Note: See the text itself for full citations. List several tasks and outputs of project execution Discuss what is involved in directing and managing project execution as part of project integration management, ◦ including the importance of producing promised deliverables, implementing solutions to problems, evaluating work performance information, and requesting changes to a project Explain the importance of recommending corrective actions and updating project-related information as part of quality assurance 2 Describe the executing tasks performed as part of human resource management, ◦ summarize important concepts related to managing people, and explain what is involved in leveling resources, assigning staff, reviewing resource calendars, and assessing team performance Discuss important communications concepts, and describe the executing tasks performed as part of communications management Explain the executing tasks performed as part of procurement management, ◦ and describe what is involved in selecting sellers and preparing contract awards 3 Project execution is the most noticed process group Research shows that without a doubt, ◦ the main reason CEOs failed was poor execution; ◦ the same is true for project managers Recall that, in general, the majority of a project’s time and budget is spent on project execution Many of the tasks and outputs created in the other process groups are fairly similar from project to project, ◦ but no two projects are ever executed in the exact same way due to uncertainties and unique challenges 4 “The results are not acceptable,” stated President Bush four days after Hurricane Katrina caused major damage to New Orleans and surrounding areas. After Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials returned in January 2005 from a tour of the tsunami devastation in Asia, New Orleans was the number one disaster they discussed. Officials had drawn up dozens of plans and conducted preparedness drills for years, but despite all the warnings, Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed government agencies, and many people suffered from slow response to their needs for emergency aid. The mayor of New Orleans, C. Ray Nagin, blasted the government for its lack of an immediate response. “I’ve talked directly with the President, I’ve talked to the head of the Homeland Security, I’ve talked to everybody under the sun, I’ve been out there.”* People were disappointed with the poor execution of disaster relief efforts during *Shadi Rahimi, “Bush Embarks on Tour to Survey Damage,” The New the first few days,York andTimes officials took corrective actions to address the (September 2, 2005). challenges caused by the hurricane. 5 Knowledge area Executing process Outputs Project integration management Direct and manage project execution Deliverables Work performance data Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Project quality management Perform quality assurance Organizational process asset updates Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Project human resource management Acquire project team Develop project team Manage project team Project staff assignments Resource calendars Project management plan updates Team performance assessment Enterprise environmental factors updates Change request Project management plan updates Enterprise environmental factors updates Organizational process assets updates Project communications management Distribute information Manage stakeholder expectations Organizational process assets updates Organizational process assets updates Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Project procurement management Conduct procurements Selected sellers Procurement award Resource calendars Change requests Project management plan updates Project documents updates 6 To direct and manage project stakeholders, project managers can follow several important practices: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Coordinate planning and execution Develop and use soft skills Provide a supportive organizational culture. Break the rules when needed Capitalize on product, business, and application area knowledge ◦ Use project execution tools and techniques 7 Most project sponsors would say that the most important output of any project is its deliverables Recall that deliverables are products or services produced or provided as part of a project For the Just-In-Time Training project at Global Construction, key deliverables include: ◦ Training materials and courses (instructor-led, Webbased, and CD-ROM) ◦ Deliverables related to developing and delivering those training materials and courses, such as surveys, design documents, prototypes, and meetings 8 During project execution, project managers must collect, assess, and communicate work performance information Many project managers, like Kristin, use the “management by wandering around” (MBWA) approach, meaning ◦ they informally observe and talk to project team members, suppliers, and other stakeholders as much as possible Kristin also used formal communications, ◦ such as status reports, survey results, and course evaluations, to address work performance on the project 9 A common way to summarize work performance information is by using a milestone report ◦ Recall that a milestone is a significant event on a project, such as completing a major deliverable or awarding a major contract In addition to listing the milestones, the report lists ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ the planned date for completion (in month/day format), the status, the person responsible for the milestone, and issues/comments 10 Milestone Date Status Responsible Issues/Comments Researched existing training 8/13 Complete Jamie (replaced by Abner) Many basic courses available, but not much advanced/tailored training. ( Note: Replaced Jamie with better candidate for project after Jamie completed this task) Supplier management 8/24 training survey results reported to steering committee Completed Kristin Great feedback. Many people stressed the need to have instructor-led training and mentors for soft skills development Meetings with potential partners 9/21 In progress Kristin/Contracting May need more time for meetings Partnership agreements completed 9/28 Not started yet Kristin/Contracting May need more time to set up agreements 11 Often, a number of requests for changes emerge during project execution Recall that a process for handling changes should be defined during project planning as part of the project management plan It is important during project execution to formally and informally request appropriate changes 12 Team 5 covers this Figure Project Name: Just-In-Time Training Project Date Request Submitted: September 22 Title of Change Request: Increase time to develop partnerships for supplier management training Change Order Number: A200-17 Submitted by: Kristin Maur Change Category: __Scope __Schedule X Cost __Technology __Other Description of change requested: In order to avoid a schedule slip and have appropriate internal resources available, we are requesting the approval of paid overtime for creating and distributing the survey for the supplier management course. Events that made this change necessary or desirable: The IT person assigned to our project has several other important projects on-hand. If these tasks are delayed, the entire project will be delayed. Justification for the change/why it is needed/desired to continue/complete the project: We must send out and analyze the survey in a timely manner since we need the information to develop the first supplier management course and select an appropriate supplier. Impact of the proposed change on: Scope: None Schedule: None Cost: $550 Staffing: One IT person will work 10 hours of paid overtime basis over a period of several weeks. Risk: Low. This person suggested the paid overtime and has successfully worked overtime in the past. Other: None Suggested implementation if the change request is approved: Include the overtime pay in the normal paycheck. Required approvals: Name/Title Date Approve/Reject Evan George/Affected Employee Stella Jacobs/Employee’s Supervisor Julia Portman, VP of IT 13 Of course, all project teams face numerous problems Some problems can be avoided by doing a good job of initiating, planning, or monitoring and controlling the project, ◦ but other problems cannot be avoided Some common problems encountered during project execution are described in this chapter, ◦ but project managers must be creative and flexible in dealing with problems that occur on their projects 14 The project sponsor and/or other senior managers are not very supportive of the project. Project stakeholders, such as people who would use the products and services the project is attempting to create, are not sufficiently involved in project decision-making. The project manager is inexperienced in managing people, working in a particular organization, or understanding the application area of the project. The project objectives/scope are unclear. Estimates for time and cost goals are unreliable or unrealistic. Business needs/technology changes have impacted the project. People working on the project are incompetent or unmotivated. There are poor conflictmanagement procedures. Communications are poor. Suppliers are not delivering as promised. 15 Kristin Maur encountered several problems during execution, such as: ◦ Incompetent or unmotivated people working on the project ◦ Poor conflict-management procedures 16 Although Jamie was assigned to work on the JustIn-Time Training project from its start, ◦ she was on vacation for most of the first month and seemed uninterested in the project when she was around Kristin tried her best to motivate Jamie, but Jamie was simply not the right person for the project Kristin talked to Jamie directly (using the confrontation approach), ◦ and Jamie admitted that she would much rather deal directly with suppliers than work on this project Kristin replaced Jamie with someone more suitable 17 Most large projects are high-stake endeavors that are highly visible within organizations When the stakes are high, ◦ conflict is never far away, ◦ and even small projects with low budgets have conflicts ◦ it is a natural part of work and life in general Project managers should lead their teams in developing norms for dealing with various types of conflicts that might arise 18 Blake and Mouton (1964) delineated five basic modes for handling conflicts. Each strategy can be considered as being high, medium, or low on two dimensions: ◦ ◦ importance of the task or goal, and importance of the relationship between the people having the conflict (high/low, medium/medium, and so on). 1. Confrontation or problem-solving: Directly face a conflict (high/high). 2. Compromise: Use a give-and-take approach (medium/medium). 3. Smoothing: De-emphasize areas of differences and emphasize areas of agreement (low/high). 4. Forcing: The win-lose approach (high/low). 5. Withdrawal: Retreat or withdraw from an actual or potential disagreement (low/low). 19 Relationship Importance High Confrontation/ Problem-solving Smoothing Compromise Medium Withdrawal Forcing Low Low Medium High Task Importance 20 Recent research recognizes a sixth approach called collaborating mode ◦ where decision makers incorporate different viewpoints and insights to develop consensus and commitment Conflict can be good; ◦ it often produces important results, such as new ideas, better alternatives, and motivation to work harder and more collaboratively Project team members might become stagnant or develop groupthink ◦ if there are no conflicting viewpoints on various aspects of a project ◦ Groupthink: conformance to the values or ethical standards of a group Research suggests that: ◦ Task-related conflict, which is derived from differences over team objectives and how to achieve them, often improves team performance ◦ Emotional conflict, however, which stems from personality clashes and misunderstandings, often depresses team performance 21 Quality assurance includes all the activities related to ◦ satisfying the relevant quality standards for a project Another goal of quality assurance is ◦ continual quality improvement Key outputs of quality assurance include ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ change requests, project management plan updates, project document updates, and updates to organizational process assets 22 Benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements ◦ by comparing specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products within or outside of the organization itself ◦ (for example, training costs per employee and course ratings are benchmarks) A quality audit is ◦ a structured review of specific quality management activities that helps identify lessons learned, which could improve performance on current or future projects Cause-and-effect diagrams—also called fishbone diagrams ◦ (because their structure resembles a fishbone) or Ishikawa diagrams (named after their founder) ◦ can assist in ensuring and improving quality by finding the root causes of quality problems 23 24 Effective project human resource management is crucial to project execution The main tasks project managers perform include ◦ acquiring, developing, and managing the project team Key outputs include ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ project staff assignments, resource calendars, team performance assessment, change requests, and updates to the project management plan and organizational process assets 25 Project managers must understand motivation theories to effectively execute projects Psychologists, managers, coworkers, teachers, parents, and most people in general ◦ still struggle to understand what motivates people, or why they do what they do Intrinsic motivation ◦ causes people to participate in an activity for their own enjoyment Extrinsic motivation ◦ causes people to do something for a reward or to avoid a penalty Maslow suggested that people’s behaviors are guided or motivated by a sequence of needs 26 Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition, 2010 27 Frederick Herzberg wrote several famous books and articles about worker motivation. He distinguished between the following: ◦ Motivational factors: Factors that cause job satisfaction, such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth ◦ Hygiene factors: Factors that cause dissatisfaction if not present, but do not motivate workers to do more. Examples include larger salaries, more supervision, and a more attractive work environment 28 Specific needs are acquired or learned over time and shaped by life experiences, including: ◦ Achievement (nAch): People with a high need for achievement like challenging projects with achievable goals and lots of feedback ◦ Affiliation (nAff): People with high nAff desire harmonious relationships and need to feel accepted by others, so managers should try to create a cooperative work environment for them ◦ Power: (nPow): People with a need for power desire either personal power (not good) or institutional power (good for the organization). Managers should provide institutional power seekers with management opportunities 29 Douglas McGregor popularized the human relations approach to management in the 1960s Theory X: Assumes workers dislike and avoid work, ◦ so managers must use coercion, threats and various control schemes to get workers to meet objectives Theory Y: Assumes individuals consider work as natural as play or rest and enjoy the satisfaction of esteem and self-actualization needs 30 1. Authority: The legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders. 2. Assignment: The project manager's perceived ability to influence a worker's later work assignments. 3. Budget: The project manager's perceived ability to authorize others' use of discretionary funds. 4. Promotion: The ability to improve a worker's position. 5. Money: The ability to increase a worker's pay and benefits. 31 6. Penalty: The project manager's ability to cause punishment. 7. Work challenge: The ability to assign work that capitalizes on a worker's enjoyment of doing a particular task. 8. Expertise: The project manager's perceived special knowledge that others deem important. 9. Friendship: The ability to establish friendly personal relationships between the project manager and others. 32 Projects are more likely to succeed when project managers influence with the following: ◦ Expertise ◦ Work challenge Projects are more likely to fail when project managers rely too heavily on the following: ◦ Authority ◦ Money ◦ Penalty 33 Project managers can apply Stephen Covey’s 7 habits to improve effectiveness on projects ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think win/win Seek first to understand, then to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw 34 Good project managers are empathic listeners ◦ they listen with the intent to understand Before you can communicate with others, you have to have rapport ◦ a relation of harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity Mirroring is the matching of certain behaviors of the other person, ◦ a technique to help establish rapport 35 A young business consultant who worked in the IT department of a major aerospace firm met with a senior project manager and his core team. ◦ The company was losing money on the project, and the project manager blamed it all on the IT department When the project manager entered the meeting room with three of his staff, all older men, ◦ he threw his books on the table and started yelling at the young consultant and her even younger assistant Instead of backing down, the consultant mirrored the project manager’s behavior and started yelling right back at him. ◦ He stood back, paused, and said, “You’re the first person who’s had the guts to stand up to me. I like that!” After that brief introduction, rapport was established, and everyone began communicating and working together as a team to solve the problem at hand (true story!) 36 There’s a saying that the project manager who is the smartest person on the team has done a poor job of recruiting! After developing a staffing management plan during project planning, ◦ project managers must work with other managers in their organizations to assign personnel to their project or to acquire additional human resources Managers must also motivate their staff ◦ and remember why people choose to leave their jobs 37 1. 2. 3. They feel they do not make a difference They do not get proper recognition They are not learning anything new or growing as a person Managers can ensure these reasons do not occur by doing a good job of motivating and managing their people 38 Best practices can also be applied to include the best places for people to work. Quotes from employees often show why certain companies made the lists: ◦ “It is a friendly, courteous, caring hospital. We generally care about our co-workers and our patients. I can always get the help and support that I need to function in this hospital. This goes from the top all the way down to the cleaning people.” ◦ “This is the best place I have ever worked. There’s an open door policy. Every one is allowed to voice their opinion.” ◦ “I get information about everything—profits, losses, problems. Relationships with people are easier here. It’s more direct and open.”* *Great Place to Work Institute, Best Companies Lists, ( (June 2005). 39 Resource loading refers to ◦ the amount of individual resources an existing schedule requires during specific time periods Helps project managers develop a general understanding of the demands ◦ a project will make on the organization’s resources and individual people’s schedules Overallocation means ◦ more resources than are available are assigned to perform work at a given time 40 41 Resource leveling is a technique for ◦ resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks The main purpose of resource leveling is to ◦ create a smoother distribution of resource usage ◦ and reduce overallocation 42 Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition, 2010 43 When resources are used on a more constant basis, ◦ they require less management It may enable project managers to use a just-intime inventory type of policy ◦ for using subcontractors or other expensive resources It results in fewer problems for project personnel and accounting department It often improves morale 44 Kristin worked with managers in her company to staff the internal project team To keep everyone up-to-date on current project staffing assignments, ◦ Kristin provided a current team roster on the project Web site and included team member names, roles, and contact information As suppliers were added to the project, she included supplier staff information as well 45 Name Role on Project Position Email Mike Sundby Project Champion VP of HR mike_sundby@ Lucy Camerena Project Sponsor Training Director lucy_camerena@ Kristin Maur Project Manager Project Manager kristin_maur@ Mohamed Abdul Team Member Senior programmer/ analyst mohamed_abdul@ Kim Johnson Team Member Curriculum designer kim_johnson@ global Abner Tomas Team Member Supply management expert abner_tomas@ Phone Location 46 Many failed projects have been staffed by highly talented individuals; ◦ however, it takes teamwork to complete projects successfully The main goal of team development is to ◦ help people work together more effectively to improve project performance Project managers should understand and apply good team-building practices ◦ because it takes teamwork to successfully execute most projects 47 Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning 48 Project managers often recommend that people take specific training courses to improve individual and team development Team-building activities include using ◦ physical challenges and psychological preference indicator tools, such as the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Wilson Learning Social Styles Profile 49 MBTI is a popular tool for determining personality preferences and helping teammates understand each other Four dimensions include: – Extrovert/Introvert (E/I) – Sensation/Intuition (S/N) – Thinking/Feeling (T/F) – Judgment/Perception (J/P) Project managers might want to make sure that they have a variety of personality types on their team 50 People are perceived as behaving primarily in one of four zones, based on their assertiveness and responsiveness: – – – – Drivers Expressives Analyticals Amiables People on opposite corners (drivers and amiables, analyticals and expressives) may have difficulties getting along 51 Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition, 2010 52 Team-based reward and recognition systems can promote teamwork Focus on rewarding teams for achieving specific goals Allow time for team members to mentor and help each other to meet project goals and develop human resources 53 Managing a project team is no small task! Project managers must use their soft skills to find the best way to motivate and manage each team member Tools and techniques include: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Observation and conversation Project performance appraisals Conflict management Issue logs 54 Project managers assess team performance in several ways. ◦ Kristin believed in management by wandering around, and she liked to have many short, informal discussions with various stakeholders, especially her project team members ◦ She also observed people working alone and as a team, and assessed the quality of deliverables they produced ◦ Kristin periodically asked her project team members to fill out self-assessments to assist in performance assessment; she discussed each person’s assessment and took corrective actions as needed ◦ Kristin and other project managers at Global Construction also filled out performance appraisals for each team member once a year or when a project was completed 55 Team 5 covers this Figure Project Name: Just-In-Time Training Project Individual’s Name: ________________ Date: __________________ Project Manager: Kristin Maur 1. 2. 3. 4. Using a scale of 0-100, assess how you think the project team is performing: ___ Explain the rationale behind the above score. Using a scale of 0-100, assess how you are performing on this project: _____ Explain the rationale behind the above score. What are your roles and responsibilities, and how well have you performed them? 5. Briefly assess each team member’s performance. If you had to give each person a score between 0-100, what would it be? 6. To compare individual contributions, if you had 100 points to allocate to your team, how would you allocate them? 7. What suggestions do you have for improving team performance? 56 Team 5 covers this Figure Issue Log Oct. 1 Date Impact on Issue # Issue Description Project Reported Can severely hurt project since Jamie is Key project team our supplier member is not management 1 working out expert Aug 2 Delaying the survey will delay the IT staff that is entire project performing survey since it is a 2 is over allocated critical task Sep 26 Etc. Reported Assigned Priority Due By To (H/M/L) Date Status Kristin Kristin H Sep 2 Open Mohamed Kristin H Aug 5 Closed Comments Working with Jamie and appropriate managers to find a replacement Paid overtime was approved 57 Be patient and kind with your team Fix the problem instead of blaming people Establish regular, effective meetings Allow time for teams to go through the basic team-building stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning Limit the size of work teams to three to seven members to enhance communications Plan some social activities to help project team members and other stakeholders become acquainted Stress team identity Nurture team members and encourage them to help each other Acknowledge individual and group accomplishments 58 Good communications management is also crucial to project execution Distributing information and managing stakeholder expectations ◦ are the main communications management tasks performed during project execution The main outputs of this task are ◦ change requests and updating organizational process assets, ◦ the project management plan, ◦ and project documents 59 It is important to address important concepts related to improving project communications Key concepts include: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Formal and informal communications Nonverbal communications Using the appropriate communications medium Understanding individual and group communication needs ◦ The impact of team size on project communications 60 It is not enough for project team members ◦ to submit formal status reports to their project managers and other stakeholders ◦ and assume that everyone who needs to know that information will read the reports In fact, many people may prefer to have an informal, two-way conversation about project information Project managers must be good at nurturing relationships through good communication 61 Research poses the theory that in a face-to-face interaction, ◦ 58 percent of communication is through body language, ◦ 35 percent is through how the words are said, ◦ and a mere 7 percent is through the content or words that are spoken Even if the actual percentages are different in verbal project communications today, it is safe to say that ◦ it is important to pay attention to more than just the actual words someone is saying Nonverbal communications, such as a person’s tone of voice and body language, ◦ are often more important than the words being used 62 Team 5 covers this Figure 63 Microsoft had been experimenting with its new video conferencing product, Livemeeting. Anoop Gupta, a vice president of Microsoft’s realtime collaboration group, says that one in every five face-to-face meetings can be replaced with Web conferencing tools, and Microsoft estimates that it will save $70 million in reduced travel for organizations worldwide in one year alone.* Web-based meeting tools can also help the environment. For example, in May 2007, WebEx, the leading provider of on-demand web collaboration applications, kicked off the WebEx Experience Online Forum. They say they saved over one million pounds of carbon dioxide by not requiring the more than 650 attendees to travel to participate in sessions.** However, any live communication broadcast can also backfire, like Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” during the 2004 Super Bowl in the United States. *Steve Lohr, “Ambitious Package to Raise Productivity (and Microsoft’s Profit),” The New York Times (August 16, 2004). **Colin Smith, “WebEx Experience Online Forum Saves Over 1 Million Pounds of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in First Week,” ( (May 22, 2007). 64 People are not interchangeable parts As illustrated in Brooks’ book, The Mythical ManMonth, ◦ you cannot assume that a task originally scheduled to take two months of one person’s time can be done in one month by two people; ◦ nine women cannot produce a baby in one month! Individuals prefer different ways to communicate Geographic location and cultural backgrounds also affect communications 65 As the number of people involved increases, the complexity of communications increases because there are more communications channels, or pathways, through which people can communicate Number of communications channels = n(n-1) 2 where n is the number of people involved For example, two people have one communications channel: (2(2–1))/2 = 1. Five people have ten channels (5(5-1))/2=10 It is often helpful to form several smaller teams within a large project team to help improve project communications 66 Getting project information to the right people at the right time and in a useful format ◦ is just as important as developing the information in the first place During execution, project teams must address important considerations for information distribution The main output of information distribution is ◦ updating organizational process assets, such as business processes 67 Kristin and her team used instant messaging on a regular basis both within their team and with suppliers Several suppliers used Webcasts to communicate information in a more dynamic way without incurring travel expenses The Web-based courses that suppliers were developing for the project included discussion threads and an “Ask the Expert” feature, in which learners could ask specific questions of the instructor or experts within the company on various topics related to the course Kristin kept her own personal project blog to document important events and lessons she was learning while managing the project The project steering committee asked Kristin to prepare guidelines for using these new technologies effectively 68 The main executing tasks performed as part of project procurement is conducting procurements Key outputs include ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ selected sellers, procurement contract awards, resource calendars, change requests, and updates to the project management plan and project documents 69 Involves obtaining seller responses to proposals or bids, ◦ selecting sellers, and awarding contracts Organizations can use several different methods to approach and select qualified sellers or suppliers: ◦ Approaching a preferred supplier ◦ Approaching several qualified suppliers ◦ Advertising to many potential suppliers A procurement document package generally includes ◦ a summary letter, a request for proposal or quote, and a contract statement of work 70 Team 5 covers this Figure 71 Selecting sellers, often called source selection, ◦ involves evaluating proposals or bids from sellers, ◦ choosing the best one, ◦ negotiating the contract, and awarding the contract Often, buyers develop a short list of the top three to five suppliers to reduce the work involved in selecting a source, ◦ and they are often asked to prepare a best and final offer (BAFO) It is good practice to include a detailed statement of work and schedule as part of the contract ◦ to clarify exactly what work the seller will perform and when 72 Team 5 covers this Figure 73