SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ON EACH COURSE/MODULE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of Course/Module/Subject Course /Subject Code Status of Subject MQF Level/Stage Note : Certificate – MQF Level 3 Diploma – MQF Level 4 Bachelor – MQF Level 6 Masters – MQF Level 7 Doctoral – MQF Level 8 Version (state the date of the last Senate approval) Pre-Requisite/Requirement for Registration Name(s) of academic/teaching staff Computer Networks TSN2201 Specialization Core Bachelor Degree – MQF Level 6 April 2014 NIL Mr Chan Wai Kok 8. 9. Semester and Year offered Trimester 1 (Gamma Level) Objective of the course/module/subject in the programme : To understand the fundamental concepts of data communications and networking in architecture, protocol, security, management LAN and WAN, To acquire basic hands-on skills in configuring routing, switching and basic services for a medium size network 10. Justification for including the subject in the program : This course provides students with the knowledge required to perform basic network setup and configuration. 11. Subject Learning Outcomes : LO1: Describe the basic concepts of networking including network layers, devices, security and network management Domain Cognitive Level 2 LO2: Construct various networking topology using routing and switching technologies. Psychomotor 4 LO3: Analyze the operation of the TCP/IP networks including networking protocols and routing algorithms. Cognitive 4 12. 13. Mapping of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes : Learning Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 LO1 X X LO2 X X LO3 X X Assessment Methods and Types : Method and Type Description/Details Lab test A practical-based test PO6 PO7 PO8 Percentage 20% 14. Assignment Weekly labs on: 1. Physical Layer /Data Link Layer Interconnecting Bridge, Hub, Switches and Router 2. Router configuration 3. Network Server Configuration 4. Network packet capture/analysis. 5. Network management configuration, analysis. 20% Test Final Exam Details of Subject Topics Written test Written exam 10% 50% Mode of Delivery (eg : Lecture, Tutorial, Workshop, Seminar, etc.) Indicate allocation of SLT (lecture, tutorial, lab) for each subtopic Lecture 4 Lab 0 2. Physical Layer Transmission Terminology. Frequency, Spectrum and Bandwidth. Transmission Impairments. Nyquist’s and Shannon’s Law. Guided and Unguided. Twisted pair. Coaxial cable. Fibre optic. Microwave. Cellular. Satellite. 3 2 3. LAN Technology LAN Applications. LAN Architecture: Protocol Architecture, Topologies, MAC, LLC. Bus LAN: Characteristics, Media, Use of Repeater in extension of BUS. Ring LAN: Characteristics. Star LAN: Characteristics, Use of Hubs and Switches. Wireless LAN: Applications, Requirements, and Technology. Bridge: Function of a Bridge, Protocol Architecture 3 2 4. Data Link Layer Protocol Ethernet (CSMA/CD), Token Passing. Flow Control: Stop-and Wait, Sliding Window. Error Detection: Parity Check, CRC Methods. HDLC: Characteristics, Frame Structure, and Operation. Spanning Tree Protocol Implementation, Configuration, Problem Identification and troubleshooting 5 2 1. Introduction Data Communications. Data Communication Networking. Protocols and Protocol Architecture (TCP/IP and OSI). Compare TCP/IP architecture and OSI model. Standards Organizations. IEEE, ISO. 15. 16. 17. 5. Network Layer IPv4 & IPv6 addressing and structure. Routing protocol OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), RIP (Routing Information Protocol), EIGRP (Enhanced Integrated Gateway Routing Protocol). DHCP (Dynamic Host Addressing Protocol) and NAT (Network Address Translation) 3 1 6. Network Layer Extension ICMP, IGMP, IP Multicast, Jumbo Frame. 3 3 7. Transport Layer TCP, UDP, SNMP, RTP. Connection vs connectionless. 3 3 8. Application Layer DNS, Email, FTP, Telnet, WWW 3 3 9. QoS Traffic Shapping, ToS, Type of Queuing. WRED, 4 2 10. Security & Network Management SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, Security IPSec, TLS, PublicKey, Private Key, Public Key Infrastructure, FireWall 4 2 Total 35 20 Total Student Learning Time (SLT) Lecture Tutorials Laboratory/Practical Lab Test Presentation Assignment Mid Term Test Final Exam Sub Total Total SLT Credit Value Reading Materials : Textbook Face to Face Independent Learning 35 20 35 20 3 2 10 3 2 2 64 8 20 96 160 4 Reference Materials 1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall. 2010 1. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications. 10th edition, Prentice Hall. 2014 2. Kevin R.Fall and W.Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocol. 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley. 2012. 3. Ying-Dar Lin, Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach. McGraw-Hill Publishing. 2011 18. Appendix (to be compiled when submitting the complete syllabus for the programme) : 1. Mission and Vision of the University and Faculty 2. Programme Objectives or Programme Educational Objectives 3. Programme Outcomes (POs) 4. Mapping of POs to the 8 MQF domain 5. Mapping of Los to the POs 6. Summary of the Bloom’s Taxonomy’s Domain Coverage in all the Los in the format below : Subject Learning Bloom’s Taxonomy Domain Outcomes Affective Cognitive Psychomotor (please state the learning outcomes) TSN2201 Learning 2 Outcome 1 Learning 4 Outcome 2 Learning 4 Outcome 3 Learning Outcome 4 7. Summary of LO to PO measurement 8. Measurement and Tabulation of result for LO achievement 9. MeasurementTabulation of result for PO achievement Mapping Assessment to Learning Outcomes No. Assessment % LO1 LO2 LO3 A1 Lab test 20 X X X A2 Assignment 20 X X X A3 Test 10 X A4 Final Exam 50 X X X X LO4