Wealth Analytics – Associate Financial Planner

Job Description:
Reports to:
Type of position:
Associate Financial Planner/Wealth Manager
Wealth Analytics
Financial Planning and Investment Management
San Diego/Del Mar
VP of Financial Planning
Full Time
We are seeking an Associate Financial Planner/Wealth Manager for our fee-only wealth
management company in Del Mar, CA. Qualified applicants would be a CFP® certificate or
candidate that has some internship or client experience. You don’t need to have an existing book
of business but would like to nurture our existing client relationships and along the way learn
from industry veterans. Your work will help shape the firm. Successful candidate’s career path
can lead to a future opportunity as an equity owner/partner. For further information on Wealth
Analytics please visit our web site; WealthAnalytics.com
Financial Planning & Investment Management:
1.) Be involved in client meetings early on and assist in taking clients through the financial
planning process.
2.) Database entry for both financial planning (into MoneyGuidePro) and administration of
accounts (JunXure and Portfolio Center)
3.) Create financial plans with respect to a clients’ risk management, estate planning,
investment, tax, and cash flow needs
4.) Review custodial portals for action items, such as account transfer rejections, bond calls
& maturities, etc.
5.) Trade client investment accounts
6.) Research financial topics as it applies to client situations and create original content for
company blog
7.) Research and review investment management ideas
General Description
1. Issue client correspondence (JunXure, Outlook), thanking them for attending meetings,
and delivering company-wide communications (MailChimp)
2. Learn office & custodian procedures for servicing clients, assist with internal work flow
3. Gather client data, this includes both hard/soft documents such as investment statements,
tax returns, trust documents and expense worksheets. This includes following up with
clients when the initial documents are not received.
4. Proof company publications and client materials for grammar and spelling.
12651 High Bluff Drive, Suite 350 · San Diego, CA 92130 · P (858) 794-2100 · F (858) 794-2109 · WealthAnalytics.com · Service@WealthAnalytics.com
Ideal Candidate
Candidate should have initiative to take charge, and maintain ownership of client requests
and interests
Extremely detail-oriented, with extraordinary note-taking disposition
Tech savvy, fast learner with confidence and knowledge to problem solve and find
answers on own
Very friendly and outgoing with the ability to get along with a wide variety of different
Is innovative and eager to suggest new processes for improvement
Have a desire to network, build relationships and represent the firm in our community
Software: Should be familiar with the following software and web-based programs OR be
extremely proficient at and adept in learning new software: Microsoft Windows, Word, Outlook,
Excel, PowerPoint, MailChimp, JunXure (JX), Portfolio Center (PC), MoneyGuidePro, Adobe
Reader, ShareFile, WordPress, Twitter, HootSuite, Charles Schwab custodial portal,
Pershing/Shareholder Services custodial portal
Financial Planning: Should possess a base comprehension of financial planning, including the
areas of risk management, estate planning, investment, tax, and cash flow management, and
sustainable withdrawal rates
Investment Management: Should possess a base understanding of investment management,
being familiar with such concepts of active and passive management, index investing, asset
classes and sub asset classes, asset allocation, Modern Portfolio Theory, negative correlation,
internal rate of return (dollar weighted) and time weighted return, total return, annualized return
Work Experience Requirements
Stable employment history, Excellent Communication Skills, Excellent Computer Skills: Word,
Excel, Scanning, etc.
Education Requirements
Four year college undergraduate degree, B.S. in Financial Services major is preferred. Acquired,
or in the process of acquiring, Certificate in Personal Financial Planning (PFP), have already
obtained a CFP designation or be a CFP candidate.
M-F 8:00am to 5:00 pm, 1 hour lunch break
Starting commensurate with experience. Benefits include:
 Paid Time Off (PTO), including time off for receiving continuing education at Financial
Planning Association (FPA) and National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
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12651 High Bluff Drive, Suite 350 · San Diego, CA 92130 · P: (858) 794-2100 · F: (858) 794-2109 · WealthAnalytics.com · Service@WealthAnalytics.com
50% employer paid health insurance
Bonus Pay Based upon Performance
Employee Retirement Plan with matching contributions
To Apply
Submit your cover letter & resume to Xavier Maldonado at xavier@wealthanalytics.com
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12651 High Bluff Drive, Suite 350 · San Diego, CA 92130 · P: (858) 794-2100 · F: (858) 794-2109 · WealthAnalytics.com · Service@WealthAnalytics.com