THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO BRYAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS MBA 682: Financial Reporting and Regulation Course Syllabus Fall 2009 Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: Melissa J. Hershberger Bryan #423 334-5658 By Appointment Note that email is the best method to quickly get in touch with me. Purpose of Course: MBA 682 Catalog description of the course: Prerequisite: MBA 602. This course provides students with the abilities necessary to understand, interpret, and analyze corporate financial disclosures in a manner commensurate with advanced understanding of financial analysis. Please note the following, this course will be taught with an emphasis on risk, strategy and value. This course is NOT strictly an intermediate or advanced accounting course. Course Objective: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the importance of financial disclosures to investment markets and to the political process. 2. Understand the economics of financial information and the demand for financial statements in capital markets. 3. Understand the components that determine the quality of financial information, managerial incentives to influence that information, and the need for regulatory processes to control management. 4. Understand the issues that surround major types of disclosures like asset valuation, liability reporting, equity, derivative instruments, and industry-specific activities. 5. Understand the basics of risk in an enterprise framework. 6. Perform analyses that focus on the quality of financial disclosures and that provide the basis for moving into more sophisticated financial analysis. Text: Required: NONE Readings and archival resources: Each week, articles from the academic and professional literature will be assigned. The Securities & Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database ( provides many different types of actual financial disclosures for every publicly-traded company in the United States. This database will be used for much of the research work and assignments in this course. Additionally, I require that you access and obtain some of the articles and readings yourself. Please acquaint yourself with the UNCG library online resources and databases. Electronic Resource: Blackboard will be used for this course. The sign-on site for Blackboard is Students enrolled in this course will have access to the applicable section of Blackboard. Updates of the Course Syllabus, if required, as well as notes, solutions and other material deemed necessary will be posed to this site and available for download. Grading: Course grades will be determined as follows: Presentation and participation Project – Written Assignments Each weekly 13.33% Final project 40% 20% 80% The grading scale is as follows: A AB+ B BC+ C F 92% and above 90 – 91.99% 88 – 89.99% 82 -87.99% 80 – 81.99% 78 – 79.99% 65 – 77.99% < 64.99% Teaching Methods and Course Requirements: Format of Module: The class will be built upon a combination of lecture and discussion. A part of your grade will be based upon participation in the discussions. Therefore, it is paramount that you complete the readings prior to class. Please keep in mind that it is the quality of your participation, not the quantity which is being graded. Project: Your completed project is due at the beginning of Session 7. The weekly assignments are due the session after they are assigned. The final (session 6) assignment needs to be incorporated into your final project and shall not be reviewed or graded prior to turning in your final project. Further details about the “final project” will be given in our first class, but the project will incorporate the weekly assignments. The project will be undertaken in groups (details our first class). Weather Policy: In the event of a cold weather event (ice, snow), this class will strictly follow the University schedule. The University posts on the web site the status of classes (additionally, the area TV stations make announcement) when a weather event occurs, please refer to this source prior to class time. Academic Integrity Policy: Each student is expected to complete all requirements of this course in all respects in conformity with UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy. The paragraph below, which was taken from this policy, highlights students’ responsibilities regarding academic integrity. Please read the Policy. Violations will be pursued in accordance with all policies and procedures. Students should recognize their responsibility to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy and to report apparent violations to the appropriate persons. Students who do not understand the policy or its application to a particular assignment are responsible for raising such questions with their faculty member. Other Comments: While it is understood that graduate students have busy schedules that include business conflicts, please exercise good judgment in missing class only when necessary. Part of this responsibility is to understand that assignments will be accepted early, but no assignment will be accepted late. In the event that you must miss class, assignments due at the beginning of class can be sent electronically, but must be received prior to the start of the class. Keep in mind, in a class meeting only once a week, absences can quickly become a problem. Thus, excessive absences can and will result in direct and indirect grade reductions. There are no opportunities for extra credit in this course. The material in this course may be difficult for some. However, it is vital to your professional success. If you are having problems understanding the subjects presented, see me. Don’t wait until it is too late. Since this course builds on cumulative knowledge, problems in the early portion of the class will only compound as the semester progresses. Tentative Schedule: Session 1: Topic: Value? Reading assignment: Session one folder in Blackboard Session 2: Topic: Financial Reporting: Earnings management and special topics in revenue recognition Reading assignment: Session two folder in Blackboard Written assignment due Session 3: Report on significant accounting policies from your company including disclosure of the executive officers and managers of your company. Use of the SEC database EDGAR is a requirement for this assignment. Session 3: Topic: The essentials of financial analysis Reading assignment: Session three folder in Blackboard Written assignment due Session 4: Report on your evaluation of the financial status of your company based on an analysis which employs basic techniques. This should be written as if you are a financial analyst evaluating this company for investors. Use of the SEC database EDGAR is a requirement for this assignment. Session 4: Topic: RISK Reading assignment: Session four folder in Blackboard Written assignment due Session 5: Research the financial literature and write a report on (1) analysts’ view of your company’s value and risk; and, (2) information on contracts/relationships/alliances between your company’s management and other entities. Session 5: Topic: Intellectual Property Reading Assignments: For this week you will need to access the database JStor and Lexis-Nexis housed in the UNCG library. The “pieces” you will need to obtain are: 1. “Towards an Integrated Theory of Intellectual Property” written by Gideon Parchomovsky and Peter Siegelman from Virginia Law Review, Vol. 88, No.7 (Nov. 2002), 1455-1528. 2. Singer Manufacturing Company v. June Manufacturing Company. The Supreme Court of the United States. 163 U.S. 169 Session 6: Topic: Financial instruments as liabilities, hedging; derivative securities. Reading Assignments: Session six folder in Blackboard Written Assignment work into final project: Analyze the long-term financial debt of your company be sure to include any off-balance sheet obligations. Include discussion of any hedging positions as well as any derivative financial instruments that the company might use. Session 7: Final Project Due Group presentations