Curriculum Document Original Development: Spring 2013, revised Summer 2015 Clans Unit: Subject/Course: Grade Level: School Year: Navajo Culture Fifth Grade 2015-2016 This section completed once per whole unit. (Its purpose is to clarify the unit’s big idea and connecting standards.) Big Ideas: Why is this learning important? What generalization or principle do you want to know/do? The big idea resides at the heart of the discipline, and has value beyond classroom. These may come from the cluster deconstructing process. Name kinship through maternal grandfather’s clan group Identify kinship through maternal grandfather’s clan group Recognize maternal grandfather’s clan group Common Core Standards / State Standards 4th-6th Dine Character Building Standards, Dine Government Standards, Dine History Standards, Oral Dine Language Standards Content Standard: Standard: I will develop and apply critical thinking to establish including CODE + (Rigor) relationships with the environment. Concept 1: I will express critical thinking to establish relationships with the environment. PO 1. I will develop personal goals to express relationships. PO 2. I will demonstrate respect and value of my immediate family. PO 3. I will demonstrate appropriate generosity. Concept 2: I will maintain the sacredness of self-identity. PO 1. I will listen to and apply Dine teachings. PO 2. I will develop wise things in my personal life. PO 3. I will display and safeguard my thoughts. PO 4. I will explain good judgments that I use to guide me. Concept 3: I will have self-respect. PO 1. I will speak words that reflect my good character. PO 2. I will show respect to my peers. PO 3. I will cooperate with my peers. PO 4. I will refrain from bullying. Concept 4: I will express gratitude in everything. PO 1. I will demonstrate thankfulness for my extended family. PO 2. I will show thankfulness for my relatives’ values. PO 3. I will express appreciation for the teachings from my relatives. PO 4. I will practice life skills from my relatives. Standard: I will understand and apply the Navajo Nation Laws (Traditional Law, Customary Law, Natural Law and Common Law). Concept 2: I will sustain myself through Dine teachings. PO 4: I will recognize social relationships. Standard: I will understand historical/factual events, people and Integration of Reading & Writing Anchor and/or Mathematical Practices including CODE symbols that influence my family. Concept 1: I will explore and explain how Dine people and historical events have influenced the development of my community. PO 1: I will explain my maternal clan family and its historical origin. Concept 2: I will understand connections between my culture, sacred sites and historical events. PO 4: I will establish kinship with my peers. Standard: Utilizing the Navajo language and culture, I will listen, communicate, observe, and understand appropriately. Concept 4: Siihasin – I will appropriately express my interpersonal communication by relating to cultural experiences. PO 3: I will introduce myself and my extended family. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Key Ideas and Details 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Mathematical Practices(MP) 1. Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Technology Standard: including CODE ELP Standard: including CODE Completed by SEI/ELP teachers (later) Clarifications of Content Standard Academic Vocabulary: What academic vocabulary does the student need to know? K’e-(kinship), adoone’e-(clanship), shicheii-(maternal grandfather), dashicheii-(all maternal grandfather clanship), Shichoone’-(Great Grandparents), Cornell note taking Declarative Knowledge: What concepts (facts, ideas, cause/effect) does the student need to KNOW? Students need to know the academic vocabulary in Dine Bizaad Students will need to know maternal grandfather’s clan Students will need to know maternal grandfather’s clan group Students will need to know kinship terms when addressing their elder Students will need to know how to utilize Cornell note taking skills to research their maternal grandfather’s clan by asking family members Students will need to know where maternal grandfather’s clan roots come from Prerequisites: Use Hess’s Cognitive Rigor Matrix to “map” pre-requisite conceptual & procedure knowledge Conceptual Knowledge: What concepts does the student need prior to engaging in this standard? Students should - Know academic vocabulary words using Dine bizaad - Know their four clans - Know their mother and father’s clan group - Identify kinship terms when addressing peers - Know the changing woman story-CUSD curriculum posters - Classify their family tree Procedural Knowledge: What procedures does the student need prior to engaging in this standard? Students will - Create a book using clan group, clan chart, or wheel to identify maternal grandfather clanship - Inquire family members about maternal grandfather’s clan utilizing Cornell note taking skills - Locate maternal grandfather’s foundational home on a Dine Bikeyah map - Circulate among peers to establish kinship maternal grandfather’s clan - orally recite their maternal grandfather’s clan group Assessments Provide one assessment item for each content standard(one standard per box). For each assessment include: 1) standard + descriptive title + (Rigor) 2) an actual assessment item or quality description of the assessment 3) connection to Rdg, Wrtg, or Math Practice (if appropriate) Students will present their completed maternal grandfather booklet Students will explain positive experience learning about maternal grandfather Students will create a class web of classmates relating to each other Student will construct a map from their reference point to their maternal grandfather’s foundational home This section completed per whole unit. (Its purpose is to focus on integrating the standards through resources & instructional strategies that focus on unit big ideas.) UNIT Resources & Instruction Supplemental Text Connections: List other school-purchased curriculum resources. Other materials available: List other useful resources, teacher-created, online, etc. Book titles: Adoone’e by San Juan Curriculum Worksheet: Teacher made resource Illustrations: Navajo Clan Chart/CUSD Curriculum Center Other Sources: Internet resource/Google, Navajo Clans,, : Leading the Way magazine, Navajo Times Teacher Instructional Strategies: Research-based strategies that “fit.” Robert Marzano Strategies: Identifying Similarities & Differences, Summarizing & Note Taking, Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition, Homework & Practice, Nonlinguistic Representations, Cooperative Learning, Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback, Generating & Testing Hypotheses, Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers. Kagan Strategy: Inside-Outside Circle, Jigsaw, Mix Freeze Group, Pairs Compare, Think-pairshare, Brainstorming Learning Keys: Cooperative Learning, Feedback & Effective Questioning, Identifying Similarities and Differences, Student to Student Feedback, Summarizing and Note taking Math RTI-FALCONS Strategy: Find the Question, Analyze the Question, Label Key Words, Construct a Picture, act Out the Question, Equation, Solve the Problem STAR Strategy: Search, Translate, Assess and Review Frayer Model: Vocabulary Blooms Taxonomy: Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) , Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self) , Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) TAP system: Instructional Rubric Integration of Reading & Writing Anchor Standards and/or Mathematics Practices Integration of Technology: Specific examples that apply the technology standards in the content. Integration of ELP Strategies: (Language, Grammar, etc) Completed by SEI/ELP teachers (later) Exemplary Learning Activities (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box. Exemplary Scaffolding Strategy (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box.