Sing-It Script 1 boy v girl 5 Backup Singers (1 = VP, 1 = Bass) 2 Leads (Boy V. Girl) LINDSANITY 7 AND DAN 1 Host UPTOWN FUNK RIFF Bass, then vp then parts (Backup Singer 1 starts a melody while sitting on the stoop.) (Backup VP adds in from street and joins backup on stoop) (Add Backup Bass, other Backup Singers and Lead A in the mix) (After they finish jamming, they high-five and hug each other) SOP 1: (referring to Lead A) Well if it isn’t _LIndsanity7___! (to crowd) This girl is the hottest singer right now. She has 4 million subscribers on Youtube Lead A: (to audience) You guys know who I am, right? I’m sure there’s one subscriber out there! Selfie time! (pulls out her phone to take pic with audience member) TENOR 2: Be careful gentlemen, you’re about to fall in love – check this out! (Backup Singers/Lead A perform “Shake It Off”) just CHORUS INTO RAP (Lead B performs corny rap from Shake It Off to interrupt the flow) LEAD A: (stopping Dan’s riff). Ohkayy! That's enough! Who are you?! Lead A: Um – I’m Dan, from Indiana. ALTO: (to Lead B, about Lead A) Dude, that’s Lindsanity7. She’s SO GOOOOOD! LEAD B: (staring down Lead A) I know who you are. I’ve seen your videos, can we say “autotuned?!” ALL Backup singers: *GASP!!!* (ad lib “Oh NO he didn’t!” “O snap!!”) Lead A: (Take to the audience) You think you’re better than me? Lead B: Yeah… Lead A: Fine! You, me, right here, right now. SING-IT! Backup singers: SING-IT!!!! Host: (from audience with handheld) Did someone say “SING IT?!” Excuse me, pardon me, good-looking, charming host coming through.. (Host unzips hoodie and reveals suit and tie – maybe someone tosses him a jacket) Host: Welcome to SING-IT- A singing street fight where 2 powerhouse vocalists battle for acapella supremacy! I'm just here to make sure noone gets hurt. Host: You all know how the competition works, I want a clean contest. Radio edits only. NO lip synching, NO Moves like Jagger, and ABSOLUTELY NO Barry Manillow! Let's start with the Riff-Off, we'll get a few words from the audience and you have to turn only those words into an sick, awesome riff. (Host gets words from audience member) (Examples: What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? What is your favorite headline you’ve seen in the news this week? What is the definition of algebra?) (Lead A and B riff-off words in each other’s faces until natural ending – with the losing Lead ending to even score) Host: Looks like(boy) ____ is the clear winner here! Let's hear it for Dan! Now onto the next challenge, “Name that DO!” Who are my music fans out there? We’re gonna need your help.Now Lindsanity7 and Dan will sing a series of songs with NO lyrics. No words at all, they will only sing DO”. So you are going to hear a LOT of do do. So if you know the song, raise your hands! Host: (to Lindsanity7) Okay Lindsanity7 you get to pick the category. Lindsanity7: I choose Girl Power songs! Dan: Hey, I'm not sure that's fairHost: Now, let's Name that Do! SING IT! Lindsanity7 –Respect Host fills gaps between songs getting audience responses, saying point Lindsanity, now Dan you're up…etc Dan-I will survive Lindsanity7-Single Ladies Dan-Something unguessable HOST: (after several wrong guesses) um, Dan what was that supposed to be?? DAN: It was the Spice Girls, duh! I nailed it. HOST: No way was that the Spice Girls. Lindsanity7 it's your turn. Wanna give it a try? For the win? LEAD A: You know it! I got this. Lindsanity7-Spice girls if you wanna be HOST: now THAT’S the Spice girls! the winner is Lindsanity 7! HOST: Now, for the most difficult portion of Sing-It: the A Ca’Challenge! And the category is… (to vp) drumroll please…it's “Make ups and Break ups!”! (SINGERS HUDDLE TOGETHER AS IF MAKING UP SONGS ON THE SPOT) HOST: Ok, now the singers are planning to sing the best songs they know how from the category "Break-ups and Make ups" Each one topping the other for the ultimate mash up-and YOU the audience will help determine the winner. Are you ready audience?! Are you ready singers? Then let's SING IT! (Singers perform pre-arranged medley that appears to be improvised – 2:30 mins) HOST: How's he doing so far folks?! (motions for applause) (to Dan) So Dan, how are you feeling about the competition so far? LEAD B: I'm feeling on FLEEK! HOST: (to Audience) I do NOT know what that means… HOST: (to Lindsanity7) Okay, Lindsanity7, you are doing well, but it seems you need to reach down and grab a little something extra to really make a difference in this competition. LEAD A: Oh don't worry. I have a secret weapon. (to backup girls) Girls, let's do this. She sings ALL ABOUT THAT BASS Dan counters with I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOU ON OUT FOR 2ND MEDLEY (big ending applause… HOST: And the winner-Well, this one is too close to call… LEAD A: (to Lead B) I gotta hand it to you. You're pretty good..but there will be a re-match! LEAD B: (flirty) Any time, Any place. LEAD A: You got it. (She counts off singers to vamp they begin to bop away one by one. She gives Lead B "come hither" finger, Lead B follows) HOST: You crazy kids-go have fun! (to audience) Remember everyone, walk lightly because these are mean streets…you never know, a SING IT challenge can strike at ANY TIME…like right here on this very spot…again today…at 3pm, 4pm, and again at 5pm…maybe with all new songs and new challenges! (All singers have left except the vp who is still going next to the Host. Host gives VP a look. VP leaves awkwardly.) HOST: Have a great rest of your day, we'll see you later, when we SING IT!