6th LDC Ministerial Conference

6th LDC Ministerial Conference
Operationalizing ISID for LDCs: “the path to graduation
and beyond”
Session: Ministerial Debate
Between 1971 - 2014 only 4 countries graduated out
of the LDC category, namely:
-Botswana : 19 December 1994
-Cape Verde: 20 December 2007
-Maldives and Samoa: 1 January 2011
Facts & Figures
LDCs population (2014): 898 million - 1/8 of the world’s total
Combined exports 1.11% of worldwide exports
GDP per capita: USD 802 (2012)
50.8% lives on < $1.25 per day
LDC manufacturing share : 10% in 2013 compare
to 21% Developing countries
• Access to electricity : 35% of the population in 2013
• UNIDO’s organized five LDCs ministerial conferences since 2007
• Istanbul PoA was endorsed in June 2011, followed by UNIDO adoption of
the LDC Operational Strategy 2012-2020 (Dec. 2011)
• ISID adoption - 15th General Conference (Dec. 2013) – Lima Declaration
Introduction of the UNIDO’s renewed mandate
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID)
Goal: Harness the full potential of industry’s contribution to the
achievement of sustainable development in the post 2015 era,
directly participating to achieve the goals set by the IPoA.
UNIDO’s strategy for LDC focus on three pillar:
1. Commodity conversion
2. Vulnerable communities
3. Regional value chain development
UNIDO Technical Cooperation delivery in
LDCs by Thematic Priorities 2012-2014
Between 2012 and 2014 UNIDO’s technical assistance towards LDCs reached a
total of: EUR 173, 457,934.96
Trade Capacity
Environment &
Poverty Reduction
Trade Capacity Building
Energy and Environment
UNIDO’s Technical Assistance
IPoA Priority areas
Productive capacity
Agriculture, food security
and rural development
Human and social
Multiple crises and other
emerging challenges
Mobilizing financial
resources for development
and capacity-building
Good governance at all levels
 Strengthening Agro Industries
 Value Chains and Supplier Development
Clusters, export consortia and business linkages
Competitiveness, upgrading and modernization
Quality and compliance infrastructure
Clusters, export consortia and business linkages
Competitiveness, upgrading and modernization
Productive work for young people and Entrepreneurship
Gender and Women’s empowerment/employment programmes
Green Industry solutions; and Energy efficiency
Water management
Post-crises intervention-sustainable livelihood programmes
Renewable and rural energy
Cleaner and resource efficient production
Investment and technology promotion
Partnering with DFIs and other multilateral funding agencies
Partnership development with the private sector (PPPs)
Development of Programme for Country Partnership (PCPs)
Industrial Policy advice
Snapshots of UNIDO
Technical Cooperation
UNIDO’s core areas of intervention in LDCs supporting structural
Further Information to be
found on the session
background paper.
(Chapter III – p.10)
Trade capacity building
Ensuring quality and sustainability along the coffee value chain – Burundi:
• Partners/Donors: NORAD and the EIF
• Budget: USD 3,000,000
• Objective: improve Burundi’s competitiveness by facilitating local products
access to regional and international markets through strengthening the
country’s compliance capacity with Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS)
Main achievements:
• 80 inspectors trained
• over 100 executives have been sensitized on standardization and regulation
• 110 executives of processing units have been trained in quality and food safety
Similar projects have been developed in Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, Uganda
Income generating activities and
communities empowerment
Entrepreneurship Curriculum Programme (ECP) – Mozambique:
• Partners/Donors: UNIDO, NORAD
• Budget: USD 2, 700, 000
• Objective: Developing entrepreneurial aptitude and skills in secondary and
vocational schools.
Main Achievements:
• ECP integrated in the formal National Education Strategy
• Implemented in 331 schools & 1,654 teachers trained
• 496,4000 students took the course, 127,800 have graduated (45% are female)
The ECP Programme has been successfully developed in Angola, Rwanda,
Uganda, Cabo Verde and is planned to be replicated in other regions
Infrastructure development,
renewable energy and environment:
Reduction of GHG emission through promotion of commercial biogas plants Cambodia:
Partners/Donors: UNIDO, Foreign Trade Bank, Global Environment Facility
Budget: USD 1,500,499
Objective: Develop financially viable, reliable, sustainable biogas-based mini-grid for
rural electrification.
Main Achievements:
• Photovoltaic battery-charging stations installed in 6 remote villages providing energy to
1, 073 households
• Solar dryer technology unit installed improving dried fish production of local businesses
• 150Kw rice husk gasifier set up connecting 300 supplementary households while
reducing CO2 emissions by 900 tons per year
Similar projects have been developed in the DRC, Burundi, the Gambia, Chad
Industrial capacity building, policy
support and statistics:
Industrial policy capacity building support programme - Tanzania:
• Partners/Donors: UNIDO, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tanzania, Planning
• Budget: USD 432, 962
• Objective: support in industrial policymaking schemes/strategies by providing
tailored and timely advices, capacity building and facilitation services
Main Achievements:
• Two Industrial Intelligence Units set up to support government’s activities.
• Capacity building and trainings provided to national statisticians
• Two industrial competitiveness report published in 2013 and 2014.
Similar projects have been developed in Burundi, Laos, Myanmar, Uganda
The 6th UNIDO LDC Ministerial
• Defining moment in the history of development cooperation
• Industrialization strongly featured in the new global agenda (SDG 9)
• 6th LDC Ministerial Conference : key transition from the SDGs adoption to the
IPoA mid-term review to be held in Antalya (2016)
• A platform for Member States to embark on an open dialogue on how UNIDO
can enhance its efficiency in terms of delivery and technical assistance in LDCs
• UNIDO: LDCs priority target to fully operationalize ISID
UNIDO chose two LDCs as pilot to implement its ISID mandate
through the Programme for Country Partnership (PCP)
approach : Ethiopia and Senegal
Objectives of the Ministerial Debate
• Provide invaluable inputs for the IPOA mid-term review (Antalya
June 2016)
• Explore how to further develop synergies between development and
international organizations to achieve the goals set in 2020 (IPoA –
UNIDO Operational Strategy)
• Reaffirm that mainstreaming sustainable and inclusive
industrialization within National and Regional policies is
instrumental in the graduation process
• Graduation should not be an end in itself but a stepping stone
towards sound and sustainable structural transformation
• Agree on “ISID for LDCs Operational Strategy”
Thank you for your kind attention!
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