eBooks Collection 1995-2006

eBooks Collection 1995-2006
Bestsellers, renowned authors and
classics in all 18 subject areas
Elsevier is committed to publishing quality content that is
progressive and comprehensive and remains relevant in
every field of research and study.
Renowned eBooks imprints & diverse subject coverage
Respected and quality-driven imprints
 Academic Press
 Butterworth-Heinemann (business, technology)
 Syngress & Digital Press (computing)
 Elsevier Science
 Gulf Professional Publishing (petroleum/petrochemical
Morgan Kaufmann (computer science)
Newnes (electrical/electronic engineering)
North-Holland (mathematics)
18 Subject Areas
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Environmental Science
Immunology and Microbiology
Material Sciences
Medicine and Dentistry
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sc.
Physics and Astronomy
Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine
~ 186 books
~ 253 books
~ 310 books
~ 268 books
~ 468 books
~ 219 books
~ 31 books
~ 834 books
~ 89 books
~ 108 books
~ 168 books
~ 180 books
~ 65 books
~ 101 books
~ 63 books
~ 90 books
~ 178 books
~ 18 books
ScienceDirect eBooks expansion
4.000 Backlist titles (1995 – 2006) in September 2007
500+ Frontlist added per year from September 2007
What’s In eBooks:
 Monographs
 Academic Reference
 Professional Reference
 Stand alone Handbooks
 Closed Series
License features
One-time payment option
Perpetual access as long as you have a
SDOL license
Post-termination rights:
Continued access and or tapes, like journals
Not available on SDOS
MARC –records via OCLC (MARC 21)
This area covers a broad range of biological and agricultural topics.
Researchers in these fields are working toward a better understanding
of life on earth and how those connect and interact with human well
We are strong in these areas with particularly strong reputation on the
soil sciences and ecology
Published in the fields of:
Plant Sciences
Soil Science
Evolution and Ecology
Animal Behavior
Marine and Aquatic Biology
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Marine Mammals
Annalisa Berta (San Diego State University, California, U.S.A.) , James Sumich
IGrossmont College, El Cajon, California, U.S.A), Kit Kovaks (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso,
Annalisa Berta is an evolutionary biologist who has studied fossil and modern marine mammals for
over 20 years. Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and she has
conducted research at the Smithosonian, American Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles County
Museum of Natural History and National Science Museum, Tokyo.
Provides a phylogenetic framework that integrates phylogeny with behavior and ecology
Features chapter summaries, further readings, an appendix, glossary and an extensive bibliography
Exciting new color photographs and additional distribution maps
Plant Biochemistry
Hans Walter Heldt (Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute of Plant Science, University Goettingen, Germany)
"Plant Biochemistry will be an invaluable resource for students, teachers and researchers looking for a clear,
up to date presentation which covers the essentials without being overwhelmed by details.”- Gerald Edwards,
Washington State University
Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations
M.B. Kirkham (Kansas State University, USA)
“The sheer magnitude of this book's subject matter could overwhelm many readers, but Dr. Kirkham spares us
this fate by virtue of superb organization, foundation building, and clear, example-rich writing…for this purpose.
I would gladly spend my own money for this book, which today joins other timely references on the lowest shelf
of my bookcase, within arm's reach."-T.M. Yanosky, U.S. Geological Survey, in JOURNAL OF
Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Gary Mullen,(Auburn University USA), Lance Durden (Georgia Southern University, USA)
Nationally and internationally renowned contributing authors
Up to date and new information that is easy to locate, with extensive subheadings and highlighted key words
throughout text
Designed for teaching several courses including Medical Entomology, Veterinary Entomology or combined
Medical-Veterinary Entomology courses
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in agriculture and biological sciences
These subjects include a large research field that overlaps with many
disciplines under Life and Biomedical Sciences such as cell biology,
molecular biology, genetics and biophysics
Biochemistry research combined with these other subject areas are
today often used to enhance the health, well-being, and productivity of
all people. Biomedical and life scientists can then use their findings to
help advance public policy issues
Published in fields including:
Life Sciences (general)
Cellular Biology
Cancer Research
Biochemistry, Genetics and
Molecular Biology
Handbook of Stem Cells
Robert Lanza (Editor in Chief, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA)
"...the Handbook of Stem Cells is highly recommended primarily as a reference for scientists in the field of
animal development...Academic medical libraries and other academic or special libraries serving researchers in
cell and developmental biology will particularly benefit from having this handbook available."
--Susan Kendall, Health Sciences Librarian, Michigan State University Library in E-Streams (February 2005)
The T Cell Receptor FactsBook
Marie-Paule LeFranc, author of the T Cell Receptor Factsbook, has been nominated as the Senior
member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
Physiology of Reproduction
Jimmy Neill (University of Alabama, USA)
“Each successive edition has grown with the exciting new information generated in the interim. The third edition
is no exception. ...These volumes are clearly designed for students of reproductive physiology and cover almost
every imaginable topic. ...” . Daniel Castracane, Foundation for Blood Research, Scarborough, ME for TRENDS
DNA Technology – The Awesome Skill
I. Edward Alcamo (State University of New York, Farmingdale, U.S.A.)
An introductory treatment of aspects of DNA technology written to enlighten the reader about the breakthroughs
made possible by the science and technologies associated with DNA
Emphasizes the practical implications and applications of the new genetic technologies; readers will come away
saying, "So that's what DNA technology is all about!"
Chemical Engineering is a distinguished branch of chemistry and
engineering that deals with the application of physical science into
processes that transform matter or energy into useful forms without
compromising environment, safety, or finite resources
Elsevier’s Chemical Engineering list has been developed over the
years to assist academics and professionals in the field in the
development, design and maintenance of chemical processes for
large-scale manufacturing and the pioneering of valuable new
materials and techniques
Chemical Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Colloid and Surface Science
Y. Iwasawa (Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan),
N. Oyama (Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology, Tokyo, Japan), H. Kunieda (Division of Artificial Environment and Systems, Graduate
School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan)
The purpose of this Conference was to discuss the results of recent developments and the future prospect in
science and technology of the field. The field has been growing and flourishing, while indicating many problems
to be uncovered and solved.
Nanoporous Materials II
A. Sayari (Editor - Université Laval, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ste-Foy, Québec Canada),
M. Jaroniec (Editor - Kent State University, Department of Chemistry, Kent, OH USA), T.J. Pinnavaia
(Editor - Michigan State University, College of Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Michigan
The first symposium on Access in Nanoporous Materials was held in Lansing, Michigan on June 7-9, 1995. The
five years that have passed since that initial meeting have brought remarkable advances in all aspects of this
growing family of materials. In particular, impressive progress has been achieved in the area of novel selfassembled mesoporous materials, their synthesis, characterization and applications.
Porous Materials in Environmentally Friendly Processes
I. Kiricsi (Editor -József Attila University, Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, Szeged,
Hungary) G. Pál-Borbély (Editor- Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary), J.B. Nagy (Editor -Notre-Dame University, Laboratory of NMR,, Belgium
H.G. Karge (Editor - Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany)
Developing new technologies requires strong and innovative fundamental research. In order to provide
opportunity for crossfertilization the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA) decided to organise a
conference, where researchers from academia as well as industry can meet, exchange ideas, show and
discuss research efforts and results concerning the development of environmentally friendly processes.
Reaction Kinetics and the Development and Operation of Catalytic Processes
G.F. Froment (Texas A & M University, Department of Chemical Engineering, College Station, TX, USA,)
K.C. Waugh UMIST, Department of Chemistry, Manchester, UK)
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in chemical engineering
Chemical Engineering
Process Modelling and Model Analysis
Ian Cameron (Computer Aided Process Engineering Center, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia), Katalin Hangos (Systems and Control Laboratory,
Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
Introduces a structured modeling methodology emphasizing the importance of the modeling goal and including
key steps such as model verification, calibration, and validation.
Focuses on novel and advanced modeling techniques such as discrete, hybrid, hierarchical, and empirical
Porous Materials in Environmentally Friendly Processes
Michael Modest (Pennsylvania State University)
Jennifer X. Wen, Kingston University, UK: "This book can simply be summed up as the 'bible' for thermal
radiation and its calculation methods.“
"I expect to see it on the bookshelf of every university and major research laboratory."
Sustainability Science and Engineering
Martin A. Abraham (Editor)
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Defines the principles of sustainable engineering
Provides specific examples of the application of sustainable engineering in industry
Represents the viewpoints of current leaders in the field and describes future needs in new technologies
Fischer-Tropsch Technology
André Steynberg (Editor, South Africa), Mark Dry (Editor, Catalysis Research Unit, Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Is the first publication to cover the theory and application for modern Fischer Tropsch technology
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in chemical engineering
Chemical Engineering
Natural Gas Hydrates – A Guide for Engineers
John Carroll (Gas Liquids Engineering)
The most comprehensive study of natural gas hydrates
A manual for the engineer or textbook for the student
Contains cutting-edge solutions to natural gas hydrate problems
Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis
Vassilis Inglezakis (National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Athens,
Greece), Stavros Poulopoulos (National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical
Engineering, Athens Greece)
Provides basic knowledge of major environmental problems and connects them to chemical engineering
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in chemical engineering
Chemistry covers all aspects of the behavior of atoms and molecules from the creation of the elements in the stars to the complex
molecules of life
Applications are far reaching and provide valuable tools for a range of
disciplines including:
Environmental analysis
Food science
Clinical research and drug discovery
Elsevier's Chemistry portfolio includes a wide range of products in a
variety of different formats from undergraduate textbooks to multivolume reference works covering five major sub-disciplines: Physical,
Theoretical, Analytical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Robert G. Mortimer (Rhodes College, Memphis Tennessee, USA)
This new edition of Robert G. Mortimer's Physical Chemistry has been thoroughly revised for use in a full year
course in modern physical chemistry. In this edition, Mortimer has included recent developments in the theories
of chemical reaction kinetics and molecular quantum mechanics, as well as in the experimental study of
extremely rapid chemical reactions. While Mortimer has made substantial improvements in the selection and
updating of topics, he has retained the clarity of presentation, the integration of description and theory
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Reinhard Bruckner (Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat,
Freiburg, Germany)
A best-selling mechanistic organic chemistry text in Germany, this text's translation into English fills a longexisting need for a modern, thorough and accessible treatment of reaction mechanisms for students of organic
chemistry at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Knowledge of reaction mechanisms is essential
to all applied areas of organic chemistry; this text fulfills that need by presenting the right material at the right
Chemistry Connections
Kerry K. Karukstis and Gerald R. Van Hecke (Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA)
"...a very effective way to increase students' interest in chemistry...The selected examples provide a welcome
dose of reality..."
-Jeffrey B. Arterburn, New Mexico State University
Robert Stick (The University of Western Australia, Nedlands)
"when it comes to choosing a book that could be used to teach a course to advanced undergraduate or
graduate students, there are very few options. This book fills that gap. The book is clearly and entertainingly
written. The coverage is excellent and many emerging areas are included. The reference list is similarly
excellent and up-to-date.
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in chemistry
Computer Science titles on ScienceDirect focus on 6 core areas of
Computer Architecture
Database Management
Computer Human Interaction
Software and Development
Computer Graphics
Computer Networking
Content in this subject area is published for researchers and users
with the highest quality technical standards
Computer Science
Physically Based Rendering
Matt Pharr (Neoptica, San Francisco, California, USA), Grey Humphreys (University of Virginia,
Winner of an Honorable Mention in the Computer and Information Science category from The Professional and
Scholarly Publishing Division (PSP) of the Association of American Publishers (AAP)
Finalist for the 15th Annual Jolt Awards
Microsoft SharePoint Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation
Kevin Laahs, Emer McKenna, Veli-Matti Vanamo (Advanced Technology Group, HP Services)
Complete guide to getting the most out of your SharePoint deployments
Critical techniques for system architects to design and deploy SharePoint Technologies
Features most important issues for day to day efficient management and usage
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics '98
C.A. Lin (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan), A. Ecer (Indiana University Purdue, USA), J.
Periaux (Dassault-Aviation, Saintt-Cloud, France), N.Satofuka (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
The book is focused on new developments and applications of parallel technology. Key topics are introduced
through contributed papers and invited lectures. These include typical algorithmic developments, such as:
distributed computing, domain decomposition and parallel algorithm. Some of the papers address the
evaluations of software and machine performance and software tool environments.
Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis
Patrick Flandrin (Laboratoire de Physique, Lyon France)
Nowadays one can say that signal processing offers a forum to numerous disciplines and requires manifold
knowledge which can rarely be combined by a single scientist. P. Flandrin takes up this challenge with so much
competence and a truly multi-disciplinary vision."
--Preface, TIME-FREQUENCY/Time-Scale Analysis, YVES MEYER, French Academy of Sciences.
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in computer science
Published for the following fields:
Key growth areas:
Atmospheric Sciences
Earth Systems
Ocean Sciences
Space and Planetary Science
Ocean/Atmospheric Science
Meterology/Climate Change
Where we are headed:
Understanding global and planetary change
Studying and recording the past in order to model and predict change
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Biological Oceanography: An Introduction
Carol M. Lalli (University of British Columbia), Timothy Parsons (University of British Columbia)
“ A very good introduction to biological oceanography for both biologically trained and non-biologically trained
students” – Professor Michael Orren, Head of Oceanography, University College Galway
Ocean Circulation
Open University Team (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
“ ...remains an excellent choice for a course that introduces ocean circulation and physical oceanography in an
intuitive nonmathematical way. Without much advanced mathematics, the book continues to present the basic
dynamics of ocean circulation without getting bogged down in derivations. For those who want a
nonmathematical introduction to ocean circulation and physical oceanography, Ocean Circulation continues to
be the text of choice” - The Bulletin of the American Meteorlogical Society .
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology
James Holten (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
"The book is very clearly and well written...the author succeeds in presenting the fundamentals while providing
a motivating discussion on the full scope of dynamic meteorology and its applications."
-Jorg Matschullat, Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Center, in ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY, VOL.
49, MARCH 2006
Provides clear physical explanations of key dynamical principles
Contains a wealth of illustrations to elucidate text and equations, plus end-of-chapter problems
Simon Bradley (University of Massachusetts, USA)
"This thorough, well referenced text will prove to be indispensable to anyone involved in the study of past and
current climate change and modeling.“ Southeastern Naturalist, 2005
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in earth and planetary sciences
Published for the following fields:
Electric Powers
Energy (general)
Energy Conservation & Environment
Energy Policy, Business & Economics
Fossil Fuels
Nuclear Energy & Engineering
Renewable Energy and Alternative Technologies
Establishing clean fuel initiatives to make the most of traditional fossil
fuels while investing in cutting edge research to develop sustainable
sources is where energy is heading in the future
Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels, and Chemicals
Donald Klass (Entech International, Inc., Barrington, Illinois, USA)
It is extremely thorough, detailed, and well documented. Topics are explained in great detail. The book stands
as one of the best published on the subject in recent times. It can be used by the professional or student alike,
since the in-depth treatment of principles and practices allow information retrieval at different levels of
complexity. It is a good technical reference and will serve as an important textbook for many years."
Green Trading Markets
Peter C. Fusaro (Chairman and Founder, Global Change Associates), Marion Yuen (President, The MYA
New ways of leveraging existing assets
New revenue streams and new opportunities for commodity trading.
Frank Niele (Shell Global Solutions International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Energy: Engine of Evolution is a compelling book that provides a compact history of energy over the last four
billion years, with the aim of creating a sound basis to understanding the possible futures of the energy industry.
It describes the role that energy has played in the evolution of nature and culture, the impact it has had on the
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in energy
Within Engineering, highly respected titles are published for the
following industries:
Handbook of Medical Imaging
Isaac Bankman (Johns Hopkins)
Internationally renowned authors from (Johns Hopkins, Harvard, UCLA, Yale, Columbia, UCSF)
Includes imaging and visualization
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vadim Kuperman (University of Chicago)
Clear progression from fundamental physical principles of NMR to MRI and its applications
"This book particularly stresses fast MR imaging and flow imaging. It does cover state-of-the-art topics such as echo-planar
imaging, spiral imaging, and partial k-space acquisitions. The last chapter is dedicated to time-of-flight techniques and
contrast-enhanced MRI of flow.
Circuits, Signals and Systems for Bioengineers
John Semmlow (Rutgers University)
Translates important electrical engineering tools such as Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, analog modeling, systems
modeling, and other linear systems analysis techniques for bioengineering students.
Clinical Engineering Handbook
Joseph Dyro (MIT and University of Pennsylvania)
13 sections, 142 chapters, 694 pages, 116 contributors! This is a comprehensive overview of the history and state of the
art of clinical engineering written by an international group of generally well-known contributors to the field.
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in the field of bioengineering
Environmental Engineering
Wind Power in View
Martin Pasqualetti (Arizona State University)
'...the volume presents fascinating comparisons, parallels, and intersections among different wind-energy
theories and practices, all of which are rewarding discoveries for the curious reader.'
--Book News, Inc.
Environmental Forensics
Robert Morrison (Arizona State University)
Up to-date compendium for referencing forensic techniques unique to particular contaminants.
International scientific unit system
Contributors from around the world providing international examples and case studies.
Environmental Solutions
Franklin Agardy (San Mateo, CA)
“If I were to teach a general environmental course dealing with world-wide environmental problems and
solutions, I would seriously consider this book as a text."
Gary F. Bennett, University of Toledo, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Toledo, Ohio in
the Journal of Hazardous Materials
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in environmental engineering
Industrial Engineering
Competitive Engineering
Tom Gilb (UK)
Provides detailed, practical and innovative coverage of key subjects including requirements specification,
design evaluation, specification quality control and evolutionary project management
Tom Gilb's clients include HP, Intel, CitiGroup, IBM, Nokia and the US Department of Defense
Industrial Machinery Repair
Ricky Smith ( Ivara Corporation) and R. Keith Mobley (Integrated Systems, Inc., Knoxville, TN)
The new standard reference book for industrial and mechanical trades
Accessible pocketbook format facilitates on-the-job use
Suitable for all types of plant facilities
Plant Engineer’s Handbook
R. Keith Mobley (Integrated Systems, Inc. Knoxville, TN)
As chief editor of the handbook, Keith Mobley has done a masterful job of assembling the contributions of 40
contributors into 64 chapters that cover the entire plant engineering function from definition to technology to
management. In fact, this handbook stands out from most other engineering handbooks by including
information on such issues as insurance, finances, and maintenance management in addition to the
engineering knowledge plant engineers require."- Plant Engineering Magazine
System Requirement Analysis
Jeffrey Grady (President: JOG Systems Engineering Inc., Adjuct Professor, University of California, San
Diego, CA USA)
Author is the recognized authority on the subject of Systems Engineering, and was a founding member of the
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in industrial engineering
Reference Data for Engineeres
Mac E. Van Valkenburg (Stanford University) and Wendy Middleton, (Independent Editor)
This book provides both concise and in-depth coverage. It will benefit telecommunciation engineers, designers
and business managers who need to know more about modern telecommunication technology. -Quality
Progress, July 2002
Foseco Ferrous Foundryman’s Handbook
John Brown (Foseco International, LTD)
“A comprehensive reference book covering all aspects of the subject'. Machinery Marekt, May 2001 .
Light Alloys
Polmear (Emeritus Professor in Materials Science, Monash University, Australia)
Like no other single volume, Light Alloys should satisfy students and professionals in learning the fundamentals
of aluminum, magnesium, and titanium alloys from various perspectives.”
— Light Metal Age, February-March 2006
Nigel Mills (Department of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK)
Meets latest undergraduate needs for studying polymer properties
Expended coverage of materials selection and shape selection
New teaching case studies plus new material on plastics for use in sport applications and biomaterials
Examination questions to accompany each chapter, with online Instructor Solutions Manual
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in materials
Mechanical Engineering
Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators
J. Akin (Rice University, Houston TX)
The only introductory FEA text with error estimation for students of engineering, scientific computing and
applied mathematics
Includes source code for creating and proving FEA error estimators
Fatigue Testing and Analysis
Yung-Li Lee (Daimler Chrysler Corporation), Jwo Pan (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI), Richard
Hathaway (Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI), Mark Barkey (University of Alabama USA) (
Ivara Corporation) and R. Keith Mobley (Integrated Systems, Inc., Knoxville, TN)
"If you have only one book on fatigue, this should be the one. This book is an excellent blend of the
underlying science of fatigue and the application of this knowledge to the art of fatigue design and analysis. It
will be useful to both testing and design engineers...." - International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Introduction to Optimum Design
Jasbir Arora (University of Iowa USA)
Allows engineers involved in the design process to adapt optimum design concepts in their work using the
material in the text.
Basic concepts of optimality conditions and numerical methods are described with simple examples, making the
material high teachable and learnable.
Classroom-tested for many years to attain optimum pedagogical effectiveness.
Control System Design Guide
George Ellis (Danaher Motion Systems, Radford, VA)
"No matter how much you think you may know about the subject, there is something everyone can learn from
this book. This book is control systems A-Z, and is the best book I have seen on the subject."
- Dave Trapasso, Senior Project Engineer, Delphi Automotive Systems
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in mechanical engineering
Petroleum and Biochemical
Lees' Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Sam Mannan (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX)
A must-have standard reference for chemical and process engineering safety professionals
The most complete collection of information on the theory, practice, design elements, equipment and laws that
pertain to process safety
Only single work to provide everything; principles, practice, codes, standards, data and references needed by
those practicing in the field
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in petroleum and biochemicals
Includes the study of complex interactions that occur among the
terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic environments
This interdisciplinary field includes studies in:
Governmental regulations that affect or describe these interactions
Environmental Science
Rivers of North America
Arthur Benke (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa USA), Colbert Cushing (Estes Park, CO)
The 2005 Award for Excellence in Professional and Scholarly Publishing by the Association of
American Publishers (AAP), and Best Reference 2005, by the Library Journal was given to Arthur
Benke for Rivers of North America.
Environmental Soil Physics
Daniel Hillel (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Massachusetts, USA)
Top author, Daniel Hillel, author of Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics, awarded a patent for his
invention of a novel method to conserve soil moisture, and elected Fellow of American Association for
Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American Agronomy Society, and American
Soil Science Society, which granted him a Distinguished Service
Ecology of Desert Systems
Walter Whitford (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA)
"Ecology of Desert Systems is well written and would be engaging for students with some knowledge of biology.
It should also appeal to most professional ecologists who want a succinct and authoritative summary of the
important aspects of desert biology. It is written by someone who has paid his dues spending as much time in
the field studying deserts as almost anyone I know."
-James A. MacMahon, for ECOLOGY, April 2003
Environmental Monitoring and Characterization
Janick Artiola, Ian Pepper, Mark Brusseau (University of Arizona at Tucson, USA)
Examines the integration of physical, chemical, and biological processes
Emphasizes field methods and real-time data acquisition, made more accessible with case studies, problems,
calculations, and questions.
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in environmental science
This interdisciplinary field includes studies in:
Applied Microbiology
Basic Immunology
Cytokines and Lymphokines
General Microbiology
Infection and Immunity
Infectious diseases
Immunology and Microbiology
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Robert Lahita (Chairman of Medicine and Vice President of Jersey City Medical Center, Jersey City
Highly Commended in the Orthopaedics category of the British Medical Association Book awards for 2005
Comprehensive current coverage of basic models of etiology and pathogenesis
The Quinolones
Vincent Andriole (Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA)
Edited by one of the foremost experts in the field of quinolone research and infectious disease
History of quinolones, chemistry & mechanisms of action, pharmacology, safety aspects
The War Within Us
Cedric Mims (Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK)
Infectious diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. In The War Within Us, well-known author and
infectious disease specialist Cedric Mims makes the intricacies of the immune system and infectious diseases
less baffling for the general reader and answers the questions of how things work and why. The story is told in
terms of the ancient conflict between the invader (the infectious disease) and the defender (the body's immune
system) and the strategies and counter-strategies used by both sides, making it a book that is informative.
Mast Cells and Basophils
Gianni Marone (Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy), Lawrence Lichtenstein (Johns Hopkins)
"But for the fact that this field, like so many others, is changing so rapidly, this volume will be the standard
against which others will be compared for several years to come. It is a 'must have' for any life science or
medical library."
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in immunology and microbiology
Materials science is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of
matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering
This science investigates the relationship between the structure of
materials and their properties. It includes elements of applied physics
and chemistry, as well as chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical
With significant media attention to nanoscience and nanotechnology in
the recent years, materials science has been propelled to the forefront
at many universities
Material Sciences
The Coming of Materials Science
R.W. Cahn (Editor - University of Cambridge, UK)
This remarkable book should be read by all who use material science, whether to design better alloys and
ceramics or to understand the working of the Earth and the planets” – Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Nondestructive Characterization of Materials X
R.E. Green (John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA), T. Kishi (National Institute for Advanced
Interdisciplinary Research, Japan). T. Saito (National Research Institute for Metals, Tsukuba, Ibraki
Japan), N. Takeda (Department of Advanced Energy, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo,
"The papers published in these peer-reviewed proceedings represent the latest developments in nondestructive
characterization of materials and were presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Nondestructive
Characterization of Materials held on June 26 - 30, 2000 in Karuizawa, Japan. The symposium was held
concurrently with three other symposia and one workshop. This symposium is the tenth in the series that began
in 1983 and became an international meeting in 1986.
Functionalization of Polyolefins
T.C. Chung (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Shows the available functionalisation approaches with a discussion of their scope and limitations of the most
experienced people in this field.
The Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
Hari Nalwa (Editor – Formerly of Hitachi Research Laboratory, Japan)
Nanotechnology, with its multidisciplinary nature and numerous potential applications, may be one of the most
difficult fields in which to stay informed. Such a new area would typically have to wait several years for a
disciplined, well-organized survey to appear, but Hari Singh Nalwa has already compiled a five-volume
overview, Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology.... --Phillip D. Szuromi, SCIENCE, June
2, 2000 issue
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in material sciences
Mathematics includes key areas of growth in the application of
mathematics to such fields as:
Natural science
Social sciences
Elsevier’s titles in mathematics inspires new mathematical discoveries
and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines
Top Authors in this field include:
Dov M. Gabbay
John H. Woods
Sheldon Ross
George Arfken
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products
Alan Jeffrey (Editor -University at Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom), Daniel Zwillinger (Editor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dept of Mathematical Sciences)
The Table of Integrals, Series, and Products is the major reference source for integrals in the English language.
It is essential for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers, who rely on it when identifying and subsequently
solving extremely complex problems.
Invitation to the Mathematics of Fermat-Wiles
Yves Hellegouarch (Université de Caen, Basse-Normandie, France)
This text provides a sweeping introduction to all those mathematical topics, concepts, methods, techniques, and
classical results that are necessary to understand Andrew Wiles's theory culminating in the first complete proof
of Fermat's last theorem. The text is accessible, without compromising the rigor of its mathematical exposition,
to reasoned undergraduate students, at least so for the most part it can serve as the basis for various teaching
courses. – Werner Kleinert (Berlin)
Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals
Alan Jeffrey (University at Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
The title…says it all: a compendium, of tables and formulas from various numerically and computationally
orientated areas of mathematics, as well as extremely telegraphic summaries of some of the ideas involved.
Recommended [for] upper-division undergraduates through professionals. – Choice, 2005
Sobolev Spaces
Robert A. Adams (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), John J. F. Fournier
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Self-contained and accessible for readers in other disciplines.
Written at elementary level making it accessible to graduate students.
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in mathematics
This interdisciplinary field includes studies in the field of:
Cancer Research
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
Forensic Medicine
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Respiratory Medicine
Medicine and Dentistry
Prostate Cancer
Jack Mydlo (Editor - Department of Urology, Temple University Hospital), Ciril Godec (EditorDepartment of Urology ,Long Island College Hospital)
An important translational book bridging the gap between science and clinical medicine, Prostate Cancer
reviews the biological processes that can be implicated in the disease, reviews current treatments, highlighting
the pitfalls where relevant and examines the scientific developments that might result in novel treatments in the
Handbook of Transfusion Medicine
This is a useful book to have handy as a reference. It would also be quite useful as a text to accompany
classroom instruction on transfusion medicine for students at any level...the editors and authors are to be
applauded for having achieved their goal of a comprehensive, concise and easy to read textbook on transfusion
"...it will provide an easy-to-read reference of the contemporary clinical practice of Transfusion Medicine. As
such it is worth looking at with a view to getting a copy for the shelf of your department library."
Principles of Tissue Engineering
Robert Lanza (Editor- Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA)
Provides vast, detailed analysis of research on all of the major systems of the human body, e.g., skin, muscle,
cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and nerves
Essential to anyone working in the field
Educates and directs both the novice and advanced researcher
It is comprehensive and up to date...the whole project represents a remarkable effort, coping as it does with an
explosion of knowledge in this area. ...there are quite a number of reviews of this field, or parts of it, but
relatively few text books, and certainly none as comprehensive as this. ...This is a timely book and truly reflects
the enormous effort that is being put into tissue engineering at the present time. Highly recommended."
--E.J. Wood in RETINOIDS - 2001
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in medicine and dentistry
Medicine and Dentistry
Handbook of Pediatric Transfusion Medicine
Christopher Hillyer (Editor-in-Chief - Emory University, School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia USA)
Highly Commended in the Paediatrics category of the British Medical Association Book Awards for 2005
Neonatal and fetal immune response and in utero development issues
Blood compatability and pre-transfusion testing issues specific to pediatric and neonatal transfusion
Women and Health
Marlene Goldman (Editor - Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA), Maureen
Hatch (Editor - Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA)
Winner of the 1999 Award of Excellence in Medical Science by the Association of American Publishers,
Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division
"This book is an unparalleled and valuable compendium of data for anyone interested in women's health. The
editors have done a superb job... the book is one of the most useful I have yet seen in the emerging field of
women's health."
—Marianne J. Legato, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, in THE NEW ENGLAND
Neuroscience is perhaps the most dynamic and fastest moving field in
life science today. A significant portion of the funding in Life- and
Biomedical Sciences goes into Neuroscience research, increasingly
supporting the translation of basic results to neurological applications
in pharmaceutical industry and clinical praxis
Neuroscience research is rapidly moving, driven by advances in
imaging technologies and bioinformatics
This interdisciplinary field includes studies in the field of:
Behavioral Neuroscience
Clinical Neurophysiology
Cognitive and Developmental Neuroscience
Epilepsy/Molecular Neuroscience
Sensory Systems
Human Brain Function
Richard Frackowiak (Editor-in-Chief, Functional Imaging Laboratory, Wellcome Department of Imaging
Neuroscience, University College London, UK)
"... Human Brain Function provides a framework for students and investigators on which to build future studies
of human brain function at every level of the systems."
--Argye E. Hillis in ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY (August 2005, Vol. 58, No. 2)
Myelin Biology and Disorders
Robert Lazzarini (Editor-in-ChiefThe Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental
Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY USA)
Critically reviews and evaluates all the important genetic and molecular and cellular biological data on the
individual myelin genes/proteins
Details the structural and functional biology of myelin, including a look at the relationship between neuronal
damage and myelin damage as seen in multiple sclerosis
From Molecules to Networks
John H. Byrne (Editor - Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, W.M. Keck Center for the
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of Texas-Houston Medical School, Houston, Texas,
USA), James Roberts (Editor - University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, USA)
"From Molecules to Networks: An Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, represents a
wonderfully new and highly valuable addition to the books currently available for students and practicing
scientists. The book, in its unique and creative treatment of quantitative aspects of neurobiology, fills a muchneeded gap.“ --Eric R. Kandel, University Professor of Physiology and Psychiatry at the Center for
Neurobiology and Behavior of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in neuroscience
Multiple Sclerosis as a Neuronal Disease
Stephen Waxman (Yale University; School of Medicine; Department of Neurology)
Brings together the latest information from clinical, pathological, imaging, molecular, and pharmacological
realms to explore the neurobiology of Multiple Sclerosis
Places MS in a new and important perspective that promises to open up new therapeutic avenues
Superbly illustrated and referenced
Models of Seizures and Epilepsy
Asla Pitkanen (Editor - A.I.Virtanen Institute, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland), Philip
Schwartzkroin (Editor - University of California, Davis USA), Solomon Moshé (Editor- Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, USA)
"This book is an invaluable resource for those interested in the details of epilepsy. It will be an excellent
resource for all neurologists and neurosurgeons involved in research or clinical treatment for the disease."
Emission Tomography
Miles Wernick (Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, U.S.A., John Aarsvold (Emory University and
the Atlanta VA Hospital, Decatur, Georgia USA)
Highly Commended in the Radiology category of the British Medical Association Book awards for 2005
"This is an outstanding book that covers emission tomography with great clarity and detail with contributions by
many of the most prominent scientists in the field. It belongs (opened) on the desk of all graduate students and
scientists working in medical radionuclide imaging." --Mark T. Madsen, PhD(University of Iowa) in Doody
Reviews 2005
This interdisciplinary field includes studies in the following fields:
Analytic/Forensic Toxicology
Drug Pharmaceutical Analysis and Science
Adverse Reactions and Interactions
Medicinal Chemistry
Practice of Medicinal Chemistry
Camille G. Wermuth (Editor - Prestwick Chemical, Illkirch, France)
Written by experts in the field
The first edition of The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry, published in 1996, was nicknamed 'The Bible' by
medicinal chemists.
The only available book dealing with the practical aspects of medicinal chemistry, from conception of the
molecules through to the production of drugs
An essential practical handbook for the medicinal chemist, working in the pharmaceutical industry, with little or
no background in medicinal chemistry-a complete guide to the drug discovery process
Drug Discovery
Tamas Bartfai (Harold L. Dorris Neurological Research Center and Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla,
California, USA)
"Doody's 3 Star Review: It was refreshing reading about these matters from a different perspective. The critical
nature of the book, I would imagine, was intentional to play the proverbial "devil's advocate". This book truly
caused me to rethink some attitudes and opinions I have had about pharmaceutical company behavior in the
marketplace. It's nice that once in a while such a refreshing publication comes along."
- Albert Wertheimer, B.S., MBA, PhD, Temple University School of Pharmacy for DOODY'S
"[This book] is very readable and insightful. I am hopeful that many people will pick it up, and develop a better
appreciation for what goes into making the treatments that everyone wants!"- Dennis W. Choi, M.D., Sr. VP
Merck, 2006
Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology
Wanda Haschek (Editor-in-Chief -University of Illinois, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College
of Veterinary Medicine, Urbana USA
The 2 volumes are excellent companions that complement each other as a "1,2" punch! This publication should
be on the bookshelf of clinical toxicologists, environmental professionals and laboratory investigators..."
"...gives an excellent overview of the numerous processes associated with toxicologic pathology as used in risk
assessment. It stands alone as a classic textbook in toxicology, or would be an excellent supplement to other
such books. ... —Paul Baldrick for THE BRITISH TOXICOLOGY SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (Spring 2002)
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in pharmacology
Continues to expand with a growing body of research leading to
discoveries such as the Standard Model of fundamental particles and
a detailed history of the universe, along with revolutionary new
technologies like nuclear weapons and semiconductors
Research today progresses topics that include; high-temperature
superconductivity, quantum computing, the search for the Higgs
boson, and the attempt to develop a theory of quantum gravity
This interdisciplinary field includes the subjects:
Astrophysics & cosmology
Atomic & molecular physics
Mathematical and theoretical physics
Nuclear physics & engineering
Optical engineering
Physics and astronomy (general
Physics and Astronomy
Statistical Mechanics
R K Pathria (University of Windsor, Ontario Canada)
'This is an excellent book from which to learn the methods and results of statistical mechanics.' Nature 'A well
written graduate-level text for scientists and engineers... Highly recommended for graduate-level libraries.‘
"An excellent graduate-level text. The selection of topics is very complete and gives to the student a wide view
of the applications of statistical mechanics. The set problems reinforce the theory exposed in the text, helping
the student to master the material“ Francisco Cevantes University of Texas at El Paso USA
Handbook of Superconductivity
Charles Poole (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA),
Horacio Farach (University of South Carolina, Department of Physics and Astronomy, USA), Richard
Creswick (University of South Carolina, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Columbia, USA)
First handbook on Superconductivity
The present volume is the first handbook to address this field. It covers both "classic" superconductivity-related
topics and high Tc. Numerous properties, including thermal, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, phase diagrams,
and spectroscopic crystallographic structures are presented for many types of superconductors. Critical fields,
critical currents, coherence lengths, penetration depths, and transition temperatures are tabulated.
Modern Cosmology
Scott Dodelson (NASA Fermilab Astrophysics Center, Illinois, U.S.A., University of Chicago Department
of Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Provides foundations, calculations, and interpretations which illuminate current thinking in cosmology
Covers the major advances in cosmology over the past decade
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in physics and astronomy
Elsevier publishes the well-received series entitled “Practical
Resources for the Mental Health Professional” intended for clinicians
in practice. These books focus on: specific therapies, assessment
tools, disorders, and patient populations with practical, evidencebased information on best practices for assessment and treatment
A large program in forensic psychology includes textbooks like
Introduction to Forensic Psychology, comprehensive overviews of
research like Handbook of Forensic Psychology, and classics like The
Psychology of Stalking
This interdisciplinary field includes the subjects:
Cognitive Psychology
Computers and Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Applied Psychology
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
Handbook of Attachment Interventions
Terry Levy (Editor - Evergreen Psychotherapy Center, PLLC, Evergreen, Colorado, USA)
Practitioners in clinical, private practice, managed care, and hospital settings, social workers, developmental
psychologists, and interested parents find this a valuable reference.
The Psychology of Stalking
J. Meloy (Editor - Private Practice, San Diego, California USA)
First scholarly book on stalking ever published
Contributions from virtually all major researchers in field
"The Psychology of Stalking is an outstanding collection of writings on a subject for which there is a very sparse
literature... the information here is vital to clinicians who treat offenders and victims as well as potentially
extremely helpful to law enforcement professionals. The Psychology of Stalking is a must for all clinicians and
law enforcement personnel who are likely to come into contact with this very troublesome phenomenon: the
person who is relentless in seeking a relationship with another individual who wants nothing more than to be left
WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation
Aurelio Prifitera (Editor - Harcourt Assessment Inc., San Antonio, Texas, USA), Donald Saklofske
(Editor - University of Calgary, Canada)
Leading experts discuss the clinical use of the WISC-III
Thorough coverage of the literature with many new findings
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in psychology
Handbook of Personality Psychology
Robert Hogan (Editor - University of Tulsa, Oklahoma USA), John Johnson (Editor- Pennsylvania State
University, Dubois, USA), Stephen Briggs (Editor - University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA)
"Handbook of Personality Psychology is highly interesting and readable, comprehensive and authoritative but
with depth that takes it well beyond the encyclopedia format...this volume certainly belongs on the shelf of every
psychologist who teaches personality, but also on the shelf of every other scholar interested in what is known
about what makes people tick.“ --Lee Sechrest, University of Arizona in AMERICAN SCIENTIST
Handbook of Forensic Psychology
William O'Donohue (Editor - University of Nevada, Reno, USA), Eric R. Levensky (Editor - Univeristy of
Nevada, Reno, USA)
O'Donohue and Levensky have put together a readable and truly comprehensive work that covers forensic
topics (legal and ethical) intersecting with psychology. Chapters treat such key issues as forensic reports,
eyewitness testimony, juries, and polygraphs. Included among the many other important topics are nonverbal
detection of deception, and elder and child abuse. The list of contributors is impressive, and all information is
current. This book will be a vital tool for forensic scientists and forensic psychologists as well as an invaluable
resource for anyone who must write reports or give courtroom testimony. Summing Up: Essential. All
collections supporting the study of forensics at the upper-division undergraduate level and above."
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in psychology
Elsevier’s S&T Animal Science portfolio includes ground-breaking
references on the application of animal models used in scientific
research to advance the understanding of human diseases. Areas of
coverage include:
Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine
Animal Behavior
Animal Physiology
This research can be applied to many life sciences areas:
Pharmacology, Biomedical, Neuroscience, and Genetics
Veterinary Science and Medicine
The Laboratory Mouse
Hans Hedrich (Series Volume Editor - Institute for Laboratory Animal Science, Hannover Medical
School Germany)
"...a good reference on a broad range of mouse-related topics. ...the book is recommended for pathologists
working in genomics research and for departmental-level libraries."
- Dr. C. B. Clifford, Charles River Laboratories for JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY (2005)
Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia
Paul Flecknell Comparative Biology Centre, The Medical School, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, U.K.
First scholarly book on stalking ever published
The Second Edition of this now standard guide adds the results of the latest research, most effective
anesthetics and useful illustrations of procedures and equipment and broadens the original book's coverage to
include notes on fish, amphibia, reptiles and birds.
Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals
J. Jerry Kaneko (Editor) School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, U.S.A.
John Harvey (Editor) College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A.
Michael Bruss (Editor)
Brings together in a single comprehensive volume all the pertinent information regarding the biochemistry of
disease and non-disease states in animals
Includes newly updated chapters with current references
Contains new chapters on clinical toxicology and avian clinical biochemistry
A list of bestsellers being read by your colleagues in veterinary science & medicine
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