Hello, my smarties! This test is so easy, and your brain is full of the right information! This test will show me if you can build, draw, and explain each question. Have fun, you are going to do great! 1. Build and Draw 4 points 2 + 6 Name: _____________________________ There are 32 points on this test, how many do you think you will receive? __________ Extra Credit: ____ / 1 Actual: ___ / 32 Explain 2 points _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____ /6 Kristin Naughton 2. Build and Draw 4 points 15 + 8 Explain 4 points ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ You’re doing great! Keep going! /8 Kristin Naughton 3. Build and Draw 6 points 33 + 18 Here comes a #1 student!! Keep going! Kristin Naughton /6 Explain 6 points 4. Build and Draw 6 points 47 + 29 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _ EXTRA CREDIT CHALLENGE! Label the parts of the math question below to receive 1 point extra credit! Kristin Naughton 13 __________________ + 27 __________________ 40 __________________ / 12 / 1 E.C. Addition of Two-Digit Numbers Using Base-10 Blocks Grade Level: Second GLCE’s assessed by this test: N.MR.02.09 Given a contextual situation that involves addition and subtraction using numbers through 99: model using objects or pictures; explain in words; record using numbers and symbols; solve.* N.FL.02.10 Add fluently two numbers through 99, using strategies including formal algorithms; subtract fluently two numbers through 99.* Summary: The concept included in this assessment is double digit addition, with respect to building, drawing, and explaining. I felt that it was necessary that this concept have its own assessment, because double digit addition is a concept that can be quite challenging and overwhelming. However, included in the beginning of the assessment are some math questions that are easier, with one two-digit number being added with a one digit number. This is so that students are eased into the test, without panic or frustration. This is the strategy recommended by those who follow Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students who take this assessment will show whether or not they have grasped the concept of not only addition, but their ability to build two digit addition problems, the ability to draw out what they build, and how they explain what they have done. All of these aspects of the assessment are assigned certain point values, so that if a student does not know a particular aspect of a problem, they can solve what is familiar, and still receive partial credit. Time Needed: Based on what my colleagues experienced when taking the test, I had to modify the test. During the original meeting, my peers had said that the length of my test would be fine, but one of my midterm partners took forty minutes to take my test, making the test time for a Kristin Naughton class of second graders over 120 minutes. This is clearly unacceptable, and so for my final partners, I took out a few parts to make the test taking time more feasible. My final partners were able to take the test in eleven minutes, making student time close to 33 minutes. When I took the test so as to make my teacher key, I was able to complete it in ten minutes. So the most a child would be taking on this test would be half an hour, which I do not think is ungodly for a second grader. Flesch Readability: Student Directions: Whole Test: Literature Connections: Math for All Seasons by Greg Tang A Fair Bear Share by Stuart J. Murphy Lesson Ideas: Lesson 1: Review building using simple problems that class is comfortable with. Read book, Math for All Seasons Have students use base 10 blocks and place value charts. Make sure there is heavy emphasis on drawing and explaining with correct use of math vocabulary. Lesson 2: Kristin Naughton Read A Fair Bear Share and discuss the idea of regrouping. Have students practice regrouping problems in pairs with base 10 blocks and place value mats. Make sure there is emphasis on drawing and explaining with correct use of math vocabulary. Lessons 3-5: Teacher will generate worksheets (or use those provided in curriculum packet) to have students practice 2 digit regrouping. Review literature connections, especially “A Fair Bear Share”. Have students use materials such as base 10 blocks and place value mats. Allow students to use colored pencils to label and draw each question. Teacher should put emphasis on the drawing and explaining aspects, as these can be difficult. Students will work in pairs to complete various math questions. Kristin Naughton