The Nature of Research


The Focal Issues in

Qualitative Research


Professor Dan Remenyi

15 April 2020 1

Qualitative Data Researchers

We all observe the same thing but our perceptions is different. Our experiences, our circumstances and our expectations directly effect our cognitive capacity and thus our ability to understand that which we observe.

Our ability to function in a society depends upon how we find, understand and use the commonality which exists between us.

15 April, 2020 2

Film Reviews

Jemma said...

 Posted on Jan 25 2008 16:18 it was s**t and depressing wouldn't recommend it if u wanted a goodtime

Will Evans said...

 Posted on Jan 25 2008 13:36 this film was really good but is a very sexual film

Maria Bosporos said...

 Posted on Oct 13 2007 14:28 The film is amazing; the actors are great, the plot interesting and there is widespread the message that war influences everybody and make people behave like animals. I believe America and other countries can have serious violence problems because of people who took part in war and invasion missions.


Research requires a high degree of curiosity

Without a sense of curiosity it is unlikely that anyone will make a competent researcher

Curious about the subject matter

Curious about how it could be researched

But curiosity needs to be focused remember -

Curiosity killed the cat - being too curious can be counter productive.

If possible stick to your original under-graduate or post-graduate subject --- always try to capitalise on your already established strengths and the strengths of your supervisor!

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Focusing Curiosity

 Curiosity is focused by establishing medium to long term interests

 The object of the research for a doctoral degree will need to sustain the interest of the degree candidate for 3 years or more.

Ultimately the curiosity needs to be converted into a research question

 It is sometimes harder to focus a research question for qualitative research than quantitative research

 The research question is more likely to change in qualitative research

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Distinguishing Features of

Qualitative Research

In business and management studies qualitative research will address in-depth understanding of the social aspects of the subject

Generally samples (?) will be small but detailed evidence will be required

Data collection will involve close contact between the researcher and the researched

Analysis of the evidence will be open to emergent concepts and will produce descriptions, classification, patterns, topologies and explanations

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The Quants and the Quals

 The debate which argues that either quantitative or qualitative research is

“better” is like the Wars of the Roses.

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought in medieval

England from 1455 to 1487 between the House of Lancaster and the

House of York . The name Wars of the Roses is based on the badges used by the two sides, the red rose for the Lancastrians and the white rose for the Yorkists.

 The two communities have their own traditions and their own language and need to respect each other.

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Quant and Qual


Identify a small number of variable and focus on understanding them in order to predict and control

Use Occam’s Razor and certeris paribus

The research have to finally tell a story


Generally there will be a greater number of variables

Understanding will be the key issue and this will be unfolded in the story of the research

Also use Occam’s

Razor and certeris paribus

Durkheim versus Webber

 Durkheim proposed that sociology should emulate the natural sciences and develop universally applicable laws. His study on

Suicide is the most notable in this respect. He was a quants man.

 Webber believed that the difference between human being and inanimate objects means that they cannot be studied in the same way. His work on

The Protestant Ethic demonstrated this.

Known as a founder of quals.

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The word interpretivist research is sometimes use as a synonym for qualitative research

But all research relies on interpretation – perhaps we should talk about

Interpretivists with a big ‘I’ and interpretivists with a little ‘i’

The key issue is to learn as much about your chosen research tradition and to understand its vocabulary

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Interpret – Whose point of view?

“If You Want to Make an Omelet, You Must

Be Willing to Break a

Few Eggs.” —

Vladimir Ilyich

Ulyanov Lenin

“If You Want to Make an Omelet, You Must

Be Willing to Break a

Few Eggs.” — The

Head Chef at the Ritz

15 April 2020 11

Definition of Qualitative


By the term ‘qualitative research’ we mean any type of research that produces findings not arrived at by statistical procedures or other means of quantification

(Strauss and Corbin,

1998 p11)

A key objective of qualitative research is a holistic understanding of the phenomenon

Quantitative research often want to develop knowledge for prediction and control

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Qualitative evidence collection


Interviewing (including listening to groups)

Ethnographic fieldwork - urban

Discourse analysis

Textual analysis

Max Travers , 2001, Qualitative Research Through Case

Studies, Sage, London

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Observation is always present in research. However sometimes it can be central to the research design.

Observation underpins participant/observer, ethnography and plays an important role in action research.

Observation may be categorised as covert or overt.

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 Observing - many issues including

 The premises and the grounds - parking

Entry procedures

The office décor and other accommodation and equipment

Dress codes, tone of voice

Means of address between staff formal Vs informal

Eating arrangements

Body language

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 Age/seniority of informants

Outlook of informants

Observation is not a passive inbibition of sensory information, and mere transcription of the evidence of the senses.

Medawar P, (1979),

Advice to a young scientist, p 82, Harper and Row publishers, New


 The observations of one researcher alone can be problematic. The kid in the car in the game part is an interesting angle on this.

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Six Wise Men of Hindustan ose/hinustan.htm

by John Godfrey Saxe

There were six men of Hindustan, to learning much inclined,

Who went to see an elephant, though all of them were blind,

That each by observation might satisfy his mind.

The fourth reached out an eager hand, and felt above the knee,

"What this most wondrous beast is like is very plain" said he,

"'Tis clear enough the elephant is very like a tree."

The first approached the elephant, and happening to fall

Against his broad and sturdy side, at once began to bawl,

"This mystery of an elephant is very like a wall."

The second, feeling of the tusk, cried, "Ho, what have we here,

So very round and smooth and sharp?

To me 'tis mighty clear,

This wonder of an elephant is very like a spear."

The fifth who chanced to touch the ear said, "E'en the blindest man

Can tell what this resembles most; deny the fact who can;

This marvel of an elephant is very like a fan."

The sixth no sooner had begun about the beast to grope,

Than seizing on the swinging tail that fell within his scope;

"I see," said he, "the elephant is very like a rope."

The third approached the elephant, and happening to take

The squirming trunk within his hands, thus boldly up and spake,

"I see," quoth he,

"the elephant is very like a snake."

So six blind men of Hindustan disputed loud and long,

Each in his own opinion exceeding stiff and strong;

Though each was partly in the right, they all were in the wrong!


Interviews represent opportunities to hold conversations with knowledgeable informants

One-to-one interviews

 Structured and semi-structured interviews

Group interviews

Structured and semi-structured interviews

Focus Groups

On-Line Interview

Private conversations

Interviews always need to be carefully planned and meticulously recorded

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Ethnography field work

 The researcher attempts to learn about the subject of the research question and understand the situation by acquiring ‘an intimate familiarity with that experience and the scene of its operation’ . Ethnography requires a long time to develop this ‘intimate familiarity’ with the situation. What is required is a ‘human lived experience’. The quality and the precision of the account of the experience is a central issue.

Max Travers , Qualitative Research

Through Case Studies, Sage, London, 2001

15 April 2020 19

Discourse Analysis

 There is no simple definition of discourse analysis. It is used to refer to the linguistic analysis of naturally occurring connected speech or written exchanges. It refers to the study of the organisation of language above the simple sentence level and thus to understand larger linguistic units. This applies to both conversational exchanges and written texts. Thus discourse analysis addresses language use in social contexts, and in particular with interaction or dialogue between speakers.

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Defining Discourse Analysis

In summary Discourse Analysis may be defined as an approach which is concerned with

 language use, mostly verbal, beyond the boundaries of a sentence or utterance; the interrelationships between language and society and: the interactive or dialogic properties of everyday communication.

Conversation analysis pioneered by Harvey Sack at

Irvine has grown from a subfield of ethnomethodology to a large and growing field in its own right

The mixing of methods is a controversial issue

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Textual analysis

The review of any type of document

There are two main approaches

Holistic approaches referred to as hermeneutics

Detailed approaches involving categories and tabulations

Meaning at document level, chapter level etc

Categories, codes, indexes and counting characterise the detailed approaches

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Some basic guidelines Textual analysis

 What is being read?

Who wrote it?

What was the intended audience?

Why was it written?

Does it have an unambiguous message?

 Does it contribute to your being able to answer your research question? If so how?

 Is it credible?

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Evidence collection and analysis

Evidence collection and analysis will depend on a number of variables including the researcher’s ability to access knowledgeable informants

The researcher is always responsible for the integrity of the data.

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Research tactics or approaches 1

Action research

Case studies


Focus groups

Game or role playing

In-depth surveys

Participant –observer

Scenario discussions

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Multiply tactics

It is possible to use multiply tactics and to employ the results of this in triangulating the findings

Care has to be taken if multiply tactics are used as there are opponents to this approach

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The Researcher in Qualitative


…. the importance of ‘situating’ the perspective of the researcher was being emphasised. This was to encourage a more reflexive approach to research findings rather than the traditional approach in which the researcher takes an authoritative,

‘neutral’ stance.

Ritchie and Lewis, Qualitative Research

Practice, 2003, p10, Sage, London

15 April 2020 27

Hierarchy of Researchers


 There are three levels at which the interest needs to be focused

Field of study

Research Topic

Research Question

 There is also the question of having to focus on a research method

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Three Interconnected Issues

Field of






15 April 2020 29

Field of study

 Traditionally this was known as the

‘discipline’ but increasingly this is problematic as research now tends to transcend traditional academic disciplines.

In general there is a blurring of the boundaries between traditional academic disciplines. Field of study is therefore often thought to be a more useful was of describing academic research.

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Rationale for the choice of the field of study

What has made this field of study interesting to the researcher?

What is the perspective of the researcher with regards to the importance of this field of study in general and to his or her own career?

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Research Topic

 The research topic is a well defined area within the field of study. Defining the research topic requires the research degree candidate to identify a specific and well bounded niche within the field of study.

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Rationale for the choice of the research topic

 What is the perspective of the researcher with regards to the importance of this research topic in general and to his or her own career?

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Where does the research question come from?

Traditionally the research question came from the literature

Today the research question may come from practice

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Research Question

The research question needs to be quite specific and may be subdivided into sub-questions

It is important not to have to may subquestions

It is difficult to give specific guidelines as to how many sub-questions might be appropriate but not too many

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Research Questions

The question should not be answerable by a

“YES” or a “NO”

The question should not be answerable by a number

The question should lead to an answer that has a directly useable function in as broad a context as possible – it should have some impact on theory

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Limitations of the Research


The question needs to answerable by one researcher in 3 years

The question needs to not require too much funding

You need to have a supervisor who is able to help you with your research question

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Guidelines for questions

Some considerable interest to the researcher

Clear and Intelligible and Unambiguous

Of Academic and Practitioner interest

Focused but not too narrow and operationalisable

Answerable i.e. not too abstract and something for which data can be collected within the resources of the researcher


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What informs the research question?

It is sometimes said that the research question dictates the research methodology but this is a rather naïve interpretation of the reality of the situation

There are other issues to be taken into account.

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The Factors Determining the

Research Methodology

Some Research

Questions can only be

Answered by one


The Research


The Duration of the Degree

In 3 to 5 years, one person working on their own can only answer a modest research question

Most research degree candidates have only limited funds

Costs of


15 April 2020

Choice of



Research degree candidate and supervisor

The personal interest and

Skills of both the research degree candidates and the supervisor


Contextualising the question 1

What are the implications if you research the following topic and answer the following questions?

Why are you interested in the topic?

What literature is available?

Are there likely to be any theoretical justifications for the question?

Will you be able to obtain access to informants to answer your question?

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Contextualising the question 2

How many informants are you likely to have access to?

How might you be able to collect the evidence?

What sort of evidence will your informants be able and willing to supply?

What sort of analysis will you be able to perform on the evidence?

What are the likely findings going to be?

Who will be interested in your findings?

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Five Forces Research


Suppliers of research resources

Ease of use by other researchers

Rivalry among researchers

Different fields of study encroaching

Consumers of research findings

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Complete the Question Analysis for your Research Model as much as you can

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The Nature of Knowledge 1

 Knowledge so conceived is not a series of selfconsistent theories that converges towards an ideal view; it is not a gradual approach to the truth. It is rather an ever increasing ocean of mutually incompatible alternatives , each single theory, each fairy-tale, each myth that is a part of the collection forcing others into greater articulation and then all of them contributing, via this process of competition, to the development of our conscious. Nothing is ever settled.

Feyerabend P, Against Method, p21, 3 rd Ed, Verso,


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The Nature of Knowledge 2

 Considering now the invention, elaboration and the use of theories which are inconsistent, not just with other theories, but even with experiments, facts, observations , we may start by pointing out that no single theory ever agrees with all the known facts in its domain . And the trouble is not created by rumours, or by the result of sloppy procedure. It is created by experiments and measurements of the highest precision and reliability.

Feyerabend, P, 1993, Against

Method, 3 rd Ed, Verso, p39, London.

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Research Processes









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Mixed Method Research

What is mixed method research?

 The combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods to answer a research question

Issues in mixed method research

Philosophical objections to mixing methods: the paradigm debate

 Incompatibility




Practical considerations:

 Resources – time, money

Word count

Researcher skills

Making sense of ‘incompatible’ data formats


Mixed Method Options (1)

Triangulation – use quantitative research to corroborate qualitative research (or vice versa)

Facilitation – use one research strategy to aid research using the other strategy

Complementarity – use quantitative and investigate different aspects of the phenomenon



The Logic of Triangulation

Data triangulation

Investigator triangulation

Theory triangulation

Methodological triangulation

Denzin in Seale (1999)

Mixed Method Options (2)

Qualitative Measures to

Develop Quantitative Tools

Qualitative Methods to

Enlarge on Quantitative Study

Results Qualitative Quantitative Quantitative Results


Quantitative Methods to

Enlarge on Qualitative


Qualitative Results


Quantitative and Qualitative

Methods Equal and Parallel

“Methodological Triangulation”

Qualitative Results Quantitative

Adapted from Ulin et al (1996) in Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998)

Mixed Methods in Practice

 How do the authors use mixed methods in the article?

What data collection methods are used?

How are the findings presented?

Can quantitative and qualitative research be integrated?

If there is integration what can be said about validity?

Legitimisation, is that adequate?

What does mixed methods do to the work load of the researcher?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of their approach?

How are the philosophical issues reconciled?

What general lessons are there for mixed method research?


A Final Comment

Multi-strategy research, like mono-method research, must be competently designed and conducted. Poorly conducted research will yield suspect findings no matter how many methods are employed.

Bryman and Bell (2003) p 492


Mixed Methods – Further Reading

Bryman, A (1998) Quantity and Quality in Social Research. London:


Creswell, J W (2003) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Onwuegbuzie AJ and RB Johnson (2006), The validity issue in mixed research in the schools, 13(1), 48-63

Tashakkori, A and Teddlie, C (Eds) (2003) Handbook of Mixed

Methods in Social and Behavioural Research. Thousand Oaks, CA:


Tashakkori, A and Teddlie, C (1998) Mixed Methodology: Combining

Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA:



Data present or absent


Inspector Gregory: “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”

Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.”

“The dog did nothing in the night time.”

“That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.


Research beware

Do not ascribe to intention that which may be explained by stupidity.

Conspiracy theory generally has a low level of credibility.
