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Computer Graphics and Animation TMC 501
Unit 1 Graphics Primitives: Display Devices: Refresh Cathode
Ray Tube, Raster Scan Display, Plasma display, Liquid Crystal
display, Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing Input-Output Devices.
Mathematics for Computer Graphics: Point representation,
Vector representation, Matrices, Vector addition and vector
Unit 2 Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA algorithms,
Bresenham’s algorithm, Circle, Ellipse generation algorithms.
Viewing Transformation,
Clipping: Point Clipping, Line
Clipping. Polygon Clipping.
Unit 3 Filling: Inside Tests, Flood fill algorithm, Boundary-Fill
and scan-line
polygon fill algorithm.
Transformation: 2D transformation, Basic Transformations,
Composite transformations: Reflection, Shearing, And
Transformation between coordinate systems.
3 D
Unit 4 Projections: Parallel projection, Perspective projection,
Quadric surfaces: Sphere, Ellipsoid, Spline & Bezier
parametric continuity conditions, Spline specifications. Bezier
curves and surfaces. Visible lines and surfaces identification,
Hidden surface removal, Fractal Theory
Unit 5 Rendering: Illumination models, polygon mesh
shading, transparency, shadow, texture.Some advance
topics/applications: (i) Animation and morphing, (ii) Virtual
reality, (iii) User-interface design, (iv) Fractal graphics, (v) 3D
Enterprise Architecture using .NET_C# TMC 502
Unit 1 Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform: Future of
computing and the Microsoft’s vision, Understanding the
motivation behind the .NET platform, Constituents of the
.NET platform, CLR, Forces behind the fame, CTS, CLS, Know
the role of CIL, Platform independence in .NET, .NET
[R]Evolution, advantages, & prospects, Understanding the
core: Assemblies (DLL HELL, Metadata, Namespace &
Versioning), Deploying the .NET runtime.
Unit 2 C# Language Syntax: Working with data types &
conversions: Strings, Dates & Time, Integers, Performing
calculations with mathematical operators, Converting
between data types. Controlling program execution: IF
statements, CASE (SWITCH) statements, FOR, FOREACH
Loops, WHILE, DO-WHILE Loops, Storing multiple values with
Unit 3 .NET Programming Fundamentals: Coding object
oriented applications: Dividing code into classes, Adding
fields, method properties, events and constructors to classes,
Defining scope & visibility, Garbage collector, Inheritance &
polymorphism, Overloading methods. Handling errors:
Throwing exceptions, Try…..Catch…..Finally. Simplifying
maintenance through inheritance: Implementing a base
class, Defining virtual and abstract methods, Overriding
methods in derived classes. Building applications with Visual
Studio: Managing projects with the solution explorer, Setting
project properties and adding references Adding files, folders
and code, Compiling, debugging and testing programs.
Automating testing with Visual Studio: Creating Visual Studio
test projects, Writing Unit tests, Testing classes, properties,
method and exceptions.
Unit 4 Crafting Windows Applications: Windows Application
Basics: Creating Forms and Controls, Navigating with Menus,
Automating code with the Toolbox and Properties window.
Event Driven programming: Handling events from the userinterface, Displaying dialog forms
Unit 5 Programming Web Applications with ASP.NET:
Constructing ASP.NET Web Sites with Visual Studio: Writing
HTML pages and forms, Maintaining consistency with Master
pages, Designing pages with ASP.NET controls, Styling sites
with ASP.NET themes. Processing ASP.NET Web Forms:
Initializing Web Forms controls, Activating Web Forms with
Unit 6 Incorporating Relational Databases: Relational
database concepts: Selecting, inserting, updating and
deleting query syntax. Creating a SQL Server Database:
Defining primary & foreign key relationships. Accessing the
database with ADO.NET: Connecting to the database and
running SQL commands, Storing user information, Retrieving
existing records. Deploying .NET Applications: Installing the
.NET Framework, Moving ASP.NET applications to the Web.
Enterprise Resource Planning TMC 503
Unit 1 Introduction: Data, Information, Knowledge, and
characteristics, needs and types, Management Levels and
Information Requirements; System: Concepts and types;
Management: Concepts, and functions; Information Systems
in Business; Evolution and Trends In Information Systems,
Types Of Information Systems, Information System in
Competitive Business Environment
Unit 2 Role of Information Systems in Organizations, Major
types of information systems: TPS, MIS, DSS, ESS, KMS,
Strategic Information Systems (SIS), Enterprise-Wide
Information Systems, Business Expert System (BES), Office
Information Systems (OIS); Information Systems Operations;
Information Systems Management and Strategy; Information
Systems Audit Program;
Decision Support System (DSS): Decision Making in
Organizations, Structure of a Generic DSS, model and scope
of DSS, elements of DSS, DSS vs. MIS;
Unit3 Management Information System: Characteristics,
functions and Scope in an Organizational framework; MIS
Goals and Objectives, Management Information System
Framework , Benefits of MIS, MIS Structure, Organizational
Systems and MIS; Functional and Strategic Uses of MIS; MIS
for Decision support, MIS for Competitive Advantage;
Problems and limitations of MIS;
Unit 4 Information and Communications Technology
Infrastructure: Computer Systems – Hardware, Software for
Business Applications and Office Automations Systems
(OASs); Types and Applications of Wired and Wireless
Communication Networks- Intranet, Extranet and Internet;
Unit 5 OLTP: Databases and Information Management;
Business Intelligence and OLAP: Data warehouse, Data
Mining applications
Unit 6 MIS Planning: Types, Steps in Planning; Requirement
and Importance of planning, MIS Design concepts:
Conceptual Design and Physical System Design; MIS
Development Process and Testing: MIS Development Steps,
Development Models, Phases in Software Development
Unit 7 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Primary Functions
– Accounting, Finance, Human Resources Management,
Management, Customer Relationship Management; Business
Process Reengineering: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), ECommerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods; M-commerce :
Standards, Transaction Risks, Security and Trust
Unit 8 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems;
Information Systems Security Policies, Standards, and/or
Guidelines; Information Security & Control : Major Threats to
Security - Internal and External Threats; Components of
Unit 1 JDBC Concept of JDBC, JDBC Driver Types, JDBC
Packages, Database Connection, Associating the JDBC/ODBC
Bridge with the Database, JDBC URL, Statement Objects,
ResultSet, Transaction Processing, commit, savepoint,
rollback, ResultSetMetadata, DatabaseMetadata, Data Types,
SQLException, Prepared Statement, CallableStatement, Batch
Storing and Retrieving images via JDBC. Establing connection
with Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, MS Access and MS Excel
Unit 2 Servlets Advantages of Servlets over CGI, Installing
Servlets, The Servlet’s Life Cycle, Servlet API, Handling HTTP
GET and POST Request, ServletConfig, ServletContext,
Requests and Responses, GenericServlet, HttpSevlet,
HttpServlet Request, HttpServletResponse, Deployment
Descriptor, Request Dispatcher
Unit 3 Session Cookies, Session Tracking, Filter API, Multi-tier
Java Server Pages (JSP) Problems with Servlets and
Advantages of JSP, JSP Scripting Elements- (Directives,
Declaratives, Scriplets, Expressions, Implicit Variables), Page
Directives, JSTL, Standard Action, Custom Tags.
Java Beans Java Bean, Advantages, usebean and other tags,
scope of beans.
Unit 4 Enterprise Java Beans EJB, benefits, EJB Architecture,
EJB Roles, Types of EJB, Building small session bean
application, Home Interface, Remote Interface, Session bean:
stateless, stateful session bean
Struts Struts Archietecture, Benefits of struts, MVC, control
flow, Struts- Config.xml, web.xml, Action Forward, Action
Form, Action Mapping, ActionServlets, Building a small Struts
Unit 5 XML parsing through Java: SAX parser and DOM
parser Ant What are Build Tools? Advantages of ANT,
Installation and usage Hibernate Object Relational Mapping,
Advantages over JDBC, Mapping from Java classes to
database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types),
Data query, retrieval and manipulation. (The generation of
hibernate files- XMLs and class files should be taught using
the ANT build tool)
JINI Introduction to JINI Technology
Mobile Computing
TMC 505 (2)
Unit 1 Introduction to Network Technologies and Cellular
Communications: HIPERLAN: Protocol architecture, physical
layer, Channel access control sub-layer, MAC sub-layer,
WLAN: Infrared vs. radio transmission, Infrastructure and ad
hoc networks, IEEE 802.11. Link management
Unit 2 GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio
interface, Protocols, Localization and calling, Handover,
Security, and New data services. Mobile Computing (MC):
Introduction to MC, novel applications, limitations, and
architecture (Wireless) Medium Access Control: Motivation
for a specialized MAC (Hidden and exposed terminals, Near
and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA
Unit 3 Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP (Goals, assumptions,
entities and terminology, IP packet delivery, agent
advertisement and discovery, registration, tunneling and
encapsulation, optimizations), Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP).
Unit 4 Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP,
Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery,
Transmission /time-out freezing, Selective retransmission,
Transaction oriented TCP.
Protocols and Tools: Wireless Application Protocol-WAP.
(Introduction, protocol architecture, and treatment
of protocols of all layers), Bluetooth (User scenarios, physical
layer, MAC layer, networking, security, link management) and
Unit 5 Database Issues: Hoarding techniques, caching
invalidation mechanisms, client server computing with
adaptation, power-aware and context-aware computing,
processing, recovery, and quality of service issues.