Acctg501: Advanced Financial Accounting Spring 2013 Dr. Joh( Office: SSE 2437 Meeting Date 1 1/17 2 3 4 5 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 6 2/21 7 2/28 8 3/7 9 3/14 10 3/21 11 3/28 12 4/11 13 4/18 14 4/25 15 16 5/2 5/9 Class: Th 4:00pm~6:40pm @GMCS329 Office Hrs: Th 2:30pm~3:30pm Topic (lecture notes) Chapter** Homework*** Governmental Acctg: General Fund 10 San Diego County, Ca CAFR (DNP*) Governmental Funds 11 E10.1,E10.8,E10.10 CAFR 12 E12.9 Partnership 14 E14.5,E14.6,E14.11,E14.12,E14.14,E14.15 Exam#1(25%) Investment , Mergers and 1 , 2 E1.4,E1.5,P1.5,P1.7,P2.5 Acquisitions Consolidation on Acquistion 3 E3.8,E3.2 Date Consolidation After 4 E4.5 Acquisition Consolidation after Acquisition Exam#2(30%) Consolidation with 5 E5.6,E5.8 Noncontrolling Interests Intercompany Transactions 6 E6.7 Foreign Currency Financial 7 E7.9, TBD Statements Foreign Currency Transaction 8 TBD and Hedging Financial Derivatives 9 E9.3 Exam#3(35%) 4:00pm~6:00pm * DNP: Do not Print ** Clicking each chapter number, you can download the publisher's PPT. My lecture note is a short and customized version of the publisher's PPT. *** Not all homework assignments are collected. The assignments to be collected will be announced a week in advance. Textbook: Hamlen, Huefner, and Largay, Advanced Accounting, Cambridge Business Publishing, 2nd ed., 2012. Additional sources*: Bisk CPA Review Gleim CPA Review * These sources may help you to study the topices indirectly. At the end of this course students should be able to: 1. List and explain various consolidation theories, current issues of consolidation, the consolidation standards in US GAAP and IFRS. 2. Prepare consolidated financial statements properly for domestic or multinational companies. 3. Analyze and report partnership transactions such as formation, dissolution, partner changes, and earnings distribution. 4. List and explain fundamental GASB standards and rules and their relationship with FASB statements and apply them to measure and report governmental activities. 5. Analyze and evaluate the financial position and performance of a governmental organization. 6. Explain verbally the various concepts of advanced accounting issues such as financial derivatives, hedging, and consolidation. Course Policies : a. The pre-requisite for the course is Accounting 321, 300, or its equivalent, with a minimum grade of C. Proof of pre-requisite may be required. b. No make-up examinations will be permitted except for reasons of illness when the instructor is notified in advance of the scheduled exam and the student supplies a letter from a physician explaining the nature of the illness. I retain the right to retain any class materials prepared by students. c. Each significant contribution during class discussion is rewarded by a bonus point card. A few examples of "significant contribution" are "to ask appropriate questions helping the class understand the content," "to show a better and creative approach to cases or problems." Each bonus card is worth one multiple choice question in the next exam. You may not sell or buy the card or use the bonus card to raise your score above 100%. be d. The class average for this course has typically been in the 2.9-3.3 range. You may assess your performance based on the traditional grade cutoffs of 93%=A, 90% = A-, 87%=B+, 83% = B, 80%=B-, 77%=C+, 73% = C, 70%=C-, 60% = D, and below 60% = F. e. I might curve the final grades if necessary, based on the class average and the academic standards for the course. f. Incompletes will be given only in the RAREST of circumstances and according to university policy. There will be no opportunity to raise your course grade by doing "extra credit" work during or after the end of the semester-that would violate University policy. Grades: Grades will be based on three examinations (90%) and participation and homework (10%). Assignments Weights Exam #1* 25% Exam #2* Final Exam Homework 30% * 35% 10% * Each test is non-cumulative. Office Hours I encourage each of you to take advantage of my regularly scheduled office hours to discuss problems and to seek assistance when needed throughout the semester. I would like to talk to each of you at least once. If you cannot make it to my regularly-scheduled office hours, feel free to schedule an individual appointment with me. It is my job to help you learn and succeed in this class, and I will help whenever possible. In an effort to make the class successful for all students, please provide me feedback on how the course is going and how you feel you are doing in the course. I can make this class more successful if I hear from you about what you do and do not understand. I welcome your feedback during office hours and via e-mail. Grading questions or appeals DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMESTER TO TAKE ACTION ON GRADING ISSUES. BY THAT TIME IT WILL BE TOO LATE! If you feel there exists a grading error on any of the above grade components, or if you feel you need to bring to my attention other facts or circumstances that might affect the grade for that item, you will have one week from the date the grade is posted on Blackboard or the graded item is redistributed back to the class (whichever is earlier) to take such action and have the matter resolved. If for whatever reason you are not in class on the day the graded item is available for pickup, the one-week period will still begin on that day. Dishonesty Policy: Cheating on any exam or class assignments will result in a zero for that activity. A definition of "cheating" is found in the SDSU Student Policies Manual, Section 01:10:01 on cheating, plagiarism and facilitating academic dishonesty. Executive Order 969 mandates that faculty report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities ( Fulfillment of assigned projects must represent the original work of each student. Plagiarism is not appropriate.