2015 Class Information

Welcome to ELA/R!!!
Mrs. Daniels
Posted in the front of the classroom
Read them
Know them
Understand them
Follow them
About Me
 I was born and raised in Texas.
(East Texas=Piney woods)
 I have a wonderful husband (Richard) and two
beautiful children.
(Alahna & Tre’)
*This is my seventh year teaching at SMS.
*I attended Stephen F. Austin State University.
(Bachelors of Science-2004)
* I enjoy shopping, sleeping in late, and traveling with
my family.
 Please take the welcome letter home and read over it with
your parents.
 Sign the form(s) with a parent and return them no later
than Friday August 28, 2015.
 We will use AVID Cornell notes when taking notes in class.
You are expected to study notes at home daily and
complete your questions on the left hand side (an example
will be provided).
 When reading texts, we will employ the AVID reading
strategies (we will spend the first week of school
discussing these strategies and practicing them).
• Planner information will be filled out daily and graded on
Friday of each week (This can be an easy 100 or an easy
failing grade).
• Bell work (discussed on the next slide) will be completed
daily and graded on Friday of each week (make sure you
are completing and checking your bell work).
• Assignments will be completed, turned in on time, graded,
and returned to you to review, study, and note feedback I
Absences/make-up work
 It is the student’s responsibility to make up work
missed due to absence.
 When you return, check the make-up work folders
located on the back wall for your work. If it’s empty,
ask me.
 Make-up work is due within five days of the absence
or it is will be a zero.
Board Information (Planner)
TARGET: What you should learn & be able to do after
today’s lesson
BW: Bell Work should be completed the first 4minutes of
class in your spiral and will be turned in on Friday
CW: Class work that we will do in class that day
HW: Homework for that night, due the next day
Classroom Procedures/Expectations
(Before Class)
 Enter the classroom quietly and ON TIME!
 Have all materials needed for class (paper, pencil,
sharpener, notebook, spiral, homework, etc.)
 Once you enter, you will have bell work to complete.
 There will be no leaving out of class once you enter (take
care of restroom, water, and locker business before
entering the classroom).
 Bell work will be checked 4 minutes after the bell rings, so
make sure you are on time and getting started when you
enter the classroom.
Procedures/Expectations cont.
(During Class)
 You are expected to stay ON TASK and PARTICPATE during class.
Follow all directives the FIRST time given.
 You will NOT display off task behaviors (talking, drawing,
sleeping, daydreaming, fiddling with objects, etc.)
 When called upon to answer a question, read, explain, etc., you
are to know what is going on, so it is important to pay attention.
 When I am teaching a lesson, DO NOT raise your hand to go to
the restroom, get water, throw trash away, sharpen pencil, or go
to your locker. Take care of your business before class starts!!! If
you must go during lesson or activity, you are still responsible for
what you missed while out.
Procedures/Expectations cont.
(During Class)
 You are seated in groups, which means that at times,
you will be engaged in collaborative group work with
your team members.
 As a group member, you are expected to participate
and contribute during group activities and
 Roles will be assigned to each member of the group
and everyone will be required to share information on
findings and learning from activities.
Procedures/Expectations Cont.
(During Class)
 I expect you to show effort and a positive attitude in
all that you are required to do in class.
 Ask for clarification or a further explanation of a
concept or assignment that you do not understand (I
can not read your mind. If you don’t ask, I don’t know
that you don’t know)!
 Work hard until class is dismissed!!!
Procedures/Expectations Cont.
 The bell does not dismiss you, I dismiss you!
 We will wrap up our lesson and class activity about four
minutes prior to the bell.
 You will have that time to complete your Exit Ticket and
summary (Cornell notes) for the day.
 This will be your ticket out of class.
 I will NOT provide tardy passes for those not completing
required items before leaving.
 Make sure your area is clean (must be completed before I
dismiss you)!
Additional Information
 Tutoring will be held on Tuesdays from 3:45-4:20 pm.
 Be on time (when door closes, you will not be allowed
to enter)!!
 Know what you are coming to tutoring for (know
what concept or skill you need me to help you
 Tutoring is not for you to complete missing work that
you did not turn in when it was due!!!
Redo Assignments
 You are allowed to redo classwork if you make below a 70
(Max grade given after redo is a 70).
 You will have to attend tutoring to get assistance with the
concept taught before redoing the assignment. After
tutoring, you will have one week to complete the
assignment and turn it in for a grade.
 It will be at the teacher’s discretion to allow you to retake
a test grade below a 70 (Max grade given after retake is at
teacher’s discretion). The same rules for redo of classwork
applies to retake of a test (tutoring, one week to
Food For Thought
* If
* Equals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26
* Then
K N O W L E D G E = 96%
H A R D W O R K = 98%
Both are important, but fall short of 100%
A T T I T U D E= 100%
Let’s Have A Great Year!!!
Nothing less than Success and
Excellence is the expectation
for you in Mrs. Daniels’s ELA/R
Attitude is the key to success!!!