St. Ann’s Episcopal Church The Rev. Patricia A. Conley , Rector - The Rev. Kent Jones, Deacon - The Rev. Randal Wakitsch , Clergy Associate The Rev. Lynn White , Clergy Associate Nancy Holder, Secretary Kathy Rizzo, Bookkeeper 503 W. Jackson, Woodstock, IL 60098 Website: Email: Office: 815 -338-0950 Rector: 815 -355-6840 Announcements - July 29, 2012 Servers in the Liturgy Today Celebrant The Rev. Patricia Conley Preacher The Rev. Kent Jones Gospel Reader The Rev. Lynn White Music Director Terree Emrich Organist Sharon Lowery Acolytes Hannah Gitlin; Jenna Castillo Chalice Bearer(s) Tina Hill; Mike White Readers Bette Chwalisz; Mike Emrich Ushers Tina and Alan Hill Coffee Hour Hosts Ricca Zaino Counters Congratulations! St. Ann’s Episcopal Church is 80 years old! Save the Date: Wed., Aug. 8 7-9 pm for Brainstorming our Vision, hosted by St. Ann’s Vestry. Join us for this invigorating experience visioning who and how we are as a church, and what is most important to us going forward. The purpose is to brainstorm and synthesize ideas about Mission, Vision and Slogan statements for St. Ann's. Our guest facilitator is The Rev. Jim Steen, who had served as the diocese’s associate for congregations and administration, has become director of ministries - under the reorganized structure at the Diocese. Jim’s passion for congregational ministry and vision for the church of the future are familiar to many of in the diocese of Chicago. Apple Tree Outreach is how St. Ann’s collects school supplies for District 200 students in need. There is more information in the Parish Hall, or contact Becky Blaho at 815 337-6848. Godly Play Pizza & Prayer! Sat. afternoon child/youth & familyoriented liturgy 8/25 at 4pm. All children are welcome, with an adult. AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 1 Don Blaho 5 Mike White 6 Sandra McCarthy 8 Shirley Chase 14 Mike Powers 17 Lenore Clow; Vicky Tusken 27 Michael Zaino AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 2 Tina and Alan Hill 10 Mike and Joanell Powers 16 Randy Wakitsch and Julie Monroe 20 Rob and Mary Jane Andrews 22 Jennifer and John Loacker 24 Duane and Carol Lahti 28 David and Bette Chwalisz 30 Shirley and David Chase St. Ann’s Online Calendar Tuesday July 31, August 7 Yoga 7:30 pm Sunday August 5, August 12 Holy Eucharist 9:30 am Wednesday August 8 All Parish Brainstorming 7-9 pm Saturday August 11 Centering Prayer 9:15 am Prayer Garden Update: Many thanks to all of you that helped get the Prayer Garden going this spring through your contributions of plants and seeds, and time. An additional thanks to the Green Group and Jonathon and Jordan Loacker who gave their time (and backs) to weeding and cleaning up both the garden and the church this weekend. We have begun to harvest squash and peppers, with tomatoes and potatoes not too far behind.We are in search of simple recipes that use these vegetables, especially tomatoes. These recipes will be passed along to the individuals and families that come to the food bank. You can give these recipes to either Bruce Armstrong or Vicky Tusken. Cans for St. Ann’s only accepts aluminum drink cans – not metal food cans. Cans may be donated at the enclosure located in the corner of the St. Ann’s parking lot. Please do not double bag. If you have large metal items you want to donate (washer, dryer, shelving, pipe, electric motors, etc.) call 815 923 0604 and Howard McCarthy will arrange to pick up your donation. Those requesting our Prayers . . . J.J Wett (Shirley Heisler); Teagan (Tina Hill); Cole (Kate Halma); Shirley Heisler; Minerva (Ruth Cotton); Marie Blaho; Frank Jung (Nancy); (Nancy); Melanie (Nancy Jung); Mary Keyse; Charlotte Risto (Ruth Cotton); John Rosebaum; Megan Homan (Ruth Cotton); Jody (Rob Purdy); Karen (Pat McCullough); Connor Kuchar (Kathy Kuchta); Lou (Kathy Kuchta); Carolyn & Knut (Ruth Cotton); Velta (Sharon Porter); Lolly (Kathy Kuchta); Phil Plunk (Trish Behrens); Dick(Ruth Cotton); Gregg (Cotton & Risto); Karin (Ruth Cotton); Anderson (Natalie Armstrong); Ruthy (Ruth Cotton); Lee Burswold (Carol Lahti); Alfred Lahti (Duane); Todd (Dinah Hoppe); Gary(Henry Langeder); Marisol (Henry Langreder); Karin & Lou (Bette & David Chwalisz); Phil (Pat McCullough); Linda (Joan Purdy); Judy Miltner (Bette Chwalisz); Tom (Kate Halma); Rick & Charlotte Sylvestor (Terry Finlayson); Beth, Chuck, Emma and Evan (Jim & Diane Bartlesen); Patricia (Charlotte Risto) We remember those serving in the military: Baret Bailey (Hoppe), Benjamin Phillips (Ben & Nancy), Joseph Salgado (Hill), Tim Messman (Murauskas), Matthew Phillips (Ben & Nancy), Alicia Scott (Jeff & Susie), Todd Burton (David & Shirley Chase), Steven Fisher (Murauskas), Chris Porth (Tina Hill), Jace (Kathy & Santo Rizzo), and Ryan Hopkins (Dinah Hoppe), Steven Wilkinson (Tina Hill), Bill Peters (Robert Quinlin) We remember those who died. Phyllis Connelly