Periodical Marketers of Canada Magazine Survey Report February 2012 Director of Research: Evangeline Kotsos Associate Vice President: Dimitra Maniatis 416.815.0330 6 INSTRUMENT The survey was completed on-line in January 2012 using Leger Marketing’s online panel, LegerWeb, with a sample of 1583 Canadian magazine readers. A probability sample of the same size would yield a margin of error of ± 2.46%, 19 times out of 20. ONLINE PANEL Leger Marketing’s online panel has approximately 400,000 members nationally – with between 10,000 and 20,000 new members added each month, and has a retention rate of 90%. Panel members are randomly selected to receive email invitations to the individual surveys. We ensure the protection of privacy via the usage of unique URLs and respondent IDs in combination with survey IDs. QUALITY CONTROL Stringent quality assurance measures allow Leger to achieve the high-quality standards set by the company. As a result, our methods of data collection and storage outperform the norms set by WAPOR (The World Association for Public Opinion Research). These measures are applied at every stage of the project: from data collection to processing, through to analysis. Leger has also obtained "Gold Seal" certification from the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA), the leading professional marketing association in Canada. This is obtained following an audit of the company's quality control and business procedures by Deloitte. Leger was certified in 2006 and was re-certified again this year. And Leger meets or exceeds the standards for marketing research created by ESOMAR, the international association of public opinion and market research professionals. Its code of ethical practice is reviewed frequently to ensure that representatives respect respondent privacy, regardless of the techniques or technologies used to conduct the research. We aim to answer our clients’ needs with honesty, total confidentiality, and integrity. 8 Print magazines retain strong popularity among those who read magazines. Women, young er readers and readers in Quebec are key target demographics. In recent years, new technology and new media have facilitated the proliferation of electronic-edition books and magazines. Presumed to be gaining popularity among readers, e-format magazines are believed to be competing with traditional print formats for supremacy in the marketplace. But, have consumers abandoned their traditional magazine purchasing habits in favour of electronic versions of their favourite magazines and periodicals? Has the advent of electronic media triggered for print magazines an inevitable march into obscurity? As it turns out, such a doomsday scenario is not only overstated, it simply does not exist, at least according to magazine readers in Canada. Despite fears to the contrary, print magazines remain relevant at the onset of a digital era. A strong majority of Canadian magazine readers still prefer a physical copy of their magazines over a digital format. Among key markets and target demographics, this proportion runs even higher. Women, readers under the age of 34, and residents of Quebec – all of whom purchase magazines more often than most – exhibit strong preferences for print formats. National View: Preferred Medium 71% of magazine readers prefer print over online Print 71% N/A 1% No preference 19% Online 9% 9 Focus: Quebec N Quebec’s predominantly French-speaking magazine readers make up a key market segment for magazine retailers. They buy magazines more often than virtually any other region in the country, and as a result their likelihood to purchase one in the next month is unusually high. French speakers are even more fond of print publications than English speakers – 76% say that they prefer print editions over online editions of magazines. Readers who purchase a magazine once a week or more Quebec readers who are likely to purchase a magazine in the next month W E Zoom 10% 7% Likely 63% S 5% 2% 2% 3% Unlikely 35% N/A 2% 10 N Focus: Quebec Magazine displays play an important role in driving magazine purchases among Quebec readers; French-speakers check the magazine display at their local retailers with greater regularity than English-speaking readers. Furthermore, one third of Quebec readers agree that they purchase magazines more regularly when publications are displayed prominently near the check out. Increasing visibility of magazines will not only increase magazine sales, but has the potential to drive sales in other product categories as well; the majority of Quebec readers state that they have made a purchase in the past that was a direct result of something they read in a magazine. E W Zoom S French-speaking readers who always or often check the magazine rack “I purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check out” 55% Neutral 26% 41% Agree 61% Don't know 2% French Neutral 18% Disagree 39% Agree 33% English “I have made a purchasing decision based on something I read in a magazine” Disagree Don't 19% know 2% 11 Focus: Female Readers Female readers form another important target market for magazine retailers; a third say they purchase a print magazine once a month or more, and one in six say that they have increased the number of magazine purchases that they have made in the past three years. A majority also say that they are likely to purchase a print magazine next month. Readers who purchase a magazine once a month or more ` Female readers who are likely to purchase a print magazine in the next month Readers who have increased their print magazine purchases 14% 34% 28% 10% Likely 55% Unlikely 43% N/A 2% 12 Focus: Female Readers Female readers are among the most voracious purchasers of print magazines. Their strong preference for print leads them to (nearly) universally shun e-editions of magazines. Their magazine purchases often have a spill-over effect into other product categories; three in five women report that magazines have influenced outside buying decisions. Nearly half also indicate that they make magazine purchases more frequently when they are displayed at the retailers’ check out. Retailers can leverage female readers’ proclivity to purchase magazines on a regular basis by making their magazine displays more visible at the check in order to increase sales. “Have you purchased an e-edition magazine?” “I purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check out” No 95% “I have made a buying decision based on something I read in a magazine” Agree 45% Agree 61% Neutral 18% Don't know 1% Yes 5% Disagree 34% Neutral 20% Don't know 2% Disagree 19% 13 The importance of magazine displays Female readers, readers in Quebec, and readers between the ages of 18 and 34 all agree on the importance of magazine displays in their decision to purchase print publications. Young readers are particularly influenced by the presence of a magazine display, and are the most likely to say that a prominent display or a display near the check out will encourage them to purchase magazines more frequently. Those who say that they are likely to purchase a print magazine in the next month also indicate that they are more inclined to buy a magazine when it is displayed at the retailers’ check out. “If magazines were more prominently displayed, I would be more likely to browse them” (by age group) “I purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check out” (by age group) “I purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check out” (by likelihood to purchase a magazine in the next 6 months) 45% 46% 40% 33% 34% 33% 32% 24% 27% 19% 21% 15% 18-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 18-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Likely to purchase Unlikely to purchase National – All Respondents Yukon Britsh Colombia Northwest territories Nunavut New Foundland & Labrador Quebec Alberta Manitoba Ontario Saskatchewan New Brunswick Nova Scotia Purchasing Habits 17 FREQUENCY OF PURCHASE Thirty one percent of magazine readers purchase a print magazine once a month or more. Nearly a third of Canadian magazine readers purchase a print magazine once a month or more. Women (34%) are more apt than men to say that they purchase a magazine at least once a month, as are younger magazine readers, particularly when compared to those who are older than 65. Magazine readers age 65 or more are among the least likely to have purchased a print magazine once a month or more, with only 23% indicating that they have done so – a proportion that ranks well below the national average. Interestingly, magazine purchases are particularly common in Quebec, where 10% say that they purchase a magazine once a week or more. E-magazine purchases do not necessarily deter readers from also purchasing print copies – magazine readers who purchase e-magazines are more likely than those who do not to say that they purchase a print magazine once a month or more (43% vs.30%). 31% purchase magazines once a month or more 23% 23% 18% 14% 6% 9% 8% Once a week or Once every Once a month more often couple of weeks or so Once every few Once or twice a months year Rarely Never Q3. How often do you purchase single printed magazines from a supermarket, newsstand, convenience store, etc.? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 18 LIKELIHOOD TO PURCHASE Nearly half of Canadian magazine readers have purchased a magazine in the past month, and a similar proportion plan on doing so in the coming month. Despite only a third of magazine readers in Canada saying that they purchase magazines once a month or more, nearly half say that they have purchased a magazine in the past month. Women are more likely than men to say that they have purchased a magazine in that timeframe (50% vs. 40%), while magazine readers age 55 or older are the least likely to say the same, with 64% saying that they have not purchased a magazine in the past month. Similarly, female magazine readers most commonly say that they are likely to purchase a print magazine in the coming month (55% vs. 49% of men), while older readers above the age of 55 are the least likely to say they will purchase such a publication in the coming month (54% say they are unlikely to do so). Residents of Quebec are the most avid magazine consumers, with 31% stating that they are very likely to purchase a magazine in the next month. In both instances, magazine readers who purchase e-magazines are more likely to have purchased a print magazine in the past month (56%), and more commonly state that they are likely to do so in the coming month (62%). Have you bought a magazine in the past month? No 55% Yes 45% Are you likely to buy a magazine in the next month? Likely 51% Unlikely 47% N/A 2% Q2. In the past month, have you bought a magazine at a supermarket, newsstand or other places where magazines are sold? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) Q4. How likely are you to buy a single copy of a printed magazine within the next month? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 19 NUMBER OF MAGAZINES PURCHASED Despite an overall decline in the intent to purchase magazines, one in ten magazine readers have increased their print purchasing. Two in five magazine readers say that their rate of purchasing printed magazines has decreased in the past three years. This is partly attributable to the readers who have switched to emagazines, 53% of whom say they have decreased the number of magazines they purchase. Behind conserving money, switching to e-magazines constitutes the second most common reason for magazine readers’ decreasing print purchases, Those who have increased their spending, on the other hand, tend to be women (14%) and younger readers between the ages of 18 and 34 (16%). Why have you reduced the number of magazines you purchase? 55% To save money 38% Read e-editions instead of print 25% Less time for reading Not interested in the topic / content In the past three years, have your magazine purchases increased, decreased, or stayed the same? N/A 1% The same 45% Increased 12% Decreased 42% No longer go to places where magazines are available 5% Magazines no longer displayed at grocery / convenience store 3% I get my magazines through subscriptions 2% Not aware of different magazine options 1% To reduce waste/ clutter 1% Other Q5. In the last 3 years, have you increased or reduced your purchases of printed magazines? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 22% 5% Q6. Why have you reduced the number of magazines you purchase? Base: Canadians who have reduced the amount of magazines they purchase (n=646) Readership Preferences 21 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGY OWNED Magazine readers are technologically literate; a strong majority own desktop or laptop computers, and two in five own a smartphone. For each of the products listed, male magazine readers are more likely than their female counterparts to own a given type of technology. More than half of Canadian magazine readers have a mail subscription to at least one print magazine. Canadians of retirement age (65 or older) are the most likely to have a mail subscription (70%), while younger readers (age 18 to 34) are the least likely have one (55% say they do not have a subscription). Interestingly, emagazine (70%) and e-book (68%) readers are also more likely than those who do not use these technologies to have a mail subscription to a print magazine. Do you subscribe to any magazines by mail? Yes 58% No 42% Q7. Do you currently subscribe to one or more magazines via the mail? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) Do you own a… Desktop: 77% Laptop: 71% Smartphone: 40% iPad or tablet: 22% Q10. Which of the following types of technology do you own? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 22 E-EDITION MAGAZINES To date, emagazines have not really caught on with Canadian magazine readers. Although the number of magazine readers who have purchased an e-magazine recently is relatively low, there are signs that the format is slowly gaining momentum. Fourteen percent of magazine readers say they intend to purchase a magazine via an electronic medium in the coming year. Men have embraced the e-magazine format more than women, with 13% saying that they have recently purchased an e-magazine, and 18% saying they plan to purchase such a product in the coming year. The e-magazine format has gained more traction among younger readers, with 13% of 18 to 44 year olds saying that they have purchased an e-magazine in the past six months, compared to just 7% of those age 45 or older. There is no specific region in Canada where readers show a greater inclination to purchase individual e-magazines. Have you purchased an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase an emagazine in the coming year? Yes 9% Yes 14% N/A 13% No 90% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) No 73% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 23 E-EDITION MAGAZINES SUBSCRIPTIONS E-magazine subscriptions are low and not increasing among Canadians. One in ten Canadian magazine readers say that they have purchased a subscription to an e-magazine in the past six months. This tendency is more notable among men (12%) and younger readers (14% of 18 to 34 year olds). While the number of readers who state that they plan to purchase an individual e-magazine in the coming year is greater than those who have purchased one in the past six months, this trend does not apply to e-magazine subscriptions. The proportion of those who plan to purchase a subscription in the coming year is statistically identical to those who have purchased one recently. While the propensity to purchase individual e-magazines is not geographically localized, readers in Quebec are more inclined than most to say that they have purchased an e-magazine subscription in the past six months (14%). Additionally, the 35 to 44 age group is among the most likely to say that they plan to purchase a subscription to an e-magazine (17%). Have you purchased a subscription to an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase a subscription to an e-magazine in the coming year? Yes 10% Yes 11% N/A 14% No 89% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) No 75% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 24 E-BOOKS E-books have gained momentum among Canadian magazine readers, with nearly a third saying they intend to purchase at least one this year. E-books enjoy significantly more popularity among Canadian magazine readers than e-editions of magazines. A quarter of readers say that they have purchased an e-book in their lives, and nearly a third say that they intend to do so in the coming year. Twenty-seven percent of men say that they have purchased an e-book; this proportion is substantially higher than the 20% of women who say the same. Younger readers have embraced e-books in greater numbers than their older counterparts, with 29% of readers between the ages of 18 and 44 saying that they have purchased an e-book compared to only 21% of readers age 45 or older. Interestingly, readers between 35 and 44 are the most likely to say that they intend to purchase an e-book in 2012 (39%). Have you purchased an e-book? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? Yes 24% No 75% Q8. Have you bought an e-edition of a book? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) N/A 11% Yes 29% No 60% Q8 Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 25 READER PREFERENCES Nationwide, print remains the preferred format for magazines A strong majority of Canadian readers prefer print to online editions when they read magazines. Women are more likely than men to prefer print (76%), while men are more likely to prefer online (10%). Three quarters (76%) of French speaking magazine readers favour print editions, while English speaking readers are more likely than their French speaking counterparts to say they have no preference between print and online editions (20%). Readers who prefer print highlight the portability and tactile aspects of print magazines as two of the top reasons for their preference. One in six who prefer print say that their preference is based on the ease with which they can read and browse through the magazine. Do you prefer print magazines or online magazines? N/A 1% No preference 19% Print 71% Online 9% Why do you prefer print editions? (Total mentions) 18% Like the tactile aspect 15% Easier to read / browse through 7% Dislike reading on a screen No need for an e-reader or computer 6% More accustomed to it 4% I can read it whenever I want 3% Can keep them for future reference 2% More visually appealing 2% I can cut out pictures/ articles/ recipes I can pass them along to other people 1% More convenient 1% Other I don't know/ I prefer not to answer Q9. Which of the following statements best describes you? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) 22% More portable 2% 4% 12% Q9A. Why do you prefer print editions of magazines? Base: Canadians who prefer print editions of magazines (n=1134) Magazine Value and Availability 27 READER PREFERENCES Magazine displays at grocery and convenience stores remain an important tool with which to generate magazines sales. Three quarters of magazine readers check the magazine display when they are visiting a retailer. Women do so more frequently than men, with a quarter (24%) saying they always check the magazine rack. In addition, 27% of those who are likely to purchase a magazine in the next month say that they always check the magazine display, while 92% of that same group say they check it at least sometimes. Those who do check the magazine rack most commonly say they do so in order to read about news or to keep up with trends in a specific category of interest. Readers in Quebec are among the most likely to purchase magazines in order to learn about news and public affairs (58%), while Atlantic Canadians are among the least likely to do the same (39%). How often do you check the magazine display at a at a store that has one? What are your reasons for purchasing or reading magazines? Read about news, politics, and public affairs 51% Keep up with trends in a particular category 47% Homemaking or fashion information 38% Learn about what celebrities are doing 27% Personal life guidabce in such areas as love, marriage, a hobby or your career Always 17% Never 5% 25% Read about business issues and money matters Often 27% Rarely 19% 77% check at least sometimes Entertainment Other Sometimes 32% Q11. When you visit a supermarket/grocery store, convenience store or newsstand, how often do you check the magazine display? Base: Canadians who read magazines (n=1583) I don't know/ I prefer not to answer 23% 2% 4% 2% Q12. What are your reasons for purchasing/reading magazines ? Base: Canadians who check the magazine display at least sometimes (n=1217) 28 ATTITUDES AND OPINIONS: PURCHASING MAGAZINES Residents of Quebec are the least concerned with the price of the magazine. Seven in ten Canadian readers agree that the cover price of a magazine influences their purchasing decision. English speakers are much more likely to agree that the price of the magazine influences their purchases than French speakers (73% vs. 55%). While relatively fewer in number, a third of Canadian magazine readers still agree that that they purchase magazines more often when they are prominently displayed at a retailer’s check out. Eighteen to thirty-four year olds are particularly likely to be influenced by the placement of magazines at the checkout, with nearly half (46%) agreeing with this statement. While comparatively few Canadian readers say that they would be more likely to browse magazines were they to be prominently displayed, 40% of those who said that they were likely to purchase a magazine in the coming month agreed that a more prominent magazine display would positively influence their purchasing decision. How much do you agree with the following statements? When I consider buying a magazine at the newsstand, the cover price influences my newsstand, decision. decision. I tend to purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check-out counter. counter. themagazines magazinesininstores storeswere weremore more IfIfthe prominently displayed, I would be more prominently displayed, I would be likely more tothem. browse them. likely to browse Agree Neither agree nor disagree 69% 32% 29% Disagree 15% 25% 31% 15% 1% 43% 39% I don't know / Prefer not to answer Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Canadian magazine readers (n=1583) 1% 1% 29 INFLUENCE OF MAGAZINES ON PURCHASING DECISIONS Magazines have the power to influence purchasing decisions among those who read them. A majority of Canadian magazine readers say that they have made a purchasing decision based upon information they read in a magazine. Those who have adopted technological innovations such as e-magazines (67%) and e-books (66%) are more likely to agree with this statement than those who have not. Comparatively fewer Canadians say that they purchase magazines to learn more about a topic that they learned about online, however those who have done so are frequently male (37%) and also tend to speak English (37%). Readers in Atlantic Canada (44%) are among the most likely to agree with this statement, specifically when compared to British Columbians (28%) and residents of the Prairies (27%) and Quebec (27%). In the past I have made a buying decision as a result of reading something in a magazine I have purchased a magazine to obtain more information on a topic I learned about online. Agree 32% Agree 59% Neither agree nor disagree 19% Don't know 2% Disagree 20% Don't know 2% Disagree 41% Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Canadian magazine readers (n=1583) Neither agree nor disagree 25% National – Excluding Quebec Respondents Yukon Britsh Colombia Northwest territories Nunavut New Foundland & Labrador Quebec Alberta Manitoba Ontario Saskatchewan New Brunswick Nova Scotia Purchasing Habits 32 FREQUENCY OF PURCHASE Nearly a third of readers outside of Quebec say that they purchase magazines once a month or more. Twenty-nine percent of Canadian readers outside of Quebec indicate that they purchase magazines once a month or more. Women in particular exhibit a strong tendency to purchase magazines once a month or more (32%), and, interestingly, readers who purchase e-magazines exhibit the same tendencies (45%). In addition, 59% of those who say they are likely to purchase a magazine in the next month say that they purchase a print publication once a month or more. Older readers, age 55 and older, in the Rest of Canada (ROC) are the least inclined to purchase a magazine once a month or more, with only 22% indicating that they do so. Residents of the Prairies are among the least likely to purchase magazines at all, with 15% saying that they never purchase magazines. 29% purchase magazines once a month or more 24% 17% 23% 14% 9% 8% 4% Once a week or Once every Once a month Once every few Once or twice a more often couple of weeks or so months year Rarely Never Q3. How often do you purchase single of printed magazines from a supermarket, newsstand, convenience store, etc.? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 33 LIKELIHOOD TO PURCHASE Despite fewer than half saying that they have purchased a magazine in the past month, readers are evenly split in their intention to purchase a magazine in the coming month. Fewer than half of magazine readers outside of Quebec say that they have bought a magazine in the past month. When compared to the national total, this numerical decline is predictable given that there is a large proportion Quebec readers who purchase magazines regularly, and those purchases inflate the national average. Again, older readers in the RoC are the least likely to have purchased a magazine in the past month, with 68% saying that they have not done so. About half of magazine readers in the RoC say that they are likely to purchase a magazine in the next month, however this proportion is driven by younger readers; 57% of 18 to 44 year olds say that they are likely to purchase a magazine in the near future. Compared to men, women in the RoC are slightly more likely to say that they are likely to purchase a magazine in the next month (51% vs. 44%). Have you bought a magazine in the past month? No 57% Yes 43% Are you likely to buy a magazine in the next month? Likely 48% Unlikely 50% N/A 2% Q2. In the past month, have you bought a magazine at a supermarket, newsstand or other places where magazines are sold.? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) Q4. How likely are you to buy a single copy of a printed magazine within the next month? .? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 34 NUMBER OF MAGAZINES PURCHASED Despite a strong proportion of magazine readers who have decreased their spending on print magazines, the same number of readers say that their purchasing habits have remained the same. Why have you reduced the number of While few magazine readers in the RoC have increased their magazines you purchase? purchases in the past three years, those who have tend to be female (15%) or between the ages of 18 and 34 (18%). Saving money tops the list of reasons for reducing the number of magazines purchased, To save money 57% followed by four in ten readers who say that they have switched to eeditions of magazines. Male readers who have reduced their expenditures on magazines are particularly interested in e-editions Read e-editions instead of print 38% (47%), while (predictably) seniors over the age of 65 who have also reduced their spending on magazines have the least interest in these Less time for reading 25% products (20%). In the past three years, have your magazine purchases increased, decreased, or stayed the same? Increased 12% N/A 1% The same 44% Decreased 43% Not interested in the topic / content No longer go to places where magazines are available 4% Magazines no longer displayed at grocery / convenience store 3% I get my magazines through subscriptions 2% Not aware of different magazine options 1% To reduce waste/ clutter 1% Other Q5. In the last 3 years, have you increased or reduced your purchases of printed magazines? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 22% 5% Q6. Why have you reduced the number of magazines you purchase? Base: Canadians in the ROC who have reduced the amount of magazines they purchase (n=457) Readership Preferences 36 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGY OWNED Male magazine readers in the RoC are more likely than women to own each type of technology listed. Six in ten magazine readers in the RoC still subscribe to a print publication by mail. A mail subscription is the most common among seniors age 65 and older (72%). Although they retain a commitment to mail subscriptions, magazine readers in the RoC are also technologically literate. Both laptop and desktop computers are common, as are smartphones. Tablet computers even enjoy relative popularity, with one in four saying that they own such a device. Albertan readers are particularly fond of smartphones; nearly three in five (59%) say they own one. Do you own a… Do you subscribe to any magazines by mail? Yes 61% No 39% Q7. Do you currently subscribe to one or more magazines via the mail? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) Desktop: 77% Laptop: 73% Smartphone: 44% iPad or tablet: 25% Q10. Which of the following types of technology do you own? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 37 E-EDITION MAGAZINES Men in the RoC have a greater interest in adopting eeditions of magazines than women. Readers in the RoC overwhelmingly state that they have not purchased an e-edition of a magazine in the past six months. Those who have tend to be male (13%) or between the ages of 18 and 44 (14%). Albertan readers are slightly more likely than most to have purchased an e-book in the past six months (16%), particularly when compared to residents of Atlantic Canada (7%) and Ontario (8%). Looking forward to the next year, slightly more magazine readers in the RoC expect to purchase an e-magazine, although these intentions are once again concentrated among men (17%) and younger Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34 (22%). Have you purchased an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase an emagazine in the coming year? Yes 10% Yes 14% N/A 14% No 89% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) No 72% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 38 E-EDITION MAGAZINES SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions to e-editions of magazines have not gained much traction in the RoC, and few magazine readers expect that they will subscribed to an online edition within the next year. Fewer than one in ten magazine readers outside of Quebec have purchased a subscription to an e-edition of a magazine, but it is predominantly men (10%) and younger readers between the ages of 18 and 34 (15%) who drive the small proportion who have purchased a subscription. A similarly small number of magazine readers in the RoC say that they intend to purchase a subscription to an e-edition of a magazine in the coming year. Again, older readers in the RoC are more likely to say that they have no intentions of subscribing to such a magazine, while younger readers between the ages of 18 and 44 are more likely to say that they do (17%). Have you purchased a subscription to an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase a subscription to an e-magazine in the coming year? Yes 11% Yes 8% N/A 14% No 91% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) No 75% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 39 E-BOOKS A wide crosssection of magazine readers in the RoC say that they intend on purchasing an ebook this year. More than a quarter of magazine readers outside of Quebec have purchased an e-book in their lives, and a greater proportion expect to do so within the next year. Interestingly, those who have purchased a print magazine within the past month are more likely to have bought an e-book in their lives (30%). Readers in Alberta are among the most likely to embrace e-books, with 37% having purchased one, compared to just 23% of Atlantic Canadians, 25% of Ontarians, and 26% of British Columbian readers. Have you purchased an e-book? N/A 1% Yes 27% No 72% Q8. Have you bought an e-edition of a book? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? N/A 11% Yes 32% No 57% Q8 Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 40 READER PREFERENCES One in five magazine readers outside of Quebec have no preference between online editions and print editions of emagazines. Most magazine readers in the RoC prefer print editions to online editions. Women are particularly fond of print editions, with 74% saying that they prefer this medium, while men are more likely to respond that they have no preference between the two (23%). Portability, ease of reading and the tactile aspect of a print edition top the list of reasons that readers outside of Quebec prefer print. Do you prefer print magazines or online magazines? N/A 1% No preference 20% Print 70% Online 9% Why do you prefer print editions? (Total mentions) 18% Like the tactile aspect 16% Easier to read / browse through Dislike reading on a screen 7% No need for an e-reader or computer 6% More accumstomed to it 3% I can read it whenever I want 3% Can keep them for future reference I can cut out pictures/ articles/ recipes 2% 2% More visually appealing 2% I can pass them along to other people 2% More convenient 1% Other I don't know/ I prefer not to answer Q9. Which of the following statements best describes you? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 22% More portable 4% 12% Q9A. Why do you prefer print editions of magazines? Base: Canadians outside of Quebec who prefer print editions of magazines (n=757) Magazine Value and Availability 42 READER PREFERENCES Keeping up with news and trends tops the list of reasons that magazine readers outside of Quebec choose to purchase and read magazines. Three quarters of magazine readers outside of Quebec say that they check magazine retailers’ displays at least sometimes. Women are more likely than men to check the display (82%), and older readers, over the age of 55, are the least likely to do the same, with 36% saying they rarely or never check the display. How often do you check the magazine display at a at a store that has one? Never 5% Rarely 20% Read about news, politics, and public affairs 49% Keep up with trends in a particular category 48% Homemaking or fashion information Always 16% Often 25% What are your reasons for purchasing or reading magazines? 75% check at least sometimes Personal life guidabce in such areas as love, marriage, a hobby or your career 27% Learn about what celebrities are doing 26% Read about business issues and money matters Entertainment Other Sometimes 34% Q11. When you visit a supermarket/grocery store, convenience store or newsstand, how often do you check the magazine display? Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 38% I don't know/ I prefer not to answer 24% 1% 4% 2% Q12. What are your reasons for purchasing/reading magazines ? Base: Canadians outside of Quebec who check the magazine display at least sometimes (n=804) 43 ATTITUDES AND OPINIONS: PURCHASING MAGAZINES Magazine displays at retail check outs have a greater impact on women and younger readers. A strong majority of readers in the RoC say that price factors heavily in their decision to purchase a magazine. They are, on the other hand, less inclined to agree that they purchase magazines more frequently when they are displayed at the counter, and they are similarly less likely to agree that they would purchase more if they were more prominently displayed. Those who do agree with these statements tend to be either female or younger readers, with 45% of women and the same proportion of 18 to 34 year olds agreeing that they purchase magazines more often when they are displayed prominently at the check out counter. How much do you agree with the following statements? When I consider buying a magazine at the newsstand, the cover price influences my newsstand, decision. decision. 73% I tend to purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check-out counter. counter. 32% themagazines magazinesininstores storeswere weremore more IfIfthe prominently displayed, I would be more prominently displayed, I would be likely more tothem. browse them. likely to browse 30% Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree 14% 24% 31% 13% 1% 44% 39% 1% 1% I don't know / Prefer not to answer Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) 44 INFLUENCE OF MAGAZINES ON PURCHASING DECISIONS Magazines have a strong potential to influence other purchases, particularly among those readers who say they are likely to purchase a magazine in the coming month. A majority of magazine readers outside of Quebec agree that they have made a purchasing decision based on information that they gleaned from a magazine. Those who purchase e-magazines (70%) and e-books (65%) are highly likely to agree with this statement, as are Ontarians (59%) and Albertans (65%), particularly when compared to readers in Atlantic Canada (46%). Conversely, Atlantic Canadian readers (44%) are more likely than those in both the Prairies (27%) and British Columbia (28%) to say that they purchase magazines to learn more about a topic that they first encountered online. Men are also more inclined to seek more information in a magazine about a topic that they learned about online than women (39% vs. 28%), as are younger readers between the ages of 18 and 34 (45%). In the past I have made a buying decision as a result of reading something in a magazine I have purchased a magazine to obtain more information on a topic I learned about online. Agree 34% Agree 58% Neither agree nor disagree 20% Don't know 1% Disagree 21% Don't know 2% Neither agree nor disagree 24% Disagree 40% Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Canadians (excluding Quebec) who read magazines (n=1080) Quebec Only Yukon Britsh Colombia Northwest territories Nunavut New Foundland & Labrador Quebec Alberta Manitoba Ontario Saskatchewan New Brunswick Nova Scotia Purchasing Habits 47 FREQUENCY OF PURCHASE Print format magazines are particularly popular among Quebec readers. More than a third of magazine readers in Quebec purchase a print edition of a magazine once a month or more, including one in ten who purchase magazines once a week or more. Print magazines are enjoyed across Quebec, with few demographic differences that distinguish those who purchase them once a month from those who do not, however print magazines do enjoy additional popularity among those between the ages of 55 and 64, with 15% of readers in this age group saying that they purchase magazines once a week or more. 36% purchase magazines once a month or more 20% 21% 21% 12% 10% 9% 7% Once a week or Once every Once a month Once every few Once or twice a more often couple of weeks or so months year Rarely Never Q3. How often do you purchase single of printed magazines from a supermarket, newsstand, convenience store, etc.? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 48 LIKELIHOOD TO PURCHASE Magazines enjoy strong popularity in Quebec; compared to the rest of Canada, and readers in Quebec are substantially more likely to say that they intend to purchase a magazine in the coming month. Overall, about half of magazine readers in Quebec say that they have purchased a magazine in the past month, however this trend is more pronounced among women (58%) than it is it among men (45%). In fact, female magazine readers in Quebec are more likely than their male counterparts to say that they are very likely to purchase a magazine in the next month (36%). French speaking magazine readers in Quebec tend to be more avid magazine consumers than English speakers magazine readers, with 53% of French speakers saying that they have purchased a magazine in the past month compared to just 38% of English speakers. Similarly, French speaking magazine readers in Quebec are more likely to say that they intend on purchasing a print magazine in the coming month, with 65% saying they are likely to do so compared to only 55% of English speakers. Have you bought a magazine in the past month? Are you likely to buy a magazine in the next month? Likely 63% No 49% Yes 51% Unlikely 35% N/A 2% Q2. In the past month, have you bought a magazine at a supermarket, newsstand or other places where magazines are sold? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) Q4. How likely are you to buy a single copy of a printed magazine within the next month? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 49 NUMBER OF MAGAZINES PURCHASED While some readers in Quebec have reduced their spending on magazines, the majority have remained consistent in their purchasing. Despite relatively strong support for printed magazines in Why have you reduced the number of Quebec, more than a third of magazine readers still confess magazines you purchase? that their magazine purchases have decreased over the past three years. Most commonly, those who have reduced their expenditures on magazines say they have done so in order to To save money 50% save money, but two in five also say that they have switched to e-editions of magazines. Male magazine readers in Quebec have embraced e-editions more readily than women, with Read e-editions instead of print 39% 58% of those who have decreased their magazine purchases in the past three years citing e-magazines as the reason for their reduced spending. 25% Less time for reading In the past three years, have your magazine purchases increased, decreased, or stayed the same? Increased 9% N/A 2% Decreased 38% The same 51% Q5. In the last 3 years, have you increased or reduced your purchases of printed magazines? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) Not interested in the topic / content 20% No longer go to places where magazines are available 5% Magazines no longer displayed at grocery / convenience store 3% I get my magazines through subscriptions 3% Other 4% Q6. Why have you reduced the number of magazines you purchase? Base: Residents of Quebec who have reduced the amount of magazines they purchase (n=189) Readership Preferences 51 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGY OWNED Although technological adoption rates are reasonably high among Quebec magazine readers, they lag behind the rates found elsewhere in the country. Half of magazine readers in Quebec say that they have a subscription to a print publication through their mail service, however this figure is more reflective of the preferences of older readers than it is of younger readers; 68% of readers between the ages of 18 and 34 say that they do not have a mail subscription. Interestingly, those who have recently purchased an e-magazine are also more likely to say that they do have a more traditional mail subscription to a print magazine. Do you subscribe to any magazines by mail? Yes 50% No 50% Q7. Do you currently subscribe to one or more magazines via the mail? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) Do you own a… Desktop: 78% Laptop: 64% Smartphone: 29% iPad or tablet: 13% Q10. Which of the following types of technology do you own? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 52 E-EDITION MAGAZINES While emagazines are growing in popularity among Quebec readers, most have yet to embrace the electronic format. As is the case elsewhere in Canada, few Quebec magazine readers have purchased an e-edition of a magazine in the past six months. As is also the case elsewhere, male readers in Quebec are more likely than female readers to say that they have done so (15% vs. 3%). There does, however, appear to be a growing interest in e-magazines among Quebec readers, with 15% saying that they expect to purchase such a product in the coming year. Again, men are significantly more likely to say that they will purchase an e-magazine in the coming year than their female counterparts (20% vs. 9%). Have you purchased an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase an emagazine in the coming year? Yes 9% Yes 15% N/A 11% No 90% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) No 74% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase the e-edition of a magazine instead of buying a print copy? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 53 E-EDITION MAGAZINES SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions to e-magazines are equally popular in Quebec compared to other regions in Canada. Interestingly, more Quebec readers have purchased a subscription to an e-magazine than have purchased an individual e-magazine in the past six months. Again, male readers in Quebec are more likely to say that they have purchased a subscription than are female readers (19% vs. 8%). Similarly, men are more likely to say that they plan to purchase a subscription in the coming year (18% vs. 7%). Have you purchased a subscription to an e-magazine in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase a subscription to an e-magazine in the coming year? Yes 13% Yes 14% N/A 12% No 85% Q8. In the past 6 months, have you purchased a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) No 75% Q8. In the coming year, do you plan to purchase a subscription to the e-edition of a magazine? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 54 E-BOOKS E-books, popular in much of the rest of Canada, have not gained much traction in Quebec, with lower adoption rates than are found elsewhere in Canada. E-books are significantly less popular in Quebec than in other parts of Canada, with a much lower adoption rate among Quebec readers. Only 14% of Quebec readers say that they have purchased an e-book, well below the national average of 24%. One in five Quebec readers say that they intend to purchase an e-book in the coming year, which is again below the national average of 29%. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that e-book purchases are more prevalent among English speaking magazine readers in Quebec than they are among French speakers (27% vs. 12% respectively). Have you purchased an e-book in the past six months? N/A 1% Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? Yes 14% Yes 20% N/A 10% No 85% Q8. Have you bought an e-edition of a book? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) No 70% Q8 Do you plan to purchase an e-book in the coming year? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 55 READER PREFERENCES Portability, ease of reading and the tactile qualities of print are the top reasons that Quebec readers provide to support their preference. Three quarters of magazine readers in Quebec say that they prefer print editions over online editions. This proportion is comparable to the national average. Only one in ten say that they prefer online magazines, however this figure includes a disproportionate number of men (12%). Why do you prefer print editions? (Total mentions) 23% More portable 20% Like the tactile aspect 15% Easier to read / browse through Do you prefer print magazines or online magazines? More accustomed to it No preference 16% Online 9% Print 75% 5% No need for an e-reader or computer 4% I can read it whenever I want 4% Can keep them for future reference 2% More visually appealing 2% More convenient Other I don't know/ I prefer not to answer Q9. Which of the following statements best describes you? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 7% Dislike reading on a screen 1% 5% 13% Q9A. Why do you prefer print editions of magazines? Base: Quebec readers who prefer print editions of magazines (n=377) Magazine Value and Availability 57 READER PREFERENCES Four in five magazine readers in Quebec check magazine displays at grocery and convenience stores at least sometimes. In Quebec, as elsewhere in Canada, a strong majority of magazine readers check retailers’ magazine displays at least sometimes. Women in particular are apt to check a magazine display, with 28% saying that they always check, and 90% saying they check at least sometimes. Quebec readers are particularly engaged in news, politics, and public affairs, with three in five saying that they read magazines to learn more about those topics. 58% Keep up with trends in a particular category 45% 38% Learn about what celebrities are doing Always 19% Never 4% Often 34% Read about news, politics, and public affairs Homemaking or fashion information How often do you check the magazine display at a at a store that has one? Rarely 14% What are your reasons for purchasing or reading magazines? 82% check at least sometimes Sometimes 29% Q11. When you visit a supermarket/grocery store, convenience store or newsstand, how often do you check the magazine display? Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 30% Read about business affairs 21% Personal life guidance in such areas as love, marriage, a hobby or your career 19% Entertainment 2% Other 4% I don't know/ I prefer not to answer 2% Q12. What are your reasons for purchasing/reading magazines ? Base: Residents of Quebec who check the magazine display at least sometimes (n=413) 58 ATTITUDES AND OPINIONS: PURCHASING MAGAZINES The role of price in purchasing decisions is reduce in Quebec compared to the rest of Canada. Readers in Quebec place significantly less emphasis on the cover price when considering whether or not to purchase a magazine than readers in the rest of Canada. While 57% still agree that cover price is important, this figure is well below the average for the rest of Canada. Men are the least likely to think that cover price impacts their purchasing decision, with only 52% agreeing with this statement, compared to 62% of women. Female readers in Quebec are also more likely than their male counterparts to indicate that they tend to purchase magazines more frequently when they see them at a retailers’ check out counter (46% vs. 23%), and younger readers between the ages of 18 and 34 are more inclined than most to say the same (49%). How much do you agree with the following statements? When I consider buying a magazine at the newsstand, the cover price influences my newsstand, decision. decision. I tend to purchase magazines more often when they are displayed at the check-out counter. counter. themagazines magazinesininstores storeswere weremore more IfIfthe prominently displayed, I would be more prominently displayed, I would be likely more tothem. browse them. likely to browse Agree Neither agree nor disagree 57% 33% 25% Disagree 18% 26% 33% 24% 2% 39% 2% 40% 2% I don't know / Prefer not to answer Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503) 59 INFLUENCE OF MAGAZINES ON PURCHASING DECISIONS A majority of readers in Quebec say that they have made a buying decision based on something that they read in a magazine. Six in ten readers in Quebec say that they have made a purchasing decision based on something that they read in a magazine, suggesting that magazines continue to play an important role in a variety of consumer behaviours. Interestingly, those who have purchased an e-book in the past six months are more likely than those who have not to say that they have purchased a product based on information that they obtained in a magazine (75%), however e-magazine purchasers are not more likely than other Quebec readers to say the same. Only a quarter of magazine readers in Quebec say that they have purchased a magazine to obtain more information about a topic that they learned about online, however those who do agree with this statement tend to be men (33%). In the past I have made a buying decision as a result of reading something in a magazine I have purchased a magazine to obtain more information on a topic I learned about online. Agree 27% Agree 61% Neither agree nor disagree 18% Don't know 2% Disagree 19% Neither agree nor disagree 27% Don't know 4% Disagree 42% Q13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. NET: AGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT vs. DISAGREE STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT. Base: Residents of Quebec who read magazines (n=503)