How you can help at home Reading

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Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling, Punctuation and
• This workshop is to inform you of the
recent changes that have been set out in
the new curriculum.
• To help make you aware of the new
expectations for spelling, punctuation and
• Advice on how you can help at home.
In Year 2, the children are expected to sit a timed
spelling, punctuation and grammar test.
As a result, we are adapting our teaching and
building more opportunities for spelling,
punctuation and grammar that will help children
become more familiar with the vocabulary and
style of questioning.
This process will begin as soon as the children start
working on the National Curriculum in Year 1.
Year One
Write simple sentences that make sense.
Write sentences that can be read by others.
Use finger spaces.
Use capital letters and full stops correctly.
Use capital letters for proper nouns.
Question marks and exclamation marks.
Use the conjunction ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’.
Make singular into plural.
Add ‘ed,’ ‘ing,’ ‘er, ‘ and ‘est’ suffixes to words.
Add the prefix ‘un’ to verbs and adjectives.
Year Two
• Write compound sentences using conjunctions ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘so’ and ‘or’.
• Know and use sentences in different forms.
(statements, questions, exclamations and commands)
• Use full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation
• Commas to separate items in a list.
• Apostrophes for contracted forms and for singular.
• Use subordination for time and reason.
(when, because, then)
• Past and present tense.
• Verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs.
• Noun phrases
• Compound words
• Suffixes ‘ness,’ ‘er,’ ‘est,’ ‘ful’ and ‘ly’.
How you can help at home
Encourage writing opportunities and use word
banks for key words.
Spelling flash cards, LSCW check sheets,
word searches, missing words in sentences, word
sorting and finding patterns in words.
Encourage segmenting the words and sounding out
each phoneme. Ask them to attempt. Highlight the
phoneme they got wrong and ask them to think
about an alternative grapheme. Does it look right?
How you can help at home
• Identify the verb, adjective, noun and adverb.
• Count the question marks and exclamation
marks and read with expression.
• Write down what a character from the story
might say using correct punctuation.
• Search for words with ‘ed’ or ‘ing’ suffix and
collect words.
• Cover up punctuation or words in stories and
ask them to think about what is missing.
• Find words and use dictionaries to find
meanings and a thesaurus to find synonyms.
Computer programmes
• Sparkle box flash cards and common words.