Course Name*: Comparative Animal Models (compulsory) Course Proposer*: Professor Kim Summers Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in Yes place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services Yes are in place (library, computing services)*: Normal Year Taken*: Postgraduate or intercalated BVM&S Course Level*: PG Available to Students?* Visiting Yes (PG only) Display in Visiting Yes Student Prospectus: SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 11 Home School *: R(D)SVS & Roslin Institute Other School: Course Organiser*: Professor Kim Summers Course Secretary: Willie van Wijde % not taught by this Nil institution: Collaboration Information: n/a Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 200 h Any costs to be met by Covered by mandatory APCs students: Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: n/a Co-requisites (course name & code)*: n/a Prohibited n/a Combinations (course name & code)*: Visiting Students Pre- Completed degree at Bachelor level in biological requisites: sciences or other relevant discipline. Short Description*: The course aims to provide advanced scientific skills. Students will address concepts of comparative anatomy, cell biology and physiology and implications these have when using animals as models of disease, degeneration or infection. Students will be given a clear understanding of comparative anatomy and physiology and how these are relevant to animal models with comprehension of 1) range of species used, 2) variety of purposes for which they are used, 3) the methods by which they are generated, 4) how they are assessed as valid models, 5) ethical considerations in using animal models. Training will be for specific skills in mammalian anatomy, and pathology, and laboratory techniques in infection and immunity including diagnostics. The knowledge gained from this course will provide the biomedical scientist with a comprehensive understanding of key issues involved in animal and human disease research. Keywords2: Fee Code if invoiced at Course level: Default Course Mode of Study*: CA Default Delivery Period*: Semester 1 Course Type*: Standard/taught Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students will be able to: identify the anatomical features of small and large vertebrates understand the impact of disease on the host perform basic pathology techniques use immunological reagents for research and diagnosis explain animal models used in biomedical research and industry describe the ethics and requirements for using animals as models of disease understand the requirements for laboratory animal welfare, husbandry and legislation Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information* (please remove 2nd Sit if not applicable): Written assignments (50%) Assessment of practical skills (25%) Class presentations (25%) No examination Syllabus/Lecture List: Study Pattern/Course Structure: Lectures, tutorials, field visits and practical sessions. Benchmark Statements Assessed: Teaching Load* (% taught from each School): 100% R(D)SVS & Roslin Institute Reading Lists: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Professor John Hopkins