Global Partnership for Development The goal to ‘Develop a Global Partnership for Development’, was designed to enable the achievement of the other MDGs. The key was to facilitate more conducive conditions of international cooperation, generate adequate resources, create new opportunities, and help build the capacities and skills needed to deliver on the first seven MDGs. MDG 8 is critical for lower develop countries (LDC’s) in the Asia Pacific region. In general, LDCs in the region have weak productive capacities, limited space for domestic resource mobilization, and are economically vulnerable to external shocks. Since the 1970s, only one LDC, Maldives, has graduated from LDC status, although Lao PDR, Bangladesh, and Bhutan have ambitions of graduating by 2020. An important clause in MDG 8 is to ensure tariff- and quota-free access for the LDCs. Even before the establishment of the MDGs, the LDCs had typically enjoyed duty-free and quota-free access to developed country markets − notably through the Generalized System of Preferences. Across the world, there has been good progress in this area as by 2010 the proportion of goods admitted to developed country markets duty free had reached 82 per cent for the LDCs as a whole. For Asia-Pacific LDCs, however, the proportion was only 69 per cent. This may be because the various unilateral trade preference schemes do not cover some of the goods produced by this region. Developed countries also maintain protection for goods that are of particular importance for the Asia-Pacific region: agricultural products, textiles and clothing. Between 2000 and 2010, there were modest reductions in the average most-favourednation (MFN) tariffs applied by the developed countries to textiles and clothing, while for agricultural products MFN tariffs remained mostly unchanged. Overall, since the implementation of the MDGs, the Asia-Pacific LDCs, with the exception of Bangladesh, have not made much progress in increasing their overall export shares. Some of this may be due to tariff and non-tariff barriers in the export markets, but the LDCs also have supply-side limitations. A second major area within Goal 8, official development assistance (ODA), remains well below target. Except in Afghanistan and Bangladesh the overall growth of the ODA has lagged, and several LCDs have received very little ODA. MDG 8 also includes communications indicators. Most Asia Pacific countries have considerably increased the number of internet users per 100 people, led by the Republic of Korea, then Singapore, Hong Kong (China) and Malaysia. Those that are still low on this indicator include the Democratic Republic of Korea (0 per 100 people in 2009), Timor-Leste (~1 in 2011), Myanmar (~1 in 2011) and Papua New Guinea (2 in 2011). Mobile phone usage has surged in Hong Kong, China, and Macao. China has more than 200 mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 people. In a number of other countries, including Kazakhstan, Maldives, Russian Federation, Singapore and Viet Nam, the number is between 150 and 200. The countries in the region with the fewest mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 people are American Samoa, Myanmar, Kiribati, Democratic Republic of Korea and Marshall Islands.