PROJECT GOOGLE SUMMER OF CODE GOOGLE SUMMER OF CODE MINOR PROJECT (WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) 1.> Public Work Department Tender Management System (PWDTMS) (government).& Private Tender Contract Management System. PROJECT BY Sn o. NAME ENROLL NO BRANC CONTACT NO H EMAIL ID 1 ROHIT SHARMA 0103CS10109 7 CSE rohitsharma2504@g +919893532037 Introduction Public Work Department Tender Management System (PWDTMS) (government). State Government will use this system for opening a tender for submission. Builders can check the tender details, submit a tender, view results, evaluation process. PWD can open a tender, evaluate a tender, compare tenders submitted and generate reports. Completion of work can also be traced from the system . ADDITIONAL FEATURE Private Tender or Contract Management System. Any Firm or Person will use this system for opening a tender or contract for submission. Any Firm or Person ,Builders can check the tender ,or Contract details based on different sectors, submit a tender or details for contract, view results, evaluation process. Registered Firm or Person who has opened a tender or contract can evaluate a tender or contract, compare tenders or contract submitted and generate reports. Completion of work can also be traced from the system Few sector for contracts or tenders Aviation Equipment Aviation Equipment Chemicals Chemicals Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Fertilizers and pesticides Industrial Gases Paints and Varnishes Communications Services Courier Services Construction Architect / Interior Designer Ballast Bridges Building Material Canal/Irrigation Work Ceiling/Flooring/Plaster Civil Works Dam Work Desilting Drainage Drilling Enviromental Work Excavation Fencing/Wall Work House / Building Painting Pipeline Project Platform/Jetty/RCC Work Plumbing/Sanitary Work Roads Safety Equipment\Explosives Shed Construction Soil Survey Trenching and Dredging Water Purification Water Storage and Supply Zone Contract Non-Ferrous Metals Aluminium Other Non-Ferrous Metals Misclaneous Diversified Misc. Manufactured Articles Electrical Air Conditioners Alternators Boiler and Heater Conductors and Inductors Fan Generators Insulator Lift Light and Bulbs Meters Other Electrical Products Pumps and Motor and Compressors Refrigerator Storages Batteries and Dry Cells Sub-station works Transformers and Capacitors Valve And Gauge Welding Electrodes Wires and Cables Electronics Computer Hardwares and Consumables Computer Softwares Electronics Office Automation Panel/distribution Board/connector Scientific Instruments Switchgear/switching Apparatus Telecommunication Services / Equipments Financial Services Banking and Mutual Funds and Leasings Business Consultancy Insurance Services Other Services Non-financial Services Health Services/Equipments Hotels and Restaurants Labour And Manpower Real Estate Services Recreational Services Security Services Storage and Warehousing Tourism Food Products Agro Products Animal and Animal Feeds Beer / Soft Drinks / Liquors Dairy Products Food Grains Food Processing Forest Departments Sugar Tobacco Products Vegetable / Fruit / Flower / Plants Vegetable Oils and Starches Iron and Steel Casting/Structurals/Fabrications Fasteners Iron Metal Tubes and Pipes Other Metal Products Stainless Steel Lab Equipments Lab Equipments Leather Products Footwear and Leather Products Magnetic Equipments Magnetic Equipments Material Handling Material Handling Mining and Quarrying Coal and Lignite Crude Oil / Natural Gas / Mineral Fuels Minerals Mining Equipments Petroleum Products Non Classified Non Classified Non-electrical Machinery Ball Bearings Chemical Machinery Machine Tools Other Machinery Pharma machinery Prime Movers Non-metallic Mineral Product Abrasives Cement Cement and Asbestos Products Ceramic tiles and Articles Gems and Jewellery Glass and Glassware Other Non Metallic Mineral Refractories Stones - Granite - Earth Plastic Plastic Product and Granules Plastic Tubes and Pipes Power Plant Non Conventional Energy Power Plant Rubber Products Rubber and Rubber Products Textiles Textiles Product Transport Equipments Automobiles Ancillaries Commercial Vehicles Other Transport Equipments Passenger Cars and Jeeps Railway Ancillaries Shipping Two and Three Wheelers Tyres and Tubes Transport Services Air Transport Railways Transport Services Road Transport Services Wood Paper and Paper Products Paper and Paper Products Printing Woods and Furniture Fabrication Fabrication TENDER SYSTEM Tender Management System is to manage tenders of all the Government Departments and Heads of Department, Boards, Corporations of the State Government, Nigams and Societies under the administrative control of the State Government and which are funded by the Government. Software Feature : Tender management as per company wise, Tender wise BOQ Management, Auto calculation for Tender below or high, Various Type of Remainder, Tender wise bill generation as per Tender norms, Various Type of Reports. Remainder Point: Tender Opening, Tender download, Tender submission, Negotiation, EMD, SD return after cancel tender Various latters list: Release of S.D.R.A., Release of withheld amount, Extention Time limit. Proposal of Excess, Proposal of Extra Item, Submission of Bill, Progress of Work, Completion of work, Represatiotion, Negotiation, Submission of Tender, Submission of Security Deposit, Payment of Final Bill, Refund of Earnest Mony Deposit, Star Rate/Price escalation Bill, Extatantion of Bank Guarantee, Submission of FDR/P.B./B.G., Bank Gurantee Renewal, Conversin of Security Deposit, Conversion of S.D. – Reminder, Extending validity of Tender, Intimatin for RMS Activities, Submission of work progremme. Reports: Conform Tender Wise, Cancel Tender Wise, EMD Refund Tender wise, SD Refund Tender Wise FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Enlistment of new contractors. It will contain all the contractor details , including attachments of the documents required. New registration approvals by Government PWD, validated by email and SMS. Creating a tender for public constructions with options of selecting Construction Type, budget, place, timeline etc. All the project details will be visible to the users, this details must have a link to tender corresponding. Builder/ Contractors should be able to submit a tender which should include his past projects, Overall bid cost, Material used, Timeline, etc. PWD users should be able to compare the tenders depending on various criteria’s such as L1, prior project experience, etc. 2 layers of approval of contract will be followed. Contract will be approved first by PWD users and then by Government senior officers. After a Tender is approved for a contractor he must be informed via a mail. Contractors should be able to view status of his bid online. NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). 24 X 7 availability. Technology Used: JAVAEE AJAX TOMCAT ORACLE JQUERY SERVLETS JSP JAVA SCRIPT CONTRACTORS SIGNUP PROCESS NEW REGISTRATI ON SIGNUP APPROVAL VIA EMAIL OR SMS OR ANY AUTHENTICATI ON PROVIDED LOGIN FROM GOVT OFFICERS OR PWD USERS FOR CONTRACTOR SIGNUP DETAILS 1. EMAILID 2. PASSWORD 3. HINTQUESTION 4. HINTANSWER 5. ALTERNATIVEEMAILID 6. OMPANYDETAILS 7. COMPANYNAME 8. FNAME 9. LNAME 10. SEX 11. DESIGNATION 12 .ADDRESS 13. CITY 14. STATE 15. COUNTRY 16, PINCODE 17. WEBURL 18. PHONENO 19. FAXNO 20. MOBILENO 21, TENDERSINTERESTIN 22. PANCARDNO. 23. CID TABLE NAME CONTACTORDETAILS EACH NEW ENTRY WILL BE ALLOTED AN INDIVIDUAL ID NAMED CID GENERATED BY SEQUENCE IN ORACLE WHICH WILL ACT AS PRIMARY AND FOREIGN KEY CONTRACTORS HOME PAGE TOTAL NO OF NEW TENDERS VIEW 1 sector location Closing date On scroll the list will increase use of javaScript and ajax road SEARCH BY Tender value 3324 crore Rajasthan 17-may-2013 Refno. 7611881 Link fill or view more details Construction type ex road,transport,pipelining Budget space ex 1 lakh,2 lakh,3 lakh Timeline ex 3 months,6 months,1 year Location ex Rajasthan, bihar,bhopal,indore Refno Product Industry N p Fill or view more details about tender Details 1) Tenderrefno 2) Sector 3) Location 4) Opening date 5) Submission date 6) Tendervalue 7) Bid 8) Constructiontype 9) Budgetspace 10) Timelinelimit 11) Refno 12) State 13) Area 14) Details 15) Submittedon 16) Estimatedtimeline 17) Otherdetails 18) Pid 19) CID SUBMIT OPTION WILL BE PROVIDED TO FILL THE TENDER.AND HIS PREVIOUS WORK DETAILS WILL ALSO BE SEND AND WILL BE VISIBLE TO THE PWD USER WHO WILL EVALUATE TENDER TABLENAME TENDERDETAILS SAVED TO TABLE SUBMITTEDTENDERDETAILS AFTER CONTRACTOR’S LOGIN FUNCTIONS PERFORMED UPDATE PROFILE CHANGE PASSWORD DOCUMENTS UPLOAD/UPDATE PROFILE IMAGE CIRCULARS PREVIOUS WORKDONE PREVIOUS TENDERS ALLOTED BY GOVT. CURRENT GOVT. TENDERS WORKING ON/UPDATE WORK PROGRESS I. CHAT WITH GOVT. OFFICERS/PWD USERS J. REPORTS K. TENDERS ALREADY FILLED WAITING FOR APPROVAL A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. IF TIME LEFT THEN ONLY A. UPDATE PROFILE OPTION FOR CHANGING HIS DETAILS UPDATING 1. EMAILID 2. PASSWORD (FOR CHANGING PASSWORD SEPERATE OPTION WILL BE GIVEN) 3. HINTQUESTION 4. HINTANSWER 5. ALTERNATIVEEMAILID 6. OMPANYDETAILS 7. COMPANYNAME TABLE NAME 8. FNAME CONTRACTORDETAILS 9. LNAME 10. SEX 11. DESIGNATION 12 .ADDRESS 13. CITY 14. STATE 15. COUNTRY 16, PINCODE 17. WEBURL 18. PHONENO 19. FAXNO 20.MOBILENO 21, TENDERSINTERESTIN 22. PANCARDNO. 23. CID (PRIMARY KEY WILL NOT BE CHANGED) B. CHANGE PASSWORD CHANGING OF PASSWORD BY ENTERING HIS PREVIOUS PASSWORD AND GETTING CID AND MATCHING IT FROM TABLE CONTRACTORDETAILS AND THEN ASKING FOR NEW PASSWORD TWO TIMES AND FINALLY CHANGING THE PASSWORD IN THE TABLE CONTRACTORDETAILS WITH CID IN TABLE PASSWORD ENTRY IS IN 2 nd POSITION D. PROFILE IMAGE BY DEFAULT IMAGE IN DATABASE BROWSE AND UPLOAD OPTION THEN IMAGE WILL BE INTECHANGED IN DATABASE TABLE TABLE NAME CONTRACTORIMAGE 1. CID 2. IMGNAME 3. IMG E. CIRCULARS OPTIONS 1 VIEW CIRCULARS 2 SEND CIRCULARS 3.PREVIOUS CIRCULARS TABLE NAME CIRCULARS AND PREVIOUSCIRCULARS Attributes (sno sendby senedersid circular sendto) THEIR WILL BE A CIRCULAR TABLE AND ALL THE CIRCULARS DISPATCHED BY PWD OR GGOVT. OFFICERS WILL BE SHOWN TO CONTRACTORS WHEN CLICKED ON VIEW CIRCULARS & CIRCULARS WILL BE OPEN & IF ATTACHMENT OF DOCUMENS REQUIRED THEN FILLED AND ATTACHED AFTER THAT THEIR WILL BE A DONE BUTTON THIS CIRCULAR WILL VANISH FROM CIRCULARS TABLE AND WILL BE SHOWN IN PREVIOUSCIRCULARS TABLE F. PREVIOUS WORKDONE OPTIONS 1. NEW ENTRY 2. UPDATE PREVIOUS FOR NEW ENTRY DETAILS REQUIRED 1. PASTPROJECTDETAILS 2. OVERALLBID 3. OVERALLCOST 4. LOCATION 5. MATERIALUSED 6. PROJECTBY 7. TIMELINEGIVEN 8. DONEINTIME 9. STARTINGDATE 10. COMPLETIONDATE 11. IMGCERTIFICATES 12. SECTOR 13. TENDERREFNO 14. OTHERDETAILS TABLENAME PASTPROJECTDETAILS A.CHOOSE FROM DOCS SAVED OR B. UPLOAD NEW FROM SYSTEM BROWSE AND UPLOAD G. PREVIOUS TENDERS ALLOTED BY GOVT. Tender ref no. 14234 1423522 Click here for details Linkfordetails Linkfordetails Tablename previoustenderallotedbygovt location bhopal indore time 45 days 55 days List to be shown after tender work is completed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etails 1) Tenderrefno 2) Sector 3) Location 4) Openingdate 5) Submissiondate 6) Tendervalue 7) Bid 8) Constructiontype 9) Budgetspace 10) Timelinelimit 11) Refno 12) State 13) Area 14) Details 15) Submittedon 16) Estimatedtimeline 17) Otherdetails 18) Pid 19) CID TAKEN FROM TABLE TENGDERDETAIL SBYGOVTOFFICE RS TABLENAME TENDERDETAILS 2. EVALUATE A TENDER TENDER REF NO DETAILS VALUBYE TOTAL SUBMISSION SORTBY TIMELINE OR BID SHORTLIST FOR APPROVAL SEND TO GOVT. OFFICERS TABLENAME SHORTLISTEDTENDER --- TENDERREFNO ,CID TABLE NAME –APPROVAL TABLE– REFNO,CID, (BY GOVT OFFICERS) GOVT OFFICERS WILL ONLY SEE THESE TENDERS WHOSE REFNO IS NOT IN APPROVAL TABLE OR AFTER APPROVAL SHORTLISTTENDERS ENTRIES FOR REFNO WILL BE DELETED AND ADDED IN CURRENTRUNNINGTENDERS CONTRACTORS DETAILS EVALUATE ON BASIC OF PREVIOUS WORK DONE SORT BY TIMELINE ,BID, APPROVAL 3. CURRENT TENDERS ALLOTED & THEIR WORKING FROM APPROVAL TABLE CID RID DETAILS LINK MESSAGE RECEIVED Get details of tenders from completiondetails table after company has clicked on completed tender option then it will be removed from currentrunningtenders table 4. PREVIOUS TENDERS WORK Details shown from table previoustendersallotedbygovt GOVT. OFFICERS GOVT OFFICERS LOGIN/SIGNUP LOGIN DETAILS SET BY ADMIN SIGNUP WITH THE SAME ID/PASSWORD ALLOTED BY ADMIN TASK REFNO TENDERDETAILS TOTAL NO OF SHORTLISTED REFNO CD1 DETAILS SORT BY BID/TIMELINE CD2 DETAILS SORT BY BID/TIMELINE APPROVE APPROVE AFTER CLICKING ON APPROVE IT WILL BE REMOVED FROM REFNO FROM SHORTLISTEDTENDERS TABLE & ADDED DETAILS TO CURRENTRUNNINGTENDERS & ADDED TO APPROVAL TABLE HAVING REFID,CID,PWDUSERID OPENING A TENDER REFNO IN TABLE TENDERDETAILSBY GOVTOFFICERS GIVE ORDER FOR TENDER OPENING TO SPECIFIC PWDUSER THEN TENDER WILL BE HAVING PWDUSERID WITH TENDERREFNO AS PRIMARY KEY PROFILE UPDATE VIEW PROFILE IMAGE UPLOAD