A Ten Level Web Integration Continuum for Educational Psychology

Engaging Students, Engaging
Instructors: Fueling Active Learning
Through Technology Integration
Curt Bonk, Indiana University
President, CourseShare.com
What do you do with
technology today?
What about 10 years ago???
Active Learning Principles
1. Authentic/Raw Data
2. Student Autonomy/Inquiry
3. Relevant/Meaningful/Interests
4. Link to Prior Knowledge
5. Choice and Challenge
6. Teacher as Facilitator and Co-Learner
7. Social Interaction and Dialogue
8. Problem-Based & Student Gen Learning
9. Multiple Viewpoints/Perspectives
10. Collab, Negotiation, & Reflection
Technology Goals at Purdue
1. Experience with wide variety of technology
2. Instructional opportunity for diverse learners.
3. Link field to class and discuss/dialogue.
4. Inquiry, reflection, journals, personal sums.
5. Scaffolded learning opportunities.
6. Encourage to create artifacts with tech.
7. Some electronic assignments and portfolios.
8. Link students & faculty-telecommunications.
(e.g., bulletin boards and online discussions)
9. Interactive simulations.
10. Informal e-mail.
Technology Tools
• MBL--sensors, probes, microphones, motion det
• Hand held Devices: Graphing calculators, palm
pilots, Newtons
• Exploratory Simulations—physics, chemistry, etc.
• Telecommunications & Interpers Exchanges:
e.g., keypals, ask expert, cross-age mentoring.
• Assistance Technology: screen magnifiers, speech
synthesizers and digitizers, voice recognition devices, touch
screens, alternative computer keyboards, and headpointing
• Writing: post-it notes, outlining aids, semantic webbing
tools, prompting tools, word processors, grammar checks.
More Technology Tools
• Cognitive Tools: graphing tools, spreadsheets, word
processors, and databases
• Intelligent Tutors: Geometry, Algebra, Statistics
• Distance Learning: Web and videoconferencing
• Class Management: Gradebooks, track students
• Presentation/Integration: Smart lecturns
• Testing: Essay grade, computer adaptive testing
• Classroom Assessment: Digital portfolios
Technology Ideas
Experts via video/computer conferencing
Teleconferencing talks to tchrs & experts
Reflect on field & debate cases on the Web
Make Web resources accessible
Collab with Students in other places/countries
Have students generate Web pages/pub work
Represent knowledge with graphing tools
Videoconference with colleagues
Make Web link suggestions
More Technology Ideas
Take to lab for group collaboration.
Take to computer lab for Web search.
Take to an electronic conference.
Put syllabus on the Web.
Create a class computer conference.
Require students sign up for a listserv.
Use e-mail minute papers & e-mail admin.
Have students do technology demos.
Asynchronous Possibilities
1. Link to peers and mentors.
2. Expand and link to alternative resources.
3. Involve in case-based reasoning.
4. Connect students in field to the class.
5. Provide e-mail assistance
6. Bring experts to teach at any time.
7. Provide exam preparation.
8. Foster small group work.
9. Engage in electronic discussions & writing.
10. Structure electronic role play.
Are you ready?
To Cope with the Technology
Explosion, We Need Instructor ELearning Support!!!
Problems Faced
• “Lack of admin vision.”
• “Lack of incentive from
admin and the fact that
they do not understand the
time needed.”
• “Lack of system support.”
• “Little recognition that this
is valuable.”
• “Rapacious U intellectual
property policy.”
• “Unclear
concerning int property.”
• “Difficulty in performing lab
experiments online.”
• “Lack of appropriate
models for pedagogy.”
• “More ideas than time to
• “Not enough time to
correct online assign.”
• “People need sleep; Web
spins forever.”
Best of Online Pedagogical
Changing Role of the Teacher
The Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001)
• From oracle to guide and resource
• From providers of answers to expert
• From solitary teacher to member of
• From total control of teaching
environment to sharing as a fellow
• From provider of content to designer
of learning experiences.
Dennen’s Research on Nine
Online Courses (sociology, history,
communications, writing, library science,
technology, counseling)
Poor Instructors
• Little or no feedback
• Always authoritative
• Kept narrow focus of
what was relevant
• Created tangential
• Only used “ultimate”
Good Instructors
• Provided regular
qual/quant feedback
• Participated as peer
• Allowed perspective
• Tied discussion to grades,
other assessments.
• Used incremental
What do we need???
1. Models of Technology in
Teaching and Learning
(Dennen, 1999, Bonk et al., 2001)
• Enhancing the Curriculum
– computers for extra activities: drill and practice CD
• Extending the Curriculum
– transcend the classroom with cross-cultural
collaboration, expert feedback, virtual field trips and
online collaborative teams.
• Transforming the Curriculum
– allowing learners to construct knowledge bases and
resources from multiple dynamic resources regardless
of physical location or time.
2. Reflect on Extent of Integration:
The Web Integration Continuum
(Bonk et al., 2000)
Level 1: Course Marketing/Syllabi via the Web
Level 2: Web Resource for Student Exploration
Level 3: Publish Student-Gen Web Resources
Level 4: Course Resources on the Web
Level 5: Repurpose Web Resources for Others
Level 6: Web Component is Substantive & Graded
Level 7: Graded Activities Extend Beyond Class
Level 8: Entire Web Course for Resident Students
Level 9: Entire Web Course for Offsite Students
Level 10: Course within Programmatic Initiative
3. Reflect on Interactions:
Matrix of Web Interactions
(Cummings, Bonk, & Jacobs, 2002)
Instructor to Student: syllabus, notes, feedback
to Instructor: Course resources, syllabi, notes
to Practitioner: Tutorials, articles, listservs
Student to Student: Intros, sample work, debates
to Instructor: Voting, tests, papers, evals.
to Practitioner: Web links, resumes
Practitioner to Student: Internships, jobs, fieldtrips
to Instructor: Opinion surveys, fdbk, listservs
to Practitioner: Forums, listservs
4. Four Key Hats of Instructors:
– Technical—do students have basics?
Does their equipment work? Passwords
– Managerial—Do students understand the
assignments and course structure?
– Pedagogical—How are students
interacting, summarizing, debating,
– Social—What is the general tone? Is
there a human side to this course?
Joking allowed?
– Other: firefighter, convener, weaver, tutor, conductor, host, mediator, filter,
editor, facilitator, negotiator, e-police, concierge, marketer, assistant, etc.
5. Feedback/Praise: "Wow, I'm
impressed...," "That shows real insight
into...," "Are you sure you have
considered...," "Thanks for responding to
‘X’...," "I have yet to see you or anyone
6. Cognitive Task Structuring: "You
know, the task asks you to do...," "Ok,
as was required, you should now
summarize the peer responses that you
have received...," "How might the
textbook authors have solved this
8. Push to Explore: "You might want
to write to Dr. ‘XYZ’ for...," "You might
want to do an ERIC search on this
topic...," "Perhaps there is a URL on
the Web that addresses this topic..."
How to Combine
these Roles?
• Refers to online teaching and facilitation
role. Moderating used to mean to preside
over a meeting or a discussion, but in the
electronic world, it means more than that.
It is all roles combined—to hold meetings,
to encourage, to provide information, to
question, to summarize, etc. (Collins &
Berge, 1997; Gilly Salmon, 2000); see
Other Hats
Other Hats
Weaver—linking comments/threads
Tutor—individualized attention
Participant—joint learner
Provocateur—stir the pot (& calm flames)
Observer—watch ideas and events unfold
Mentor—personally apprentice students
Community Organizer—keep system going
Still More Hats
Devil’s advocate
Web Facilitation???
Berge Collins Associates
Mauri Collins and Zane L. Berge
Facilitating Electronic Discussion
Have Students Initiate, Sign up for Roles
Provide Guidelines and Structure
Weave and Summarize Weekly
Be patient, prompt, and clear
Foster Role Play, Debate, and Interaction
Assign Due Dates, Times, and Points
Constantly Monitor, Converse not Dictate
Assign Buddies/Pals or Include Mentoring
There is a
We’re Handing out degrees
in electronic page turning!!!
• To get the certificate, learners merely
needed to “read” (i.e. click through)
each screen of material
But How Avoid
“This form of structure… encourages
teachers designing new products to
simply “shovel” existing resources into
on-line Web pages and discourages any
deliberate or intentional design of
learning strategy.” (Oliver & McLoughlin,
How Bad Is It?
“Some frustrated Blackboard users who say
the company is too slow in responding to
technical problems with its coursemanagement software have formed an
independent users’ group to help one
another and to press the company to
(Jeffrey Young, Nov. 2, 2001, Chronicle of
Higher Ed)
Must Online Learning
be Boring?
What Motivates Adult Learners
to Participate?
Intrinsic Motivation
“…innate propensity to engage one’s
interests and exercise one’s capabilities,
and, in doing so, to seek out and master
optimal challenges
(i.e., it emerges from needs, inner strivings, and
personal curiosity for growth)
See: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R.
M. (1985). Intrinsic
motivation and selfdetermination in human
behavior. NY: Plenum
“…is motivation that arises from external contingencies.”
(i.e., students who act to get high grades, win a trophy,
comply with a deadline—means-to-an-end motivation)
See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner motivational
resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
6. E-Learning Pedagogical Strategies
Motivational/Ice Breakers: Creative Thinking:
8 Noun Introductions
Coffee House Expectations
Scavenger Hunt
Two Truths, One Lie
Public Commitments
Role Play
Topical Discussions
Web-Based Explorations & Readings
Recursive Tasks
Electronic Séance
Critical Thinking:
Collaborative Learning:
Electronic Voting and Polling
Delphi Technique
Reading Reactions
Summary Writing and Minute Papers
Field Reflection
Online Cases Analyses
Evaluating Web Resources
Instructor as well as Student
Generated Virtual Debates
Starter-Wrapper Discussions
Structured Controversy
Symposium or Expert Panel
Electronic Mentors and Guests
Round robin Activities
Jigsaw & Group Problem Solving
Gallery Tours and Publishing Work
Email Pals/Web Buddies and
Critical/Constructive Friends
Motivational Terms?
See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner
motivational resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (UW-Milwaukee)
1. Tone/Climate: Psych Safety, Comfort, Belonging
2. Feedback: Responsive, Supports, Encouragement
3. Engagement: Effort, Involvement, Excitement
4. Meaningfulness: Interesting, Relevant, Authentic
5. Choice: Flexibility, Opportunities, Autonomy
6. Variety: Novelty, Intrigue, Unknowns
7. Curiosity: Fun, Fantasy, Control
8. Tension: Challenge, Dissonance, Controversy
9. Interactive: Collaborative, Team-Based, Community
10. Goal Driven: Product-Based, Success, Ownership
Encourage activities that
motivate thinking.
(Sheinberg, April 2000, Learning Circuits)
1. Tone:
A. Instructor Modeling
• The first week of a course is a critical
• If an instructor is personable, students
will be personable
• If formal, students will be formal
• Too little instructor presence can cause
low levels of student involvement
• Too much presence can cause
uninspired student involvement
1. Tone:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
1. Introductions: require not only
that students introduce themselves,
but also that they find and respond
to two classmates who have
something in common (Serves dual
purpose of setting tone and having
students learn to use the tool)
2. Peer Interviews: Have learners
interview each other via e-mail and then
post introductions for each other.
1. Tone/Climate:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
3. Eight Nouns Activity:
1. Introduce self using 8 nouns
2. Explain why choose each noun
3. Comment on 1-2 peer postings
4. Coffee House Expectations
1. Have everyone post 2-3 course expectations
2. Instructor summarizes and comments on how they
might be met
(or make public commitments of how they will fit into
busy schedules!)
1. Tone/Climate:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
5. Pair-Ups: Have pairs of students
summarize the course syllabus for each
other or summarize initial materials sent
from the instructor.
6. 99 Seconds of Fame: In an
online synchronous chat, give each
student 99 seconds to present
themselves and field questions.
7. Chat Room Buds: Create a
discussion prompt in one of “X’ number
of chat rooms. Introduce yourself in the
chat room that interests you.
1. Tone/Climate:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
8. Storytelling Cartoon Time: Find a
Web site that has cartoons. Have participants
link their introductionsor stories to a particular
cartoon URL. Storytelling is a great way to
communicate. http://www.curtoons.com/cartooncoll.htm
9. Favorite Web Site: Have students post
the URL of a favorite Web site or URL with
personal information and explain why they
choose that one.
10.Who Has Polls: During initial meeting,
pool students on various interesting topics
(e.g., who has walked on stilts, swam in the
ocean, sat in a casket, flown a plane, etc.)
1. Tone/Climate:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
11. KNOWU Rooms:
a. Create discussion forums or chat room
topics for people with diff experiences
(e.g., soccer parent, runner, pet lovers,
like music, outdoor person). Find those
with similar interests.
b. Complete eval form where list people in
class and interests. Most names wins.
12. Public Commitments:
Have students share how they will fit the
coursework into their busy schedules.
Multiple Rooms for Chat
1. Tone/Climate:
B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers
13. Scavenger Hunt
1. Create a 20-30 item online scavenger
hunt (e.g., finding information on
the Web)
2. Post scores
14. Two Truths, One Lie
1. Tell 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself
2. Class votes on which is the lie
2. Feedback
A. Requiring Peer Feedback
1. Require minimum # of peer
comments and give guidance (e.g.,
they should do…)
2. Peer Feedback Through Templates—
give templates to complete peer
3. Have e-papers contest(s)
2. Feedback:
B. Web-Supported Group
Reading Reactions
1. Give a set of articles.
2. Post reactions to 3-4 articles
that intrigued them.
3. What is most impt in readings?
4. React to postings of 3-4 peers.
5. Summarize posts made to their
(Note: this could also be done in teams)
2. Feedback:
C. Acknowledgement via E-mail,
Live Chats, Telephone (Acknowledge
questions or completed assignments)
2. Feedback (Instructor)
D. Anonymous Suggestion Box
George Watson, Univ of Delaware, Electricity
and Electronics for Engineers:
1. Students send anonymous course feedback (Web
forms or email)
2. Submission box is password protected
3. Instructor decides how to respond
4. Then provide response and most or all of suggestion
in online forum
5. It defuses difficult issues, airs instructor views, and
justified actions publicly.
6. Caution: If you are disturbed by criticism, perhaps do
not use.
2. Feedback:
E. Double-Jeopardy Quizzing
Gordon McCray, Wake Forest University, Intro to
Management of Info Systems
1. Students take objective quiz (no time limit and not
2. Submit answer for evaluation
3. Instead of right or wrong response, the quiz returns a
compelling probing question, insight, or conflicting
perspective (i.e., a counterpoint) to force students to
reconsider original responses
4. Students must commit to a response but can use
reference materials
5. Correct answer and explanation are presented
2. Feedback:
F. Async Self-Testing and Self-Assessments
2. Feedback:
G. Synchronous Testing & Assessment
(Giving Exams in the Chat Room!, Janet Marta, NW Missouri
State Univ, Syllabus, January 2002)
1. Post times when will be available for 30
minute slots, first come, first serve.
2. Give 10-12 big theoretical questions to
study for.
3. Tell can skip one.
4. Assessment will be a dialogue.
5. Get them there 1-2 minutes early.
6. Have hit enter every 2-3 sentences.
7. Ask q’s, redirect, push for clarity, etc.
8. Covers about 3 questions in 30 minutes.
2. Feedback (Instructor)
H. Reflective Writing
1. Minute Papers, Muddiest Pt Papers
2. PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting), KWL
3. Summaries
4. Pros and Cons
1. Email instructor after class on what learned or
failed to learn…
(David Brown, Syllabus, January 2002, p. 23;
October 2001, p. 18)
3. Engagement:
A. Questioning
(Morten Flate Pausen, 1995; morten@nki.no)
1. Shot Gun: Post many questions or articles
to discuss and answer any—student choice.
2. Hot Seat: One student is selected to
answer many questions from everyone in
the class.
3. 20 Questions: Someone has an answer
and others can only ask questions that have
“yes” or “no” responses until someone
guesses answer.
3. Engagement
A. Questioning: XanEdu Coursepacks
3. Engagement
B. Annotations and Animations:
MetaText (eBooks)
3. Engagement:
C. Electronic Voting and Polling
1. Ask students to vote on issue before class (anonymously or
send directly to the instructor)
2. Instructor pulls our minority pt of view
3. Discuss with majority pt of view
4. Repoll students after class
(Note: Delphi or Timed Disclosure Technique:
anomymous input till a due date
and then post results and
reconsider until consensus
Rick Kulp, IBM, 1999)
3. Engagement
D. Survey Student Opinions
(e.g., InfoPoll, SurveySolutions, Zoomerang, SurveyShare.com)
4. Meaningfulness:
A. Perspective Taking: Oral Histories
and Interviews
1. Perspective sharing
discussions: Have learners relate the
course material to a real-life experience.
Example: In a course on Technology &
Culture, students freely shared
experiences of visiting grandparents on
rural farms. The discussion led to a
greater interest in the readings.
4. Meaningfulness:
B. Perspective Taking: Foreign
Katy Fraser, Germanic Studies at IU
and Jennifer Liu, East Asian
Languages and Cultures at IU:
1. Have students receive e-newsletters from a foreign
magazine as well as respond to related questions.
2. Students assume roles of those in literature from that
culture and participate in real-time chats using assumed
3. Students use multimedia and Web for self-paced lessons
to learn target language in authentic contexts.
4. Meaningfulness:
C. Knowledge Construction & Virtual Models
(Ken Hay, Univ of Georgia)
Introduction to Astronomy Professor
Uses Celestial Construction Kit: A 3-D
modeling environment where learners
can construct models of the solar
Uses a variety of resources: NASA data,
textbooks, and Web resources
Learners construct models through direct
manipulation interface and explore
fundamental scientific concepts (e.g., elliptical
orbits and the physics underlying them).
4. Meaningfulness:
D. Simulations and
Perspective Taking
Nick Cullather, History Professor at IU:
Students play roles in a Vietnam War
simulation called “Escalation” to rethink
notions of war, force, and victory as well
as improve decision making.
4. Meaningfulness:
E. Expert Job Interviews
1. Field Definition Activity: Have
student interview (via e-mail, if necessary)
someone working in the field of study and share
their results
• As a class, pool interview results and develop a
group description of what it means to be a
professional in the field
4. Meaningfulness:
F. Job or Field Reflections
1. Instructor provides reflection or prompt
for job related or field observations
2. Reflect on job setting or observe in field
3. Record notes on Web and reflect on
concepts from chapter
4. Respond to peers
5. Instructor summarizes posts
4. Meaningfulness:
G. Case-Based Learning: Student Cases
1. Model how to write a case
2. Practice answering cases.
3. Generate 2-3 cases during semester based on
field experiences.
4. Link to the text material—relate to how how text
author or instructor might solve.
5. Respond to 6-8 peer cases.
6. Summarize the discussion in their case.
7. Summarize discussion in a peer case.
(Note: method akin to storytelling)
10 Ways of Using Cases on Web
1. Build Web weekly work around case.
2. Include cases on Web exams or readings.
3. Put video of case on Web.
4. Read diff cases & form database.
5. Use prepackaged Web simulations or cases.
6. One team writes case & another answers.
7. Small interest groups post cases.
8. Publish class cases and enter competitions.
9. Students generate & discuss cases.
10. Instructor repurposes student cases.
4. Meaningfulness:
H. Case-Based Laboratories
Virginia Polytechnic Institute: Veterinary Medicine (Active
learning goal: access diagnostic test results, interpret significance, &
read ref materials)
• Instructors provide all materials for case-based labs: WP
files, patient photos & materials, color slides of specimens
• Create Web images through scanning photos, slides,
radiographs, and computed scans.
• Find approp sound files on educational sites.
• Students view patient info (photo, lesion photos, history,
physical exam findings)
• Can click on active links of sounds (breath, cardiac, etc.)
• Students must answer questions
• Students encouraged to discuss cases before class
• Students and instructors discuss in class.
4. Meaningfulness:
I. Authentic Data Analysis
Jeanne Sept, IU, Archaeology of Human
Origins; Components: From CD to Web
A set of research q’s and problems that archaeologists
have posed about the site (a set of Web-based activities)
A complete set of data from the site and background info
(multimedia data on sites from all regions and prehistoric
time periods in Africa)
A set of methodologies and add’l background info
(TimeWeb tool to help students visualize and explore
space/time dimensions)
Students work collaboratively to integrate multidisciplinary data &
interpret age of site
Interpret evidence for site’s ancient environments
Analyze info on artifacts and fossils from the site
5. Choice:
A. Multiple Topics
• Generate multiple discussion prompts and
ask students to participate in 2 out of 3
• Provide different discussion “tracks”
(much like conference tracks) for students
with different interests to choose among
• List possible topics and have students
vote (students sign up for lead diff weeks)
• Have students list and vote.
5. Choice:
B. Discussion: Starter-Wrapper
(Hara, Bonk, & Angeli, 2000)
1. Starter reads ahead and starts discussion and others
participate and wrapper summarizes what was
2. Start-wrapper with roles--same as #1 but include roles for
debate (optimist, pessimist, devil's advocate).
Alternative: Facilitator-Starter-Wrapper
(Alexander, 2001)
Instead of starting discussion, student acts as moderator or
questioner to push student thinking and give feedback
5. Choice:
C. Web Resource Reviews
6. Variety:
A. Brainstorming
• Come up with interesting or topic or problem to
• Anonymously brainstorm ideas in a chat
• Encourage spin off ideas
• Post list of ideas generated
• Rank or rate ideas and submit to instructor
• Calculate average ratings and distribute to group
6. Variety:
B. Roundrobin
Select a topic
Respond to it
Pass answer(s) to next person in group
Keep passing until everyone contributes or ideas
are exhausted
• Summarize and/or report or findings
6. Variety:
C. Just-In-Time-Teaching
Gregor Novak, IUPUI Physics
Professor (teaches teamwork,
collaboration, and effective
1. Lectures are built around student
answers to short quizzes that have an
electronic due date just hours before
2. Instructor reads and summarizes
responses before class and weaves
them into discussion and changes the
lecture as appropriate.
6. Variety:
D. Just-In-Time Syllabus
(Raman, Shackelford, & Sosin) http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/jits.htm
Syllabus is created as a "shell" which is thematically organized
and contains print, video, and web references as well as
Goal = critical thinking (analysis, evaluation), developing
student interests, collaboration, discussion
e.g., Economics instructors incorporate time-sensitive data, on-line
discussions as well as links to freshly-mounted websites into the
delivery of most of the undergraduate courses in economics.
Instructor reads and summarizes responses before class and
weaves them into discussion and changes the lecture as
e.g., To teach or expand the discussion of supply or elasticity, an
instructor would add new links in the Just-in-Time Syllabus to
breaking news about gasoline prices or the energy blackouts in
6. Variety: E. Virtual Classroom
Joachim Hammer, University of Florida, Data
Warehousing and Decision Support
1. Voice annotated slides on Web; 7 course modules with a number
of 15-30 minutes units
2. Biweekly Q&A chat sessions moderated by students
3. Bulletin Board class discussions
4. Posting to Web of best 2-3 assignments
5. Exam Q’s posted to BB; answers sent via email
6. Team projects posted in a team project space
7. Add’l Web resources are structured for students (e.g., white
papers, reports, project and product home pages)
8. Email is used to communicate with students
7. Curiosity:
A. Electronic Seance
Students read books from famous dead people
Convene when dark (sync or asynchronous).
Present present day problem for them to solve
Participate from within those characters (e.g.,
read direct quotes from books or articles)
• Invite expert guests from other campuses
• Keep chat open for set time period
• Debrief
7. Curiosity
B. Online Fun and Games
(see Thiagi.com
Or deepfun.com)
1. Puzzle games
2. Solve puzzle against
3. Learn concepts
4. Compete
5. Get points
7. Curiosity:
C. Electronic Guests & Mentoring
1. Find article or topic that is controversial
2. Invite person associated with that article
(perhaps based on student suggestions)
3. Hold real time chat
4. Pose questions
5. Discuss and debrief (i.e., did anyone
change their minds?)
(Alternatives: Email Interviews with experts
Assignments with expert reviews)
7. Curiosity:
D. Video Mentoring
Audiology Professor, Univ of Florida
1. Course instructor invites national known
experts to lecture in specific content areas.
2. Lectures are videotaped in a recording
studio, edited by professional, duplicated,
and distributed to each student.
3. Average of ten hours of lectures from 3-5
experts are prepared for each class.
4. Visual aids are added to each tape and a
transcript is prepared for hearing-impaired
7. Curiosity:
E. Synchronous Chats
1. Webinar, Webcast
2. Guest speaker moderated (or open) Q&A forum
3. Instructor meetings, private talk, admin help
4. Quick Polls/Quizzes, Voting Ranking, Surveys
5. Swami Questions
6. Peer Q&A and Dialogue
7. Team activities or meetings
8. Brainstorming ideas, What-Ifs, Quick reflections
9. Graphic Organizers in Whiteboard (e.g., Venn)
10. Twenty Questions, Hot Seat, etc.
Tech check since anything
can happen…
F. Peer Questions & Team Meeting
G. Peer Questions & Team
Meeting: Moderated
H. Collaborative Document Writing Online:
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
I. Online Language Support
(pronunciation, communication, vocabulary, grammar, etc.)
Instructor-Led Training
(e.g., GlobalEnglish)
Typical Features (e.g., Englishtown (millions
of users from over 100 countries)
Online Conversation Classes
Experienced Teachers (certified ESL)
Expert Mentors
Peer-to-Peer Conversation
Private Conversation Classes
Placement Tests
Personalized Feedback
University Certification
Self-Paced Lessons
8. Tension:
A. Role Play
A. Role Play Personalities
• List possible roles or personalities (e.g., coach, optimist,
devil’s advocate, etc.)
• Sign up for different role every week (or 5-6 key roles)
• Reassign roles if someone drops class
• Perform within roles—refer to different personalities
B. Assume Persona of Scholar
– Enroll famous people in your course
– Students assume voice of that person for one or
more sessions
– Enter debate topic or Respond to debate topic
– Respond to rdg reflections of others or react to own
Role 1: Starter/Mediator
• Summarizes the key terms, ideas, and issues in
the chapters, supplemental instructor notes,
journal articles, and other assigned readings and
asks thought provoking questions typically
before one’s peers read or discuss the concepts
and ideas. In effect, the starter is a reporter or
commentator or teacher of what to expect in the
upcoming readings or activities. Once the
“start” is posted, this student acts as a mediator
or facilitator of discussion for the week.
Role 2: Wrapper/Summarizer
• Connects ideas, synthesizes discussion,
interrelates comments, and links both explicit
and implicit ideas posed in online discussion or
other activities. Here, the student looks for
patterns and themes in online coursework
while weaving information together. The
wrapping or summarizing is done at least at the
end of the week or unit, but preferably two or
more times depending on the length of the
Role 3: Conqueror or
• Takes ideas into action, debates with
others, persists in arguments and
never surrenders or compromises
nomatter what the casualties are
when addressing any problem or
Role 4: Devil's Advocate or
• Takes opposite points of view for
the sake of an argument and is an
antagonist when addressing any
problem posed. This might be a
weekly role that is secretly
Role 5: Idea
• Squelches good and bad ideas of others and
submits your own prejudiced or biased ideas
during online discussions and other
situations. Forces others to think. Is that
person you really hate to work with.
Role 6: Optimist/Openminded/Idealist
• In this role, the student notes what appears
to be feasible, profitable, ideal, and
"sunny" ideas when addressing this
problem. Always sees the bright or positive
side of the situation.
Role 7: Idea Generator Creative
• Brings endless energy to online
conversations and generates lots
of fresh ideas and new
perspectives to the conference
when addressing issues and
8. Tension.
C. Six Hats (from De Bono, `985; adopted
for online learning by Karen Belfer, 2001, Ed Media)
White Hat: Data, facts, figures, info (neutral)
Red Hat: Feelings, emotions, intuition, rage…
Yellow Hat: Positive, sunshine, optimistic
Black Hat: Logical, negative, judgmental, gloomy
Green Hat: New ideas, creativity, growth
Blue Hat: Controls thinking process & organization
Note: technique used in a business info systems
class where discussion got too predictable!
8. Tension:
D. Instructor Generated Virtual
Debate (or student generated)
1. Select controversial topic (with input from class)
2. Divide class into subtopic pairs: one critic and
one defender.
3. Assign each pair a perspective or subtopic
4. Critics and defenders post initial position stmts
5. Rebut person in one’s pair
6. Reply to 2+ positions with comments or q’s
7. Formulate and post personal positions.
9. Interactive:
A. Critical/Constructive Friends,
Email Pals, Web Buddies
1. Assign a critical friend (perhaps based on
2. Post weekly updates of projects, send
reminders of due dates, help where needed.
3. Provide criticism to peer (I.e., what is strong
and weak, what’s missing, what hits the mark)
as well as suggestions for strengthening.
In effect, critical friends do not slide over
weaknesses, but confront them kindly and
4. Reflect on experience.
9. Interactive:
B. Symposia or Panel of Experts
Find topic during semester that peaks interest
Find students who tend to be more controversial
Invite to a panel discussion on a topic or theme
Have them prepare statements
Invite questions from audience (rest of class)
Assign panelists to start
C. Press Conference: Have a series of
press conferences at the end of small
group projects; one for each group)
9. Interactive:
D. Online Co-Laborative Psych Experiments
(University of Mississippi)
Contains 30 free psych
• Location independent
• Convenient to instructors
• Run experiments over
large number of subjects
• Can build on it over time
• Cross-institutional
Ken McGraw, Syllabus,
November, 2001
10. Goal Driven:
A. Group Problem Solving
Provide a real-world problem
Form a committee of learners to solve the problem
Assign a group reporter/manager
Provide interaction guidelines and deadlines
– Brainstorming
– Research
– Negotiation
– Drafting
– Editing
– Reflecting
B. Jigsaw Technique:
Assign chapters within groups
(member #1 reads chapters 1 & 2; #2 reads 3 & 4, etc.)
10. Goal Driven:
C. Gallery Tours
• Assign Topic or Project
(e.g., Team or Class White
Paper, Bus Plan, Study
Guide, Glossary,
Journal, Model Exam
• Students Post to Web
• Experts Review and Rate
• Try to Combine Projects
Motivational Top Ten
1. Tone/Climate: Ice Breakers, Peer Sharing
2. Feedback: Self-Tests, Reading Reactions
3. Engagement: Q’ing, Polling, Voting
4. Meaningfulness: Job/Field Reflections, Cases
5. Choice: Topical Discussions, Starter-Wrapper
6. Variety: Brainstorming, Roundrobins
7. Curiosity: Seances, Electronic Guests/Mentors
8. Tension: Role Play, Debates, Controversy
9. Interactive: E-Pals, Symposia, Expert Panels
10. Goal Driven: Group PS, Jigsaw, Gallery Tours
Pick One…??? (circle one)
Pick an Idea
• Definitely Will Use:
• May Try to Use:
• No Way: