Now - Melton Borough Council

Present: 12 Residents of the area were joined by:
Frank Duckworth, Chair (FD)
Sam Spencer, MBC (SJS)
Awf Alali, MBC (AA)
PCSO Andrea Kemp (AK)
PCSO Lorren Shacklock (LS)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Paul Appleby, Jodie Farlow, Cllr. Jeanne Douglas, Cllr. Tracy Beaken,
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 4.1 – 5 Mapperley House – the plastic connection to the sink has been
repaired but the cold tap has not been repaired yet in the bathroom as the
workman did not have an order for the job. SS to report.
6 Goodriche House – G Purchase have been out to the bathroom sink but
nothing can be done.
3.2 – 4.3 – still having an issue with the noisy pump in the shower at 4
Goodriche House. SS said he noticed a job on the system for this before he
attended the meeting.
3.3 – 5.5 – The moss in the corner of Goodriche House has not been
removed properly, only brushed up. Needs to be scraped. SS to report.
4. Repairs and Maintenance
4.1 – The door intercom for 5 Sidney House does not work. SS to report.
4.2 – Residents queried why there isn’t a ramp going to 4 to 9 Goodriche
House but the other blocks have ramps leading up. There are steps up to the
communal door. SS to query with repairs.
4.3 – Residents requested for the map/sign which directs people to the
different blocks at St Johns Court to be renewed as it is fading. SS to report.
5. Grounds Maintenance
5.1 – It was mentioned the area at St Johns Court is too small for the sit on
mower and it doesn’t do as good a job as the push mowers, also the residents
said the grass does not seem to be cut, only pressed down as if the blades
have not been dropped. SS to feedback to Grounds Maintenance.
5.2 – Leaves are starting to gather in the corner near Goodriche House, it is a
wind trap for the leaves. When it’s wet the leaves are slippery. Please can
they be removed. SS to report.
5.3 – Residents agreed for the big bush outside of the back of Mapperley
House to be removed. SS to report.
6. Police Update
6.1 – AK said the crime rate is down in the area. AK has some Halloween trick
or treat posters for people to display in the windows if they like.
6.2 – AK explained she and Paul Appleby can give a crime prevention talk at
the next meeting.
6.3 – There was a discussion about the changes to policing due to budget cut
6.4 – Residents asked about minor motoring offences, AK explained if anyone
witnesses a minor motoring offence such as using a mobile at the wheel,
speeding and driving on the wrong side of the road then they can visit the
Police Station and fill in a form to report the incident. AK asked residents to
make sure they obtain the registration number. The information then gets
passed to the road police for action or investigation.
7. Any Other Business
7.1 – Residents asked for an update as to the Housing Foyer build, SS to
invite Axiom to the next meeting to speak with the residents. SS to invite.
7.2 – There was a discussion about highway matters, one particular is the
drain cover on the other side of the road opposite Melbourne House. It makes
a loud noise whenever a car drives over it. SS to invite an officer from
Leicestershire County Council Highways to the next meeting.
7.3 – Residents raised concerned about the Intensive Housing Management
Service the residents on the ground floor receive. They do not feel they
receive the proper number of calls or visits as per the service agreement. SS
to invite Silpa Jethwa to the next meeting.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
8.1 – Monday 30th November 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal
Present: 11 Residents of the area were joined by:
Frank Duckworth, Chair (FD)
Sam Spencer, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Jeanne Douglas (JD)
Cllr. Tracy Beaken (TB)
Silpa Jethwa, MBC (SJ)
Shanti Patman, Local Area Coordinator (SP)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Paul Appleby, Jodie Farlow
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 3.2 – SS explained that the work order for Sensatec to install a new
intercom system at 4 to 9 Goodriche House has been raised and will be
3.2 – 3.6 - The tree near 2 Lavender House will be picked up for trimming on
the winter maintenance schedule.
3.3 - 4.2 – 8 Rutland House – Malcolm Green (MG) inspected the door and it
worked when he was there however he is aware it may need a repair job.
3.4 - 4.3 – The external lights at St Johns Court and Beckmill Court have been
turned on permanently for now whilst the timer switch being repaired.
3.5 – 5.2 – 8 Melbourne House – requested for the hedge outside the property
to be removed. This will be done through the winter maintenance schedule.
3.6 – 5.7 – The tree hanging over the 4 bays outside of Goodriche House will
be monitored by the grounds team and if required be maintained during the
winter maintenance schedule.
3.7 - 7.1 – the commode and crutches are still underneath the stairs at 4 to 9
Goodriche House. SS has informed MG for removal.
3.8 - 7.2 – SJ will be removing the old chairs to a new location.
3. 9 - 7.3 – a cleaner will start to clean the lounge and toilets from 28.9.15
3.10 - 7.4 – SJ will gain access to the small store room with the room in the
lounge and turn the volume down or off. The phone line and phone needs to
be there as it is linked to the lifeline.
4. Repairs and Maintenance
4.1 – 5 Mapperley House - reported that the new kitchen and bathroom she
had 5 years ago is already showing signs of wear. There is a plastic
connection to the sink for the plug and this connection has fallen out. Also in
the bathroom. Also the cold water tap in the bathroom physically moves
around when she turns it off, this needs securing. The plastic connection in
the bathroom sink is also an issue for 6 Goodriche House. SS to report.
4.2 – Discussion about planned maintenance, SS believes this is planned for
the next financial year.
4.3 – 4 Goodriche House – still having issues with the shower pump being
noisy from 1 Goodriche House. Needs further investigation as the whole block
can hear the noise. SS to chase.
4.4 – Doorbell to 6 Goodriche House is not working. SS to report.
5. Grounds Maintenance
5.1 – 1 Melbourne House – there is a big bush outside the bedroom window
of the property which covers the window and blocks light. The tenant’s son
has trimmed down but request to be removed. SS to report to Grounds
5.2 – Tenants have requested that the garden on the right hand side as
walking up to the back car park off Goodriche Street please be maintained
and not dug up and grassed. Residents enjoy the garden and just require
certain shrubs to be removed. SS to liaise with Sarah at Grounds
5.3 – Requested for heather outside of Mapperley House be maintained. SS
to liaise with Sarah at Grounds Maintenance.
5.4 – 51 to 55 Beckmill Court – trees are hanging down onto the windows at
the back of the properties. SS to liaise with Sarah at Grounds
5.5 – Request for the moss in the corner of Goodriche House to be removed
as it gets very slippery. SS to report.
6. Police Update
6.1 – SS to ask PCSO Chris Gear to attend the next meeting.
7. Any Other Business
7.1 – SP introduced herself and explained her role as the Local Area
Coordinator. Her role is to engage with residents who feel isolated so she can
support and sign post to relevant agencies, groups or support networks. The
idea of the role is prevention before it is too late. SP will be working to support
residents who are not known to agencies and who do not currently receive
7.2 – SJ informed the residents that MBC will be holding an online benefits
change of circumstances testing session on Tuesday 8 th September at
Parkside between 6pm to 8pm and encouraged people to attend.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
8.1 – Monday 19th October 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal
Present: 14 Residents of the area were joined by:
Frank Duckworth, Chair (FD)
Sam Spencer, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Jeanne Douglas (JD)
PCSO Jack Riley (JR)
Malcolm Green, MBC (MG)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Paul Appleby, Ruth Clater, Jodie Farlow, PCSO Andrew Kemp
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 3.2 – the new bins are being installed in an area at Beckmill Court as a
trial, they are underground bins and residents will be given key fobs to open
the lid. If the trial is successful then they will be used elsewhere in the town
centre areas.
3.2 – 3.4 – MG explained a few of the communal door intercom systems are
failing and it is difficult to find replacement parts to repair. Sensatec will be
providing prices for updating the intercom systems in the area, MG will keep
SS in the loop for feedback for future meetings.
3.3 – 3.6 – Query if the dog bins in the area are going to be installed as
requested. SS to liaise with Jodie Farlow.
3.4 – 4 – SS explained there were some issues for Cleanjeans to gain access
to some of the blocks at St Johns Court which is why they were missed during
the first few weeks. This has not been rectified. SS said the schedule for the
year went out with the tenants’ newsletter In Touch. There was positive
feedback for the cleaners. SS suggested a customer satisfaction survey to be
sent out to everyone who receives the service after about 6 months to a year
to gain feedback. All agreed.
3.5 – 5.2 – The issue with the lifeline has been resolved.
3.6 – 6.1 – The tree near 2 Lavender House hasn’t been trimmed back yet.
SS to chase.
4. Repairs and Maintenance
4.1 – Residents gave good feedback for the Jeakins Weir operative who
installed the insulation in the top flats. MG will feedback to Jeakins Weir.
4.2 – 8 Rutland House – the front communal door is damaged. MG to visit
after the meeting to assess.
4.3 – The 3 globe lights in the centre of the complex have been reported as
being off during the night. MG to raise order for timer switch change.
4.4 – Some of the external lights at Beckmill Court do not work. SS explained
the lighting will form part of the Beckmill Court refurbishment. SS to report.
4.5 – 2 Lavender House – issue with communal doors with the front element
of the door peeling off. Although internal doors are the responsibility of the
tenants, MG explained he knows they are an issue in this area and asked
people to report through Customer Service and he is happy to allow.
4.6 – Request for an outside tap at 8 Melbourne House. MG advised to write
into himself and MBC can give for permission for the work to be carried out at
the tenant’s cost.
5. Grounds Maintenance
5.1 – 17 Goodriche House – requested more pink sacks. SS to report to
Jodie Farlow.
5.2 – 8 Melbourne House – requested for the hedge outside the property to be
removed. The residents tend to the garden and have made it look nice but
would like the hedge removed as it is difficult to manage and maintain. SS to
report to Jodie Farlow.
5.3 – FD said dog fouling in certain areas are still an issue. He has been
working with Victoria Clarke to help reduce. He will contact Victoria to set up
an update meeting. Particularly bad at the back of Beckmill Court. JR said the
police have the stencils and spray cans now to reduce dog fouling so will get
out to Beckmill Court and do this area.
5.6 – Beckmill Court – requested if the dead weeds can be removed once
they have been weed sprayed. SS to liaise with Jodie Farlow.
5.7 – The tree hanging over the 4 bays outside of Goodriche House within the
complex is still hanging low onto the cars. SS to report to Jodie Farlow.
5.8 – There was a discussion about the communal bins at Beckmill Court and
the state the areas gets into as some people do not lift the lid of the bin and
place the pick sacks inside. Then the foxes split them open and the rubbish
gets blown about. Also fly tipping. SS explained the new bins should help with
this as they are easier to open and place rubbish sacks in. Also still trying to
get a spare garage to utilise as a junk garage.
6. Police Update
6.1 – JR explained ASB reports are down from 46 during June 2014 to 13
during June 2015. The reduction has been through partnership work of the
police, MBC and other local partners. JR explained ASB is not always young
people but can also be between older residents through neighbour disputes.
6.2 – There was a discussion about underage drinking in the park and other
public spaces, JR explained as it is now the school holidays there may be an
increase but PCSO’s have increased powers to be able to seize alcohol and
deal with the young person appropriately.
6.3 – There was a discussion about some fighting at Beckmill Court, JR
explained for residents to report and the police and MBC will work together to
resolve disagreements and conflicts.
6.4 – Today is JR last meeting as he is moving to the south rural beat. His
replacement is PCSO Chris Gear who will attend future meetings.
7. Any Other Business
7.1 – 4 to 9 Goodriche House – there is a commode and crutches on the
ground floor underneath the stairs, maybe from when 4 Goodriche House was
empty. MG to arrange removal.
7.2 – The old chairs in the communal lounge were mentioned again, residents
said they take up too much space and have requested them to be removed.
SS to speak with Silpa Jethwa again.
7.3 – It was asked if the communal lounge can be cleaned, it used to be
regularly cleaned but since David Ruddy left it hasn’t been. SS said he will
liaise with Silpa Jethwa and Ruth Clater as CleanJeans might be able to do a
clean when they are in the area. SS to liaise with Silpa Jethwa and Ruth
7.4 – It was reported there is a telephone in the small store cupboard next to
the kitchen in the communal lounge. Every now and again the phone rings
often during an event in the lounge. Residents asked if this can be removed.
SS to liaise with Silpa Jethwa.
7.5 – JD said she is enjoying her Mayor role and explained Cllr. Tracey
Beaken works full time and so cannot attend this meeting however JD
updates her with any news and relevant updates.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
8.1 – Monday 7th September 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal
Present: 13 Residents of the area were joined by:
Frank Duckworth, Chair (FD)
Sam Spencer, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Jeanne Douglas (JD)
PCSO Jack Riley (JR)
PCSO Andrew Kemp (AK)
Jodie Farlow, MBC (JF)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Paul Appleby
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 3.2 – the cars from the car park have been removed.
3.2 – 3.3 – The consultation at Beckmill Court regarding the refurbishment
went well. The next stage is to hold another consultation event when the
contractor for the work has been procured.
3.3 – 3.4 – The insulation in the top flats at St Johns Court have commenced.
3.4 – 3.7 – the intercoms for some of the blocks are still not very good
especially 4 to 9 Goodriche House. SS to liaise with repairs.
3.5 – 3.8 – The door handle/lock to 1 to 3 Goodriche House has been
repaired and now works.
3.6 – 5.2 – The request for an extra dog mess bin at the top of Goodriche
Street is being dealt with by Amanda Hume.
3.7 – 6.1 – The door intercom at 4 to 9 Goodriche House is still not working,
Tunstall have been out but no repair. SS to chase.
3.8 – 6.1 – The slate at 15 to 16 Beckmill Court is still being used to prop
open the communal door. SS to visit.
4. Communal Cleaning Feedback
4.1 – Some of the blocks have not been done at St Johns Court. SS to liaise
with Ruth Clater.
4.2 – The blocks at St Johns Court that have been cleaned were of a good
standard. Residents queried the schedule. SS to request the schedule to be
sent out.
5. Repairs and Maintenance
5.1 – 1 and 2 Goodriche House reported beeping every couple of seconds,
potentially from the lifeline. SS to report to the IHMO.
5.2 - 13 and 15 Goodriche House reported that they are having issues with
their lifeline. They accidently pulled them recently when cleaning and it
connected to the call centre as it is supposed to but the call centre could not
hear the residents. The residents could hear the call centre but not the other
way round. SS to report to the IHMO.
5.3 – 16 Rutland House – issue with the intercom, cannot hear the person in
the flat and not always releasing the door. SS to report.
6. Grounds Maintenance
6.1 – 2 Lavender House – requested for a tree to be cut back near the tenants
window. JF to action.
6.2 – There has been a toilet and sofa dumped in the outside area at the back
of Rutland House. JF to action.
7. Any Other Business
6.1 – SS congratulated JD on being re-elected. JD said she is the Mayor this
year and is looking forward to it.
6.2 – SS said he will put the police down as an agenda items for future
6.3 – JR ran through crime stats from this time last year and this year.
Reported crime down by 20 from 54 to 34 reports in the town centre. JR
explained he has some consultation forms if residents would like to complete
about any issues for the police. They will be around after the meeting if
anyone wishes to speak with them or fill out a form.
6.4 – AK provided an update on the travelling community who have set up
base on the public car park outside of the council offices. They have been
issued a notice to move on within 48 hours and have explained they are on
their way up north and will be move on in time. AK advised residents to be
vigilant when in the town centre.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
9.1 – Monday 13th July 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal Lounge.
Present: 16 Residents of the area were joined by:
Frank Duckworth, Chair (FD)
Sam Spencer, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Gary Bush (GB)
David Ogden (DO)
PC Sue Oaks (SO)
PCSO Jack Riley (JR)
Jodie Farlow, MBC (JF)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Audrey Wright.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 3.2 – the concrete has been cleared from near to the drying area next to
Sidney House and Mapperley House.
3.2 – 3.3 - The abandoned car Y985 SCT is still in the car park, Amanda
Hume aware and liaising with the DVLA.
3.3 – 3.4 – SS said MBC are completing consultation with residents at
Beckmill Court on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th April in regards to a
refurbishment of the area both internally and externally. SS explained
renewed lighting will be part of the project.
3.4 – 3.5 – Quotes have been received for the top flat insulation so Harry Rai,
Head of Communities and Neighbourhood, has all the information to move
3.5 – 3.6 – The shrubs near Lavender House have been removed.
3.6 – 5.2 – SS confirmed via Ruth Clater that the new communal cleaning
contract through Clean Jeans includes the drying areas and bin sores. SS
explained the new contract and schedule will start soon and will be managed.
3.7 – 6.1 – The door intercom at 4 to 9 Goodriche House is still not working,
Tunstall have been out but no repair. SS to chase.
3.8 – 6.2 – The door lock to 1 to 3 Goodricher House often just spins around
and residents cannot gain entry. SS explained Malcolm Green, Repairs Team
Leader, has looked at the lock and the issue is the operation of the lock and
handle not a repair fault. SS said he would look afterwards. SS to inspect
3.9 – 8.8 – The green virgin cabinet between Goodriche House and Lavender
House is still damaged and the door is hanging off. SS will report.
3.10 – 8.9 – residents said they are still being charged the £11 per week not
the correct £5 per week for the Intensive Housing Management Service. SS
explained he will double check but believes this is in hand. SS to check.
3.11 – 8.10 – SS explained this has been put through to Leicestershire
County Council (LCC) Highway department for consideration however
residents state there are already signs up.
4. Repairs and Maintenance
4.1 – The light between 1 and 2 Lavender House is not working. Also the light
in the drying area at 13 Goodriche House. SS said he will report but if
residents notice these issues between meetings it is best to call Customer
Service as the repair could have been dealt with by the time the meeting
comes round. SS to report.
5. Grounds Maintenance
5.1 – There was a discussion about the fly tipping at Beckmill Court. JF said
as part of the Beckmill Court repairs refurbishment the waste management
team are trialling underground bins which will reduce the fly tipping. SS also
said they are waiting to obtain an empty garage to use a junk garage scheme
similar to Bentley Street. SS also said the tenants of Beckmill Court in line
with the refurbishment will be managed to ensure the whole area is
rejuvenated. This will include tackling the dog mess.
5.2 – There was a request for a dog mess bin at the top of Goodriche Street
as many local residents use this area to exercise their dogs. JF to action.
5.3 – There are beer cans outside the window of 10 Beckmill Court, can these
be cleared. Also queried if the key to the gate has changed. JF to action.
6. Any Other Business
6.1 – Entrance to 15 and 16 Beckmill Court use a tiled slate to prop open the
communal door. FD has moved it but they have found another one. Letter to
tenants to ask not to prop the door open. SS to send a letter.
6.2 – JR said he and SO will stay after the meeting if any residents wish to
speak with them. They have some consultation forms they would like to go
through with residents.
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting
9.1 – Monday 1st June 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal Lounge.
Present: 10 Residents of the area were joined by:
Sam Spencer, Chair, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Gary Bush (GB)
David Ogden (DO)
Paul Appleby (PA)
Frank Duckworth (FD)
PCSO Jack Riley (JR)
Ruth Clater, MBC (RC)
Malcolm Green, MBC (MG)
Jodie Farlow, MBC (JF)
Cllr. Jeanne Douglas (JD)
Awf Alali, MBC (AA)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Brenda Smith and Rosemary Benzie
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 3.3 – The branches in the car parks will be monitored to ensure they do
not scratch cars.
3.2 – 3.4 - the area around the drying area has been cleared but the concrete
remains. JF to action.
3.3 - 3.5 – The abandoned car Y985 SCT is still in the car park, Amanda
Hume aware and liaising with the DVLA.
3.4 – 5.1 – MG is attending site with the electrician to inspect the external
lights at Beckmill Court.
3.5 – 5.7 – MG is waiting for two more quotes for the insulation of the top flats.
3.6 – 6.3 – JF has some colour ties to tie around the correct shrubs so the
Grounds Maintenance team know which ones to remove.
3.7 – 6.5 – The textile bin has been emptied. Biff area looking at what they do
with this as the materials inside quickly get contaminated.
4. Mobility Scooters
4.1 – JD raised the issue of mobility scooters being stored in the communal
corridors and under the stairs. A few residents have discussed the issue with
her. SS explained in theory there should be no mobility scooters in the
communal corridors as they pose a fire risk, in practice this is difficult to
manage as the use of mobility scooters has increased. The main issue
appears to be at Sidney House. The issue arises when people chose to buy a
scooter rather than being medically prescribed one.
4.2 – RC and MG stated that John Brammall, Melton Borough Council,
assesses the corridors with the Fire Service and is working on a scooter
policy for all communal areas. GB explained a policy needs to be reviewed
and taken to councillors.
5. Communal Cleaning
5.1 – RC confirmed ACE Cleaning’s contract was terminated due to poor
performance. Pryke’s cleaning have done two deep cleans to the communal
areas. Residents queried this as they do not believe there have been deep
cleans. RC will check.
5.2 – RC explained a company called Clean Genes have been successful
with the tender process to take on the service. RC is going to check the
specification to see if the drying areas and the bin stores are part of the
6. Repairs and Maintenance
6.1 – The door intercom to 4-9 Goodriche House does not work in regards to
be able to hear the person on the other end of the phone when they have
buzzed. MG to report.
6.2 – 3 Goodriche House – the key for the front communal door just spins in
the lock from time to time and residents cannot get into the block. MG to
inspect after the meeting.
7. Grounds Maintenance
7.1 – Good feedback for the grounds maintenance team.
7.2 – JF asked if the residents would like an area of land where some roses
had just been pulled out to be grassed. All agreed to grass the area.
8. Any Other Business
8.1 – AA attended the meeting to introduce himself and talk about the
changes to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) legislation. The 6 new powers which
came into force towards the end of 2014 allows for a quicker response to ASB
reports and tackling issues within the community.
8.2 – AA discussed Keep Safe Places which are places in the town centre
where a person who feels vulnerable can turn up and feel safe. Individuals will
have an ID card with their details on and also safe contact details for friends
or family members.
8.3 – AA spoke about the Hate Crime Campaign mid-March. The campaign
raises the awareness of hate crime and what people can do to report hate
crime incidents.
8.4 – During June and July time Melton will be piloting a scheme called Victim
First which helps and supports a victim through the processes of reporting,
court and emotional support.
8.5 – AA explained prevention of crime is the key so please report any
concerns to MBC or the police through 101.
8.6 – JR introduced himself as the PCSO for the town centre. JR explained
there have been big changes to the way policing is carried out in
Leicestershire. The changes mean that his role will be to spend more time
with the community, helping and preventing crime through community
engagement and advice.
8.7 – PA explained he supports and advises victims of crime through the
Communities Against Crime project. PA works closely with the police.
8.8 – There is an issue with one of the Virgin cabinets near St Johns Court,
this has been reported.
8.9 – Residents have received a rent statement for the coming year and the
cost of the Intensive Housing Management Service is £11 rather than the £5
which was announced at the consultation meetings. SS said he would double
check as he believes this is an error and should be £5 per week. Ronan
Browne attended the meeting briefly and confirmed there is an error and the
charge is £5 per week. This will be rectified on the system in time for 6 th April.
8.10 – Request for sign on Rutland Street to ask drivers not to speed. SS to
report to LCC.
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting
9.1 – Monday 13th April 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal Lounge.
Present: 17 Residents of the area were joined by:
Sam Spencer, Chair, MBC (SJS)
Cllr. Gary Bush (GB)
David Ogden (DO)
Paul Appleby (PA)
Frank Duckworth (FD)
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 – Audrey Wright, Jodie Farlow, Brenda Smith
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 – 4.1 – it was asked if a CCTV camera could be put up in the car park as
there had been some issues with ASB recently. PA explained other crime
prevention methods would be exercised before CCTV such as improving the
3.2 – 5.4 – the beading work on the ceiling of entrance 4 to 9 Goodriche
House has still not been done. SS to chase.
3.3 – 6.2 – Branches from the trees are still overhanging onto cars. SS to
3.4 – 6.3 – the area around the drying area has been cleared of the wooden
panels but it is still a mess. SS to report.
3.5 – The abandoned car Y985 SCT is still in the car park. SS to chase.
4. Communal Cleaning Contract Update
4.1 – SS said as we all know Ace Cleaning have had their contract terminated
due to poor performance. The tender process for a new contract is currently
being done and interim cleans and a deep clean will be done. SS said he will
invite a member of the repairs team to attend the next meeting and provide an
5. Repairs and Maintenance
5.1 – The external lights at Beckmill Court are not very good and do not work
properly. Sometimes they work but most of the time they do not work. SS to
5.2 – the communal entrance door to 17 to 21 Beckmill Court is not secure,
please can it be repaired so it closes properly for security. SS to report.
5.3 – Lights which are not working were reported – on the landing between 7
and 8 Melbourne House, outside 12 Goodriche House and the light above the
ladies toilet cubicle in the communal lounge. SS to report.
5.4 – 19 Timber Hill garage – rain water comes under the garage door and
well into the garage. This has been reported but with the bad weather is still
happening. SS to chase.
5.5 - The drains in the corner of Goodriche House have still not been sucked
out and unblocked. SS to chase.
5.6 – Concerns the fire alarm does not work, or an element of it, for the block
with 5 Mapperley House. SS to report.
5.7 – Residents have still not heard anything about the loft insulation in the
top flats. SS to ask repairs member to update.
6. Grounds Maintenance
6.1 – There is glass in a tub in the corner area of Goodriche House following
the police needing to break the glass door. SS to report.
6.2 – 2 Lavender House – has requested for the large black bin in the bin
store area and the smaller black bin next to it with flat number 2 on them to be
removed and replaced with a small black bin. SS to report.
6.3 – 2 Lavender House – the shrubs close to the entrance to the block have
still not been removed. SS to chase.
6.4 – There are bulky items next to the communal bin stores at Beckmill Court
which make the front look unsightly, can these be removed please. SS to
6.5 – The textile bin recycling bin in the St Johns Court car park has not bee
emptied for sometime and is full, please can it be emptied. SS to report.
7. Any Other Business
7.1 – There was a discussion about the Housing Foyer Project. GB explained
it has not been to planning yet. SS said there would be consultation with local
residents. If the project gets the approval it will open in April 2016.
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting
8.1 – Monday 23rd February 2015 at 11am in St Johns Court Communal