Lifetime Fitness Final Exam

Lifetime Fitness Final Exam
Lifetime Fitness is a semester course; therefore the exam given at mid-term is the course
final exam which counts as 1/5 of the final grade. The Lifetime Fitness Final Exam
evaluates the students on their mastery of the course objectives. The exam is administered
in two parts.
In Part A, 75 multiple choice test items are constructed to cover all the topics listed in
the Lifetime Fitness Course outline included in the student Lifetime Fitness Handbook.
Every student has a signed copy of the Handbook in their fitness folder. Study Questions
are included in this packet for review. Part A will be administered at the Exam Time.
In Part B, students will critique their current level of participation in fitness activities
using the data collected in their personal activity log. They will make decisions about
their activity selection, and the frequency, intensity and time of their participation in their
logged activities. The students will also develop a personal fitness plan using the
concepts acquired in this course. The students must use the five step fitness design to
create a personal fitness plan.
The five step fitness design includes:
1. Evaluation of personal Health Related Fitness (Fitnessgram Pre-test Sores)
2. Goal Setting (a Fitness goal for each of the five Health-related components)
3. Selection of activities-( create an activity bank for each Health-related
component of fitness)
4. Application of training principles (overload, specificity, progression)
5. Post-test of Health Related Fitness (Fitnessgram Post-test Scores)
Part B will be given to the students prior to the final exam period for completion.
Materials needed for the exam
 White out to make corrections on the scantron.
 #2 pencil
 Fitness Folders
 Parent Signed Fitnessgram
Study Tips
 Students should review the class work in their lifetime fitness folders
 Students should be familiar with their individual fitness scores from the
fitnessgram testing. Scores can be found on the golden rod copy in their folders.
Pre and Post test scores are listed for each of the five health-related fitness
 Students should be able to write formal fitness goals based on Fitnessgram scores.
See the template for writing formal fitness goals included in this packet
 Students should review the class rubric for Step 4 Application of Training
Principles (Specificity, Overload, and Progression).
All power point presentations can be found on my web site: