Agile?! Are you crazy??? Presentation Copyright © 2008, Agile For All, LLC. All rights reserved. Presented by Bob Hartman Agile For All 303-766-0970 Before We Start • Cell phones, pagers, PDA’s, etc. to silent • If you have a question, please ask it. Don’t wait! It is better to answer the question while we are still in the same area than to go back. 2 Agile?! Are you crazy? INTRODUCTIONS Agile?! Are you 3 Bob Hartman • 30+ years of software industry experience • Certified Scrum Practitioner • Bachelor and Masters degrees in Computer Science • Roles included Tester, Developer, Dev Manager, QA Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, VP… • Started with agile in 1999 4 303-766-0970 Agile?! Are you crazy? Who are you? • Please introduce yourself including: – Name – Company and title – Agile experience 5 Agile?! Are you crazy? Two typical project managers have a chat JACK AND BILL Agile?! Are you 6 Meet Jack 7 Agile?! Are you crazy? Meet Bill 8 Agile?! Are you crazy? Jack and Bill meet at the water cooler Hey Bill, haven’t seen you in quite a while. How is your project going these days? 9 Jack, you know how it is. Late, overbudget, stress, not enough time for QA. Blah, blah, blah… Agile?! Are you crazy? Jack tries to help Dude, that stinks. What are you going to do? 10 I’m getting desperate. I think I’m going to try agile on my next project and see if it will work. Agile?! Are you crazy? Jack is in shock 11 Agile?! Are you crazy? Bill responds I know it’s crazy, but I’m out of ideas. Hey, you’re the new hard-driving guy, how is your project going? 12 Agile?! Are you crazy? Jack’s reality Umm… ahhh… uhhh… I mean… Hey, don’t change the subject here! Are you crazy??? 13 (to himself) Hmmm, Maybe not as crazy as I thought if his project is in the toilet too! Agile?! Are you crazy? Group discussion • Do you relate more to hard-driving Jack, or desperate Bill? • As project managers do you ever feel like you are personally failing when projects are failing? • If you have used agile in the past, why was the switch made from traditional software development processes? How did agile work for you? 14 Agile?! Are you crazy? INDUSTRY STATISTICS (SOFTWARE PROJECTS) Agile?! Are you 15 Software project success rates Software Project Success Rate Report Date Success Rate First CHAOS report 1994 16% “Extreme CHAOS” 2001 28% Most Recent CHAOS 2003 31% Source: The Standish Group 16 Agile?! Are you crazy? Feature use in software Question: What percentage of software features are NEVER used? Often 13% Always 7% Never Used 45% Sometimes 16% Rarely 19% 17 Source: The Standish Group Agile?! Are you crazy? Industry realities • Most “successful” projects were deliberately overestimated at the start (Standish – 2001) • 64% of features in products are rarely or never used (Standish – 2002) • The average project exceeds its schedule by 63% (Standish – 2001) • 50% of project failures are due to missing or misunderstood requirements (Ravenflow – 2006) • Executive support and customer involvement are the two biggest critical success factors in project success by far (many studies in the past 10 years) 18 Agile?! Are you crazy? More industry realities • 56% of defects are attributable to missing or misunderstood requirements • 82% of defect fixing time and dollars go to fixing requirements related defects • NIST has estimated that 0.6% of the GDP is lost due to software defects • NIST also estimates that 1/3 of that money could be saved by using a process allowing earlier detection and correction of defects 19 Agile?! Are you crazy? Things I sometimes ponder… • Why do we make all important decisions on projects when we have the least information? • Why do managers always think things will take less time than everyone else? Why do we let them estimate at all? • Why has the software industry never improved the ability to estimate accurately? • If we know that an average of 30% of requirements will change during a project, why do we use a process that is intolerant to change? • Why do companies say that quality is important while internally they give QA less time than originally allocated to do their job? • Why do developers always do the easiest things first? • If the customer is always right, why do we only ask them their opinion AFTER we have completed the entire project? 20 Agile?! Are you crazy? Excuses for not using agile BUT AGILE IS CRAZY! ISN’T IT??? Agile?! Are you 21 We’re agile so… • we don’t need to do documentation any more • (more generically) we don’t need to do X because we’re agile • developers get to decide what goes into each iteration • we’re going to have a lot more meetings • we don’t have to plan more than the current iteration • we can be undisciplined because QA will catch all the errors in near real time • Which of these have you heard? Which of these do we believe? Which of these is the worst? 22 Agile?! Are you crazy? No documentation • A simple question – is this even possible? • The correct phrase is “Just enough documentation, just in time.” 23 Agile?! Are you crazy? We don’t need to do X • Again, just enough, just in time. • It doesn’t matter what X is – – – – – Design Architecture Project charter Vision … • We MUST keep business requirements in mind. If it is required by the business for reasons outside our control, then we have to do it! 24 Agile?! Are you crazy? Developers pick what to work on • Well, they do say that most myths are at least partially based in reality Developers don’t get to pick and choose what they want to work on 25 They DO commit to what they will complete – but it is in priority order and they don’t make the priorities! Agile?! Are you crazy? More meetings • • • • • • • • • • • • Release planning – once Iteration planning – once per iteration Iteration demo/retro – once per iteration Daily standup – every day Hmm, that IS more meetings, but Release planning – 4 hours Iteration planning – 2 hours x iterations Iteration demo/retro – 2 hours x iterations Daily standup - .25 hours x iterations x days Total might look like: 4 + 2x5 + 2x5 + .25x5x10 Total meeting time is 36.5 hours of meetings How long would we have met to analyze, design, code and test an average 3 month release with our current process? • More importantly – would the product have been as good? 26 Agile?! Are you crazy? No planning • Don’t confuse NO planning with ADAPTIVE planning! • Would any company actually allow no big picture planning??? Figuring it all out up front 27 Adapting as we go. Notice we still have all the items! Agile?! Are you crazy? No discipline • Reality check… In traditional projects of a year in length how hard are people working during the first 2 months? Does that sound disciplined? • Planning, demos and retrospectives every two weeks and daily standups. Does that sound disciplined? • Making a commitment to work that will be accomplished in two weeks – disciplined? • Working in priority order – disciplined? • Coding AND testing need to be done in order to be considered complete – disciplined? • The heart of the matter – Code needs to pass unit tests AND acceptance tests in order to be complete. High performing teams use the phrase “Add value quickly now AND be able to add value quickly in the future!” In other words, no undisciplined hacking!!! 28 Agile?! Are you crazy? Myth recap • When you hear something about agile that sounds stupid there are two possibilities: – It’s false because someone is misunderstanding – It’s true and agile has a fundamental flaw • Keep in mind that it may sound “odd” which is very different from “stupid” – No documentation required = stupid – Teams use points (sizes) rather than hours and minutes for estimating = odd • Remember that some VERY successful companies are using agile, and it’s highly unlikely that ALL of them are stupid 29 Agile?! Are you crazy? AGILE BASICS Agile?! Are you 30 Agile (Scrum) roles Product Champion (Product Owner) •Owner of the prioritized product backlog •Represents users and stakeholders when talking to team •Represents team when talking to users and stakeholders •Is a combo of Product Manager and BA Users/Stakeholders •Those that are going to use the product or have a vested interest in how it turns out 31 Agile Project Manager (Scrum Master) •Facilitates meetings •Removes impediments •Runs interference for the team •Helps team focus on what’s important •Can act as a process coach and help team improve the process Team •The team that will create the product •Includes EVERYONE that is part of product creation Agile?! Are you crazy? Complete agile process 32 Agile?! Are you crazy? Iteration – the basic unit of agile Iterations create a “product increment” of “potentially shippable software.” This means everything is working. It DOES NOT mean we can get it wrong in an iteration and then fix it all up in the next iteration!!! 33 Agile?! Are you crazy? Reasons for being agile MAYBE AGILE ISN’T SO CRAZY Agile?! Are you 34 Building a business case for agility • Business case essentials: – Bottom line dollars and cents – Improvements • For this business case we should discuss: – Business value – Customer expectations and quality – Team dynamics – Planning – Other improvements 35 Agile?! Are you crazy? Adding Business Value Quickly – A Simple Example • Stuffing envelopes can tell us a lot about agile • What are the advantages of getting something released more quickly? 36 Agile?! Are you crazy? Delivering business value quickly Question: If we get rid of the 64% of software that is rarely or never used, what happens to our overall software development efforts? 37 Agile?! Are you crazy? Discussion: Customer expectations • When does the customer know what they really want in a product? • How can we help them know earlier? • Does that sound agile to anyone??? • Did we mention the highest value items get the most testing so quality perception is better as well? 38 Agile?! Are you crazy? Changes to team dynamics • Morale improves – Team succeeds more often – Teams work together – Teams empowered to succeed • Failures are very limited – – – – 39 A single iteration Correction happens immediately Team fails together so no blame Happens quickly rather than bleeding to death from a papercut or finding out about problems too late! Agile?! Are you crazy? Planning improvements • Retrospectives for correction and improvement • Accurate management visibility • Better predictability leading to success 40 Agile?! Are you crazy? Other improvements • Change tolerance (30% of requirements will change!) – Due to short iterations, change is free or nearly free most of the time • Increased collaboration – Everyone works together to create a great product rather than all groups working in isolation • Risks are handled earlier – Everyone identifies risks and impediments as soon as they are noticed so there is more time to mitigate the risks and remove the impediments 41 Agile?! Are you crazy? Recap: Agile… • • • • • • 42 … adds business value quickly while meeting customer expectations with high value and high quality products produced by teams with high morale through projects that are easier to plan even while being tolerant to change Agile?! Are you crazy? INDUSTRY STATISTICS PART II (AGILE PROJECTS) Agile?! Are you 43 What others are seeing 44 Agile?! Are you crazy? VersionOne Survey Results (2008) Survey asked people: Please try to estimate SPECIFIC IMPROVEMENTS you have actually realized from implementing Agile practices. Improvement Noted >10% improvement >=25% improvement Increased productivity 89% 56% Reduced software defects 84% 56% Accelerated time-to-market 83% 54% Reduced cost 65% 30% Source: VersionOne 2008 State of Agile Development Survey NOTE: All 2008 data is within 2% of 2007 data Average of 74% of agile projects completed successfully Biggest causes of agile project failure: Company philosophy or culture could not be overcome – 23% Lack of experience with agile – 21% 45 Agile?! Are you crazy? Standish Group further results • #5 success factor for projects is using agile methodology • Jim Johnson from the Standish Group says: – Agile is an important success factor because its incremental nature allows for leaving entire features or portions of features out without affecting the overall value of the project – He also notes agile is difficult for some because of corporate culture (as also found in the VersionOne survey) 46 Agile?! Are you crazy? Agile is a Proven Approach Some Agile Companies (there are MANY more) 47 Agile?! Are you crazy? WHO IS REALLY CRAZY? Agile?! Are you 48 One big question to answer… 49 Agile?! Are you crazy? nd 2 50 big question Agile?! Are you crazy? Jack and Bill 6 months later… Don’t rub it in. Both of my projects stunk, so I deserved it. One was on time but had all wrong features, and the other was WAAAAAAAY late. 51 Hey Jack, I just heard. Sorry dude. You should have tried agile. All of my projects are actually being successful for a change!! Agile?! Are you crazy? Take away thoughts… • Projects in the software world are NOT completing successfully today – Teams are trying hard – Project Managers are trying hard – Effort is NOT the issue (don’t be Jack!) • There is a business case to be made for an agile process • The world of project management is changing and you have to decide if you are going to be an agent for change, a person that reacts after change has been made, or a person that will not be a part of project management in the future. 52 Agile?! Are you crazy? QUESTIONS? Agile?! Are you 53 Please email comments to THANK YOU! Agile?! Are you 54