rev. 2008 International Tutor Program Certification Re-certification Application Packet Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all CRLA ITPC programs. It is our legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials we use in the classroom and for tutor and mentor training. Additionally, it is our legal and ethical responsibility to purchase (or have students purchase) copyrighted materials. Programs found to be in violation of copyright law will lose their certification. Re-Certification Application Cover Sheet 1. CONTACT PERSON: Barbie Edgar PROGRAM NAME: Student Learning Center INSTITUTION: Palm Beach State College *please note name change from Palm Beach Community College ADDRESS: 4200 Congress Ave. ADDRESS: MS # 60 CITY, STATE ZIP: Lake Worth, FL 33461 PHONE 561-868-3938 FAX: 561-868-3878 EMAIL: CRLA member: _X_Yes __No Type of Institution: _ _2 year _X_4 year 2. RE-CERTIFICATION LEVEL(S) REQUESTED _X _ REGULAR LEVEL 1 _X _ ADVANCED LEVEL 2 3. APPLICATION FEE: (Effective July 1, 2005) Any 1 Level = $150; Level 1 & 2 or Level 2 & 3 = $250; All 3 Levels = $350 Make a copy of this page, attach a check payable to--CRLA/Tutor Program Certification-and mail to: ITPC Certification c/o Rick Sheets 12422 West Aurora Dr. Sun City West, AZ 85375-1924 The federal I.D. # is 95-3177158. We cannot accept Purchase Orders Page 1 List of Documents: Please list the titles of the documentation files you are attaching to your application to verify that you meet certification requirements: (usual documentation could include syllabus, program description, time logs, brochures, tutor training guides, web pages, handouts.) Be aware of copyright concerns in the documentation you provide. Note: This is usually the last step in the process. All files are compressed in to : “5 yr recert L1, 2” ZIP file. Applications.job.desc. from website.docx New employee Checklist.xlsx SLC Staff Handbook Checklist.pdf 4MAT agenda.docx 4matquizquestions.doc LostArtOfVisualization2.pptx The Lost Art of Visualization—outline.doc Visualization agenda.docx Test Repair agenda.docx Test Repair Handout.doc Test Repair Outline.doc Test-Repair.ppt Manual.Training.Questionnaire.doc TDM.Questionaire2.docx, 3.docx, I.docx TutorDevmanual.pdf REACTION PAPER directions.docx Beyond Our Boundaries of Culture.pptx Cultural.awar.quiz.P2.pdf Cultural.awar.quiz.P3.pdf Cultural.awar.quiz.pdf Cultural.diversity agenda.docx Strat quest and prob handout.doc Strat quest and prob agends.doc The Use of Probing Questions.pptx Learning Disabilities . in brief.doc Daily Sch. Ex. BR.pdf Daily Sch. Ex. Computer Lab.LW.pdf Daily Sch. Ex. PBG.pdf Daily Sch. Ex. Read Lab. LW.pdf Tutor Assignment Sheet schedule.pdf Tutor time log. Pdf Memo.Perf.Apoprais.docx TutorEval.docx OVERVIEW OF THE TUTOR PROGRAM TO BE CERTIFIED Please provide a two-page overview summarizing how your tutor training program fulfills the requirements of the level or levels of certification you are seeking. The purpose of this overview is to provide the Page 2 Reviewers with the background information necessary to understand your program. This overview should include: 1) Program history 2) Program objectives 3) Reporting lines 4) Sources of funding 5) Services and students served 6) Program location and facility 7) Training guidelines (administration; selection, hours, tracking, evaluation, etc.) 8) How you generally conduct your training. (group size, meeting frequency/length, type of presentation) PROGRAM OVERVIEW Program History The Center for Personalized Instruction (CPI) began at the Lake Worth campus of Palm Beach Junior College (now Palm Beach State College) in the late 1960’s as a basic “lab” environment where students could come in and work on programmed material in a managed place, and where an instructor was available to answer questions should they arise. Initially, most of the programmed learning was done in a classroom. When a new library building was constructed, we were able to move the CPI into the previous library facility which gave us room to expand, and store materials. The tutoring staff consisted of many of our college instructors. In 1996 the CPI was moved to a newly constructed Technology Building, where the Math Lab, Reading Lab and the Computer Lab would find their new homes. This change was quite exciting because the Lab personnel were able to design their space to fit the programs being pursued. In 2003, it was determined that since the program objective was expanding that a name change was needed. That same year, the “Center for Personalized Instruction” became “The Student Learning Center” (SLC). A new Education Complex was then constructed which included state of the art labs for Math and the new Vocational Preparatory Instruction (VPI). This freed up the former Math Lab space so the English/Writing Lab could merge locations with the Reading Lab. Program Objectives The SLC provides academic support to all students through our Computer Lab, English/Writing Lab, Math Lab, Reading Lab and Vocational Preparatory (VPI) Lab and Supplemental Instruction. Tutoring is also available for Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology, and Economics located in the Computer Lab. Our mission reads: “In keeping with the mission of Palm Beach State College, the Student Learning Center (SLC), which is committed to a partnership with faculty, staff and administrators in addressing the learning needs, the academic performance, and the retention of students, exists to support students as they become independent learners.” Reporting lines Susan Bierster, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Carol Bond, Manager Student Learning Center; o FT Learning Specialists Student Learning Center o PT Learning Specialists; Office Assistants; Tutors Sources of funding Page 3 Educational funding is provided by the budgeting process of Palm Beach State College at the request of Provost Dr. Maria Vallejo at the Lake Worth campus and Provost/Academic Dean Robert W. Judson, and is based on the needs of the students. Various Grant programs have also contributed to funding the SLC. Services and students served There are 46,157 students enrolled with and average age of 29. Our student’s ethnicity is 58% White, 23% Black, and 16% Hispanic with 154 countries represented. These students visited the SLC a total of 94,703 times in 2006. All PBCC students have access to the free services offered through the SLC. These services include, Convenient hours: Mon. – Thurs.; 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Fri.; 8:00 – 4:00 p.m., Sat.; 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Face-to-face tutoring: Walk-in and by appointment Online tutoring: Live chat; Mon. – Thurs. 8:00 – 10:00 p.m., post questions 24/7 CD Lectures and Computer software that supplement many PBCC courses Strategy Seminars to enhance the learning experience and strengthen academic skills of students through workshops such as; Math Anxiety, Learning Styles, Alternative Thinking, Test Preparation and Test Taking Strategies and Time Management. Review materials for standardized tests such as the College Placement Test (CPT), College-Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST), Pre-Nursing Entrance Test (ProCalc), Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Program location and facility The SLC labs are located on campus at convenient locations central to student activity. Students are able to study and receive tutoring in a variety of ways. The set-up of our labs offer seating in individual desks, small group tables, computers desks, large group meeting rooms, individual DVD/Video stations and tutor appointment desks. All PBCC students have access to the free services offered through the SLC. Training guidelines Our training program is currently CRLA certified at Levels I, II and III. Generally, new employees are hired prior to the Fall, Spring and Summer terms. The hiring procedures of the SLC ensure that these new hires receive initial training prior to working directly with students. The training coordinator of each lab assures accurate and on-going documentation of the training hours completed and needed for each employee. New hires are required to meet Level I certification within the first term of employment. Training surveys are taken and feedback is considered when developing future training opportunities. For the administrative component of training, selection of tutors is based on the following criteria: Candidates must have earned a grade of an A or B in the courses in which they will tutor Two academic references Application and transcripts on file Interview board selection criteria met At least one term commitment Training for individual employees is tracked through sign-in sheets, reflection/homework assignments and timesheet verification. Feedback evaluations are often given after training is complete and is useful for future training opportunities. How training is conducted For the Fall term, we hold the Fall Training Day. This is a mandatory day-long training day filled with CRLA certified training opportunities. At the end of the day, staff will receive six hours of training towards their tenPage 4 hour requirement for Level I. For the Spring term, we offer the Introduction to Tutoring course. This is a tenweek, 20-hour training course which focuses on the needs of the Developmental College Student. This training is offered for all employees and is mandatory for new hires of the Spring term. At the conclusion of this course, participants receive certification at Level II. There are two Staff Development Days each calendar year; each October and each March. The previously mentioned training opportunities consist of small and large group, face-to-face, interactive training sessions. Many of these workshops require a written reflection assignment where the employees express the manner in which they expect to apply the training and any personal experience they have had. The SLC is proud to offer CRLA training opportunities and employ CRLA certified tutors. Page 5 LEVEL 1: TOPICS, MATERIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY CHART (Applicable ONLY for Level 1) (To add rows to table, tab last field) Topic 1. Definition of Tutoring, and Tutor Responsibilities When Covered Materials Used/ Documentation small and large group discussion, group role play activities Tutor Development Manual ( C/TutorDevManual.pdf ), questionnaire & quiz 1.0 hr. Direct instruction, small and large group discussion, group role play activities Tutor Development Manual ( C/TutorDevManual.pdf ), questionnaire & quiz 2.0 hrs. Direct instruction, small and large group discussion, group role play activities Tutor Development Manual ( C/TutorDevManual.pdf ), questionnaire & quiz 1.0 hr. Direct instruction, small group discussion, interactive participation Workshop Agenda, Handout, Outline, Power Point Presentation, SelfAssessment 5. 4MAT – The Learning Process of Adult Learners Fall & Spring Training day prior to beginning of term Fall & Spring Staff Development Day (October, March each year) 4.0 hrs. Power Point Presentation , direct instruction, large and small group discussion, group visual projects, reflection 6. Workplace Harassment Upon initial hire date 1.0 hr. Online through Human Resource website 7. The Lost Art of Visualization: The Brain and Learning Theories Fall & Spring Staff Development Day (October, March each year) 1.0 hr. Direct instruction, small group discussion, interactive participation Training Agenda, handouts, quiz (more information found at ) Book: “The 4MAT System: Teaching to Learning Styles with Right/Left Mode Techniques” by Bernice McCarthy, 1987, Barrington, IL: EXCEL, Inc. Computer with internet connection and follow-up quiz; found at /psh/pbcc/guest/index.htm SLC requires a written reflection paper for CRLA training credit Workshop Agenda, Power Point Presentation, Workshop outline 2. Tutoring Do’s & Don’ts, and Basic Tutoring Guidelines 3. How to Begin and End a Successful Tutoring Session, and Communication Skills 4. Study Skills: Test Repair Total Time Page 6 During required “New Tutor Orientation” prior to tutoring During required “New Tutor Orientation” prior to tutoring During required “New Tutor Orientation” prior to tutoring Amount Methods of time Direct instruction, 1.0 hr. 11 hrs. LEVEL 2: TOPICS, MATERIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY CHART (Applicable ONLY for Level 2) (To add rows to table, tab last field) Topic When Covered 1. Level I Review *Specific topics chosen based on tutor need Fall/Spring Training day prior to beginning of term Fall/Spring Staff Development Day (October, March each year) Spring Training Day in January each year Throughout term, based on specific lab need Professional Development Training Day in March of each year 2.0 hr. 2. Tutoring Students with Disabilities 3. Cultural Awareness and Diversity 4. Content Specific Training (Tutoring in specific skill/subject areas) 5. Use of Probing Questions Total Time Amount of time Methods Materials Used/ Documentation 2.0 hrs. Direct instruction, large and small group discussion Review topic handouts, Tutor Development Manual ( C/TutorDevManual.pdf ), quiz 2.0 hrs. Direct instruction, discussing in large and small groups General discussion and questions for small groups Handout: Learning Disabilities – In Brief 2.0 hrs. Direct instruction, group activity, interactive Power Point Presentation Independent study, mentor-led, tutorshadowing, assignments & tests Power Point Presentation, handouts, workshop quiz (3 parts), Institutional Research & Effectiveness website ( ) Textbooks for content, tests, online resources, reflection essay Direct instruction, group activity, interactive Power Point Presentation, mock tutor sessions w/peer critique Agenda, Power Point Presentation, handouts, group discussion questions 2.0 hrs. 10.00 VERIFICATION OF TUTOR TRAINING PROGRAM Please complete a "Verification of Tutor Program(s)" for each program you want to be certified. For example, if you wish to have a “Mathematics Center Program” certified at Levels 1 & 2, please complete the verification for Levels 1 & 2. If you also have a “Writing Center Program” with a different training program that you wish to have certified at Level 1, you must submit a totally separate application, with its own separate fee, and complete its own separate verification form. Please refer "CRLA'S REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION OF TUTOR PROGRAMS" for a complete list of all LEVEL 1, 2, and 3 requirements for a program to be certified. The "necessary documentation" required for each criteria consists of patterns of evidence of the what, how, and when of the training program. It should include enough samples and documentation to enable CRLA Reviewers to verify the excellence of your program(s). Examples of documentation include: Page 7 1) course syllabi, workshop overview, or program description 2) titles and ISBN numbers of copyrighted books, videos, DVDs, surveys, and other training materials used 3) URLs of web pages or websites 4) flyers/posters/memo samples 5) worksheet samples 6) handout samples The better the documentation you provide, the easier it will be for the reviewers to certify your program(s); however, brevity is appreciated so condensed but complete documentation is requested. Any complete files you feel should be attached, should be listed in the section above called List of Documents. A. AMOUNT/DURATION OF TUTOR TRAINING 1) List the number of hours involved in your tutor training, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be: Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 2-4). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Number of Hours for Level 1: _11_ (10 hours total are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met __ or Exceeded _X__ Documentation: Workshop Agendas, hand-outs, Power Point Presentations, quizzes, and website links. Attachments include: 4MAT agenda.docx 4matquizquestions.doc LostArtOfVisualization2.pptx The Lost Art of Visualization—outline.doc Visualization agenda.docx Test Repair agenda.docx Test Repair Handout.doc Test Repair Outline.doc Test-Repair.ppt Manual.Training.Questionnaire.doc TDM.Questionaire2.docx, 3.docx, I.docx TutorDevmanual.pdf Number of Hours for Level 2: _10_ (10 hours total are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Page 8 Workshop Agendas, hand-outs, Power Point Presentations, quizzes, and website links. Attachments include: REACTION PAPER directions.docx Beyond Our Boundaries of Culture.pptx Cultural.awar.quiz.P2.pdf Cultural.awar.quiz.P3.pdf Cultural.awar.quiz.pdf Cultural.diversity agenda.docx Strat quest and prob handout.doc Strat quest and prob agends.doc The Use of Probing Questions.pptx Learning Disabilities . in brief.doc B. MODES OF TUTOR TRAINING 1) List the training modes involved in your tutor training, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 4-6). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: (classroom/workshop plus any two others are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 1 are: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: See attachments for files and/or documents Classroom/workshop, videos w/reaction paper, interactive, peer feedback, group activities Level 2: (classroom/workshop plus any two others are the minimum required) The requirements of Level 2 are: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: See attachments for files and/or documents Classroom/workshop, interactive, peer feedback, streaming media (as needed), group activities and written reaction papers from trainees C. AREAS/TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN TUTOR TRAINING List which topics you cover in your tutor training, whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Training Syllabus, pages 7-8) List only for the levels for which you are applying: List which topics you cover in your training for Level 1: Page 9 Definition of Tutoring and Tutor Responsibilities Basic tutoring guidelines / Tutoring do's / Tutoring don'ts Techniques for Successfully Beginning and Ending a Tutor Session 4-MAT; The Learning Process of Adult Students Communication Skills Study skills: Test Repair Workplace Harassment The Lost Art of Visualization: The Brain and Learning Theories The requirements of Level 1 are: Met _X or Exceeded ___ (at least 8 specific topics of the list of 15 are required) Documentation: See attachments for files and documents List which topics you cover in your training for Level 2: Level One Review Tutoring Students with Disabilities Cultural Awareness and Diversity Content Specific Training (Tutoring in specific skill/subject areas) Use of Probing Questions The requirements of Level 2 are: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ (a review of Level 1 and 4 additional topics ) Documentation: See attachments for files and documents D. REQUIRED TUTORING EXPERIENCE 1) Describe how you keep track of your tutors’ actual tutoring experience, 2) whether you have met or exceeded the minimum, and 3) the Documentation you have attached as a file to confirm your compliance (an example might be your Tutor Time logs) List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: (25 hours of tutoring experience is the minimum) Level 1: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Tutor time logs, tutor assignment sheet schedule Level 2: (a total of 50 hours of tutoring experience is the minimum) Level 2: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Tutor time logs, tutor assignment sheet schedule Page 10 E. TUTOR SELECTION CRITERIA Describe how your tutors are selected (must meet at least two of the criteria). List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: _Online application _______________________________________ _Interview and New Employee checklist_____________________________ _Grade of “A” or “B” in content_____________________________________ Level 1: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Human Resources online application completion Interview questions Tutor Transcripts (not attached) New Employee checklist, Staff Handbook checklist Level 2: _X_ Met at Level 1 or ___ Listed Below Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1) : F. TUTOR EVALUTION CRITERIA How are your tutors evaluated? Check all that apply. List only for the levels for which you are applying: Level 1: _X_an evaluation is in place _X_it occurs on a regular basis _X_results are made known to tutors ___ Other ________________________________________ Level 1: Met _X_ or Exceeded ___ Documentation: Evaluation form Memo to tutors for evaluation appointment Level 2: _X__ Met at Level 1 or ___an evaluation is in place ___it occurs on a regular basis ___results are made known to tutors ___ Other ________________________________________ Documentation (not needed if met in Level 1) : Page 11 By submitting this application, you as program contact/liaison with CRLA’s International Tutor Certification Program agree to continue to follow the guidelines you have submitted in this application. Once your program is re-certified, CRLA will provide you with a certificate certifying your program for up to five years and will provide you with a CRLA ITPC certificate template you may use and adapt to include your institution’s information/logos/signatures/colors. Six months before the end of your renewal period, you will be expected to apply for re-certification. Each re-certification granted for this program will be for up to five years. Re-certification is patterned after the initial certification application requirements and documentation, so be sure to archive your initial documents to use as a reference to update with current program information for your re-certifications. Page 12