Open BTEC Assignment brief

Assignment Brief
Course title:
BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Year 2
Creative and Foundation
Unit 24: Writing for Television and Video
Date assignment given out
1st deadline date (for initial feedback)
Final deadline date
13th October 2015
13th January 2015
10th February 2015
A film & TV production company is commissioning short film scripts for a social awareness
campaign (i.e. environment issues, alcohol abuse, gender equality, non-violence, etc).
The production company would like you develop an idea for a script which you will then
pitch to a board of industry professionals. The successful applicants will then be given
development funding to write the scripts, and eventually produced them.
Following the correct script writing process (as explained in the work sheets) you will
develop an idea from a premise stage to final script for a 3 - 5 minutes that would be
released in a film and TV campaign. The script must adhere to BBFC
standards for a 12 rated film and cannot feature strong language.
Learning Outcome 2
Task 1 – Research, collect and prepare background material
Use the material that your tutor provides, to help you to develop an initial, original script
idea. Your research should include observation of extisting products, books, films and
internet. You may need to gather evidence of fact, interviews, data or research historical
Background material might include an existing written text that you wish to adapt or other
published scripts, films, adverts or other visual sources that may help you shape the
aesthetics of your film style approach and story.
It is essential that you show evidence of your research by clearly identifying your sources
and explaining how you will apply them to your chosen theme or idea.
Learning Outcome 3
Task 2 - Script Proposal
Use the collated research and background material to help you develop an initial original
concept idea for a script. Your script proposal needs to include film tittle, theme, story
concept, setting, main characters, set-up, main conflict, resolution and premise.
Learning Outcome 4
Task 3 – Pitching
Pitch your idea to the commissioning editor of the production company. Remember that a
visual pitch is more engaging than simply orating your idea. You are trying to sell this idea so
that your film will get made so be as enthusiastic as possible.
Learning Outcome 5
Task 4 - Writing the script Learning Outcome 5
Provided with the feedback from the pitch, write a step outline and draft. Present the draft
to the commissioning editor of the production company and taking into consideration their
feedback, write the final script.
Note that draft/s and final script must follow the BBC format standard conventions
Learning Outcome 1
Task 5 - Comissioning Process
Research current practice for the Commissioning of scripts, research Contracts and Employer
Expectations, research the Legal and Ethical Considerations that concern writers and
prepare an Individual Presentation to communicate your findings (this can be either as a
Powerpoint, Google or Prezi Presentation).
What you need to hand in on the deadline date:
A portfolio/blog including your:
1. Researched material collected for your idea
2. Script proposal (film tittle, theme, story concept, setting, main characters, set-up, main
conflict, resolution and premise)
3. Pitch: Presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi
4. Step outline and draft/s
5. Final script
6. Presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi on Commissioning Process
By undertaking this assignment you will achieve the following learning outcomes:
Learning Outcome:
1 Know about the commissioning process for writing for television and video
2 Be able to research, collect and prepare background materials
3 Be able to produce script proposals
4 Be able to pitch script proposals
5 Be able to produce scripts for television and video production
Your work will be marked using the following grid:
To achieve a pass grade
the evidence must show
that the learner is able
P1 describe the writer’s
role in the commissioning
process using some
subject terminology
appropriately [IE]
P2 collect and prepare
suitable background
materials for a
scriptwriting project with
some assistance [CT]
P3 produce script
proposals for specific
purposes working within
appropriate conventions
and with some assistance
P4 pitch a prepared
P5 produce a script for a
specific purpose working
within appropriate
conventions and with
some assistance. [CT,
Tasks where you will
meet the criteria:
To achieve a merit grade
the evidence must show
that, in addition to the
pass criteria, the learner
is able to:
M1 explain the writer’s
role in the commissioning
process with reference to
detailed illustrative
examples and with
generally correct use of
subject terminology
M2 collect and prepare
good background material
for a scriptwriting project
competently and with
occasional assistance with
generally correct use of
subject terminology
M3 produce script
proposals for specific
purposes showing some
imagination and with only
occasional assistance
To achieve a distinction
grade the evidence must
show that, in addition to
the pass and merit criteria,
the learner is able to:
D1 comprehensively explain
the writer’s role in the
commissioning process with
elucidated examples and
consistently using subject
terminology correctly
M4 pitch a prepared
proposal effectively
D4 pitch a prepared
proposal to a nearprofessional standard
D5 produce a script for a
specific purpose to nearprofessional standards and
working independently to
professional expectations.
M5 produce a script for a
specific purpose
competently showing
some imagination and
with only occasional
D2 collect and prepare
excellent background
material for a scriptwriting
project to near-professional
standards working
independently to
professional expectations
D3 produce script proposals
for specific purposes
showing creativity and flair
and working independently
to professional expectations