product to the customer
c. Obtaining product knowledge
d. Ordering the product you plan to sell
Obtaining product knowledge
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
If a customer objects to a product based on the fact that the price is higher than
other similar products, then this is most likely what type of objection?
a. Hidden objection
b. Invalid objection
c. Valid objection
d. Misunderstanding
Valid objection
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Thought-provoking questions are usually:
a. Closed-ended to give the salesperson control over the conversation
b. Restate something the customer has said to encourage conversation
c. Open-ended to encourage the customer to think about the product
d. Used at the beginning of the conversation to focus the customers attention
Restate something the customer has said to encourage conversation
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
All of the following are steps a customer goes through when deciding to make a
purchase except.
a. Identification of who can provide a solution
b. Identification of future problems
c. Identification of possible solutions
d. Identification of a need or problem
Identification of future problems
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Style flexing is:
a. Changing your personality to be similar to that of someone else
b. A deliberate attempt to adjust your communication style to accommodate someone
who has a different style
c. Something you must do when you meet someone who has the same style as you
d. What happens when you meet someone with a different communication style and
you have difficulty communicating
A deliberate attempt to adjust your communication style to accommodate
someone who has a different style
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
During the close of a sale, a salesperson should:
a. Ask the prospective customer to approve the order rather than sign it
b. Beg for the sale
c. Let the customer know how much the sale means
d. Apologize for the price of the product
Ask the prospective customer to approve the order rather than sign it
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
One of the following is not a basic qualification of a prospect:
a. The person must be able to afford the purchase
b. The person must have the authority to buy the product
c. The person must be presold on the product
d. The person must have a need for the product
The person must be presold on the product
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Confirming the sale should:
a. Verify the proposed customer action
b. Give them an opportunity to change their mind
c. Ask for the order
d. Reassure the customer that they made a good decision
Reassure the customer that they made a good decision
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is a feature-benefit sales presentation?
a. Matches features of the product to the benefits for the customer
b. Matches the benefits of the product to the features of the customer
c. Matches features of the customer to the benefits of the product
d. Matches benefits of the salesperson to the features of the product
Matches features of the product to the benefits for the customer
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
A communication skill needed in selling does not include:
a. Learning
b. Listening
c. Reading
d. Writing
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What method would you not use to determine customer need?
a. Direct questions and answers
b. Listen carefully
c. Guess the problem
d. Watch facial expressions
Guess the problem
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The first step in effectively answering a question is:
a. Comprehending the question
b. Telling the customer everything you know about the product
c. Choosing impressive words
d. Deciding first what you think the person wants to hear
Comprehending the question
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The process of grouping identifiable customers who posses similar needs and desires
a. Target marketing
b. Psychographics
c. Prospecting
d. Market segment
Market segment
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The concept that customers must perceive your product as being different or better
that the competition is known as:
a. Product differentiation
b. Product proliferation
c. Target market
d. Marketing segment
Product differentiation
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
A major reason for asking confirmation questions is
a. To find out if the customer possesses a viewpoint that may serve as a barrier to
closing the sale
b. To find out if your message is getting through
c. To collect basic information at the beginning of the sales presentation
d. To qualify the prospect
To find out if your message is getting through
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
When a prospect says “Your price seems a little high,” this is most likely an example
a. Direct denial
b. Negotiating the single problem
c. Objection
d. Closing signal
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
The most likely time for a prospective customer to raise an objection is during either
a. Phase 1 or 2
b. Phase 2 or 3
c. Phase 3 or 4
d. Phase 1 or 4
Phase 3 or 4
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Open-ended questions
a. Require very brief answers
b. Can be answered with “yes” or “no”
c. Are used to focus attention
d. Require more extensive answers
Require more extensive answers
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
a. Employ more salespeople than retailers
b. Are the most common sales outlets for products
c. Are often viewed as specialty shops
d. Are middlemen who sell to retailers, manufacturers or other wholesalers
Are middlemen who sell to retailers, manufacturers or other wholesalers
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
There are five stages in making a sale. Which of the following is not one of these
a. Preparation
b. Approach
c. Demonstration
d. Handling objections
e. None of the above
None of the above
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Why should a salesperson establish a high comfort level in a relationship?
a. It will allow them to discuss almost anything about the product or company
b. It will help the salesperson to identify his or her reasons for doing business
c. It will allow the salesperson to ensure the customer is always loyal
d. It will help the customer to believe in the salesperson’s honesty
It will allow them to discuss almost anything about the product or company
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
What is one of the tactics that may be used when handling customer objections?
a. Ignore the objection
b. Tell the customer he/she is wrong
c. Argue with the customer
d. Restate the objection in your own words
Restate the objection in your own words
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank
Anything a customer can feel, see, taste, smell or measure is a:
a. Satisfaction
b. Tangible benefit
c. Feature
d. Intangible benefit
Ag Sales CDE Complete Test Bank