FOLD&R: the Journal of Fasti On-Line

FOLD&R: the Journal of Fasti On-Line
25 pages single spaced without illustrations is the agreed maximum, but longer texts can be
Bibliographic citations should be placed in a footnote. These should give the name of the author
in small capitals followed by the year of publication, a colon, and the page numbers (start and
e.g. JOLIVET 1982: 4-6.
A full bibliography of works cited should be given at the end of the text.
a. Single-authored volumes: the name of the author in full caps, initial, year: title of the work
in italics, volume number, place of publication, if a second edition date of the second edition
follow with the number of the edition superscripted.
e.g.: MOREL J.P., 1981, Céramique Campanienne: les Formes, Rome.
b. Collective volumes (festschriften, conferences, catalogues): Author names as above, date:
title of article between single quotes, in, editor name in small capitals, ed., title of the volume in
italics followed eventually by the date and title of the conference or exhibition, volume number,
place of publication, first and last pages.
e.g.: COARELLI F., 1996, ‘Legio linteata: l’iniziazione militare nel Sannio’, in in L. DEL TUTTO
PALMA (a cura di), La Tavola di Agnone nel contesto italico, Atti del Convegno di studio
(Agnone 13-15 aprile 1994), Florence: 3-45.
c. Articles in lexica:
e.g.: THULIN H., 1909, s.v. ‘etrusca disciplina’, in Real-Enciclopedie…
d. Articles in journals: Author(s) name(s) in small capitals, initial, date, title of work between
single quotes, journal name in Italics, number of journal: first and last pages.
e.g.: MURRAY THREIPLAND L., TORELLI M., 1970, ‘A semisubterranean etruscan building in the
Casale Pian Roseto (Veii) area’, in Papers of the British School at Rome 38: 62-121.
We encourage good graphic documentation, and place no limit on the amount of illustrations
published. Illustrations should be furnished at 300 dpi, preferably in colour, in JPG or TIF. For
excavation reports we always require one or more plans of the excavation.
Web pages.
We are interested in receiving publications that use the resources of the web: thus, in the case of
the excavation of a complex site, the plan of the site might contain elements which can be
clicked for more information. For an example of this sort of publication see The creation of such a page would be
the responsibility of the author, but we are happy to advise on such a project.