Y6 Parents Presentation September 2015

Children are no longer given a curriculum level of
attainment following SATS.
Children are now working towards an age
expectancy for their year group. Progression and
attainment are now assessed against three strands:
The school run website
Maths 3 Tests
English 2 Tests
Reading Comprehension 1hr
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Test
Writing is now assessed through teacher assessment
collected throughout the year.
Monday 9th May
Thursday 12th May
Children will be given the following homework.
•One piece of maths and literacy homework per week.
This may be digital or written
•Spellings for test each week.
•One topic project to be competed each half term.
•Regular reading
*Education City
*Oxford Owl
*Purple Mash
All children will take part in booster classes regardless
of their ability.
Please have a look at the revision guides and order on
the order form.
•Talk to them about their work in school and any
homework, if they are stuck try to get them to explain
what they are trying to do – talking it through often
shows a way forward
•Help them / encourage them to revise
•Make sure there is somewhere for them to work
comfortably at table or desk – some like to have music
while they revise not television
•Relaxing making time for fun, rest hobbies, sports etc
•Buying revision books
CGP key Stage 2 Yr.6
•Encouraging attendance at any booster classes
•Buying them a dictionary, encouraging them to
use it to look up words
•Using the BBCbitesize KS2 website
•Encouragement, do your best
•Encouraging clear neat handwriting
•Hearing your child read at least once a week and
talking with them about what they have read, what
might happen next, if they like it
•Reading Record Books
•Each child throughout the school has been provided with a Reading
Record Book
•Children should be reading for at least 10 minutes per night when possible
The records contain space for recording information about the book a child
is reading, and a comments box for both parents and children to provide
feedback. Parents should sign and date on occasions they hear children
The reading records also contain Curriculum Spelling Lists and
grammar, punctuation and sentence structure guidance. These are
found in the centre pages – great revision tool for all aspects of
www.oxfordowl.co.uk – contains 250 free e-books for parents and
children to access at home.
It is very important that children arrive on time for the
beginning of the day.
If you have any questions Mr Williams and Miss Barnes
will be around after the meeting to answer any
questions you may have.