Activity Fund Accounting Manual - Mansfield Independent School

• The manual will be posted on the website.
• All staff will be responsible for following procedures
outlined in the manual.
• Bookmark link to the manual, and refer to online copy
as it is a “living” document!
• Following procedures ensures that the District’s
resources are properly accounted for and protected.
Procedures Discussed in the Manual
Cash Receipts
Collecting District Funds
Cash Disbursements
Sales Tax
Returned Checks
Adjusting Entries and Transfers
Due from Campus Balance (1290)
Monthly Reports
Quickbooks (Will be SBAA)
Today we will be discussing the following
• Monthly Reports
• Due from Campus Balance (1290)
• Collecting District Funds
The following reports are due to the accounting office by
the 5th working day of each month:
461/865 1290 Reports from Skyward
461 Payroll Report from Skyward
District funds collected at the campus
Quickbooks bank reconciliation
Sales Tax – Due the 10th of every month
Due from Campus Balance (1290)
Balances in Skyward 461/865 GL 1290 accounts occur
when campus and student activity purchases require a
purchase order.
• Purchase orders will be coded to the campus’ Due
from Campus 461/865 1290 account in Skyward.
• After payment made by AP, the campus is responsible
for reimbursing the District for payments made on
behalf of the Activity Fund.
461/865 1290 Report
• Schedule report to run on a monthly basis.
• If there is a balance due, pay the amount due to Mansfield
• Attach report as backup.
• DO NOT reimburse MISD unless the invoice has been paid
by AP.
461/865 1290 Report
• If invoice has not been paid by AP – research and
make sure they have the proper documentation to pay
the invoice.
• It is your responsibility to submit invoices and support
documentation to AP.
• It is your responsibility to ensure the invoice has been
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Go into Skyward web : Account Management / Budgetary Data Mining
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Search for your 461/865 – 1290 report, and select print
If you do not have a report you can clone one from the report list.
Select “Clone” and make sure to change the account ranges to
your campus.
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Click on “Schedule This Report”
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Click on “Schedule This Report.” If you use greenbar, then select that
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Enter a start date and choose “Specific day of the month” and enter
“1”. Enter your email address and select “Save”.
Scheduling Monthly Reports
When the report is completed you will receive an email from MISDSkyfin
letting you know your report is ready to view.
Scheduling Monthly Reports
To view the report, click on the link in the email.
Scheduling Monthly Reports
You will be prompted to the login screen.
Scheduling Monthly Reports
Download the report.
Payroll Reimbursement by Campus Activity
461/865 Payroll Report
This report will be scheduled by the accounting department and sent to
your email address on a monthly basis.
If an amount is due, the Quickbooks check should denote
“reimbursement of extra duty pay and benefits paid from Fund 461” and
indicate posting to account 461-36-6117-99-XXX-0-99-XXX.
It is your responsibility to notify us if you are not receiving the report.
Refer to the “Payroll Reimbursement by Campus Activity” powerpoint
online for detailed information.
Collecting District Funds
• These are funds collected at the campus that have
been defined by central administration as District
Examples of District Funds
TCC Dual Credit Tuition
IPAD Deposits
IPAD Fines
Lost and Damaged Textbooks
SAT/ACT Testing Fees
AP Exams
Summer School Tuition
Saturday School
Absence Recovery
Virtual School
Process for Collecting and Remitting District
• An MISD pre-numbered or Quickbooks receipt must
be issued for the collection of the funds.
• Funds should be deposited into the school’s activity
fund bank account timely.
District Funds
• On a monthly basis, run your balance sheet and determine
amount collected.
• Complete an activity fund check request and check payable
to Mansfield ISD for amount collected.
• Submit check request, check, and TWO COPIES of support
documentation to AP.
• You may include various District Funds on the same check.
• INCLUDE detail breakdown on skirt of check.
Refunds for District Funds Collected
If refunds are requested after funds have been submitted to the
District account:
• Gather support documentation including cash receipt and
check payment to District.
• Make inquiry to accounting department to ensure requestors
payment has cleared the bank and is not reported as an NSF
check include confirmation email from accounting department
in your support documentation.
Refunds for District Funds Collected
• Enter requestor as vendor in Skyward.
• Submit requisition for payment.
(If refund was deposited to a District revenue account,
contact the Secretary to Associate Superintendent of
Business and Finance).
Quickbooks Bank Reconciliation
• Monthly transactions in the activity funds must be reported to the
District by the 5th working day of the following month. Submit the
following reports to the Accounting department:
• Quickbooks Full Reconciliation Report
• Monthly Bank Statement
• Quickbooks monthly Balance Sheet
• Quickbooks monthly Checking Deposit Register
• Quickbooks monthly Check Register
• Quickbooks monthly Journal entry Report
• MISD Reconciliation of Bank Balance (requires original
principal signature)
• MISD Sales Tax Form - even if amount is $0.00 (requires
original principal signature)
Quickbook Changes after Reconciliations
• Once the month has been reconciled DO NOT make
• Monthly bank reconciliation reports are used to record
monthly transactions into the District’s GL.
Quickbook Changes after Reconciliations
• Making changes to a reconciled month in Quickbooks causes
the District accounts to be out of balance.
• If a check needs to be voided for a prior month, notify the
Accounting Department. The check will be voided and a JE
will be created in Quickbooks.
• DO NOT back date checks.
Monthly Checklist
*Due by the 5th working day of each month
461 / 865 1290 Report*
(Check payable to MISD if there is a balance due)
461 Payroll Report*
(Check payable to MISD if there is a balance due)
Check payable to MISD for District Funds Collected*
(If any collections during the month)
Bank Reconciliation Reports*
Sales Tax Form – Due by the 10th of each month
List of Student Group Officers
• Provide the Accounting Department a Roster of all the
student group officers. (List names and Titles)
• Update and submit list whenever changes occur.
Contact Information
Gisselle Rivera-Franco
(817) 299 – 6307
I am now located in the Administration Building 300