QP Payroll Journal Integration with QuickBooks Guideline

Payroll Journal Integration with QuickBooks Guideline
Payroll compatible with QuickBooks Versions: 2006/ 2008/ 2010
View the following facts about Payroll integration before continuing.
The integration transaction posted from Quick Payroll to QuickBooks is a journal & not a cheque or bill.
The date of the journal is governed by the run date in Payroll.
The journal can only be posted when doing a month-end roll-over not during week-ends.
Because Payroll only posts a journal & not a ‘cheque’ individual payment posting to employees cannot be
Step 1 of 3- Establishing a link between QuickBooks & Payroll.
Step 2 of 3- Journal setup in Payroll Preferences.
Step 3 of 3- Creating journal under Payroll Utilities.
Step 4 of 4- Posting journal to QuickBooks.
Step 1 of 3- Establishing a link between QuickBooks & Payroll.
Open both QuickBooks & Payroll.
In Payroll go to Help menu & select ‘Test QuickBooks Connection’.
QuickBooks will start flashing prompting you to create an integration certificate.
Choose the option ‘Always allow access even when QuickBooks is not running’.
Payroll will respond by giving a reply confirming certificate.
Step 2 of 3- Journal setup in Payroll Preferences.
2.1 Go to Payroll Preferences & select the T & A/ EFT/ Journal Setup- page.
2.2 Complete the Journal section as follow:
Note: Select QuickBooks 2008 if you’re using QuickBooks 2010
Step 3 of 3- Creating journal under Payroll Utilities
Note: Determine beforehand the accounts you would like the Payroll journal to consist out of.
Journal Sample 1- Some customers want to Credit their Bank in QuickBooks with the total Net Pay amount & Debit
Payroll Expense account. Journal in QuickBooks will look as follow for Sample 1:
Journal Sample 2- Some customers want to Credit Payroll Liabilities & Debit PAYE, UIF, SDL & NET Salaries.
When posting individual cheques in QuickBooks each employee will debit Payroll Liabilities:Net Pay account.
When posting EMP201 payment to SARS in QuickBooks- Payroll Liabilities:UIF & Payroll Liabilities:PAYE will be
Journal in QuickBooks will look as follow for Sample 2:
3.1 To setup the above QuickBooks journals go to Utilities menu in Payroll & select Journal setup.
Click on New to create your journal.
3.2 Name the journal ‘QBJOURNAL’ as you did in step 2.2.
3.3 Click on New line to add the first line of journal.
3.4 To setup Journal Sample 1 your configuration will look as follow:
1’st line on journal- Note Code 504 is Nett Salaries.
2’nd line on journal- Note Code 504 is Nett Salaries.
3.5 To setup Journal Sample 2 your configuration will look as follow:
1’st line on journal- Note the colon signifies a sub-account in QuickBooks.
2’nd line on journal- Note the colon signifies a sub-account in QuickBooks.
3’d line on Journal- Note the colon signifies a sub-account in QuickBooks.
4’Th line on Journal- Note the colon signifies a sub-account in QuickBooks.
5’Th line on journal- Note UIF employee & Company contribution needs to be specified.
6’Th line on journal- Note UIF employee & Company contribution needs to be specified.
Tip: to see all the PTT numbers select all Payroll Transaction Types on the Company Navigation Page.
Step 4 of 4- Posting Journal to QuickBooks.
Once a month the journal you configured will post to QuickBooks during the Month-end Integration.
Note the integration box when doing a Month-end under Period end menu.
Note: A Journal cannot be posted during a week-end only a month-end.
The Journal will not post if (I) its out of balance (II) an Account has changed or cannot be found in QuickBooks.