ragam kti - Sumber Belajar

Bagian Abstrak, Cara mengutip,
Daftar Pustaka, dan Lampiran
Dr. Purwanto
APA (American Psychological Association)
atau Asosiasi Psikologi Amerika
adalah acuan yang paling sering digunakan
untuk mengutip sumber dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial
Format and Outline
The basic organization of a scientific paper
include the following sections:
Materials and Methods
Results and Interpretations
Paper Layout
The following sections, in order, constitute the paper. Details of these, plus
exceptions and variations, are discussed in separate sections below.
Title page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (unnumbered)
Abstract page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Table of Contents (optional, see below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Figures (optional, see below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1...n 1
Materials and Methods
Results and Interpretations
Formats for Scientific Papers
(Follow these procedures precisely)
Materials and Methods
Results and Interpretation
Literature Cited
• Penjelasan singkat (sekitar 200 kata)
menyajikan poin penting dan kesimpulan kajian
"First we did this, then we did that, and then we will tell you what the conclusions
are.“ Isi abstrak; fakta, informasi ilmiah, dan kesimpulan.
• Idealnya abstrak ditulis belakangan. Namun
abstrak secara mandiri harus dapat mewakili
seluruh makalah
• Abstrak yang baik disusun secara logis dan
Function: An abstract summarizes, in one paragraph (usually), the major aspects of the entire paper
in the following prescribed sequence:
the question(s) you investigated (or purpose), (from Introduction)
the experimental design and methods used, (from Methods)
report those results which answer the questions you were asking
identify trends, relative change or differences, etc.
a brief summary of your interpetations and conclusions. (from Discussion)
clearly express the basic design of the study.
Name or briefly describe the basic methodology used without going into excessive detail-be sure to indicate
the key techniques used.
the major findings including key quantitative results, or trends (from Results)
state the purpose very clearly in the first or second sentence.
clearly state the implications of the answers your results gave you
Style: The Abstract is ONLY text. Use the active voice when possible, but much of it may require passive
constructions. Write your Abstract using concise, but complete, sentences, and get to the point quickly. Use past
tense. Maximum length should be 200-300 words, usually in a single paragraph.
The Abstract SHOULD NOT contain:
lengthy background information,
references to other literature,
elliptical (i.e., ending with ...) or incomplete sentences,
abbreviations or terms that may be confusing to readers,
any sort of illustration, figure, or table, or references to them
• Menjelaskan apa yang dibahas dalam
makalah, sifat dan pentingnya topik dibahas,
di mana posisinya dalam pengetahuan ilmiah
saat ditulis, dan bagaimana ia menambah atau
mengubah pemahaman.
• Pendahuluan harus membidik imaginasi
pembaca dan membuat mereka tertarik untuk
membacanya, mengapa dan bagaimana
kajian/gagasan ini penting.
you should state the specific question(s) to be answered
• Semua terkait teknik, cara dan metode
membahas topik dikemukakan.
should be detailed and clear enough so that any reader knowledgeable
in basic scientific techniques could duplicate the study
• Mengemukaan hasil kajian; analisis apa yg
telah dipelajari, deskripsi data, grafik
Here the researcher presents summarized data for inspection using narrative
text and, where appropriate, tables and figures to display summarized data.
No Interpretation
Hasil kajian didiskusikan, dibandingkan dgn kajian lain sejenis,
dijelaskan implikasinya bagi kajian sejenis di masa yg akan datang
Discussion of results explains what your data means, how it all fits together, and how
interpretations logically follow from the data. You must be as objective and unbiased as possible
here. You are essentially saying what any knowledgeable person in the field could deduce from the
data themselves. This is also where you tell a novice to the discipline the significance of the data,
while at the same time not insulting the intelligence of the expert.
Fit with related research puts your results in the context of the discipline and field. How do
your results compare with similar studies done by others, past and present? Where do you agree or
disagree with the conclusions of others, and why? What new things have come out of your study
that were not known before? This section requires that you have searched the literature in the field,
and know it history and significance. This is also where you give credit wherecredit is due to the
researchers who have preceded you, and on whose shoulders you have stood.
Discussion of the implications of the research is where you finally make the transition from
the researcher (gatherer of data, runner of experiments, and interpreter) to the scientist. This part
of the discussion section is where you make personal comments about the topic you researched.
You may have special insights into the meaning of your study, or you may have formed unique
opinions about the results of the research, or you may have thoughts about the implications of your
results for the particular situation you studied, or the discipline as a whole. Even though this is
largely opinion, it must be well supported.
• Konklusi secara ringkas membahas kesimpulan
penting dari kajian
• Konklusi harus konsisten dengan
pendahuluan, dan memadai menjawab
rumusan masalah
This section simply states what the researcher thinks the data mean, and, as such,
should relate directly back to the problem/question stated in the introduction
change the tense from present to past
Berfikir Divergen-Konvergen
confined and justified
Daftar Pustaka
Fungsi daftar pustaka:
• (a) Memungkinkan penulis untuk mengakui
pekerjaan orang lain yang secara langsung
mempengaruhi kerja penulis saat ini, dan
• (b) memberikan kemudahan bagi pembaca
yang tertarik informasi yang diperlukan untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mengambil sumbersumber terkait
Daftar Pustaka (Bibliography or Literature Cited)
Ada dua versi; Daftar Pustaka yg memuat hanya literatur yang benar-benar dikutip, dan ada yang
memuat literatur yang dijadikan bacaan/acuan
Daftar Pustaka disusun secra alpabetis berdasar nama belakang penulis
Contoh penulisan Daftar Pustaka berdasarkan jenis sumber
Dott, R.H. Jr., and Bourgeois, Joanne, 1982, Hummocky stratification: Significance and its variable bedding sequences:
Bulletin Geological Society of America, v. 93, p. 663-680.
McCave, I.N., 1968, Shallow and marginal marine sediments associated with the Catskill complex: Geological Society
of America Special Paper 106, p. 75-107.
McDowell, R. J., 1988, Depositional environments of the Upper Chemung and Lower Hampshire Formations of eastcentral West Virginia: M.S. thesis, West Virginia University, 168 p.
[4] BOOK:
Meckel, L.D., 1970, Paleozoic alluvial deposition in the Central Appalachians; A summary: in Fisher, G. W., Pettijohn,
F.J., Reed, J.C. Jr., and Weaver, K.N., Studies of Appalachian Geology, Central and Southern: Interscience
Wilson, Frederic H., 1985, The Alaska Peninsula Terrane: A Definition: Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey, Reston, Virginia.
Cavaroc, V.V. and R.M. Flores, 1991, Red Beds of the Triassic Chugwater Group, Southwestern Powder River Basin,
Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1917-E, Washington D.C.
Daftar Pustaka (Bibliography or Literature Cited)
References: Some Special Cases
• If an author, or group of authors, have more than one paper published in the same year, the papers are
distinguished by a letter, e.g. 1956a, 1956b, etc.
• Abstracts should not contain reference citations.
• Direct quotes always require page numbers along with the author and date.
• If you use a direct quote or some specific use of material from a paper, but you got that information
from another work, the citations goes like this: "Original Author, Date, in, Your Source, Date, Page."
• If a reference is used more than once in a paragraph the reference citation need be given only once in
the paragraph, the first time it is used (although you may refer to the author's work by the author's
name(s) as often as you wish). If the reference is referred to again in another paragraph, even the next
one, its citation must be given again.
• Referencing articles or other publications without an assigned author.
- (Anonymous (Anon.). The reference can be listed under "A" for anonymous.
- If the publication is sponsored by an organization, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration), but does not have an author it can be listed under the organization name as an author.
• Missing date: Although this should be rare, if an article has no copyright date then place in parentheses
after the author's name (no date).
• et. al. If the paper you are referencing has a lot of authors (like 3 or more), in the body of the paper you
may reference the paper with the first author, followed by "et. al." ("and others"), and the date.
Daftar Pustaka
All citation entries are listed in alphabetical order based the first author's last name;
If the same author(s) are cited for more than one paper having the same order of authors'
names, the papers should be listed in chronological sequence by year of publication.
Authors' names MUST be listed in the citation in the same order as in the article.
- Bugjuice, B. 1970a. Physiological effects of estrogen on mouse courtship behavior.
....x.J Physiol 40(2):140-145.
- Bugjuice, B. 1970b. Physiological effects of estrogen analogs: Insincere courtship
xxxxbehavior in female mice. J Physiol 40(8):1240-1247
If the same author(s) are cited for two or more papers published within the same year, place a
small case letter after the year to denote the sequence in which you referred to them. For
- Bugjuice, B. 1970a. Physiological effects of estrogen on mouse courtship behavior.
....x.J Physiol 40(2):140-145.
- Bugjuice, B. 1970b. Physiological effects of estrogen analogs: Insincere courtship
xxxxbehavior in female mice. J Physiol 40(8):1240-1247.
If no author is listed, use the word Anonymous in place of the author name(s).
Anonymous. 1992. .....give rest of citation using appropriate format.
• DO NOT USE FOOTNOTES: Footnoting, although
commonly done in books and other literary writing, is
only rarely done in journal style papers. Cite references
in the flow of the text as shown above.
Material: In 99.99% of the cases, the information you
want from a research article is an objective result or
interpretation. How the author stated this information,
i.e., their prose, is of little importance compared to the
results or interpretations themselves. Take the
information and put it into your own words; avoid
paraphrasing since this can potentially lead to
• Function: An Appendix contains information that is non-essential to
understanding of the paper, but may present information that further clarifies
a point without burdening the body of the presentation. An appendix is an
optional part of the paper, and is only rarely found in published papers
• Some examples of material that might be put in an appendix
(not an exhaustive list):
- raw data
- maps (foldout type especially)
- extra photographs
- explanation of formulas, either already known ones, or especially if you have
"invented" some statistical or other mathematical procedures for data analysis.
- specialized computer programs for a particular procedure full generic names
of chemicals or compounds that you have referred to in somewhat abbreviated
fashion or by some common name in the text of your paper.
- diagrams of specialized apparati
Writing the Scientific-Format Paper
• Title--subject and what aspect of the subject was
• Abstract--summary of paper: The main reason for the
study, the primary results, the main conclusions
• Introduction--why the study was undertaken
• Methods and Materials--how the study was
• Results--what was found
• Discussion--why these results could be significant
(what the reasons might be for the patterns found or
not found)
Kutipan Singkat
Jika Anda langsung mengutip dari karya orang, Anda perlu menyertakan
penulis, tahun publikasi, dan nomor halaman untuk referensi (didahului
oleh "hal."). Perkenalkan kutipan dengan kalimat sinyal yang meliputi nama
belakang penulis diikuti dengan tanggal publikasi dalam kurung.
Menurut Jones (1998), "Siswa sering kesulitan menggunakan gaya APA,
terutama bila ini adalah pertama kali bagi mereka" (hal. 199).
Jones (1998) menemukan "mahasiswa sering kesulitan menggunakan gaya APA"
(hal. 199), apa implikasi hal ini bagi guru?
Jika penulis tidak disebutkan dalam frase sinyal, tempatkanlah nama
belakang penulis, tahun publikasi, dan nomor halaman dalam tanda kurung
setelah kutipan.
Dia menyatakan, "Siswa sering kesulitan menggunakan gaya APA" (Jones, 1998,
hal. 199), tapi dia tidak memberikan penjelasan tentang mengapa.
Kutipan Panjang
Tempatkan kutipan langsung lebih dari 40 kata dalam satu blok
tanpa tanda kutip. Mulai kutip pada baris baru, menjorok 1/2 inci
dari margin kiri, yaitu di tempat yang sama Anda akan memulai
paragraf baru. Ketik kutipan pada margin baru, dan indent baris
pertama dari paragraf berikutnya dalam kutipan 1/2 inci dari
margin baru.
Jones (1998) dalam studinya menemukan hal berikut:
Siswa sering kesulitan menggunakan gaya APA,
terutama bila ini adalah pertama kali mereka mengutip sumber.
Kesulitan ini dapat dikaitkan dengan fakta bahwa banyak
siswa gagal memperoleh panduan atau gagal untuk meminta
bantuan guru mereka. (hal. 199)
Ringkasan atau Saduran
Jika Anda mengutip ide dari karya lain, Anda hanya
perlu membuat referensi ke penulis dan tahun
publikasi di dalam teks referensi Anda, tetapi pedoman
APA mendorong Anda untuk juga memberikan nomor
halaman (meskipun tidak diperlukan.)
Menurut Jones (1998), gaya APA adalah format kutipan
sulit bagi yang belajar pertama kali.
Gaya APA adalah format kutipan sulit bagi yang belajar
pertama kali (Jones, 1998, hal. 199).
The Anatomy of a Figure
Tujukan tulisan Anda kepada sejawat sbg pembaca
Kalimat sederhana, tuntas dan mudah dimengerti
Kalimat ringkas dan jelas
Paragraf memiliki kalimat utama (topik) dan kalimat
yg menunjang topik
• Kalimat sendiri
Digital Information Literacy Taxonomy
What information, digital information strategies and/or digital
information tools are required or available?
(Recognises the need for information and determines the nature and extent of
the information needed)
Where is the information located and how can it be found using digital
means? (Finds needed information effectively and efficiently)
How reliable is the information? How effective are the digital tools and
strategies? (Critically evaluates information and the information seeking
How is the information organised digitally and made available for
future access or use?
(Manages information collected or generated)
Using digital tools or strategies, how is the information being used,
applied, communicated, or synthesised to create new understandings?
(Applies prior and new information to construct new concepts or create new understandings)
Ethics and Issues
Which ethical considerations and digital information issues are
recognised and/or acted on.
(Uses information with understanding and acknowledges cultural, ethical, economic, legal and
social issues surrounding the use of information)
Karangan argumentasi adalah jenis paragraf yang mengungkapkan
ide, gagasan, atau pendapat penulis dengan disertai bukti dan fakta
(benar-benar terjadi).
Tujuannya adalah agar pembaca yakin bahwa ide, gagasan, atau
pendapat tersebut adalah benar dan terbukti.
Ciri-ciri Pargaraf atau karangan argumentasi
1.Menjelaskan pendapat agar pembaca yakin.
2.Memerlukan fakta untuk pembuktian berupa gambar/grafik, dll.
3.Menggali sumber ide dari pengamatan, pengalaman, dan penelitian.
4.Penutup berisi kesimpulan.
Be a good learner
• As producer
• As publisher
• As user/audience
• As reviewer