Gender-based violence and maternal mortality

Global issues: Maternal Mortality
Half the Sky: Chapters 5 – 7
May 18-19, 2011
May 19 (F): Turn in your work at the end of class. If you need to continue to work on this
for the next class, you may submit additional responses on Monday.
Critical points:
Chapter 5:
1. What role does the concept of a woman’s “honor” – her virginity – play in many
developing countries? By role, I mean in what ways does the state of virginity affect
women’s lives in these countries?
2. Consider HEAL Africa: Respond to the final statement on page 92:
 “The main factor that separates me from my friends is the opportunities I
was given as a first-world citizen, and I believe it is my responsibility to
work so that that these opportunities are available to all.”
 Visit and in bulleted form, list three factors that are important in
maternal care.
Chapter 6:
3. Summarize obstetric fistula, its causes, and attempts at solution. The following
website will supplement your reading. Then choose one of the countries on the
website and elaborate on that country’s conditions.
4. On pages 98 – 100, what is the overriding point about how to fundraise effectively
for causes such as this? (one to two sentence answer).
5. Two sides of maternal mortality are presented on pages 100 – 107: a “victim” and a
“crusader.” To what extent do you believe that citizens of “first world” nations have
a responsibility to women such as Simeesh? (this is your opinion but you should
explain your reasoning).
Chapter 7:
6. The chapter outlines 4 factors in maternal mortality. Summarize each in one or two
sentences. Then, referring to the examples of Sri Lanka and India, explain why
poverty does not necessarily mean high rates of maternal mortality. Briefly explain
in a bulleted list 2 programs or steps can improve this situation even in rural or
impoverished circumstances? (You may consider Edna’s strategies in your