Friends application form

The Friends of Wooburn Singers
Membership Application
Season Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
Title:………………Surname: …………………………………………………………..
First Names: …………………………………………….…………
Tel. No:…………………………………………..Mobile No:………………………….
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………..
Name for programmes etc. (e.g. Mrs Jane Smith)…………………………………..........
Please tick the appropriate boxes below:
I wish to become a Friend of the Wooburn Singers.
Please reclaim tax on all donations I make to The Wooburn Singers, which are to be treated as Gift Aid
donations. I will notify the Society when I no longer pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal
to the tax which the Society is entitled to reclaim on my donations.
I am not a UK taxpayer.
Individual £30
Family £50
I wish to pay on-line (Account name Wooburn Singers, Branch Number 30-96-54, Account
number 01029546 )
I wish to pay by cheque (please make cheque payable to: Wooburn Singers)
…....... ..
Please post this form (plus cheque if not paying on line) to::
Lynda Weiss,
WS Friends Secretary , 106 Deanway, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks HP8 4LQ