Microsoft Word

Activity 1
With your partner brainstorm all the words you can think of associated with “shopping.”
Activity 2
Discuss with your partner what the shopping words and phrases below mean.
Department Store
Save up for something
Impulse buy
Market stall (checkout lane)
Activity 3
Read the following questions and use them to start a conversation with your partner.
1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why/why not?
2. Do you enjoy window shopping? Why/why not?
3. Have you ever bought anything from a catalog or shopped online? What did you buy?
4. How safe do you think it is to shop online? Do you worry about credit card fraud?
5. Have you ever bought anything from a door-to-door salesman or a street vendor?
6. Do you ever go to market? If so, do you always go to the same stalls (booths)?
7. Would you like to work in a shop or be a market vendor? Why/why not?
8. When you go shopping, what influences you more – price, quality, the layout of the shop, etc.?
9. Are you a bargain-hunter? Do you tend to wait for the sales before buying things?
10. What’s the best bargain you have ever bought?
11. Have you ever bought something on impulse and then regretted it? If so, what was it and what made
you buy it?
12. Do you know anyone who is a shopaholic?
13. Do you prefer shopping in well-known chain stores or in little boutiques?
14. Have you ever haggled? How successful were you?
15. Are you saving up for anything at the moment? If so, what?
16. How has the way we shop changed over the last 50 years?
How do you think the way we shop will change over the next few years?
Grocery Shopping in English
A grocery store is also called a supermarket. Chain grocery stores are referred to by name. Learn the names
of these stores before you travel to a new country. Superstores or department store often have full grocery
sections inside. San Antonio Stores: Target, HEB, Walmart, Costco, Sam’s
Shop Smart
Grocery stores are set up for you to buy more than you need. Fresh foods and staples are usually placed in
the outside aisles or at the far end of a grocery store.
At the front, you will find convenience foods and sale items. At the checkout you will find things you probably
don’t need, such as chocolate bars and magazines. The store is counting on you to throw a few of these items
into your cart or basket. This is called impulse shopping. Can you resist the temptation?
Gathering and Packing
Most grocery stores offer a variety of options for gathering and packing items. Some grocery stores in other
places make you buy your bags.
Shopping cart: pushcart on wheels
Basket: plastic container with handles; useful for quick grocery trips when you only need a few items
Box: sometimes available for free at the checkout
Plastic or paper bags: you may have to pay for these (NOT in San Antonio)
Reusable bags: bring your own (or buy and reuse)
Main Aisles and Sections: Here are the main aisles (or sections) in a grocery store and example items on
those aisles.
Produce: fresh fruit and vegetables
Frozen food: juice, pizzas, fruit and vegetables
Bulk food: peanuts, candy, flour, snacks (You bag yourself. You choose the amount.)
Baking: pre-packaged goods such as flour, sugar, salt, and chocolate chips
Breads: packaged breads, bagels, hamburger and hot dog buns
Meat and seafood: packaged beef, chicken, fish
Deli: freshly sliced meats and cheeses (You tell the butcher how much you want.)
Bakery: fresh breads, muffins, cakes to order
Dairy: milk, eggs, dairy, yogurt
Pasta and rice: spaghetti, penne, wild rice, whole wheat pasta
Ethnic foods: foods from countries in other parts of the world
Canned foods: beans, pasta sauce, canned fruit and vegetables
Condiments: ketchup, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, oil
Snacks: chips, packaged candy, cookies, crackers
Cereal: boxed breakfast cereals and bars, oats, granola
Beverages: juice, pop, coffee, tea
Household items: toilet paper, tissue paper, garbage bags, detergent, diapers
Health and beauty and/or pharmacy: make-up, deodorant, feminine products, medicine
Read the signs above you before you get into a line.
Express checkout: For people buying a few items. The sign will show how many items you are
allowed to have (1-15)
Automatic checkout: You swipe and bag your own groceries and pay with a credit or debit
Closed: Many stores us a lighting system to show which line ups are open for service. If the
light is on, the aisle is likely open.
Questions to ask in a Grocery Store
You don’t always need to ask someone who works in the store. The shopper next to you may be able to tell
you where to find the sugar, etc.
Can you tell me where the produce section is?
Can you do a price check for me?
Do you have prepackaged candy?
Do you have more flour in the back? (if a shelf is empty)
Is this on sale?
Do you sell stamps, lottery tickets, and ice?
Spanish words for Grocery Shopping
1. Bathroom Objects
2. Can I cancel?
3. Can I have the receipt?
4. Can I use my credit card?
5. Canned food
6. Cleaning objects
7. Clothing
8. Dairy
9. Drinks
10. Electronic
11. Fish
12. Fresh products
13. Frozen food section
14. Fruits
15. Grain
16. How much does this weigh?
17. How much is this?
18. I want this
19. Is there a discount?
20. Kitchen object
21. Pets need
22. Seafood
23. Snack / dessert
24. Spices
25. Stationary
26. Utensil
27. Vegetable
28. Where is the
29. Which cashier counter is open?
30. Why is this so expensive?
La limpieza de objetos
Puedo cancelar?
Puedo tener la ense amos?
Acepta tarjetas de credito?
Alimentos enlatados
La limpieza de objetos
Productos frescos
Seccion de alimentos con gel ados
Cuanto pesa esto?
Cuanto cuesta esto?
Quiero que este
Hay un descuento?
Las mascotas necesitan
Merienda / desierto
Donde esta
Que mostrador de cajero esta abierto?
Por que es tan caro?
1. Congelado
2. El atún
3. El kilo
4. El maíz
5. El Mercado
6. El product
7. El supermercado
8. El tenderete
9. El vendedor(a)
10. Ir de compras
11. La frutería
12. La mayonesa
13. La piña
14. La verdulería
15. Las cebollas
16. Las compras
17. Las judías verdes
18. Las manzanas
19. Las naranjas
20. Las uvas
21. Las zanahoria
22. Los guisantes
23. Los pimientos
24. Los plántanos
25. Un bote
26. Un carrito
27. Unf ransco
28. Una botella
29. Una lata
30. Una paquete
31. Una tajada
Spanish words for Grocery Shopping
the market
the supermarket
market stall
to go shopping
Fruit Store
vegetable store
green bens
a can
shopping cart
a can
a package
Spanish words for Grocery Shopping
1. Apple
2. Bed
3. Cakes
4. Cheese
5. Chicken
6. Cookie/cracker
7. Delicious
8. Desserts
9. Fats
10. Fish
11. Fruit salad
12. Fruits
13. Grapes
14. Gross
15. Ham and cheese sandwich
16. Hamburger
17. Hot dog
18. I agree
19. I don’t agree
20. I don’t think so
21. I think so
22. Ice cream
23. Meat
24. More or less
25. Orange
26. Pasta
27. Pickles
28. Pizza
29. Rice
30. Something
31. Spaghetti
32. Steak
33. Strawberry
34. Yummy
la manzana
los pasteles
el queso
el pollo
la galleta
los postres
las grasas
el pescado
la ensalada de frutas
las frutas
las uvas
Qué asco
el sandwich de jamón y queso
la hamburguesa
el perrito caliente
estoy de acuerdo
No estoy de acuerdo
Creo que no
Creo que sí
el helado
la carne
más o menos
la naranja
la pasta
los pepinillos
la pizza
el arroz
los espaguettis
el bistec
las fresas