SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Students Handbook For B.Tech VII Semester Academic Year (2014-2015) CONTENTS CONTENTS Vision and Mission of the University Vision and Mission of the Department Programme Educational Objectives PAGE NO 8 9 10 Programme Outcomes Graduate Attributes Mentors & Mentee List Academic Schedule Time Table Curriculum VEHICLE BODY & INTERIOR DESIGN Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper VEHICLE EVALUATION & MAINTENANCE Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes 11 12 14 15 21 23 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 27 28 31 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 38 o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper FUEL CONSERVATION & ALTERNATIVE FUELS Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Tutorial Outline Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books 42 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 47 48 52 53 56 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 62 o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper TWO AND THREE WHEELERS Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses 63 65 67 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 71 72 76 78 81 81 81 81 81 81 Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details Model Question Paper VEHICLE EVALUATION & MAINTENANCE LAB Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details MODELLING& SIMULATION LAB Preamble Course Educational Objectives Course Outcomes 81 83 84 85 88 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 93 94 95 98 98 98 98 Pre-requisites Link to other courses Course Content Learning Resources o Text Books o Reference Books o Online Resources Learning and Teaching Activities o Learning and Teaching Modes o Work Load o Learning Activities Summary(Lesson Plan) Assessment o Principles o Assessment Summary o Mapping Course Outcomes with Programme Outcomes o Assessment Related Requirements o Assessment Details 98 98 98 99 100 101 VEL TECH RANGARAJAN Dr. SAGUNTHALA R&D INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vision and Mission of the Institute VISION To create, translate and disseminate frontiers of knowledge embedded with creativity and innovation for a positive transformation of emerging society. MISSION To nurture excellence in teaching, learning, creativity and research; translate knowledge into practice; foster multidisciplinary research across science, medicine, engineering, technology and humanities; incubate entrepreneurship; instill integrity and honour; inculcate scholarly leadership towards global competence and growth beyond self in a serene, inclusive and free academic environment. Department of Automobile Engineering Vision and Mission of the Department Vision “To reach the highest level in the field of Automobile Engineering, by Continously enhancing Research and Development activities. Be the center of excellence in Automobile Engineering to meet the Global Challenges.” Mission The mission of the Automobile Engineering Department is To produce competent professional workforce for the global automotive industry. To continue improving the standards of skills training that meets the National and international education requirements. To provide students encouraging and various environment with technical competency recognized by the automotive industry. To establish constant and active partnership with industries through consultancy and R&D Projects. Department of Automobile Engineering B.Tech Automobile Engineering The Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’S) A. A strong foundation in mathematics, basic science and engineering fundamentals to successfully compete for entry level positions and pursue graduate studies in Automobile Engineering and related fields. B. Contemporary professional and lifelong learning skills including hands-on experience, familiarity with CAD/CAE software packages, technical expertise on engineering materials, vehicle dynamics, automobile structures, propulsion, FEA systems, hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels and automobile manufacturing methods to successfully compete in the national and global engineering market. C. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, broad knowledge, and an understanding of multicultural and global perspectives to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, both as team members and as leaders. D. Understand societal related issues such as ethical choices, environmental protection, health and safety, and appropriate business skills. Department of Automobile Engineering B.Tech Automobile Engineering Programme Outcomes (PO) The Program provides opportunities for the Students to achieve the following Outcomes: 1. Ability to use their breadth and depth of knowledge and skills in the fundamental disciplines of Automobile engineering to pursue successful professional careers. 2. Ability to conduct Laboratory Experiments such as in engineering Practices, Computer Aided Drafting & Modeling, Strength of Materials, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Thermodynamics, Engine Performance and Emission, Engine Systems and Reconditioning, Engine Components, Chassis Components, Fuels and Lubricants, Two and Three Wheeler, Vehicle Evaluation and Maintenance to investigate and understand Automobile Engineering principles and characteristics of the components and systems. 3. Synthesize information / data from various sources of auto component design and operations. 4. Ability to apply mathematical and numerical skills to interpret and solve problems for Automobile Design and for applying core knowledge in Vehicle dynamics, Automobile Structures, Propulsion and Power, and Dynamics and Control to formulate and solve problems in engineering, including the use of current experimental and data analysis techniques. 5. Ability to use Automobile labs and workshop equipment competently and safely as per SAE standards. 6. Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. 7. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for Automobile engineering practice. 8. Ability to identify, formulate and solve Automobile Engineering problems. 9. Ability to work collaboratively, creatively and to communicate effectively, in applying discipline-specific knowledge in basic sciences and Automobile Engineering. 10. Ability to engage in life-long learning knowledge of contemporary issues. 11. Productive citizens with high professional and ethical standards. 12. Apply project managment techniques and financial aspects for automobile industrial projects. Department of Automobile Engineering Graduate Attributes a) Graduates demonstrate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. b) Graduates demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. c) Graduates demonstrate an ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data. d) Graduates demonstrate an ability to design a system, component or process as per needs and specifications. e) Graduates demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks. f) Graduate demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software and equipment to analyze problems. g) Graduates demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities. h) Graduates are able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written form. i) Graduates show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues. j) Graduates develop confidence for self-education and ability for life-long learning. k) Graduates who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations. l) Graduates demonstrate knowledge of project management and finance. VEL TECH DR.RR & DR.SR TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR B.TECH 2nd, 3rd AND 4th YEAR & MCA-3rd YEAR (2014-2015) Unit Working Date Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 7 Mon Days Perio ds Syllabus Assignment Cycl e Test Seminar July 2014 Worki ng Day HOLIDAYS 1 8 COMMENCEMENT OF CLASSES-B.TECH -3rd, 5th,&7th Sem & MCA 5th Sem-UNIT I - BEGINS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 21 Mon 11 88 22 Tue 12 96 23 Wed 13 104 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 14 112 15 120 1 REGISTRATIO N OF STUDENTS 2 16 2 3 24 4 32 4 5 40 5 3 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 6 48 7 56 8 64 9 72 10 80 6 7 8 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS FOR B.TECH 2nd,4th & 6th SEMESTER & MCA-4th SEMESTER HOLIDAY Assignment 1 in Submission 9 10 Unit -1 Seminar 11 12 UNIT 1 TO BE COMPLETED Assignment 1 in system entry UNIT 2 BEGINS 13 1 2 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY 16 128 3 Ramzan Holiday 17 136 18 144 4 5 August 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 19 152 6 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY 20 160 7 21 168 8 22 176 9 23 184 10 8 Fri 9 10 Sat Sun 11 24 192 Mon 25 200 12 Tue 26 208 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 27 216 28 224 1 2 3 Mon Tue Wed 38 290 39 298 40 306 Assignment 2 in Submission HOLIDAY HOLIDAY August 2014 Students Monthly Report-1 Assignment 2 in UNIT 2 TO BE COMPLETED system entry UNIT 3 BEGINS Unit -2 Seminar 11 12 13 1 2 Independence Holiday 29 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc Krishna Jayanthi HOLIDAY CYCLE TEST- 1 STARTS 230 S1 30 236 31 32 33 S2 242 S3 248 S4 254 S5 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY 34 260 35 266 36 274 37 282 CYCLE TEST- 1 ENDS S6 S7 MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Vinayakar Chathurthi HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY September 2014 12 MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-1 13 14 43 Assignment 3 in Unit -3 314 Submission Seminar Assignment 3 in 322 UNIT 3 TO BE COMPLETED system entry Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY UNIT 4 BEGINS 330 44 338 2 45 346 3 46 354 4 47 362 5 4 Thu 41 5 Fri 42 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Students Monthly Report-2 15 16 1 48 370 49 378 7 50 386 8 51 394 9 52 402 10 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc 6 21 Sun 22 Mon 53 410 23 Tue 54 418 HOLIDAY Assignment 4 in Submission Unit -4 Seminar 11 12 UNIT 4 TO BE COMPLETED Assignment 4 in system entry 24 Wed 55 426 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue 56 434 57 442 2 58 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY CYCLE TEST-2 STARTS 448 S1 3 59 454 13 September 2014 UNIT 5 BEGINS 1 S2 4 S3 5 S4 S5 S6 S7 6 October 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 60 460 Gandhi Jayanthi and Ayutha Pooja HOLIDAY Vijaya Dasami HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Bakrid HOLIDAY 61 466 62 472 63 478 64 484 65 492 CYCLE TEST-2 ENDS 7 8 9 10 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 66 500 11 67 508 12 68 516 16 Thu 69 524 17 18 19 Fri Sat Sun 70 532 20 Mon 71 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 72 548 73 556 74 564 1 Sat 13 Assignment 5 in Submission Unit -5 Seminar 15 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY Assignment 5 in 540 UNIT 5 TO BE COMPLETED system entry REVISION CLASSES Deepavali HOLIDAY REVISION CLASSES Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY 75 568 76 572 77 576 78 580 79 584 14 MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-2 November 2014 MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-2 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 11 Tue 12 Wed 80 588 81 592 82 596 83 600 84 604 HOLIDAY MODEL THEORY EXAM STARTS S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 85 S6 608 November 2014 MUHARRAM HOLIDAY 86 612 MODEL THEORY EXAM ENDS & Students Monthly Report-3 13-11-2014 TO 23-11-2014 STUDY HOLIDAYS S7 21-11-2014 & 22-11-2014ISSUE OF HALL TICKETS November/December 2014 24-11-2014 TO 17-12-2014-UNIVERSITY THEORY EXAMINATIONS 18-12-2014 TO 24-12-2014 UNIVERSITY PRACTICAL EXAMS 25-12-2014 TO 18-01-2015CHRISTMAS,NEW YEAR AND PONGAL HOLIDAYS January 2015 19 Mon 1 8 COMMENCEMENT OF CLASSES-B.Tech 4th & 6th sem, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 16 UNIT-1 BEGINS 3 24 4 32 5 40 31 Sat 1 REGISTRATIO N OF STUDENTS 2 3 4 5 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY REPUBLIC DAY HOLIDAY 6 48 6 7 56 7 8 64 8 9 72 10 80 1 Sun 2 Mon 11 88 3 Tue 12 96 9 STUDENTS TECH FEST February 2015 HOLIDAY Assignment 1 in Submission 10 Unit -1 Seminar 11 12 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS FOR B.TECH 3rd,5th & 7th SEMESTER & MCA-th SEMESTER Assignment 1 in UNIT 1 TO BE system entry COMPLETED UNIT 2 BEGINS 4 Wed 13 104 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 14 112 15 16 120 128 17 136 4 18 144 5 19 152 6 20 160 7 21 168 22 176 17 Tue 23 184 13 1 2 3 HOLIDAY 8 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 9 February 2015 18 Wed 24 192 19 Thu 25 200 20 Fri 26 208 21 Sat 27 216 22 Sun 10 Assignment 2 in Submission Unit -2 Seminar 11 12 UNIT 2 TO BE COMPLETED Assignment 2 in system entry 13 UNIT 3 BEGINS 1 HOLIDAY 23 Mon 28 222 24 25 26 27 28 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29 228 30 31 32 CYCLE TEST- 1 STARTS & Students Monthly Report-1 S1 S2 234 S3 240 S4 246 S5 Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc 2 3 4 5 6 March 2015 HOLIDAY 1 Sun 2 Mon 33 252 3 Tue 34 258 4 Wed 35 266 5 Thu 36 274 6 7 8 Fri Sat Sun 37 282 38 290 9 10 Mon Tue 39 298 40 306 11 Wed 41 314 12 Thu 42 322 13 14 15 16 17 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue 43 330 44 338 45 339 CYCLE TEST- 1 ENDS S6 7 S7 8 9 10 MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-1 HOLIDAY NATIONAL CONFERRENCE SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-1 Assignment 3 in Unit -3 Submission Seminar Assignment 3 in UNIT 3 TO BE COMPLETED system entry UNIT 4 BEGINS NATIONAL CONFERRENCE SCHOOL OF HOLIDAY ELECTRICAL 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 18 19 Wed Thu 46 340 4 47 341 5 20 Fri 48 342 6 NATIONAL CONFERRENCE SCHOOL OF HOLIDAY COMPUTING 21 Sat 22 Sun 23 Mon 49 350 7 24 25 26 Tue Wed Thu 50 358 8 51 366 9 52 374 10 27 Fri 53 382 28 Sat 29 Sun 30 Mon 54 400 31 Tue 55 408 1 Wed 56 416 2 Thu 57 424 3 4 5 Fri Sat Sun 6 Mon 58 430 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 59 436 60 442 61 448 62 454 NATIONAL CONFERRENCE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMAENT Assignment 4 in Submission Unit -4 Seminar 11 HOLIDAY 12 UNIT 4 TO BE COMPLETED Assignment 4 in system entry 13 April 2015 UNIT 5 BEGINS 1 2 HOLIDAY Special classes / Remedial classes/ Industrial visit/ Guest lecture/ Research reviews Etc HOLIDAY CYCLE TEST- 2 STARTS & Students Monthly Report-2 S1 3 S2 S3 S4 S5 4 S6 8 5 6 7 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 63 460 HOLIDAY CYCLE TEST- 2 ENDS S7 64 466 65 474 10 9 66 482 11 67 490 12 HOLIDAY 68 498 21 Tue 69 506 22 Wed 70 514 23 Thu 71 522 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 72 526 73 530 74 534 75 538 76 542 13 Assignment 5 in Submission Unit -5 Seminar 14 15 UNIT 5 TO BE COMPLETED Assignment 5 in system entry MODEL PRACTICAL EXAM-2 16 30 Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 8 Fri 77 546 MODEL THEORY EXAM STARTS S1 May 2015 May Day HOLIDAY 78 S2 550 HOLIDAY 79 556 S3 80 562 S4 81 568 S5 82 574 83 580 S6 MODEL THEORY EXAM ENDS & Students Monthly Report-3 09-05-2015 TO 17-052015-STUDY HOLIDAYS May/June 2015 S7 15-05-2014 & 16-05-2014ISSUE OF HALL TICKETS 18-05-2015 TO 10-06-2015 UNIVERSITY THEORY EXAMINATION June/July 2015 11-06-2015 TO 17-06-2015UNIVERSITY PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 18-06-2015 TO 05-072015-VACATION 06-07-2015COMMENCEMENT OF B.TECH CLASSES FOR NEXT ACADEMIC YEAR(20152016) Only 4 days for paper correction after dummy numbering Seminar should be conducted after completion of each unit, All Students should be covered For Revaluation only 3 days are Permitted from the dispatch of Paper from Exam Cell * Industrial Visit (2 Days ) for Two companies compulsory. Model practical exam I should be conducted after completion of III unit in their own lab hour VEL TECH Dr RR & Dr SR Technical University School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Automobile Engineering Faculty Details TTS . No NAME 1815 Dr.AMALA JUSTUS SELVAM 2. 2 1173 Dr.P.NANJAPPA CHETTY 3. 3 1276 G.JEYAKUMAR 4. 4 1834 G.VIJAY BHASKAR 5. 5 1376 D.SAMUEL RAJ 1906 M.SELVA MUTHUKUMA R 7. 7 1931 K.ARUN KUMAR 8. 8 1946 GOWTHAM KUMAR.H 9. 9 1919 M.RAJESHKUM AR 10. 10 2083 G.SUGASH 11. 11 2107 PALANI KUMAR S.No 1. 1 6. 6 QUALIFICATION B.E(MECH)., M.E(THERMAL)., PhD (HEAT TRANSFER) B.E (MECH)., M.B.A.,F.I.E., P.DAu.e., PhD M.Sc ( Engg) Production B.E (AUTO)., M.E(Mfg). B.E (PRODUCTION)., M.E(AUTO). B.E (ECE)., M.TECH (AUTO)., B.E (AUTO)., M.TECH (I.C ENGINES). B.E (AUTO), M.TECH (I.C ENGINES) B.E (MECH), M.E(AUTO) BE(AUTO), MTech(ICE) BE(AUTO), ME(ICE) DESIGNA MOBILE.N TION O Prof&Head 9787419595 A.P 9444248878 A.P 9444220017 A.P 7305418736 A.P 9941582189 MAIL.ID amalajustus@gm nanjappachetty@ gmail. com gjeyakumar@gm gvijayme@gmail. com samuelraj2006@y ahoo. A.P 9994489927 m.selvamuthuku mar@ A.P 9841811309 Kumar.nura@gm A.P 9791735951 gowthamjain88@ A.P 9710715643 A.P 9940824343 A.P 9841665070 rajeshkumarmitau gms.sugi@gmail. com palanikumar@gm DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING MENTOR LIST B.E. AUTOMOBILE ENGG. Sl.No IDNo RollNo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 VtU1674 VtU1974 VtU1979 VtU1996 VtU1978 VtU2004 VtU1969 VtU2002 VtU1970 VtU1986 VtU1965 VtU1976 VtU1992 VtU1982 VtU1964 VtU1967 VtU1994 VtU1972 VtU1968 VtU1990 VtU1973 VtU1984 VtU1963 VtU2116 VtU3176 VtU3136 VtU3614 VtU3192 VtU2008 VtU1988 VtU1980 10UEAU0003 11UEAU0001 11UEAU0003 11UEAU0004 11UEAU0005 11UEAU0006 11UEAU0008 11UEAU0009 11UEAU0010 11UEAU0011 11UEAU0012 11UEAU0014 11UEAU0016 11UEAU0019 11UEAU0018 11UEAU0023 11UEAU0024 11UEAU0025 11UEAU0027 11UEAU0029 11UEAU0030 11UEAU0032 11UEAU0034 11UEAU0035 11UEAU0500 11UEAU0501 11UEAU0502 11UEAU0503 YEAR : IV Name JEYAKUMAR.S AHMED GAZZALI. K.M AJIT KUMAR KUSHWAHA AMBATI RAMESH REDDY ASHRAF HUSSAIN. M ASHWIN ASHOK DEEPAK KUMAR M A EZHILARASU .A FARIS HASSAN. K. M GAURAV KUMAR SINGH HAFEEZUR RAHMAN QURAISHI.A LILA RAM BORO MOHAMED MAHADIR.R NAYANJYOTI DAS MUJEEB SULTHAN. B RAJENDRAN.R RAJKUMAR. R SARAN KUMAR .M SHUAIB SANGHAR STILWIN.R TONI MARIA DAS VARUNAN.G VISHWJEET KUMAR SONKAR ALFINSON JOHN DESAI RAJU ANAND GAIKWAD AKSHAY.M HAMMAD PRAKASH PAWAN SINGH 11UEAU0021 11UEAU0017 MOHAMMADFARVESH. A 11UEAU0015 MOHAMED ASHIQ. T. S FACULTY INCHARGE Day Order Mr.VIJAY BHASKAR TTS1834 7305418736 II Mr.SAMUEL RAJ 9941582189 II DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING TIME TABLE-2014 II III IV V Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Subject code U7AUA 21 U7AUA 22 U7AUA 23 U7MEA 29 UEAUA 36 UEAUA 39 U7AUA 24 U7AUA 25 AS AS AS AS VB& ID 10.1011.00 11.0011.15 P.E.T VE&M FEA VB&I D 11.1512.05 FC&A C VB&I D VE&M Class room 12.05 - 12.5512.55 1.40 INTER NET T&TW T&TW PPT LUNCH I IV/VII 9.20 10.10 VB&I D FC&A C LIB UEAU A36 TEA BREAK YEAR/SEM 8.30 D.O Hr 9.20 VE&M VE&M FC&A C(T) Subject Name No. of Hours Faculty Name FEA Vehicle Body & Interior Design(VB&ID) Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance(VE&M) Fuel Conservation & Alternate Fuels(FC&AF) Finite Element Analysis(FEA) 6006 01.40 2.30 2.303.20 3.20-4.00 T&TW T&TW FEA MENT FC&AC OR U7AUA25-MS LAB FEA FEA(T) FC&AC VB&ID U7AUA24-VEM LAB Mobile Number Department 5 Mr.G.Vijay Bhaskar 7305418736 Automobile 4 Dr. P.N.Chetty 9444248878 Automobile 5 Mr.M.Rajesh Kumar 9710715643 Automobile 5 Mr.Vishnu 8012488435 Aeronautical 9791735951 Automobile 10 Two & Three wheelers (Elective – III)(T&TW) Automotive Safety (Elective IV)(AS) Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance Lab(VE&M LAB) Modeling & Simulation Lab(M&S LAB) Internet 11 PPT 2 12 Library 1 Mr.D.Samuel raj 9941582189 Automobile 13 P.E.T 1 Mr.D.Samuel raj 9941582189 Automobile 14 MENTOR 1 5 6 7 8 Total Hrs 5 Mr.H.Gowtham 4 Mr.D.Samuel raj 9941582189 Automobile 3 Mr.D.Samuel raj 9941582189 Automobile 3 Mr.V.Vishnu 8012488435 Aeronautical 1 Mr.D.Samuel raj 9941582189 Automobile 40 SEMESTER VII SUB.CODE SUBJECT L T P C U7AUA21 Vehicle Body & Interior Design 3 0 0 3 U7AUA22 Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance 3 0 0 3 U7AUA23 Fuel Conservation & Alternate Fuels 3 1 0 4 U7MEA29 Finite Element Analysis 3 1 0 4 Elective – III 3 0 0 3 Elective – IV 3 0 0 3 U7AUA24 Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance Lab 0 0 3 2 U7AUA25 Modeling & Simulation Lab 0 0 3 2 THEORY PRACTICAL Total Credits L – Lecture; T – Tutorial; P – Practical; C - Credit 24 ELECTIVES FOR SEMESTER – VII SUB.CODE SUBJECT L T P C UEAUA34 Automotive Aerodynamics 3 0 0 3 UEAUA35 Composite Materials 3 0 0 3 UEAUA36 Two and Three wheelers 3 0 0 3 UEAUA37 Computer Simulation of IC engine 3 0 0 3 UEAUA38 Design of Jigs, Fixture & Press Tools 3 0 0 3 UEAUA39 Automotive Safety 3 0 0 3 UEAUA40 Modern Automobile Accessories 3 0 0 3 L – Lecture; T – Tutorial; P – Practical; C - Credit B.TECH. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Curriculum & Syllubus [Regulation 2009] SEMESTER – VII Theory subjects U7AUA21 VEHICLE BODY & INTERIOR DESIGN L T P C 3 3 0 0 This course U7AUA21: VEHICLE BODY & INTERIOR DESIGN imparts knowledge in the construction of vehicles, concept aerodynamics, and different types of car and passenger bus bodies. This subject serves as the prerequisite for many subjects such as Material science, automotive safety, Vehicle Aerodynamics. This makes the student to be well versed in the design and construction of external and internal body of the vehicles, different seating layouts, driver’s cabin and visibility. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Material Science, Automotive Safety, Aerodynamics 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES: Vehicle Body Engineering, Automotive Auxillary System & Automotive Safety 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To create the basic knowledge of the students in design of the vehicles body to give maximum comfort for the passengers and exposed to the methods of stream lining the vehicles body to minimize drag. To generate the skills of the students in the areas of car body design, bus body design, active and passive safety. To serve as a pre-requisite course for other courses in UG and PG programmes, specialized studies and research. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Explain the concept of car body design, passenger safety, crumple zone and crash testing. Identify the concepts of wind tunnel testing and vehicle body optimization techniques to reduce drag. Demonstrate the various types of bus body construction, seating layout, regulations and comfort. Correlate the various heavy vehicle bodies, driver’s visibility and cabin design. Distinguish the different types of materials and painting techniques for vehicle body. 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Car Body 9 Types: saloon, convertibles, limousine, estate car, racing and sports car. Visibility: regulations, driver’s visibility, tests for visibility, methods of improving visibility and space in cars. Safety: safety design, safety equipments for cars. Car body construction; design criteria, prototype making, initial tests, crash tests on full scale model, Dummies and Instrumentation UNIT II Vehicle Aerodynamics 9 Objectives. Vehicle drag and types; various types of forces and moments, effects of forces and moments, side wind effects on forces and moments, Various body optimization techniques for minimum drag, wind tunnel testing: flow visualization techniques, scale model testing, component balance to measure forces and moments. UNIT III Bus Body 9 Types: mini bus, single decker, double-decker, two level and articulated bus. Bus body layout; floor height, engine location, entrance and exit location, seating dimensions. Constructional details: frame construction, double skin construction, types of metal sections used, Regulations, Conventional and integral type construction. UNIT IV Commercial Vehicle 9 Types of body; flat platform, drop side, fixed side, tipper body, tanker body, Light commercial vehicle body types. Dimensions of driver’s seat relation to controls. Drivers cab design. UNIT V Body Materials, Trim and Mechanisms 9 Steel sheet, timber, plastic, GRP, properties of materials; Corrosion, anticorrosion methods. Selection of paint and painting process. Body trim items. Body mechanisms. TOTAL: 45 periods TEXT BOOK 1.J.Powloski - “Vehicle Body Engineering” - Business Books Ltd, London -1989 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Giles.J.C.- “Body construction and design”- Liiffe Books Butterworth & Co. - 1971. 2. John Fenton - “Vehicle Body layout and analysis” - Mechanical Engg. Publication Ltd., London – 1982. 3. Braithwaite.J.B. - “Vehicle Body building and drawing” - Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., London – 1977. 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS: 1. Case study of aerodynamic car body. 2. Wind tunnel testing of prototype car. 3. Modeling of bus body using softwares. 4. Case study of a multi axle trailer. 5. Nano materials for vehicle body. 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Bridge Course student notes 7.2 Recommended Resources: Library books and SAE journals 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from electronic media, assignment papers, and sample solutions. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This course relies on lectures to guide through the material, tutorial classes to provide students with class, and a sequence of written and online assignments to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Lectures Tutorials Assignments Cycle Test Model Test University Exam Quantity Workload periods 45 45 0 0 5 5 2 4 1 3 1 3 Total 60 periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Course Code/Course Name: U7AUA21 Vehicle Body & Interior Design Year/Sem: IV/VII Faculty Name: Mr.G.Vijay Bhaskar Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Seminar Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics Case studies Mini projects UNIT I Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Explain the concept of car body design, passenger safety, crumple zone and crash testing. Sl No Topic Date TLP Delivery Assessment Methods Methods 1 Introduction 07.07.14 1,2 1,2 1,2,3,4 Types: saloon, convertibles, 2 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 2 limousine, estate car 08.07.14 3 racing and sports car 09.07.14 2 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 Visibility: regulations, driver’s 1,2 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 4 visibility, tests for visibility 10.07.14 5 methods of improving visibility and 11.07.14 1,2,5 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 space in cars Safety design, safety equipments for cars. Car body construction; design criteria, prototype making, initial tests, crash tests on full scale model Dummies and Instrumentation Revision Seminar Class test 1,2,5 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 2,9 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 2,5,8 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 2,5,8 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 7 7 9 3 4 6 4,5 4,5 3 14.07.14 15.07.14 16.07.14 18.07.14 21.07.14 22.07.14 23.07.14 UNIT II Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Identify the concepts of optimization techniques to reduce drag. 13 Vehicle drag and types 24.07.14 14 Various types of forces and moments 25.07.14 15 Effects of forces and moments 28.07.14 Side wind effects on forces and 16 moments 31.07.14 Various body optimization techniques 17 for minimum drag 01.08.14 18 wind tunnel testing 04.08.14 Flow visualization techniques 19 05.08.14 20 Scale model testing 06.08.14 Component balance to measure 21 forces and moments. 07.08.14 22 Revision 08.08.14 23 Seminar 11.08.14 24 Class test 12.08.14 wind tunnel testing and vehicle body 2 2,11 2 2,5 1,2 1,2 1,2 2,5 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 2,5 2,5 1,2,3,4 2 2,11 1,2,6 1,2,6 1,2,3 1,2,3 2,11 2,11 1,2,6 1,2,6 1,2,3 1,2,3 7 7 9 5 5 6 5 5 5 UNIT III Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Demonstrate the layout, regulations and comfort. mini bus, single decker, double25 decker 26 Two level and articulated bus. 27 Bus body layout floor height, engine location, entrance 28 and exit location 29 Seating dimensions. Constructional details: frame construction, double skin 30 construction 31 types of metal sections used 32 Regulations various types of bus body construction, seating 2,5 13.08.14 18.08.14 2,5 20.08.14 2,5 2,5 22.08.14 25.08.14 2,5,6 2,5 26.08.14 27.08.14 2,9 28.08.14 2,5,6 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 2,4 1,2 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,5 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 33 34 35 36 Conventional and integral type construction Revision Seminar Class test 2,5 01.09.14 03.09.14 7 04.09.14 7 05.09.14 9 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 5 5 6 5 5 5 UNIT IV Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Correlate the various heavy vehicle bodies, driver’s visibility and cabin design. 37 Types of commercial body 08.09.14 2 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 38 Flat platform, 10.09.14 1,2 1,3,5 1,2,3,4 39 Drop side body construction 11.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3 40 Fixed side body construction 12.09.14 1,5 1,4 1,4,5 41 Tipper body construction 15.09.14 1,2 1,3,5 1,2,3 42 Tanker body construction 16.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,4,5 43 Light commercial vehicle body types 17.09.14 2,5,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 44 Dimensions of driver’s seat relation 2, 5,11 4,5,6 1,2,3,4 to controls 18.09.14 45 Drivers cab design. 4,5,6 1,2,3,4 19.09.14 2,5 ,11 46 47 48 Revision Seminar Class test 22.09.14 7 23.09.14 7 24.09.14 9 5 5 6 5 5 5 UNIT V Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Distinguish the different types of materials and painting techniques for vehicle body. 49 Steel sheet Materials 25.09.14 1,2,5 1,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 50 Timber, Plastic 29.09.14 2,5, 1,24,5,6 1,2,3,4 51 GRP 01.10.14 2,5 1,2,4,5,6 1,2,3 52 Properties of materials 06.10.14 2,5 1,2,5,6 1,2,3,4 53 Corrosion, anticorrosion methods 07.10.14 2,5 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 Selection of paint and painting 2,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 54 process 10.10.14 55 Body trim items 13.10.14 2,5 2,4,5,6 1,2,3 56 14.10.14 2,5,11 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 57 Body mechanisms 15.10.14 2,5,11 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 58 Revision 16.10.14 7 5 5 59 Seminar 17.10.14 7 5 5 60 Class test 20.10.14 9 6 5 10. ASSESSMENT: 10.1 Principle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assessment for this course is based on the following principles Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2Assessment Summary: 10.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% 10.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 12 Finance Life-long Learning. 10.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Explain the concept of car body design, passenger safety, crumple zone and crash testing. Course outcome 2: Identify the concepts of wind tunnel testing and vehicle body optimization techniques to reduce drag. Course outcome 3: Demonstrate the various types of bus body construction, seating layout, regulations and comfort. Course outcome 4: Correlate the various heavy vehicle bodies, driver’s visibility and cabin design. Course outcome 5: Distinguish the different types of materials and painting techniques for vehicle body. 1 2 H H L H H L L L Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L L L L L L L L L L L L H L L H L L L L 10.3 Assessment Related Requirements: 1. An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 10.4 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% 60% 100% University Exam 11 12 L 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will return in one week turn-around time again students. 10.5. Student Support: 1. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study 2. Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. 3. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. 4. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. U7AUA21 Vehicle Body and Interior Design Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. List out the importance of vehicle body design. 2. Indicate the features of Limousine and Estate Cars. 3. What is full scale model? 4. Mention the classification of wind tunnels. 5. Write the formula for wind resistance. 6. Mention the effects of side wind flow. 7. How are the bus bodies classified? 8. Sketch the double decker body. 9. Differentiate drop side and fixed side body. 10. How the forward and rearward visibility of a vehicle can be improved? 11. Indicate the seating dimensions for the driver of a passenger car. 12. Discuss the driver’s cabin design. 13. What is G.R.P? Indicate its merits and demerits as body material. 14. Justify the need of ground clearence? 15. Mention the need of anticorrosive coating. Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16. a) Mention the types of car bodies with sketches. or b)Write about car body construction and materials used. 17. a) Explain the wind tunnel testing with diagram. or b) Discuss air drag and methods to reduce air drag. 18. a) i) Draw and explain conventional type. ii) Draw and explain forward control body. or b) i) Discuss the emergency door location. ii) Draw the seating layouts of passenger bus. 19. a) i) Explain tipper body construction with lifting mechanism. ii) Narrate the importance of driver seat position and dimensions. or b) Explain the construction of tanker body with sketch. 20. a) i) Explain the process of preparing body for repainting. ii) Discuss the different painting materials. or b) i) Explain about the various materials used in bus body construction. ii) Explain the procedure for denting an accident car. U7AUA22 VEHICLE EVALUATION & MAINTENANCE L T P C 3 3 0 0 This course U7AUA22 Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance course is to make the students to have a complete knowledge of the vehicle maintenance procedures and acquire skills in handling situations where the vehicle is likely to breakdown. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Internal combustion engines, vehicle body engineering, chassis frames, running system electrical system etc... 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Vehicle Body Engineering 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES To describe the basic knowledge of the students in the various maintenance schedules and work shop records. To develop the skills of the students in the Maintenance of vehicles. To serve as a pre-requisite course for other courses in UG and PG programmes, specialized studies and research. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Differentiate the various forms and records of work shop. Determine the functioning of engines and its trouble shooting. Identify the Chassis and suspension maintenance. Use the Electrical equipments and trouble shooting. Summarize the trouble shoots in fuel block, Radiator boiling and lubrication system. 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Maintenance of Records and Schedules 9 Importance of maintenance, preventive (scheduled) and breakdown (unscheduled) maintenance, requirements of maintenance, preparation of check lists. Inspection schedule, maintenance of records, log sheets and other forms, safety precautions in maintenance. UNIT II Engine Maintenance 9 Dismantling of engine components and cleaning, cleaning methods, visual and dimensional inspections, minor and major reconditioning of various components, reconditioning methods, engine assembly, special tools used for maintenance overhauling, engine tune up. UNIT III Chassis & Body Maintenance 9 Chasis-Mechanical and automobile clutch and gear box, servicing and maintenance, maintenance servicing of propeller shaft and differential system. Maintenance servicing of suspension systems. Brake systems, types and servicing techniques. Steering systems, overhauling and maintenance. Wheel alignment, computerized alignment and wheel balancing. Body-Vehicle body maintenance, minor and major repairs. Door locks and window glass actuating system maintenance UNIT IV Electrical System Maintenance 9 Testing methods for checking electrical components, checking battery, starter motor, charging systems, DC generator and alternator, ignitions system, lighting systems. Fault diagnosis and maintenance of modern electronic controls, checking and servicing of dash board instruments. UNIT V Maintenance Of Fuel System, Cooling Systems, & Lubrication System 9 Servicing and maintenance of fuel system of different types of vehicles, calibration and tuning of engine for optimum fuel supply. Cooling systems, water pump, radiator, thermostat, anticorrosion and antifreeze additives. Lubrication maintenance, lubricating oil changing, greasing of parts. TOTAL: 45 periods TEXT BOOK 1. John Doke “Fleet Management”, McGraw-Hill Co. 1984. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.James D Halderman - Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis – PHI - 1998. 2.Service Manuals from Different Vehicle Manufacturers. URL: 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS: 1. To study the maintenance of articulated type vehicles. 2. To study the modern Engine Technology. 3. Chassis reconditioning and aligning 4. Electrical vehicles maintenance. 5. Different types of lubricants and coolants. 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Bridge Course student notes 7.2 Recommended Resources: Library books and journal of SAE India. 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from electronic media, assignment papers, and sample solutions. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This course relies on lectures to guide through the material, tutorial classes to provide students with class, and a sequence of written and online assignments to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Quantity Workload periods Lectures 45 45 Tutorials 0 0 Assignments 5 5 Cycle Test 2 4 Model Test 1 3 University Exam 1 3 Total 60periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Course Code/Course Name: U7AUA22 / Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance Year/Sem: IV/VII Faculty Name: Dr.P.Nanjappachetty Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Case studies Seminar Mini projects Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 UNIT I Course Outcome 1(CO1): Differentiate the various forms and records of work shop. Sl No Topic Date TLP Delivery Methods 1 Introduction 07.07.14 2 1 2 Importance of maintenance 08.07.14 2 1,2 3 preventive (scheduled) maintenance 09.07.14 2 1,2 breakdown (unscheduled) 2 1,2 4 maintenance 10.07.14 Requirements of maintenance 1,2 5 11.07.14 2 6 7 8 preparation of check lists Inspection schedule maintenance of records log sheets and other forms, safety precautions in maintenance Revision Seminar Class test 14.07.14 9,12 15.07.14 9 16.07.14 2 2 18.07.14 21.07.14 7 22.07.14 7 23.07.14 10 3 3 1,2 1,2 Assessment Methods 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 9 10 3 4,5 11 4 4,5 12 6 3 UNIT II Course Outcome 2(CO2): Determine the functioning of engines and its trouble shooting. Dismantling of engine components 2 1,2 1,2,3 13 and cleaning 24.07.14 14 cleaning methods 25.07.14 9 3 1,2,3 15 visual and dimensional inspections 28.07.14 9 3 1,2,23 minor and major reconditioning of 11,12 3,4 4 16 various components 31.07.14 17 reconditioning methods 01.08.14 11 3,4 4 18 engine assembly 04.08.14 9,12 3 4 special tools used for maintenance 4 4 4 19 overhauling 05.08.14 20 engine tune up 06.08.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 21 Engine assembling 07.08.14 9 4 4 22 Revision 08.08.14 7 5 5 23 Seminar 11.08.14 7 5 5 24 Class test 12.08.14 10 6 UNIT III Course Outcome 3(CO3): Identify the Chassis and suspension maintenance. Chassis-Mechanical and automobile 1 1 25 clutch and gear box 13.08.14 26 servicing and maintenance of records 18.08.14 9 5 maintenance and servicing of 9 6 27 propeller shaft 20.08.14 28 differential system 22.08.14 2 1 Maintenance servicing of suspension 9 5 29 systems 25.08.14 30 Brake systems 26.08.14 1,2 5 31 types and servicing techniques 27.08.14 1,2 5 32 Steering systems, Wheel alignment 28.08.14 1,2 3 33 overhauling and maintenance 01.09.14 1,2 3 34 Revision 03.09.14 7 5 35 Seminar 04.09.14 7 5 36 Class test 05.09.14 10 6 UNIT IV Course Outcome 4(CO4): Use the Electrical equipments and trouble shooting. Testing methods for checking 2 1,2 37 electrical components 08.09.14 38 checking battery, starter motor 10.09.14 1,2 1,3 39 charging systems 11.09.14 1,2 1,3 40 DC generator and alternator 12.09.14 1,5 1,4 41 ignitions system 15.09.14 1,2 1,3 42 lighting systems 16.09.14 1,2 1,3 43 Fault diagnosis and maintenance of 2,10,11 4,5,6 modern electronic controls 17.09.14 44 checking and servicing of dash board 2,10,11 4,5,6 instruments 18.09.14 45 checking and servicing of dash board 2,10,11 4,5,6 instruments 19.09.14 46 Revision 22.09.14 7 5 47 Seminar 23.09.14 7 5 48 Class test 24.09.14 10 6 UNIT V Course Outcome 5(CO5): Summarize the trouble shoots in fuel block, Radiator lubrication system. Servicing and maintenance of fuel 2,10,11 4,5,6 49 system 25.09.14 fuel system of different types of 2,10,11,12 4,5,6 50 vehicles 29.09.14 calibration and tuning of engine for 2,10,11 4,5,6 51 optimum fuel supply 01.10.14 5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,2,4 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 5 5 5 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,4,5 1,2,3 1,4,5 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 5 5 5 boiling and 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Cooling systems water pump, radiator, thermostat anticorrosion Lubrication maintenance, lubricating oil changing Greasing of parts antifreeze additives Revision Seminar Class test 06.10.14 9 07.10.14 9 10.10.14 10 2,10,11 13.10.14 14.10.14 2,12 15.10.14 2 16.10.14 7 17.10.14 7 20.10.14 10 5,6 5,6 5,6 4,5,6 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5,6 4,5,6 5 5 6 1,2,3 1,2,3 5 5 5 10. ASSESSMENT: 10.1 Principle Assessment for this course is based on the following principles 1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. 2. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. 3. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. 4. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2 Assessment Summary: 10.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% 10.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 10.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Differentiate the various forms and records of work shop. Course outcome 2: Determine the functioning of engines and its trouble shooting. Course outcome 3: Identify the Chassis and suspension maintenance. Course outcome 4: Use the Electrical equipments and trouble shooting. Course outcome 5: Summarize the trouble shoots in fuel block, Radiator boiling and lubrication system. 1 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H L L H L H L L H L L L L H L L L H L L 10.3 Assessment Related Requirements: 1. An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. H L L L L 11 12 10.4 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% 60% 100% University Exam 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will be return in one week turn-around time again students. 10.5. Student Support: 1. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study 2. Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. 3. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. 4. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. U7AUA22 Vehicle Evaluation and Maintenance Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. What is the objectives plant maintenance? 2. Mention the importance of maintenance. 3. Describe scheduled maintenance. 4. What is reconditioning? 5. Discuss about over hauling. 6. What is engine tune up? 7. Mention the purpose of gear box maintenance. 8. Why clutch is to be maintained? 9. What is the maintenance of brake system? 10. What is the need of ignition system? 11. Discuss about thermostat. 12. Mention about antifreeze solutions. 13. What are the points in cooling system maintenance? 14. Discuss the maintenance of fuel system. 15. Narrate the pump calibration. Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16. a) Explain the different maintenance in a vehicle. or b) What are the precautions to avoid accidents? 17. a) Discuss the methods of cleaning the Engine parts. or b) Explain the procedure for engine major tune up. 18. a)Discuss the functions of suspension system or b) Explain the steering system maintenance. 19. a) Discuss the fault handling procedure for self starter. or b) How will you maintain the charging system? 20. a) Explain the maintenance of cooling system. or b) Explain the maintenance of exhaust system. U7AUA23 FUEL CONSERVATION & ALTERNATIVE FUELS L T P C 3 4 1 0 This course U7AUA23; “FUEL CONSERVATION & ALTERNATE FUELS” the student will be able to acquire knowledge fuel conservation , fuel economy, alternate fuels and the changes in the engine design for handling them and understand various energy systems for use in the automobiles . The knowledge of alternative fuels is essential for automobile engineers. By studying this course automobile engineer will be capable of knowing the combustion processes in SI and CI engines and be able to modify the engine and its components to vary the performance characteristics of the engine. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: This subject requires the student to know about chemistry, engineering thermodynamics and theory & design of I.C engines 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Automotive Pollution & Control Automotive Electrical & Electronics 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES To discuss the fuel conservation and various sources of energy, various types of alternative fuels and their properties. Discuss on the air fuel properties corresponding to the compression ratio of the engine Dissect the types of fuels and its physical and chemical properties. Distinguish between the Petrol and Diesel fuels with their properties and will the effect of these on to combustion. Develop knowledge of combustion in SI and CI engines, dual fuel and multi fuel engines and their performance. Summarize the various stages and performance and emission characteristics of liquid fuels (alcohols, bio diesels), gaseous fuels (H2, CNG, LPG) and electric and hybrid vehicles. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Project the fuel economy, the fuel conservation and the air fuel ratio, carburettors and various types of fuel injection system Outline the properties, performance and emission characteristics of liquid fuels like gasoline , alcohol , vegetable oils in both SI and CI engines Explain the properties, performance and emission characteristics of gaseous fuels like LPG, CNG, and HYDROGEN. Investigate the modification of SI and CI engines for various alternative fuels. Enumerate the electric , hybrid and solar powered vehicles 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Fuel Economy 9L+3T Introduction, air-fuel mixtures and mixture requirements, analysis of single jet carburetor, exact analysis of a carburetor, fuel requirements of S.I. engines, Devices to meet the requirements of an ideal carburetor, petrol injection system, electronic fuel injection system, and rotary gate meters fuel in injection system Requirements of a diesel injection system, Heat release pattern and fuel injection, fuel spray patterns, S/V ratio of combustion chamber, and surface profile of combustion chamber. UNIT II Liquid Fuels 9L+3T Properties as engine fuel, alcohols and gasoline blends, performance in SI engine, methanol and gasoline blends, combustion characteristics in CI engines, emission characteristics, performance in SI & CI Engines. Various vegetable oils for engines, esterification, performance in engines, performance and emission characteristics, bio diesel and its characteristics. UNIT III Gaseous Fuels 9L+3T Availability of CNG, properties, modification required to use in engines, performance and emission characteristics of CNG using LPG in SI & CI engines, performance and emission of LPG. Hydrogen; storage and handling, performance and safety aspects. UNIT IV Engine Modification For Alternate Fuels 9L+3T Modification required with blended fuel, modification required for SI engine on biogas, engine modification for LPG and related fuels, engine modification required for various vegetable oils. UNIT V Alternate Power Plants 9L+3T Layout of an electric vehicle, advantage and limitations, specifications, system components, electronic control system, high energy and power density batteries, hybrid vehicle, fuel cell vehicles, solar powered vehicles. TOTAL: 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 periods TEXT BOOK 1.Richard.L. Bechfold- Alternative Fuels Guide Book- SAUE International Warrendale-1997. REFERENCES 1.Maheswar Dayal- Energy today & Tomorrow-I&B Horishr India_1982. 2.Nagpal-Power plant engineering- Khanna Pulisher-1991 3.SAUE Paper No.840367,841333,841334,841156, Transactions,SAUE, USA URL: 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS: 1) 2) 3) 4) Natural gas Producer gas Oxygenates Duel fuel operation 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Bridge Course student notes 7.2 Recommended Resources: Maheswar Dayal- Energy today & Tomorrow-I&B Horishr India_1982. Nagpal-Power plant engineering- Khanna Pulisher-1991 SAUE Paper No.840367,841333,841334,841156, Transactions,SAUE, USA 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from various journals. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This course relies on lectures to guide through the material, tutorial classes to provide students with class, and a sequence of written and online assignments to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Lectures Tutorials Assignments Cycle Test Model Test University Exam Quantity Workload periods 45 45 15 15 5 5 2 4 1 3 1 3 Total 75 periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY Course Code/Course Name: U7AUA23/Fuel Conservation & Alternative Fuels Year/Sem: IV/VII Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Seminar Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations Faculty Name: Mr.M.Rajeshkumar Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Case studies Mini projects Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics UNIT I Course Outcome Co (1): Project the fuel economy, the fuel conservation and the air fuel ratio, carburettors and various types of fuel injection system Delivery Assessment Sl.No Topic Date TLP Methods Methods Introduction, Air-Fuel Mixtures And 1 07.07.14 2 1 1,2,3,4 Mixture Requirements 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Analysis Of Single Jet Carburetor Exact Analysis Of A Carburetor, Fuel Requirements Of S.I. Engines Devices To Meet The Requirements Of An Ideal Carburetor Petrol Injection System, Electronic Fuel Injection System Rotary Gate Meters Fuel In Injection System Requirements Of A Diesel Injection System Rotary Gate Meters Fuel In Injection System Requirements Of A Diesel Injection System Heat Release Pattern And Fuel Injection, Fuel Spray Patterns, S/V Ratio Of Combustion Chamber Surface Profile Of Combustion Chamber Revision Seminar Class test 08.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3,4 09.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3,4 10.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3,4 11.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3,4 14.07.14 1,2,9 4,6 3,4,5 15.07.14 9 3 1,2,3,4 16.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 18.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3,4 10 21.07.14 7 3 4,5 11 22.07.14 7 4 4,5 12 23.07.14 10 6 3 UNIT II Course Outcome Co (2): Outline the properties, performance and emission characteristics of liquid fuels like gasoline, alcohol, vegetable oils in both SI and CI engines. Properties As Engine Fuel, Alcohols 13 24.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 And Gasoline Blends, Performance In SI Engine, Methanol 14 25.07.14 9 3 5 And Gasoline Blends, Combustion Characteristics In CI 15 28.07.14 9 3 5 Engines, Emission Characteristics, 16 31.07.14 11,12 3,4 4 Performance In SI & CI Engines. Various Vegetable Oils For Engines, 17 01.08.14 11 3,4 1,2,3,4 Esterification, Various Vegetable Oils For Engines, 18 04.08.14 9,12 3 1,2,3,4 Esterification Performance In Engines, Performance And Emission 19 05.08.14 4 4 1,2,3 Characteristics, Performance In Engines, Performance And Emission 20 06.08.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 Characteristics, Bio Diesel And Its Characteristics 21 07.08.14 9 4 1,2,3,4 22 Revision 08.08.14 7 5 5 23 Seminar 11.08.14 7 5 5 24 Class test 12.08.14 10 6 5 UNIT III Course Outcome Co (3): Explain the properties, performance and emission characteristics of gaseous fuels like LPG, CNG, and HYDROGEN. Availability Of CNG, Properties, Modification Required To Use In 25 13.08.14 1 1 1,2,3 Engines, Availability Of CNG, Properties, Modification Required To Use In 26 18.08.14 9 5 1,2,3 Engines, Performance And Emission 27 20.08.14 9 6 1,2,3 Characteristics Of CNG Performance And Emission Characteristics Of CNG Using LPG 22.08.14 28 2 1 1,2,3,4 In SI Performance And Emission Characteristics Of CNG Using LPG 25.08.14 29 9 5 1,2,3,4 In CI Engines Performance And Emission Of LPG. 30 26.08.14 1,2 5 1,2,3,4 Hydrogen; Performance And Emission Of LPG. 31 27.08.14 1,2 5 1,2,3 Hydrogen Storage And Handling Of Hydrogen. 28.08.14 32 1,2 3 1,2,3 Performance And Safety Aspects 33 01.09.14 1,2 3 1,2,3 34 Revision 03.09.14 7 5 5 35 Seminar 04.09.14 7 5 5 36 Class test 05.09.14 10 6 5 UNIT IV Course Outcome Co (4): Investigate the modification of SI and CI engines for various alternative fuels. Modification Required With Blended 37 08.09.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 Fuel Modification Required With Blended 38 10.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3 Fuel Modification Required For SI Engine 39 11.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3 On Biogas Modification Required For SI Engine 40 12.09.14 1,5 1,4 1,2,3 On Biogas Engine Modification For LPG And 41 15.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3 Related Fuels, Engine Modification For LPG And 42 16.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3,4 Related Fuels Engine Modification Required For 43 17.09.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Various Vegetable Oils Engine Modification Required For 44 18.09.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Various Vegetable Oils Engine Modification Required For 45 19.09.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Various Vegetable Oils 46 Revision 22.09.14 7 5 5 47 Seminar 23.09.14 7 5 5 48 Class test 24.09.14 11 6 5 UNIT V Course Outcome Co (5): Enumerate the electric, hybrid and solar powered vehicles. Layout of an Electric Vehicle 49 25.09.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Advantages and Limitations, 50 29.09.14 2,10,11,12 4,5,6 1,2,3,4 Specifications System Components, Electronic 51 01.10.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Control System High Energy And Power Density 52 06.10.14 9 5,6 1,2,3 Batteries Hybrid Vehicle, 53 07.10.14 9 5,6 1,2,3 Fuel Cell Vehicles 54 10.10.14 10 5,6 1,2,3 Fuel Cell Vehicles 55 13.10.14 2,10,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 Solar Powered Vehicles 56 14.10.14 2,12 4,5,6 1,2,3 Solar Powered Vehicles 57 15.10.14 2 4,5,6 1,2,3 58 Revision 16.10.14 7 5 5 59 60 Seminar Class test 17.10.14 20.10.14 7 11 5 6 10. TUTORIAL OUTLINE: Tutorial Count 1. 2. 3. TOPICS Petrol Injection System, Electronic Fuel Injection System Rotary Gate Meters Fuel In Injection System Requirements Of A Diesel Injection System Heat Release Pattern And Fuel Injection, Fuel Spray Patterns, S/V Ratio Of Combustion Chamber 4. Emission Characteristics, Performance In SI & CI Engines. 5. Various Vegetable Oils For Engines, Esterification, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Performance In Engines, Performance And Emission Characteristics, Availability Of CNG, Properties, Modification Required To Use In Engines, Performance And Emission Characteristics Of CNG Storage And Handling Of Hydrogen Modification Required With Blended Fuel Modification Required For SI Engine On Biogas Engine Modification Required For Various Vegetable Oils 13. High Energy And Power Density Batteries 14. 15. Hybrid Vehicle, Fuel Cell Vehicles 6. 7. Note: 1. This tutorial is not an actual class, but is a set of typical problems with solutions provided. 2. Precise tutorial content may vary due to vagaries of university holidays. 11. ASSESSMENT: 11.1 Principle Assessment for this course is based on the following principles 1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. 2. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. 3. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. 5 5 4. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 11.2Assessment Summary: 11.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% 11.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 11.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Project the fuel economy, the fuel conservation and the air fuel ratio, carburettors and various types of fuel injection system. Course outcome 2: Outline the properties, performance and emission characteristics of liquid fuels like gasoline , alcohol , vegetable oils in both SI and CI engines Course outcome 3: Explain the properties, performance and emission characteristics of gaseous fuels like LPG, CNG, and HYDROGEN. Course outcome 4: Investigate the modification of SI and CI engines for various alternative fuels. Course outcome 5: Enumerate the electric , hybrid and solar powered vehicles 1 2 H Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L H H L L H H L L L L L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L L 11.3 Assessment Related Requirements: 1. An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 1.4 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% 60% 100% University Exam 11 12 L 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will return in one week turn-around time again students. 11.5. Student Support: 1. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study 2. Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. 3. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. 4. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. U7AUA23 Fuel Conservation and Alternative Fuels Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. What is ignition limit? 2. What are the demerits of EFI? 3. What is biodiesel? 4. Name any five vegetable oil used in IC engine as a fuel 5. Define octane number 6. Define cetane number 7. Define esterification 8. Write down the sources of natural gas 9. Write down the advantages of LPG as an engine fuel 10. List out the constituents of CNG 11. Write down the demerits of CNG as an engine fuel 12. Write down the safety precautions to be taken while using hydrogen as a engine fuel 13. What is the need for solar powered vehicles? 14. What is vehicle drag? 15. What is rolling resistance Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16. (a) Explain about A/F mixture requirements of automotive engines (or) (b) Explain about different device used to meet requirement of carburettor 17. (a)Explain about performance and emission characteristic of alcohol (or) (b)Explain briefly about the properties of engine fuel 18. (a)Explain about performance and emission characteristic of biodiesel (or) (b) Explain the storage and dispensing system of hydrogen 19 (a) Explain about performance and emission characteristic of hydrogen (or) (b) Explain the engine modification required for LPG as a diesel engine fuel 20 (a) Explain the engine modification required for hydrogen as an engine fuel (or) (b) Discuss the electric vehicle transmission with a neat sketch U7MEA29 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS L T P C 3 4 1 0 This course Finite Element Analysis introduces preliminary concepts of numerical approaches to solve any kind of engineering problems especially stress analysis It introduces the stiffness, flexibility matrix, elements, boundary conditions to solve the problem. This subject serves as the prerequisite for fields like Engineering Mechanics, Vibrations & Heat Transfer. It helps the students to cognitive learning in the application of numerical method and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and engineering oriented problems. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Numerical Methods, Strength of Materials 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Heat Transfer, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Engine Component Design 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Equip the students with basic methodology of Finite Element Method. Enable the students to formulate the structural analysis using FEM. Enable the students to perform engineering simulations using Finite Element Method software packages (ANSYS & LSDYNA). 4. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completing this course, the students will be able to: Identify mathematical model for solution of common engineering problems and formulate simple problems into finite elements. Derive equations in finite element methods for 3D problems. Develop element matrix equation by different methods by applying basic laws in mechanics and integration by parts. Solve complicated 2D & 3D Isoparametric structural problems for stress analysis. Solve structural, thermal, fluid flow problems. 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Introduction 9L+2T Review of basic analysis – Stiffness and Flexibility matrix for simple cases – Governing equation and convergence criteria of finite element method. UNIT II Discrete Elements Bar, Frame, beam elements – Application to static, dynamic and stability analysis. 9L+3T UNIT III Continuum Elements 9L+3T Various types of 2-D-elements Application to plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems. UNIT IV Isoparametric Elements Applications to two and three-dimensional Problems. 9L+3T UNIT V Field Problem Applications to other field problems like heat transfer and fluid flow. 9L+3T TOTAL: (45+15): 60 periods TEXT BOOK 1. Tirupathi.R. Chandrapatha and Ashok D. Belegundu, “Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering”, Prentice Hall India, Third Edition, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Reddy J.N. “An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 2. Krishnamurthy, C.S., “Finite Element Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. 3. Bathe, K.J. and Wilson, E.L., “Numerical Methods in Finite Elements Analysis”, Prentice Hall of India, 1985. 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS 1. Fluid Structure Interaction problems. 2. Practical for every unit. 3. Analysis of plates and shells 7. LEARNING RESOURCES 7.1 Required Resources: Text Book: 1. Tirupathi.R. Chandrapatha and Ashok D. Belegundu, “Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering”, Prentice Hall India, Third Edition, 2003. 7.2 Recommended Resources: 1. Reddy J.N. “An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 2. Krishnamurthy, C.S., “Finite Element Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from electronic media, assignment papers, and sample solutions. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. URL: 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: Lectures hours Tutorial hours Practical sessions Assignments Case study Problems Through Finite element method laboratory experiments students will able to understand the following topics which has been taught in lecture hours. Analysis of continum elements (Bars, Beams & Frames) Heat Transfer analysis 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Lectures Tutorials Assignments Cycle Test Model Test University Exam Quantity Workload periods 45 45 15 15 5 5 2 4 1 3 1 3 Total 75 periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Course Code/Course Name: U7MEA29/ Finite Element Analysis Year/Sem: IV/VII Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Seminar Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations Faculty Name: Mr.Vishnu Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics Case studies Mini projects UNIT I Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Identify mathematical model for solution of common engineering problems and formulate simple problems into finite elements. Sl No Topic Date TLP Delivery Assessment Methods Methods Review of basic analysis 2 2 1,2,3 1 07.07.14 SOM Approach 2,3 1 1,2,3 2 08.07.14 Numerical Approach 2,3 1 1,2,3 3 09.07.14 Stiffness and Flexibility matrix 3 1 1,2,3 Introduction 4 10.07.14 Stiffness and Flexibility matrix for 3 1 1,2,3 simple cases 5 11.07.14 Basic Governing Equation 3 1 1,2,3 6 14.07.14 Derivation Of Governing Equations 3 1 1,2,3 7 15.07.14 Simple Problems 3 1 1,2,3 8 16.07.14 convergence criteria of finite element 3 1 1,2,3 method 9 18.07.14 Tutorial 1 3,7 1 2,3,5 10 21.07.14 Tutorial 2 3,7 1 2,3,5 11 22.07.14 Tutorial 3 3 1 2,3,5 12 23.07.14 UNIT II Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Derive equations in finite element methods for 3D problems. Introduction to FEM Elements 2 2 1,2,3 13 24.07.14 Types Of Elements 2,3 2 1,2,3 14 25.07.14 Types Of Elements related to 2,3 2 1,2,3 Materials/Higher order Elements 15 28.07.14 Bar Element –DOF-Derivation 2,3 1 1,2,3 16 31.07.14 Beam Element –DOF-Derivation 2,3 1 1,2,3 17 01.08.14 Application Of Element to static 3 1 1,2,3 Problems 18 04.08.14 Application Of Element to Dynamic 2,3 1 1,2,3 Problems 19 05.08.14 Example Problems-BAR 3 1 1,2,3 20 06.08.14 Special Problems- BAR 3 1 1,2,3 21 07.08.14 Tutorial 4 3 1 2,3 22 08.08.14 Tutorial 5 3,7 1 2,3,5 23 11.08.14 Tutorial 6 3,7 1 2,3,5 24 12.08.14 UNIT III Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Develop element matrix equation by different methods by applying basic laws in mechanics and integration by parts. Example Problems-BEAM 2,3 1 1,2,3 25 13.08.14 Special Problems-BEAM 2,3 1 1,2,3 26 18.08.14 Introduction to 2D Elements & DOF 20.08.14 2,3 2 1,2,3 27 Types of 2D Elements 2 2 1,2,3 28 22.08.14 Tria, Quad Elements 2 2 1,2,3 29 25.08.14 2D-Higher Order Elements 2 2 1,2,3 30 26.08.14 Plane Stress & Plane Strain 2,3 1 1,2,3 Conditions 31 27.08.14 Axisymmetric problems 3 1 1,2,3 32 28.08.14 Special Problems 3 1 1,2,3 33 01.09.14 Tutorial 7 3 1 2,3 34 03.09.14 Tutorial 8 3,7 1 2,3,5 35 04.09.14 Tutorial 9 3,7 1 2,3,5 36 05.09.14 UNIT IV Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Solve complicated 2D & 3D Isoparametric structural problems for stress analysis. Introduction to Isoparametric 2 2 1,2,3 37 08.09.14 Conversion to Isoparametric 2 2 1,2,3 Elements 38 10.09.14 Introduction to Natural coordinates 2 39 11.09.14 Local Coordinates 2,3 40 12.09.14 Global Coordinates 2,3 41 15.09.14 42 Application to 2D problems 2,3 16.09.14 43 Example Problems 2,3 17.09.14 44 Exercise Problems 3 18.09.14 45 Special Problems 3 19.09.14 46 Tutorial 10 3 22.09.14 47 Tutorial 11 3,7 23.09.14 48 Tutorial 12 3,7 24.09.14 UNIT V Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Solve structural, thermal, fluid flow problems. Application to 3D problems 2 49 25.09.14 Example Problems 2 50 29.09.14 Exercise Problems 3 51 01.10.14 Special Problems 2,3 52 06.10.14 Extended FEM application in Various 3 Engineering Field 53 07.10.14 Introduction to Field problems 2 54 10.10.14 FEM in Heat Transfer Applications 3 55 13.10.14 FEM in fluid flow 2 56 14.10.14 Simple heat flow Problems 3 57 15.10.14 Tutorial 13 3 58 16.10.14 Tutorial 14 3,7 59 17.10.14 Tutorial 15 3,7 60 20.10.14 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 2,3 2,3,5 2,3,5 2 2 1 1 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1 1,2,3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 2,3 2,3,5 2,3,5 10. TUTORIAL OUTLINE: Tutorial Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOPICS Numerical problems on Stiffness and Flexibility matrix for simple cases. Governing equation and convergence criteria of finite element method Numerical Problems-Bar element Numerical Problems-Beam elements Numerical Problems-Frame elements Application to static, dynamic and stability analysis Simple 2D problems Problems on Plain Stress Problems on Plain Strain Axi Symmetric Problems 11 12 13 14 15 Application to 2D Problems Application to 3D Problems Heat Transfer-Numerical Problems Fluid Flow-Numerical Problems Fluid Flow-Numerical Problems Note: 1. This tutorial is not an actual class, but is a set of typical problems with solutions provided. 2. Precise tutorial content may vary due to vagaries of university holidays. 11. ASSESSMENT: 11.1 Principle Assessment for this course is based on the following principles 1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. 2. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. 3. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. 4. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 11.2 Assessment Summary: 11.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 11.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 11.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Identify mathematical model for solution of common engineering problems and formulate simple problems into finite elements. Course outcome 2: Derive equations in finite element methods for 3D problems. Course outcome 3: Develop element matrix equation by different methods by applying basic laws in mechanics and integration by parts. Course outcome 4: Solve complicated 2D & 3D Isoparametric structural problems for stress analysis. Course outcome 5: Solve structural, thermal, fluid flow problems. 1 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L H H H L L L L L H L L L L L H L H L H H L L L 11 12 11.3 Assessment Related Requirements: An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 11.4 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% 60% 100% University Exam 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will return in one week turn-around time again students. 11.5. Student Support: 1. 2. 3. 4. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. U7MEA29 Finite Element Analysis Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the advantages and limitations of using finite element Analysis? List out the various methods of solving boundary value problems. Mention the basic steps involved in Galerkin’s method. Why is coordinate transformation needed in solving truss problems? Highlight two rules for the placement of nodes while approximating the solution for differential equation 6. Distinguish between plane stress and plane strain conditions. 7. What is meant by superparametric elements? Give some examples. 8. Define force vectors and Give an example 9. What is pre and post processing? 10. List out the properties of Global stiffness matrix. 11. Define the terms Primary and Secondary node. 12. When are isoparametric elements used? 13. Write the applications of axisymmetric elements. 14. What are the required conditions for problem assumed to be axisymmetric 15. Name some of the boundary conditions involved in any heat transfer analysis. Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer any five questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16. a) Determine the extension of the bar . due to self weight and concentrated load of 600N applied at its end. Given b1 = 200 mm. b2 = 100 mm and t = 20 mm. Use two spar element to solve the problem. Take E = 2*105 N/mm2 and ρ = 0.8*10-4 N/mm3 (or) b) Discuss the following methods to solve the given differential equation: EI(d2y/dx2)-M(x) = 0 With the boundary condition y(0) = 0 and y(H) = 0 (i) Variational method. (ii) Collocation method. 17. a).A cantilever beam of length 3.4 m has an elastic spring support of stiffness 230 kN/m at its free end, where a point load of 13 kN acts. Take Young’s modulus as 200 GPa and area moment of inertia of the cross section as 1*10-4 m4. Determine the displacement and slope at the node and the reactions. (or) b) Triangular elements are used for the stress analysis of plate subjected to inplane loads. The (x, y) coordinates of nodes I, j and k of an element are given by (2,30, (4,4) and (4,5) mm respectively. The nodal displacement are given as: u1 = 2.0 mm u2 = 0.5 mm u3 = 3.0 mm v1 = 1.0 mm v2 = 0.0 mm v3 = 0.5 mm Determine element stresses. Let E = 160 Gpa. Poisson’s ratio = 0.25 and thickness of the element t = 10 mm. 18. a) Derive the characteristic matrix for a two dimensional heat conduction problem using triangular element by Galerkin approach. (or) b) i) What are the non-zero strain and stress components of axisymmetric element? Explain ii) Derive the stiffness matrix of an axisymmetric element using potential approach. 19. a) A triangular plate of thickness 9mm has Vertices P(40, 40), Q(100, 40) and R(70, 130). It is fixed at P and supported on rollers at Q. There is a vertical downward load of 5kN applied at R. Take Young’s modulus as 200 GPa. Determine the nodal displacements accounting for body weight. Take density of material as 7800 kg/m3. (or) b) The nodal displacement of a rectangular element having nodal coordinates (1,1), (4,0),(4,2) and (0,2) are u1 = 0 mm, v1 = 0 mm, u2 = 0.1 mm, v2 = 0.05 mm, u3 = 0.05 mm, v3 = -0.05 mm, u4 = 0 mm and v4 = 0 mm respectively. Determine the stress matrix at r = 0 and s = 0 using the isoparametric formulation. Take E = 210Gpa and Poisson’s ratio = 0.25. 20. a) Derive the body force and traction (Uniformly distributed) force vectors for four node quadrilateral element. (or) b) Derive the characteristic matrix for a two dimensional heat conduction problem using triangular element by Galerkin approach. UEAUA36 TWO AND THREE WHEELERS L T P C 3 3 0 0 This course UEAUA36; Two and Three Wheelers course is to make the students to know and understand the constructional details operating characteristics and vehicle design aspects of two and three wheeled vehicles. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Internal combustion engines, vehicle body engineering, chassis frames etc... 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Chassis Design & Engine Component Design 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES To develop the basic knowledge of the students in constructional details of two and Three Wheelers. Dissect the skills of the students in the operating principles. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Explain the working of two and four stroke engines. Illustrate the functioning of clutch and gear box. Demonstrate the wheels, tyres, suspensions and braking systems. Identify the latest models of two wheelers. Define the operations of three wheelers and latest models of three wheelers. 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Power Unit 9 Two stroke SI engine, four stroke SI engine; merits and demerits. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical port timing diagrams. Types of scavenging processes; merits and demerits, scavenging pumps. Rotary valve engine. Fuel system. Lubrication system. Magneto coil and battery coil spark ignition system, electronic ignition system. Starting system; Kick starter system. UNIT II Chassis and Sub-Systems 9 Mainframe and its types. Chassis and shaft drive, Single, multiple plates and centrifugal clutches. Gear box and gear controls. Front and rear suspension systems. Shock absorbers. Panel meters and controls on handle bar. UNIT III Brakes, Wheels And Tyres 9 Drum brakes, disc brakes, front and rear brake links, layouts. Spoked wheel, cast wheel, disc wheel, disc types. Tyres and tubes. UNIT IV Two Wheelers 9 Case study of major Indian models of motorcycles, scooters and mopeds. TVS mopeds and motorcycles, HeroHonda motorcycles, Bajaji scooters and motorcycles, Yamaha, Enfield motorcycles. Servicing and maintenance. UNIT V Three Wheelers 9 Case study of Indian models. Auto rickshaws, pickup van, delivery van and trailer. Maintenance:& Fault tracing. TOTAL: 45 periods TEXT BOOKS 1. Irving.P.E. - Motor Cycle Engineering - Temple Press Book, London – 1992. 2. The Cycle Motor Manual - Temple Press Limited, London - 1990 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Encyclopedia of Motorcycling - 20 volume Marshall, Cavensih, UK - 1989 2. Brayant R.V,Vespa - Maintenance and Repair Series – S.Chand & Co., New Delhi - 1986. 3. Raymond Broad Lambretta - A Practical Guide to maintenance and repair – S.Chand & Co., New Delhi - 1987. URL: 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS: 1. To study the modern two wheeler engines 2. To study the modern suspension systems of two and three wheelers 3. To understand concept of ABS in two wheelers 4. Case study of latest two wheeled vehicles 5. To know the latest models three wheeled vehicles. 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Bridge Course student notes 7.2 Recommended Resources: Library books and journal of SAE India. 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from electronic media, assignment papers, and sample solutions. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This course relies on lectures to guide through the material, tutorial classes to provide students with class, and a sequence of written and online assignments to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Lectures Tutorials Assignments Cycle Test Model Test University Exam Quantity Workload periods 45 45 0 0 5 5 2 4 1 3 1 3 Total 60periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Course Code/Course Name: UEAUA36 /TWO AND THREE WHEELERS Year/Sem: IV/VII Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Seminar Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations Faculty Name: Mr.H.Gowtham Kumar Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics Case studies Mini projects UNIT I Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Explain the working of two and four stroke engines. Delivery Sl No Topic Date TLP Methods 1 Introduction 07.07.14 1,2 1,2 2 Two stroke SI engine 08.07.14 2 1,2,3 3 four stroke SI engine 09.07.14 2 1,2,3 4 merits and demerits 10.07.14 1,2 1,2,3 Symmetrical and unsymmetrical port 5 11.07.14 1,2,5 1,2,3 timing diagrams 6 Types of scavenging processes 14.07.14 1,2,5 1,2,3 merits and demerits, scavenging 7 15.07.14 2,9 2,3,4 pumps Rotary valve engine, Fuel system. 8 16.07.14 2,5,8 1,2,4,5 Lubrication system Magneto coil and battery coil spark ignition system, electronic ignition 9 18.07.14 2,5,8 1,2,4,5 system. Starting system, Kick starter system. 10 Revision 21.07.14 7 3 11 Seminar 22.07.14 7 4 12 Class test 23.07.14 9 6 UNIT II Assessment Methods 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 4,5 4,5 3 Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Illustrate the functioning of clutch and gear box. 13 Mainframe and its types 24.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 14 Chassis and shaft drive 25.07.14 2,11 1,2 1,2,3 Single, multiple plates and centrifugal 15 28.07.14 2 1,2 1,2,3 clutches 16 Gear box and gear controls 31.07.14 2,5 2,5 1,2,3,4 17 Front and rear suspension systems 01.08.14 2,5 2,5 1,2,3,4 Front and rear suspension systems 18 04.08.14 2,5 2,5 1,2,3,4 19 Shock absorbers 05.08.14 2,11 1,2,6 1,2,3 20 Panel meters 06.08.14 2,11 1,2,6 1,2,3 21 controls on handle bar 07.08.14 2,11 1,2,6 1,2,3 22 Revision 08.08.14 7 5 5 23 Seminar 11.08.14 7 5 5 24 Class test 12.08.14 9 6 5 UNIT III Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Demonstrate the wheels, tyres, suspensions and braking systems. 25 Drum brakes 13.08.14 2,5 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 26 Disc brakes 18.08.14 2,5 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 27 Front and rear brake links 20.08.14 2,5 2,4 1,2,3,4 28 Layouts 22.08.14 2,5 1,2 1,2,3,4 29 Spoked wheel 25.08.14 2,5,6 1,2 1,2,3,4 30 Cast wheel 26.08.14 2,5 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 31 Disc wheel 27.08.14 2,9 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 32 Disc types 28.08.14 2,5,6 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 33 Tyres and tubes 01.09.14 2,5 1,2,5 1,2,3,4 34 Revision 03.09.14 7 5 5 35 Seminar 04.09.14 7 5 5 36 Class test 05.09.14 9 6 5 UNIT IV Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Identify the latest models of two wheelers. Case study of major Indian models of 37 08.09.14 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 motorcycles Case study of major Indian models of 38 10.09.14 1,2 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 motorcycles 39 scooters and mopeds 11.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,2,3 40 TVS mopeds 12.09.14 1,5 1,4 1,4,5 41 TVS motorcycles 15.09.14 1,2 1,3,5 1,2,3 42 HeroHonda motorcycles 16.09.14 1,2 1,3 1,4,5 43 Bajaji scooters and motorcycles 17.09.14 2,5,11 4,5,6 1,2,3 44 Yamaha, Enfield motorcycles 18.09.14 2, 5,11 4,5,6 1,2,3,4 45 Servicing and maintenance 19.09.14 2,5 ,11 4,5,6 1,2,3,4 46 Revision 22.09.14 7 5 5 47 Seminar 23.09.14 7 5 5 48 Class test 24.09.14 9 6 5 UNIT V Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Define the operations of three wheelers and latest models of three wheelers. 49 Case study of Indian models 25.09.14 1,2,5 1,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 50 Case study of Indian models 29.09.14 1,2,5 1,24,5,6 1,2,3,4 51 Auto rickshaws 01.10.14 2,5 1,2,4,5,6 1,2,3 52 Pickup van 06.10.14 2,5 1,2,5,6 1,2,3,4 53 Delivery van 07.10.14 2,5 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 54 Trailer 10.10.14 2,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 55 Maintenance of three wheeler 13.10.14 2,5 2,4,5,6 1,2,3 56 Fault tracing trouble shooting 14.10.14 2,5,11 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 57 Causes and remedies 15.10.14 2,5,11 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 58 Revision 16.10.14 7 5 5 59 Seminar 17.10.14 7 5 5 60 Class test 20.10.14 9 6 5 10. ASSESSMENT: 10.1 Principle Assessment for this course is based on the following principles 1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. 2. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. 3. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. 4. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2 Assessment Summary: 10.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 10.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 10.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Explain the working of two and four stroke engines. Course outcome 2: Illustrate the functioning of clutch and gear box. Course outcome 3: Demonstrate the wheels, tyres, suspensions and braking systems. Course outcome 4: Identify the latest models of two wheelers. Course outcome 5: Define the operations of three wheelers and latest models of three wheelers. 1 H 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H H H H H L L L L H H L 1. An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 10.4 Assessment Details: Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% L H H 10.3 Assessment Related Requirements: Assessment Item H H H H H L H H 11 12 Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% University Exam 60% 100% 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will be return in one week turn-around time again students. 10.5. Student Support: 1. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study 2. Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. 3. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. 4. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. UEAUA36 Two and Three Wheelers Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. Distinguish between Moped and Motor cycle. 2. Justify the need for mixing lubricating oil with petrol, while refilling the fuel tank. Indicate the proportion of lubricating oil. 3. Explain non-symmetrical timing for two stoke petrol engines. 4. Explain the function of rotary valves used in two stroke petrol engines of two wheelers. 5. Why is oil immersed multiple disc clutch preferred for two wheeler applications? 6. What do you understand by cross scavenging in two stoke petrol engines? 7. Distinguish between low and high tension magnets. 8. Briefly explain the advantages of electronic ignition system. 9. Distinguish between spoked wheels and cast wheels 10. Indicate the type of (i) suspension spring (ii) shock absorber used in rear suspension of scooters 11. What is scavenging pump? 12. Write about the kick starter mechanism? 13. Write the advantages of cast wheel? 14. Mention the recommended tyre pressure for two wheeler 15. List the difference between scooter and moped Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16.a) Explain briefly about the Battery and coil ignition system (OR) b)Explain briefly about the construction and working principle of kick starter mechanism? 17.a) Explain briefly about the construction and working principle of single plate clutch? (OR) b) Draw the exploded view of the clutch assembly of a typeical motor cycle and explain its construction and working. 18.a) Write are the various maintenance and brake adjustment. (OR) b)Explain briefly about the front and rear brake link layout? 19.a) Discuss in detail about performance characteristics of any four moped of same category by different manufacturers. (OR) b) With the aid of sketches explain a Anti-lock braking system used in two wheelers. 20.a) Explain the rear suspension system and braking system used in three wheeler with neat sketch (OR) b) Draw the layout of three wheeler and mark its parts along with their functions UEAUA39 AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY L T P C 3 3 0 0 This course UEAUA39: Automotive safety provides an end; the students will have good exposure to automotive safety aspects including the understanding of the various safety equipments. It introduces the phenomenon of safety & safety equipments. This subject serves as the prerequisite for many subjects such as automotive chassis and automotive engine components. It introduces students to cognitive learning in applied mechanics and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and engineering oriented problems. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Engineering Physics-II, Engineering Chemistry-II. 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Vehicle Body Engineering & Modern Automotive Accessories 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES To develop the skills of the students in the areas of safety concepts and their effects. To rank the students skills in the areas of collision warning and how to avoid. Cite the areas of comfort & how to make convenience. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Outline the importance of vehicle body design, crumple zone for safety. Correlate active and passive safety systems. Summarize the safety equipments and handling. Differentiate various collision warning systems. Demonstrate passenger comfort and convenient systems. 5. COURSE CONTENT UNIT I Introduction 9 Design of the body for safety, energy equation, engine location, deceleration of vehicle inside passenger compartment, deceleration on impact with stationary and movable obstacle, concept of crumble zone, safety sandwich construction. UNIT II Safety Concepts 9 Active safety: driving safety, conditional safety, perceptibility safety, operating safety passive safety: exterior safety, interior safety, deformation behaviour of vehicle body, speed and acceleration characteristics of passenger compartment on impact. UNIT III Safety Equipments 9 Seat belt, regulations, automatic seat belt tightener system, collapsible steering column, tiltable steering wheel, air bags, electronic system for activating air bags, bumper design for safety. UNIT IV Collision Warning and Avoidance 9 Collision warning system, causes of rear end collision, frontal object detection, rear vehicle object detection system, object detection system with braking system interactions. UNIT V Comfort and Convenience System 9 Steering and mirror adjustment, central locking system , Garage door opening system, tyre pressure control system, rain sensor system, environment information system TOTAL: 45 periods TEXT BOOKS 1. Bosch - “Automotive Handbook” - 5th edition - SAE publication - 2000. 2. J.Powloski - “Vehicle Body Engineering” - Business books limited, London - 1969. REFERENCE BOOK 1. Ronald.K.Jurgen - “Automotive Electronics Handbook” - Second edition- McGraw-Hill Inc., 1999. URL: 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS: 1. ABS 2. TCS 3. ARR 4. ACC 5. OBD-I &II 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Bridge Course student notes 7.2 Recommended Resources: 1. Bosch - “Automotive Handbook” - 5th edition - SAE publication - 2000. 2. J.Powloski - “Vehicle Body Engineering” - Business books limited, London - 1969. 7.3 Online Learning: This course uses various resources, such as lecturer notes, materials from electronic media, assignment papers, and sample solutions. Students should make appropriate use of these resources. www. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This course relies on lectures to guide through the material, tutorial classes to provide students with class, and a sequence of written and online assignments to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Lectures Assignments Cycle Test Model Test Quantity 45 5 2 1 Workload periods 45 5 4 3 University Exam 1 3 Total 60 periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Course Code/Course Name: UEAUA39 AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY Year/Sem: IV/VII Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Learning Process Solving real world problem Explaining application before theory Solving problems Designing of experiments Problems on environmental, economics, health & safety Problems on professional and ethics Seminar Problems using software Self-study Formulation of problems Identification of malfunctioning or mistakes Demonstrations Faculty Name: Mr.D.SAMUEL RAJ Delivery Methods Chalk & Talk ICT tools Group discussion Industrial visit Field work Assessment Methods Assignments Tests Exams Presentations Rubrics Case studies Mini projects UNIT I Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Outline the importance of vehicle body design, crumple zone for safety Sl No Topic Date TLP Delivery Assessment Methods Methods 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 1 Design of the body for safety 07.07.14 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 2 energy equation 08.07.14 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 3 energy equation problem 09.07.14 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 4 engine location 10.07.14 deceleration of vehicle inside 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 5 passenger compartment 11.07.14 deceleration on impact with 2,4,5 11 1,2,3 6 stationary obstacle 14.07.14 deceleration on impact with movable 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3 7 obstacle 15.07.14 2,4,5 1,7 1,2,3,5 8 concept of crumble zone 16.07.14 9 10 11 12 Safety sandwich construction. Revision Seminar Class test 18.07.14 21.07.14 22.07.14 23.07.14 2,4,5 7 9 9 1,5 3 4 6 1,2,3,5 1,2,3 5 1,2,3 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 11 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,7 1,2,3 1,7 1,2,3 1,5 1,2,3,5 3 1,2,3 4 6 4,5 1,2,3 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 11 1,7 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,7 1,2,3 1,5 1,2,3,5 3 1,2,3 4 6 4,5 1,2,3 UNIT II Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Correlate active and passive safety systems 2,5,11 13 Active safety: driving safety 24.07.14 2,5,11 14 conditional safety 25.07.14 2,5,11 15 perceptibility safety 28.07.14 2,5,11 16 operating safety 31.07.14 2,5,11 17 passive safety: exterior safety 01.08.14 interior safety 2,5,11 18 04.08.14 deformation behaviour of vehicle 2,5,11 19 body 05.08.14 Speed and acceleration characteristics 2,5,11 20 of passenger compartment on impact. 06.08.14 Speed and acceleration-graph 2,5,11 21 analysis 07.08.14 2,5,11 22 Revision 08.08.14 23 Seminar 11.08.14 7 24 Class test 12.08.14 9 UNIT III Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Summarize the safety equipments and handling Seat belt 2,5,11 25 13.08.14 Automatic seat belt tightener system 2,5,11 26 18.08.14 Collapsible steering column 2,5,11 27 20.08.14 Tiltable steering wheel 2,5,11 28 22.08.14 Air bags 29 25.08.14 2,5,11,12 Working principle 2,5,11 30 26.08.14 Air bags safety 2,5,11 31 27.08.14 Electronic system for activating air 2,5,11 bags 32 28.08.14 2,5,11 Bumper design for safety 33 01.09.14 2,5,11 34 Revision 03.09.14 35 Seminar 04.09.14 7 36 Class test 05.09.14 9 UNIT IV Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Differentiate various collision warning systems Collision warning system 2,5,11 1,7 37 08.09.14 1,2,3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 CMS CAS Stop and go communication Adaptive cruise control causes of rear end collision frontal object detection rear vehicle object detection system Object detection system with braking system interactions. Revision Seminar Class test 10.09.14 11.09.14 12.09.14 15.09.14 16.09.14 17.09.14 18.09.14 19.09.14 22.09.14 23.09.14 24.09.14 2,5,11 2,5,11 2,5,11 2,5,11,7 2,5,11 2,5,11 2,5,11 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 11 1,7 1,7 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 2,5,11 1,5 1,2,3 7 7 9 3 4 6 4,5 5 1,2,3 UNIT V Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Demonstrate passenger comfort and convenient systems Steering and mirror adjustment 1,3,7 49 25.09.14 2,5,11,12 central locking system 1,7 50 29.09.14 2,5,11,12 Garage door opening system 1,7 51 01.10.14 2,5,11,12 Anti-Theft System 1,7 52 06.10.14 2,5,11,12 GPS 1,7 53 07.10.14 2,5,11,12 Tracking Devices 11 54 10.10.14 2,5,11,12 tyre pressure control system 1,7 55 13.10.14 2,5,11,12 1,7 56 14.10.14 2,5,11,12 rain sensor system environment 2,5,11 1,5 information system 57 15.10.14 58 Revision 16.10.14 7 3 59 Seminar 17.10.14 7 4 60 Class test 20.10.14 9 6 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5 5 1,2,3 10. ASSESSMENT: 10.1 Principle Assessment for this course is based on the following principles 1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning. 2. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. 3. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. 4. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2 Assessment Summary: 10.2.1 Mapping between Assessment task and Course Outcomes Assessment Task Assignment Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II Model Exam Attendance University Exam Task Type Formative Formative & Cognitive Formative & Cognitive Formative, Cognitive & Summative Face to Face Interaction Formative, Cognitive & Summative Weightage Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 10% 6% 6% 13% 5% 60% 10.2.2 Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate Attributes Engineering Knowledge Problem Analysis Design / Development of Solutions Research based knowledge and research methods Modern tool usage Professional engineering practice and Society Environment and Sustainability Ethics Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 10.2.3 Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome Course outcome 1: Outline the importance of vehicle body design, crumple zone for safety. Course outcome 2: Correlate active and passive safety systems. Course outcome 3: Summarize the safety equipments and handling. Course outcome 4: Differentiate various collision warning systems. Course outcome 5: Demonstrate passenger comfort and convenient systems. 1 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H L H L H H L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L H H H L L H H 10.3 Assessment Related Requirements: 1. An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 10.4 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Weightage Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Cycle Test – I Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Cycle Test – II Assignment 5 Model Exam Attendance 3rd week 6th Week 7th Week 8th Week 11th Week 12th Week 14th Week 15th Week All weeks as per the Academic Calendar 17th Week 2% 2% 6% 2% 2% 6% 2% 13% 5% Cumulative Weightage 2% 4% 10% 12% 14% 20% 22% 35% 40% 60% 100% University Exam 11 12 1. All written assignments are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late assignment will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written assignment will return in one week turn-around time again students. H 10.5. Student Support: 1. 2. 3. 4. Counseling service- Personal counseling for issues affecting study Student’s care- Confidential counseling, welfare support and advice. Students with disability- Alternative academic arrangements. Reasonable adjustments to teaching & assessment for students with a disability policy. UEAUA39 Automotive Safety Model Question Paper Max Time: 3 Hours Max: 100 Marks Part A (15 x 2 marks = 30 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks 1. Compare Active safety and passive safety? 2. Differentiate between safety and security. 3. What is the important aspect of design for active safety? 4. What is Perceptional safety? 5. Briefly discuss roll over tests? 6. Briefy explain deformation behavior of vehicle body? 7. What is the function of seat belt? 8. Explain belt force limiters. 9. Write short notes a Buckle Tighter 10. Explain functioning of front air bag. 11. What are the causes of accidents? 12. Mention about parking aid with ultrasonic sensors 13. Write short notes on pneumatic central locking system. 14. What is a Rain sensor? 15. Define Environment sensors? Part B (5 x 14 marks = 70 marks) Answer all questions. Each question carries fourteen marks 16 a) i) Briefly explain the impact with stationary and movable obstacles of an automobile? ii) Briefly explain the concept of Active safety with reference to stability of Vehicle? (OR) 17. b) Explain with sketches the crumble zone with sketches? 18. a) Explain the Deformation behavior of vehicle Body with Sketches? (OR) 19. b) Briefly explain the Active safety concepts of driving safety and conditional Safety 20. a) Explain how ESC constantly compares the driver’s intention with actual behavior? (OR) 21.b) Describe the functioning of pyro technical shoulder belt tens cancer with sketches. 22. a) Explain the causes of accidents collision with the help of Charts (OR) 23. b) Write shortly about Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)? 24. a) Explain the central locking and electric windows? (OR) 25. b) Explain the calibration of the tire pressure monitoring. B.TECH. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Curriculum & Syllubus [Regulation 2009] SEMESTER – VII Practical U7AUA24 VEHICLE EVALUATION & MAINTENANCE LAB L T P C 0 2 0 3 To introduce the basic evaluation & maintenance concepts of an automobile components with the help of computerized equipment. The department aims at supporting the students with education and training to develop technological skills in the field of automobile & electrical specialization. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Basic automobile engg 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance, Automotive Engine Components, vehicle body engineering. 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES To develop the Practical knowledge in the field of Automobile Engine components. To compose the fundamental knowledge in evaluation & maintenance. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES. On successful completion of this course students will be able to: Teach the complete methodology of evaluation & maintenance of automobile. Develop skills in dismantling & assembling of automobile components using instruments and special tools. Produce their breadth and depth of knowledge and skills in the fundamental disciplines of an evaluation & maintenance concepts of an automobile components. 5. COURSE CONTENT 5.1 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study and layout of an automobile repair, service and maintenance shop. Study and preparation of different statements/records required for the repair and maintenance works. Study and preparation of the list of different types of tools and instruments required Minor and major tune up of gasoline and diesel engines Fault diagnosis in electrical ignition system, gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel system and rectification 6. 7. 8. 9. Study of the electrical systems such as head lights, side or parking lights, trafficator lights, electric horn system, windscreen wiper system, starter system and charging system. Study and checking of wheel alignment. Simple tinkering, soldering works of body panels, study of door lock and window glass rising mechanisms. Practice the following: i) Adjustment of pedal play in clutch, brake, hand brake lever and steering wheel play ii) Air bleeding from hydraulic brakes, air bleeding of diesel fuel system iii) Wheel bearings tightening and adjustment 10. Practice the following i) Adjustment of head lights beam ii) Removal and fitting of tyre and tube 5.2 LIST OF EQUIPMENT (for a batch of 30 students) Sl.No Equipments 1 2 Study Diesel and gasoline engine Diesel and gasoline fuel system Quantity 2 2 Experiments No. 1-3 4 5 3 Layout of electrical wiring system electrical systems (such as head lights, side or parking lights, trafficator lights, 1 electric horn system, windscreen wiper system, starter system and charging system.) 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wheel alignment Body Panels Door Lock Mechanisms Window Glass Rising Mechanisms Clutch Brake 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 Bearing 1 9 11 12 Head Lights Beam Removal and fitting of tyre and tube 1 1 10 10 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Wheel Balancer Computerised Wheel Alignment Differential. CVT Transmission Toroidal Transmission 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Vehicle Evaluation & Maintenance Laboratory Manual. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This lab course relies on lectures to guide through the lab manual on aircraft component drawing, demonstration classes to provide students with practical knowledge in drafting, and a sequence of written model practical examinations to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Quantity Practical classes Revision classes Model practical exams I&II University Exam Total 13 3 2 1 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Hr TOPIC count Study and layout of an automobile repair, 1 service and maintenance shop. Study and preparation of different 2 statements/records required for the repair and maintenance works Workload periods 39 9 6 3 57 periods TLP Assessment Methods 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Study and preparation of the list of different types of tools and instruments required Minor and major tune up of gasoline and diesel engines Fault diagnosis in electrical ignition system, gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel system and rectification Study of the electrical systems such as head lights, side or parking lights, trafficator lights, electric horn system, windscreen wiper system, starter system and charging system. Study and checking of wheel alignment. Simple tinkering, soldering works of body panels, study of door lock and window glass rising mechanisms. Practice the following: i) Adjustment of pedal play in clutch, brake, hand brake lever and steering wheel play ii) Air bleeding from hydraulic brakes, air bleeding of diesel fuel system 9 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 1,2,4,8,12 3 iii) Wheel bearings tightening and adjustment 10 Practice the following i) Adjustment of head lights beam ii) Removal and fitting of tyre and tube 10. ASSESSMENT 10.1 Principle 1. 2. 3. 4. Assessment for this lab course is based on the following principles Assessment must encourage and reinforce training. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2 Assessment Related Requirements: An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 10.3 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Distributed Due Date Model Practical Exam - I Model Practical Exam - II Observation Record Book Viva-Voce Attendance University Practical Exam Weightage Cumulative Weight age 10% 20% 25% 30% 90% 100% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 60% 1. All written observation and record books are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late submission of observation and record books will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written observation and record books will be returned in one week turn-around time again to students. 12. Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome 1 Course outcome 1: Teach the complete methodology of evaluation & maintenance of automobile. Course outcome 2: Develop skills in dismantling & assembling of automobile components using instruments and special tools. Course outcome 3: U Produce their breadth and depth of knowledge and skills in the fundamental disciplines of an evaluation & maintenance concepts of an automobile components. 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L H H L L L L H L L H H L L 11 12 L L L 13. Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes Graduate Attributes 1 Engineering Knowledge 2 Problem Analysis 3 Design / Development of Solutions 4 Research based knowledge and research methods 5 Modern tool usage 6 Professional engineering practice and Society 7 Environment and Sustainability 8 Ethics 9 10 11 12 Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 CO2 CO3 Model Experiments 1. Study and layout of an automobile repair, service and maintenance shop. 2. Study and preparation of different statements/records required for the repair and maintenance works. 3. Study and preparation of the list of different types of tools and instruments required 4. Minor and major tune up of gasoline and diesel engines 5. Fault diagnosis in electrical ignition system, gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel system and rectification 6. Study of the electrical systems such as head lights, side or parking lights, trafficator lights, electric horn system, windscreen wiper system, starter system and charging system. 7. Study and checking of wheel alignment. 8. Simple tinkering, soldering works of body panels, study of door lock and window glass rising mechanisms. 9. Practice the following: i) Adjustment of pedal play in clutch, brake, hand brake lever and steering wheel play ii) Air bleeding from hydraulic brakes, air bleeding of diesel fuel system iii) Wheel bearings tightening and adjustment 10. Practice the following i) Adjustment of head lights beam ii) Removal and fitting of tyre and tube U7AUA25 MODELLING& SIMULATION LAB L T P C 0 2 0 3 To introduce the basic design & drafting concepts of an Automotive Engine components by using modeling software package. It has links for Finite element analysis. 1. PRE-REQUISITE: Engineering Graphics, Computer Aided Engine Design Lab, Computer Aided Chassis Design lab. 2. LINKS TO OTHER COURSES FEM Lab & Engine Component Design 3. COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Students undergoing this course are expect to To build design problems in a systematic manner. To improve practical experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D modeling softwareSystems. To customize CAD in real life applications. 4. COURSE OUTCOMES: Students undergoing this course are able to Produce theoretical CAD knowledge to model and analyze design problems in a systematic manner. Illustrate CAD in real life applications. 5. COURSE CONTENT 5.1 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Modeling and Simulation of Manufacture of the following parts: 1. Cylinder Head. 2. Cylinder. 3. Piston. 4. Liner. 5. Piston Pin and Piston Rings. 6. 7. 8. Connecting Rod. Crankshaft Inlet and Exhaust Valves 9. Cam. 10. Cam Shaft. 5.2 LIST OF EQUIPMENT (for a batch of 30 students) Sl.No Equipments Quantity 1 Pc with design software 30 (Pro-E) Experiments No. 1 to 10 6. BEYOND THE SYLLABUS Model of Gear box (3D) Model of Clutch (3D) Part programming for Step turning 7. LEARNING RESOURCES: 7.1 Required Resources: Modeling and Simulation Laboratory manual. 8. LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 8.1 Learning and Teaching Modes: This lab course relies on lectures to guide through the lab manual on Engine component drawing, demonstration classes to provide students with practical knowledge in drafting, and a sequence of written model practical examinations to provide formative assessment opportunities for students to practice techniques and develop their understanding of the course. 8.2 Work Load: The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements. Activity Quantity Practical classes Revision classes Model practical exams I&II University Exam Total 14 3 2 1 Workload periods 42 9 6 3 60 periods 9. LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: Hr TOPIC TLP count Modeling and Simulation of Manufacture of the following parts: 1 Cylinder head 1,2,4,8,12 cylinder 2 1,2,4,8,12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 piston liner Piston pin and piston rings Connecting rod Crankshaft Inlet and exhaust valve Cam camshaft 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 1,2,4,8,12 Assessment Methods 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10. ASSESSMENT: 10.1 Principle Assessment for this lab course is based on the following principles 1. 2. 3. 4. Assessment must encourage and reinforce training. Assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgments about student performance. Assessment practice must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to Demonstrate /practice what they learned. 5. Assessment must maintain academic standards. 10.2 Assessment Related Requirements: An aggregate score of 50% is required to pass the course. 10.3 Assessment Details: Assessment Item Model Practical Exam - I Model Practical Exam - II Observation Record Book Viva-Voce Attendance University Practical Exam Distributed Due Date Weightage 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 60% Cumulative Weight age 10% 20% 25% 30% 90% 100% 1. All written observation and record books are to be submitted at the designated time and place. 2. Late submission of observation and record books will not be accepted without a proper reason. 3. Written observation and record books will be returned in one week turn-around time again to students. 12. Mapping between Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Mapping of courses outcomes to program outcomes Course outcome 1 Course outcome 1: Produce theoretical CAD knowledge to model and analyze design problems in a systematic manner. Course outcome 2: Illustrate CAD in real life applications. 2 Programme outcomes (POs) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L H H L L L H H L H L L 13. Mapping between Graduate Attributes and Course Outcomes Graduate Attributes 1 Engineering Knowledge 2 Problem Analysis 3 Design / Development of Solutions 4 Research based knowledge and research methods 5 Modern tool usage 6 Professional engineering practice and Society 7 Environment and Sustainability 8 Ethics 9 10 11 12 Individual and team work Communication Project Management and Finance Life-long Learning. CO1 11 12 CO2 Model Experiments Modeling and Simulation of Manufacture of the following parts: 1. Cylinder Head. 2. Cylinder. 3. Piston. 4. Liner. 5. Piston Pin and Piston Rings. 6. Connecting Rod. 7. Crankshaft 8. Inlet and Exhaust Valves 9. Cam. 10. Cam Shaft.