File - Ms. Zhong's Classes

Axial Skeleton
Axial skeleton
• Major Divisions in the
skeletal system:
– Axial: Bones along the
center axis (medial) of
the body.
• Skull, Vertebral column,
rib cage
The Skull
• The skull is formed by two sets of bones:
1. The cranium encloses and protects the fragile
brain tissue ( 8 cranial bones: Frontal bone, 2
parietal bones, 2 temporal bones, the occipital
bone, the spenoid bone, ethmoid bone)
2. The facial bones hold the eyes in an anterior
position (14 facial bones: 2 nasal bones, 2
maxillae, 2 zygomatic bones, the mandible, 2
lacrimal bones, 2 palatine bones, 2 inferior nasal
conchae, vomer)
• All but one of the bones of the skull are joined
together by sutures, which are interlocking,
immovable joints
Frontal Bone
• Frontal Bone: Forms
the forehead, the
bony projections
under the eyebrows,
and the superior part
of each eye orbit
Parietal Bones
• The paired parietal
bones form most of the
superior and lateral
walls of the cranium
• They meet in the
midline of the skull at
the sagittal (front to
back) suture, and form
the coronal (up and
down) suture where
they meet the frontal
Temporal Bones
• The temporal bones
lie inferior to the
parietal bones
• The temporal bones
and parietal bones
are joined at the
(sideways) sutures
Occipital Bone
• It is the most posterior
bone of the cranium
• It forms the floor and
back wall of the skull
• The occipital bone joins
the paretial bones
anteriorly at the
lambdoidal (along the
back) suture
Sphenoid Bone
• The butterflyshaped bone
spans the width of
the skull and
forms part of the
floor of the cranial
Ethmoid Bone
• The ethmoid bone is
very irregularly
shaped and lies
anterior to the
• It forms the roof of
the nasal cavity and
part of the medial
wall of the orbits(eye
Coronal suture
Lambdoidal suture
Bone Surface Markings
• Bones have characteristic surface markings
– Structural features adapted for specific functions
• There are two major types of surface markings:
– 1) Depressions and openings
• Allow the passage of blood vessels and nerves or form
– 2) Processes
• Projections or outgrowths that form joints or serve as
attachment points for ligaments and tendons
Temporal Bones Markings
• External auditory
meatus: a canal that
leads to the eardrum
and the middle ear
• Styloid process: a
sharp needle
projection. Many
neck muscles use the
styloid process as an
attachment point
Temporal Bones Markings
• Zygomatic process: a
thin bridge of bone
that joins with the
cheek bone
• Mastoid process: a
rough projection
posterior and inferior
to the external
auditory meatus,
which is full of air
Temporal Bones Markings
• Jugular foramen
(hole): the junction
of the occipital and
temporal bones,
allows passage of
the large jugular
vein which drains
the brain
• Just anterior to it is
the carotid canal
through which the
carotid artery runs,
supplying blood to
most of the brain
Occipital Bone Markings
• Foramen magnum
(large hole):
surrounds the
lower part of the
brain and allows
the spinal cord to
connect with the
Sphenoid Bone Markings
• Sella turcica:
holds the
pituitary gland
in place
Facial Bone
• 2 Maxillae or
maxillary bones, fuse
to form the upper
• All facial bones
except the mandible
join the maxillae,
thus they are the
main or keystone
bones of the face
• The maxillae contains
sinuses, which drain
into the nasal
passages: Paranasal
Palatine Bones
• The paired palatine
bone are posterior
to the palatine
processes of the
• Failure of these
results in cleft
Facial Bones
• Zygomatic bones:
Are commonly
referred to as the
• Lacrimal Bones:
fingernail size bones
forming part of the
medial wall to each
orbit (eye socket)
Facial Bones
• Nasal Bones: The
small rectangular
bones forming the
bridge of the nose
(the lower part of the
nose is made up of
• Vomer Bone: The
single bone in the
median line of the
nasal cavity
Facial Bones
• Inferior conchae:
Thin curved bones
projecting form the
lateral walls of the
nasal cavity
• Mandible: The lower
jaw. The largest and
strongest bone of the
The Hyoid Bone
• Lies inferior to the
• It is the only bone with
no direct articulation
with any other bone
• Acts as a movable base
for the tongue