A Review on Teaching and Learning Activities and Quality Assurance Isabella Wai-Yin Poon Department of Statistics Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Science The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email: wypoon@cuhk.edu.hk Tel: 26097925 2 April 2008 1 An Overview Quality Assurance Council (QAC) Audit Institutional Submission • A self-reflection document Part A: Institutional Submission (IS) Part B: Supplementary Materials (SM) Audit visit: 21-25 April 2008 Today A Faculty’s self-review on the areas described in the SMs with reference to University’s practices 2 …An Overview Science faculty-level information Staff Handbook on Teaching Quality Assurance (QA) Faculty’s Teaching and Learning (T&L) website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/education/teachlearn_e.html T&L session in Faculty’s Strategic Meetings (20052008) 3 …An Overview Major items in Science Faculty’s Strategic Meeting 2005 Integrated Framework Formal Programme Review Sharing of good practices Curriculum development • • Double degree/double majar 4-year curriulum 4 …An Overview Major items in Science Faculty’s Strategic Meeting 2006 Implementation of the Integrated Framework Programme Review Experience An aligned model for course and programme planning • • • Variety of learning activities Outcomes-based approach (OBA) Assessment Teaching Development Grants Integration of IT into the teaching & learning process Academic honesty Internationalization Academic advising Promoting science education 5 …An Overview Major items in Science Faculty’s Strategic Meeting 2007 Consolidation of the QA process • • • Teaching Quality Assurance Review Committee Ug programme reviews TPg programme reviews 4-year curriculum OBA Internationalization • • Exchange Learning Enhancement Officer Promoting Science Education 6 …An Overview Major items in Science Faculty’s Strategic Meeting 2008 Issues in QA • • • Staff Handbook Ug and TPg programme reviews QAC audit visit T & L development • • University T&L Action Plan (Draft: SM8.1) Implementation of specific components in the T&L plan OBA 334 curriculum Curriculum development • Faculty package OBA development: OBA roadmap Student experience • • • Exchange Learning Enhancement Officer The integrated student oriented system Promoting Science Education 7 … An Overview University-level information IS and the relevant SMs 29 SMs in 8 categories: Background material Teaching and learning strategy Input, output, learning objectives Management and assurance of standards Planning and support for T&L Broadening Particular aspects of curriculum Self-review and action 8 A list of the 29 SMs (IS p.105) 9 SM1.1 Introduction to CUHK An overview of CUHK CUHK annual report Facts and figures Origin Ordinance Academic structure and policy General information Student enrolment Staff number College overviews List of programmes 10 …SM1.1 Introduction to CUHK Terms of reference and composition of Senate Committees Senate Academic Planning Committee Senate Committee on General Education Senate Committee on Interdisciplinary Programmes Senate Committee on Inter-Institutional Programmes Senate Committee on Language Enhancement Senate Committee on Physical Education Senate Staff-Student Consultative Committee Senate Committee on Student Discipline Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning Senate Committee on Undergraduate Admissions Senate Committee on University Press Senate Committee on University Scholarships Undergraduate Examination Boards 11 …SM1.1 Introduction to CUHK Science Faculty Board Faculty Executive Committee (ExCo) Teaching Quality Assurance Review Committee (TQARC) • • Compile the Handbook Taught Postgraduate Programme Review Faculty Disciplinary Committee 12 SM1.2 Curriculum Structure Curriculum Structure Total Course Load Major requirement: 51-72 units Intensive Programme in Putonghua, Cantonese and English S6: 123 units; S7: 99 units 1st year, students take examination for each of the three courses non-credit-bearing • Results recorded in transcript (distinction, credit, pass, failure) Compulsory (faculty) language requirement Science S7: 3 units of English S6: 9 units of English, 3 units of Chinese, (3 units of Cantonese) • • 13 …SM1.2 Curriculum Structure IT competence requirement Physical education requirement: 2 units General education requirement S6: 21 units; S7: 15 units Double degree Double major programme Minor programme: 15-30 units Elective courses Foundation requirements for S6 (24 units) 9 units language, 6 units GE, 9 units Faculty Course load per term: 18-21 units Period of study S6: 4-6 years; S7: 3-5 years Course and unit exemptions: approved by Faculty Deans on the recommendation of the Departments concerned 14 SM1.2 Curriculum Structure Assessment of Students Course examination Visiting examiner system Academic probation and discontinuation of studies Graduation Degree classification 15 …SM1.2 Curriculum Structure Others General regulations Main features of the Mphil-PhD programme 16 SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Rationale for the establishment Recommendations in the report of the second (2002) Teaching & Learning Quality Process Review (TLQPR) • • • • • Development of a more systematic, holistic and institutionallevel QA framework, led by senior management A shift in perspective: away from a primary focus on teaching toward an emphasis on student learning Emphasis on ongoing curriculum development informed primarily by learning outcomes Broadening the framework for evaluation Reviewing the External Examiner system to ensure the capacity to work within a broadened QA framework 17 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Formed in October 2003 First major task: Develop the Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review (IF) 18 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning IF for Programme Development and Review http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/v6/en/teaching/quality.html (Handbook App 5B, SM2.3-app1) Main features in the IF Curriculum and course planning and design • An Outcomes-Based Approach (OBA) Course reviews • • At least once every three years OBA 19 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Programme reviews • • Programme self-evaluation every year Six-year cycle formal Programme Review Reporting cycle • • • Year 1: Programme self-evaluation Year 3: full annual progress report Years 2,4,5,6: brief annual progress report Professional development for teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) Others • Incentives, Instruments 20 … Practice in University Proper to support quality Student learning needs An aligned OBA model Desired learning outcomes Learning activities Feedback Content Assessment Actual learning outcomes 21 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Key changes brought about by SCTL Implementation of the IF • Programme reviews lead to • • Internalized QA culture Increasingly self-critical approach to the use of evidence about T&L approach Continuous refinement of departmental QA process Professional development of teachers 22 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Implementation of the IF for Taught Postgraduate Programmes • • • Handbook: Appendix 10C Similar to the undergraduate version Periodic programme reviews Responsibility of the Faculty Board Science: 1st programme review completed o MSc in Data Science and Business Statistics 23 …SM2.1 Senate Committee on Teaching & Learning Oversee Teaching Development Grant (TDG) projects to secure the sharing of good practices • Science (Handbook App 13B) • Science: Development of TDG project websites to share good practice • Assessment project: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/TDG/ OBA project: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/OBA/ Science (Handbook App 13A) 2 faculty-level TDG projects 4 departmental-level TDG projects A number of activities to share good practices http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/education/teachlearn_e.html More specific curriculum matter: OutcomesBased-Approach (OBA), Assessment, Plagiarism 24 SM2.2 Centre for Learning Enhancement & Research (CLEAR) Key services of CLEAR Professional development courses Becoming an excellent teacher Courses for Postgraduate students/TAs • • Departments support the teaching of these courses Course evaluation results are monitored by the Faculty Board In general very good, all courses Occasional seminars and workshops 25 …SM2.2 CLEAR Evaluation services Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ) • Science: Most programmes are in the process of developing programme-specific items to supplement the SEQ Better measure students’ development of programme-level learning outcomes Graduate Survey • Science: At least ½ of Science programmes have developed and administered graduate surveys with programme-specific items Better measure graduates’ achievement of programmelevel learning outcomes 26 …SM2.2 CLEAR Course planning and review A feedback service on course outline Course outline template • Handbook App 5G Science • • Each department has started the course review with reference to the course outline template Many courses have developed comprehensive course outlines eLearning support Science • • 7 teaching development projects presented posters in the “eLearning EXPO: Excellence Online” that was organized by the Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC) and CLEAR held in October 2007 The posters were then displayed in the Science Faculty for one week 27 …SM2.2 CLEAR Innovative learning design Assistance in planning, implementation, evaluation & scholarly dissemination of innovative learning designs • • • • Case-based learning Student self-assessment Student peer-assessment Mobile learning Science • Collaboration with CLEAR in the faculty-level TDG project “Engaging students in the design and enactment of assessment” Involve every departments of the faculty http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/TDG 28 …SM2.2 CLEAR Teaching consultation New staff orientation Research collaboration 29 SM2.3 Programme Monitoring and Review QA in the context of University management Flat management structure Responsibility devolved to departments • • Advantage: Sense of ownership helps promote a climate of continual improvement Potential disadvantages Good practices may not spread o Workshops and publications by CLEAR (eg. Award winning teachers) o Programme reviews o Science: A number of activities to share good practices (Handbook: Appendix 13A) Devolved structure may lead to uneven performance o Programme reviews 30 …SM2.3 Programme Monitoring and Review Integrated framework Programme reviews Initially treated with some suspicion and concern about extra workload & undue bureaucratic imposition The climate has become more positive and the process become closely entwined with other quality enhancement activities 31 …SM2.3 Programme Monitoring and Review Graduate survey Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ) Course evaluation Curriculum refinement Most programmes achieve well in terms of content Less awareness and acceptance of the need in other elements • Programme reviews and SEQ help change attitude Evidence-based curriculum improvement Good practice in T&L 32 …SM2.3 Programme Monitoring and Review Appendices with very useful information SM2.3-app2: Summary of External Examiners’ comments on programme content (Ug) (Science: p.58) SM2.3-app3: Summary of External Examiners’ comments on programme content (TPg) (Science: p.81) SM2.3-app13: Instances of good practice in teaching and learning noted in programme reviews 2005 and 2006 33 SM3.1 Intake Quality CUHK attracts good students Longitudinal data on Science median WGPA 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Median WGPA 3.3277 3.4150 3.3039 3.2462 3.4083 Rank* 5/9 5/9 5/9 6/10 6/10 * 7 faculties + Law, Pharmacy and Nursing Some 250 (about 45 in Science Stream) top mainland students were admitted to CUHK through the National System Support services: Learning Enhancement Officers (LEO) provide care for non-local students 34 …SM3.1 Intake Quality Rpg Intake quality for RPg SM3.1-app12: Minimum entry requirements for postgraduate programmes 35 SM3.2 Output Statistics Completion and attrition International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores (9-point scale) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 CUHK 6.65 6.66 6.88 6.87 6.88 Average 6.46 6.51 6.64 6.67 6.67 5=Modest 6=Competent 7=Good 8= V. good 9=Expert 36 …SM3.2 Output Statistics Several employer survey results Examples of student achievements CUHK students rank top in many aspects Chemistry graduate appointed by Yale University as assistant professor 2 Biochemistry Mphil students awarded doctoral training at National Institutes of Health (NIHs) Top CUHK Mathematics graduates got admitted to Harvard and Princeton to further PhD study Scholarships won by students Further study destinations Estimate: 26% of first-degree graduates eventually gain at least a master degree 37 SM3.3 University OBA Plan Phase 1 (1999-2004): Development of a coherent T&L policy based on explicitly articulated principles The Integrated Framework 38 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan Phase 2 (2005-2007): Implementation of the policy through a number of strategies Programme reviews The use of SEQ: How certain features of the T&L environment support the development of desired learning outcomes Development of Professional Development Courses – an OBA to professional development Building careful consideration of learning outcomes into the detailed planning for 334 Capacity building in OBA across the University • Use of TDG projects Science has 2 faculty-level and 4 progrmme-level projects Development of a network to support OBA Focus at programme level more than on individual courses Positioning of students as central to the process • consultation with students (eg: SEQ) 39 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan Phase 3 (2007- ): Consolidation of initiatives by focusing explicitly on an OBA in all units Each unit (faculty and GE) has a suitable project that addresses an aspect of OBA • Science: OBA project to develop learning outcomes and measurement instruments Strategies to ensure the experience is a “whole university” one • • • • • Workshops conducted by CLEAR A website A series of seminars A collection of papers Science TDG project involves all departments: A network Workshop on OBA Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/OBA/ CLEAR’s involvement 40 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan Plan for further OBA enhancement 2007-08: Each unit to consolidate all ongoing strategies into a strategic OBA roadmap (due May 2008). The roadmap should include • • • • • • • • Programme-level description of desired student learning outcomes An analysis of the strengths and challenges How an OBA has been built into the Unit’s 334 plans Details of specific strategies A prioritization of these strategies A detailed proposal for work on the strategy with priority number one Clearly defined and described monitoring mechanisms Plans for addressing the time around 2012 2008-2012: Work on different priority strategies 41 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan Progress in Science Achieved good progress in the TDG project “Promoting the Use of OBA in Science Programmes: Development of Learning Outcome Statements and Measurement Instruments” All programmes have completed the development of a set of learning outcomes Most programmes have developed a set of programmespecific SEQ or graduate survey to measure students’ perception on the development of learning outcomes A faculty OBA website (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/OBA) was launched in November 2007 Talks on OBA 42 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan Development of Faculty’s OBA roadmap Discussion in the Science Faculty’s Strategic Meeting • • • • Provide central support, programmes take ownership Address recommendations in programme reviews Build on works completed, and good initiatives and practices Enhance students’ involvement 43 …SM3.3 University OBA Plan A framework for the Science OBA roadmap Strengths and challenges • • Capacity built: good progress in the TDG project, many good initiatives in the front line There is some unevenness across programmes in the commitment to framing and implementing an OBA (Potential) strategies • • • • Enhance students’ involvement to refine learning outcomes Develop the “outcome x course” matrix Develop course-level learning outcomes Detailed OBA course outline for each course • Handbook, App 5H Centralized database of all course outlines (see SM8.1) When all programmes complete their 1st reviews in 2009, identify and work on common challenges 44 SM3.4 Programm-level Learning Objectives University-level learning outcomes: CUHK Strategic Plan includes a statement of desired outcomes for its graduates an appreciation of the values of a broad range of intellectual disciplines as well as general knowledge; a depth of knowledge within a specialty, not only as an end in itself but also as a vehicle for experience in serious study and enquiry; a high level of bilingual proficiency in Chinese and English; a basket of skills including numeracy, analytic skills and IT capability, and ability to continue with life-long learning and professional development; 45 …SM3.4 Programm-level Learning Objectives have cultivated a habit of reading widely, learnt to be critical and independent, effective in communication and working in a team; have a deep understanding of Chinese culture and an appreciation of other cultures, a high degree of intercultural sensitivity, tolerance and a global perspective; an attitude of compassion, honesty and integrity, and the ability to contribute as citizens and leaders; a sense of purpose, responsibility and commitment in life, a desire to serve, as well as taste in their pursuits. University-level outcomes cascade to influence programme- and course-level outcomes and curriculum design (Science: Handbook 13-2) 46 …SM3.4 Programm-level Learning Objectives Promotion of OBA at programme level There has been a concentration on programme-level outcomes flowing from high-level outcomes Science • Outcomes are developed with reference to university-level outcomes, with external references • UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmark statements University of Oxford outcome statements Europe higher education structure: Bologna Process All outcomes in Science can be classified into three broad categories (same as those at the university-level) Content Skills: Professional and generic skills Attitude/value 47 …SM3.4 Programm-level Learning Objectives Science programmes’ learning outcome statements all uploaded to the OBA Website • • http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/OBA/project_progress/project_pro gress04.html Programme-level learning outcomes shape the facultylevel and university-level outcomes in the long-run Care has been taken to stress that outcomes need not be quantitatively measurable --- avoid the negative connotations associated with the behavioural objectives movement 48 …SM3.4 Programm-level Learning Objectives Contribution of individual courses to progrmme outcomes The “course x outcomes” matrix • The relative contributions of courses to nurturing capabilities SM3.4-app3: Outcomes statement for Environmental Science 49 SM3.5 Course-level Objectives and Planning Development of an OBA at course level Course planning follows the OBA specified in the IF • • Policy and processes for course development and review Course planning and reviews: regular internal process • course review at least every three years Course description form (Form A) (Handbook App 5A, p.19) and course outline (Handbook App 5G) • Align course-level learning outcomes with programme and University outcomes Within each course, align content, learning activities, assessment with the desired learning outcomes Content, learning outcomes, learning activities, assessment, feedback for evaluation, learning resources etc. CLEAR’s service for course planning and review 50 …SM3.5 Course-level Objectives and Planning Plans for enhancement Wide variation across programmes in the number of course outlines submitted for central archiving at Registry Services • IF suggests the form (Form A) but registering a course outline normally occurs after some form of course review Course will be redesigned for 334, will develop a centralized database of all course outlines • Science Each Department has started its process for developing OBA course outline Practice disseminated in Faculty’s T&L seminars in January 2007 Handbook App 5G, App 5H 51 SM4.1 Academic Management and Approval Process Programme approval procedure Department Board Faculty Board (if appropriate) Graduate Council (if appropriate) Senate Committee Senate Academic Planning Committee Senate 52 …SM4.1 Academic Management and Approval Process Plans for enhancement Appointed Dean Has traditionally operated in a collegial style, sheer growth in size and complexity requires more formal lines of management • More formal elements of QA Noted issues of governance with interdisciplinary courses • A working group has recommended strategies 53 SM4.2 Recognition of Good Teaching Overall personnel processes Performance assessed by three domains • Teaching • • A positive correlation between teaching performance and promotion Merit pay increase Research Service Substantiation and advancement Classroom teaching Pg supervision Other contribution All teachers appointed or promoted since July 2003 Teaching is given as much weight as research and has an independent effect on the level of reward Exemplary teaching awards 54 SM4.3 Assessment Grading and honours classification Course grading • • • Course outlines disseminated at the beginning of a term must specify the assessment scheme Grades are approved by examination panels under the relevant Department or Programme Broad The Panel operates within grade distribution guidelines Students with poor performance would be put on probation • Waivers (medical or compassionate grounds) are approved by the Senate or Senate APC based on Faculty Board’s recommendation 55 …SM4.3 Assessment Honours classification Recommend by Faculty Board according to a set of guidelines All cases approved by Undergraduate Examinations Board 56 …SM4.3 Assessment Honesty in academic work Policy disseminated to new students in orientation workshops Statement and a website that every course should refer to in its course outline (Handbook p.9-4) A proprietary bilingual anti-plagiarism tool: Chinese University Plagiarism Identification Engine (CUPIDE) • http://cupide.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/portal Teachers report all suspected case to Faculty Disciplinary Committee (Handbook App9D) • Report to Senate Committee on Student Discipline 57 …SM4.3 Assessment External benchmarking External examiner system • Departments are required to respond to the External/visiting Examiners’ report Reviewed by Associate Dean for Ug programmes Reviewed by the Dean of the Graduate School for Pg programmes Problem case brought up to Dean or PVC 58 …SM4.3 Assessment Aligning assessment with outcomes Programme review have revealed a significant proportion of courses devoting a high proportion of assessment weight to examinations, mid-terms, tests and quizzes Programmes were recommended that assessment should be diversified for better alignment 59 …SM4.3 Assessment Projects on assessment Science: A faculty-level project “Engaging students in the design and enactment of assessment” • • • • • Involves all departments of the faculty Ongoing since 2005 Can be applied to a variety of learning activities http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/TDG Main elements • Students participate in the design of assessment criteria Students conduct self- and peer- assessments Some 20 cases have been completed in the past several years (Handbook App 13E) Evaluated by CLEAR: in general well-received by students 60 …SM4.3 Assessment Current initiatives Assessment is still traditional • • Rely heavily on examinations Mainly testing subject knowledge Programme reviews steer and promote changes: adapt assessment protocol to align with outcomes 61 …SM4.3 Assessment Information on Science in several appendices SM4.3-app10: Summary of external examiners’ comments on standards (Ug) (p.38) SM4.3-app11: Summary of external examiners’ comments on standards (Tpg) (p.53) SM4.3-app12: Summary of external examiners’ comments on assessment (Ug) (p.67) SM4.3-app13: Summary of external examiners’ comments on assessment (Tpg) (p.85) 62 SM4.4 Student Participation Integration into campus life Orientation camp Establishing teacher-student relationships Associate Dean (Student Affairs) is responsible for policy formulation in relation to the well-being of students College Dean of Students Office and Office of Student Affairs facilitate student participation in student organizations. • Science: Close interaction with the Faculty Student Society 63 …SM4.4 Student Participation Obtaining feedback from students Surveys Graduate capability survey (GCS) SEQ Course evaluation Science • • • • Programme specific items in GCS and SEQ Voluntary mid-term classroom feedback (Handbook App 6H) Course evaluation for laboratory course (Handbook App 6B) Course evaluation results are monitored by the Faculty Board o Ensure poor course evaluation result will be followed-up Course evaluation for Language courses o Report compiled every year to monitor students learning needs in language Survey to gauge students needs in exchange programme 64 …SM4.4 Student Participation Formal forum/informal discussions • Science All programme: Staff-student Consultative Committee Dean or his representative meets student representatives of each department every year Dean team meet student representatives several times every year by lunch and dinner meetings Dean team, LEO and programmes’ student counsellors meet all 1st year Mainland students 1-2 times every year LEO keeps very close interaction with Mainland and all non-local students o Associate Deans (Education and Student Affairs) follow up problematic students 65 …SM4.4 Student Participation Student counselling system University-level: Undergraduate Academic Advice Coordinator for each programme Science: In each programme • • • • Academic advisor for EAS students Academic advisor for Mainland students Academic advisor for non EAS students Advisor for student exchange 66 … SM4.4 Student Participation Formal student representation on committees Senate Senate Staff-Student consultative Committee Senate Committee on Student Discipline Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning Senate Committee on Language Enhancement Faculty Boards Department Boards Programme-level Staff-student Consultative Committees 67 … SM4.4 Student Participation SM4.4-app1: Examples of curriculum changes resulting from student feedback Science Illustrative examples of changes (for each programme) resulting from student feedback are documented in the Handbook App 12A 68 SM5.1 Learning Resources: University Library System Programme-level library budget monitored by Science Faculty ExCo 69 SM5.2 Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Framework for eLearning at CUHK Three main learning management platforms • • • WebCT Moodle CUForum: a home-grown platform Some other eLearning tools (SM5.2-app1) • • • • iHome Web conferencing ePortfolio LAMS 70 … SM5.2 Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Two-level model of “Guidelines for web-enhanced student learning environments” endorsed by the Academic IT Steering Committee • • Level 1: Students to access clear and timely course information on a course website Level 2: Teachers are encouraged to adopt eLearning strategies, including effective course management o Sharing of ppt, collect homework, setting up marked learning exercise collaborative leaning o Forums for teach-student or student-student interactions o Provide virtual working space for group work o Encourage peer-review 71 … SM5.2 Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Science Discussion in the 2006 Faculty Strategic Workshop Aim: Achieve Level 1 for all programmes, many courses achieve Level 2 An online platform to promote self- and peerassessments 72 … SM5.2 Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Sharing of good practice in Science 7 teaching development projects presented posters in the “eLearning EXPO: Excellence Online” that was organized by the Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC) and CLEAR held in October 2007 The posters were then displayed in the Science Faculty for one week in November 2007 Good practices shared in the November 2007 seminar o Biology: Online extended exercises/quizzes o Chinese Medicine: Case-based eLearning resource o MBT: Using WebCT to facilitate the Teaching of Molecular Biology o Statistics: Online platform for survey research 73 … SM5.2 Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Strategies adopted to support technology in T&L Infrastructure: The development of a Student-Orientated Information System Discussion in 2008 Faculty Strategic Meeting IT Proficiency Tests Courseware development Services provided (by ITSC) for teachers in the development of online courseware Grants TDGs • • • • Science: Biology (before 2005), Chinese Medicine and Statistics (2005-2008) Internal Courseware Development Support provided by CLEAR and ITSC 74 SM5.3 Learning Activities From transferring knowledge to promoting student learning • Teachers’ responsibility not just in delivering knowledge but in helping students learn to learn Works at university-level University’s Institutional Development Plan 1999 Exemplary teachers, PDC, TDGs Enhancing learning environments through QA processes The “Learning activities x course” matrix 75 …SM5.3 Learning Activities Transition from schools to university learning approaches A difficult issue: school teaching tends to be examination-oriented and didactic Issue noted in at least three of the programme reviews in 2007 (see SM5.3-app7, Science p.) (p.2) “For disciplines in which the foundation knowledge is more certain (e.g., tradition sciences), the transition may be less abrupt, but students face a greater risk that the transition is never made”. 76 …SM5.3 Learning Activities SEQ data shows improvement of learning environments Enhancement has been achieved through QA process SEQ Promotion of good practices Workshops and PDCs Funded projects Information on Science in some appendices SM5.3-app5: Summary of External Examiners’ comments on T&L (Ug) (Science: p.27) SM5.3-app6: Summary of External Examiners’ comments on T&L (Tpg) (Science: p.48) SM5.3-app7: Extracts from reviews relevant to the schooluniversity transition (Science: p.55) 77 SM5.4 Planning for 3+4+4 Objective Experience vs innovative Whole-person development rather than mere preparation for a particular profession Previous 4-year curriculum experience provides only a base but not the ultimate model Approach the curriculum design ab initio Main features Emphasis place on student-centre pedagogy with focus on learning outcomes 78 …SM5.4 Planning for 3+4+4 Administrative structure University-level • • University Task-Force Subgroup on 4-year Curriculum Design Science • A task force, Associate Dean (Education), two Assistant Deans appointed in 2007 • Faculty Package (under revision, two iterations completed) Curriculum designs in programme Preparing for bundle admission of biological science programmes Associate Dean (Student Affairs): Admission standards 79 …SM5.4 Planning for 3+4+4 Broad features in new curriculum (total 123 units) University common core: 39 units • • • • • Chinese: 6 units English: 9 units IT: 1 unit GE: 21 units Physical Education: 2 units Major programme 51-72 units • • Faculty core package: 9 units Other major courses: 42-63 Include 6 units of research component Free electives: 12-33 units 80 …SM5.4 Planning for 3+4+4 More options for minors and electives Increased flexibility for double major and double degrees Most pairs of subjects are allowed for double major Science programmes available for double major • Biochemistry, Biology, ENS, FNS, Mathematics, RMS, Statistics An increase in interdisciplinary majors Summer school Any major-minor combination is permitted International summer school already in place Advanced implementation of new curriculum For EAS and non-local students 81 …SM5.4 Planning for 3+4+4 Non-curricular enhancement New Colleges Admission requirements Exchange Internship Community service Formal recognition will be given via a learning profile Minimum requirement: 4C+1X • 4C: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Liberal Studies Staff recruitment 82 SM6.1 Colleges at CUHK College programmes divided broadly into three categories Formal credit-bearing courses Required but non-credit-bearing programmes Informal co-curricular activities 83 SM6.2 Broadened Experience Rich experiential learning opportunities beyond classroom College activities Student exchange Internships Mentorship Leadership training Participation in national and international events Summer activities Student clubs 84 …SM6.2 Broadened Experience Science Strategies on student exchange discussed and progress monitored in every year’s Faculty’s Strategic Meetings (2005-2008) • • Expanding opportunities for students Growing trend • CUHK outgoing exchange programme o 07/08: 46 science students out of 630 university total o 05/06: 23 science students out of 393 university total Many short term opportunities o 07/08: 64 science students out of 1787 university total 85 …SM6.2 Broadened Experience A Science Committee on Student Exchange to promote student exchange • • • Advisor appointed for each programme Keep close contact with Office of Academic Link (OAL) to promote student exchange Promotional activities • Specific programmes for Science students Website launched: Information and student experience sharing Briefing and student sharing session Questionnaires to gauge needs Interviewing skills session Sharing of good practice among programmes 86 …SM6.2 Broadened Experience SM6.2-app17: Summer research abroad Programme descriptions and samples of the voices of student participants and their mentors • • • Biochemistry (2005): DREAM (Dedicated Research Exchange and Mentorship) Mathematics (2001): Summer research programme Physics (2000): SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Exchange Programme) 87 SM7.1 General Education Programme structure University GE (15-21 units) • Students to take at least one course from each of the 4 areas • Our own heritage Nature, technology and environment Society and culture Self and humanities College GE (4-6 units) Quality Assurance Senate Committee on GE All proposals are examined by respective Department Boards and Faculty Boards 88 …SM7.1 General Education Science Monitoring quality via course evaluation Design intellectual challenging but attractive courses Support college GE Share good practice • T&L seminar in November 2007: A talk on designing GE course 89 SM7.2 Language Policy and Enhancement Policy: Bilingualism Intake English: Tied for best English language intake in HK Chinese: Leader in HK Language enhancement organization structure English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) Department of Chinese Language and Literature The Chinese Language Center (CLC) offers Putonghua courses Independent Language Centre offers self-learning facilities and runs workshops 90 …SM7.2 Language Policy and Enhancement Four Tier Language Enhancement Framework Tier 1: Compulsory Intensive Programme in Putonghua, Cantonese and English • Mandatory and non-credit-bearing • Students attend examination Tier 2: Faculty Language Requirement Mandatory Science • • Results (distinction, credit, pass, failure) recorded in transcript Different requirements for students with different backgrounds Monitor students learning via course evaluations o Report on student feedback compiled and monitored by Faculty Board Tier 3: Elective Language Proficiency Courses • Science: The role of advisors Tier 4: College Language Enhancement Programmes & Independent Learning Centre Programmes • Science: The role of college coordinators, advisors, and student exchange advisors 91 …SM7.2 Language Policy and Enhancement Teaching medium Recommendations made by the Committee on Bilingualism (Report: July 2007) • Decided by Department Boards according to the principles Courses that are highly universal in nature: English is preferred Courses have Chinese as the predominant medium for academic expression: Cantonese or Putonghua Science: General principles Programmes that admit non-local students should offer enough courses in English Teaching medium make known to students before course registration No change in teaching medium after add drop period 92 SM7.3 Taught Postgraduate Programme IF for Taught Postgraduate Programme Handbook App 10C Similar to the Ug IF • Major differences Reporting mechanism Programme Reviews: by Faculty Board 93 …SM7.3 Taught Postgraduate Programme Cycle Action i) Course evaluation Documents required Summary Submit to Dept [for record] Every year ii) Annual Programme Meeting Brief one-page Dept Board annual programme Meeting [to note] report Every 3 iii) Course review years Review report (Ext. Annual Examiner or internal Programme report) Meeting [to note] In addition: iv) Self-evaluation as a Every basis for v) external 6 programme review years (review panel appointed by Faculty Board) Programme review report, including self-evaluation & comments from external review panel Faculty Board [for discussion of follow-up actions]. Then with action plan to Graduate School -> SCT&L 94 … SM7.3 Taught Postgraduate Programme Science A total of 10 TPgs Timeline for programme reviews of all programmes planned • MSc in Data Science and Business Statistics completed its review recently 95 SM7.4 Non-local Programme Not very relevant to Science 96 SM7.5 Research Degree Programme structure Mphil, PhD and Mphil-PhD 6 to12 units of taught courses are required for all Mphil and most PhD programmes Enhancement measures Students can applied to do part of their research in another institution with Pg studentship paid Overseas academic grants for conference attendance or overseas academic activities Joint RPg programmes with partner universities • • • Joint PhD training with the National Institutes of Health Joint RPg programme with Peking University Joint RPg courses with HKU and HKUST 97 …SM7.5 Research Degree Improving Postgraduate Learning Programme • • • Mandatory for courses on Intellectual property and safety Research methodology Thesis writing and presentation skills Graduate School provides guidelines and advice on research and thesis writing Young Scholars Dissertation Award promotes excellence in thesis writing 98 …SM7.5 Research Degree QA Eligibility of supervisors, internal examiners and external examiners are decided by the GC • Handbook App 10B Students’ progress reports Exit standards are controlled by a thesis committee An annual exit survey 99 SM7.6 Medical Curriculum Not relevant to Science SM7.7 School of Law Not relevant to Science 100 SM7.8 International Summer School The programme Six-week in summer Incoming exchange and local students A variety of language, business, humanities and social science courses with Asian or Chinese perspective Renowned overseas academics are invited to teach In 2007 attracted over 500 students (300 nonCUHK students) Science: Offer a course in Chinese Medicine 101 SM8.1 Action Plan Two parts Part A: New initiatives and/or one-off measure Part B: Actions involving regular reviews Part A: Grouped according to the priority areas in University’s Strategic Plan Area 1: Management structure Area 2: Evolution of QA Area 3: Continuing curriculum alignment, including OBA Area 4: T&L environment Area 5: Normative 4-year curriculum Area 6: Language enhancement Area 7: Broadening of student experience Area 8: Internationalizing the University 102 …SM8.1 Action Plan Area 1: Management structure Appointed Dean New senior management structure Area 2: Evolution of QA Meta-review of the UG programme review process Extend the IF to minors, electives, faculty package GE Development of a centralized database of all course outlines Alumni and tailored graduate surveys RPg matters: student voice, destination tracking TPg matters: benchmarking Institutional strategic planning: risk management, research capacity w.r.t T&L 103 …SM8.1 Action Plan Area 3: Curriculum alignment and OBA Assessment policy, grievance policy, All programmes specify holistic outcomes Faculty: OBA roadmaps Faculty: 4-year curriculum planning Faculty: revise CTE questionnaire and psychometric improvement Area 4: T&L environment 104 …SM8.1 Action Plan Area 5: Normative 4-year curriculum Curriculum design in a form consistent with IF Pilot for GE foundation course Faculty: Pilot Faculty Package Faculty: Evaluation of pilot Faculty Package Faculty: Research component 105 …SM8.1 Action Plan Area 6: Language enhancement Area 7: Broadening of student experience Tracking language performance Systematic collection of OBA data on experiential learning Assess impact of experiential learning Area 8: Internationalizing the University Exchange Increase non-local UG intake towards 25% 106 …SM8.1 Action Plan Part B: Regular reviews Ug programme reviews • Science 6 completed 2 upcoming in 2008 3 in 2009 Tpg programme reviews • Science 1 completed 1 in 08/09 1 in 09/10 4 (all Chinese Medicine) in 10/11 3 in 11/12 107 The End Thank you Very Much Isabella Wai-Yin Poon Department of Statistics Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Science The Chinese University of Hong Kong Email: wypoon@cuhk.edu.hk Tel: 26097925 2 April 2008 108