PowerPoint Presentation - University at Buffalo School of Management




Social Media and Analytics

Posters and Prototypes Session

December 14-15, 2013

EHR at Emergency Rooms: Exploring the Influence of Main Components on Main Complaints. (Authors: Ofir Ben-Assuli (Ono Academic College), Itamar Shabtai (College of

Management Academic Studies), Moshe Leshno (Tel-Aviv University))

Ontological Evaluation of Petri Nets – A Revisit. (Authors: Sukriti Goel (Infosys Technologies Limited))

Envisioning Meaningful Use of Healthcare Information Systems (MUHIS). (Authors: Arkalgud Ramaprasad (University of Miami),Thant Syn (University of Miami))

Medical Audit under the Sentinel Effect. (Authors: Layinah Bouayad (USF), Balaji Padmanabhan (University of South Florida),Kaushal Chari (University of South Florida))

Medication adherence reminding, motivation and monitoring system.(Authors: Pavankumar Mulgund (Suny Buffalo, USA), Wencui Han (Suny Buffalo, USA), Aparna Dhanasri

Jayaprakash (Suny Buffalo, USA), Harshad Vilas Parab (Suny Buffalo, USA),Jayaprasanna Jayaraman (Suny Buffalo, USA), Kunal Jiwane (Suny Buffalo, USA), Abhiram

Karambala Upadhya (Suny Buffalo, USA) )

Mobile Social Media Platform for Personal Health Management. (Authors: Supunmali Ahangama (School of Computing, National University of Singapore),Danny Poo (School of

Computing, National University of Singapore))

Implications of Gameful Design for the IS Discipline. (Authors: Kafui Monu (University of British Columbia),Paul Ralph (Lancaster University))

A Differential Games Approach to Value Co-Creation in IT. (Authors: Emre Demirezen (School of Management, Binghamton University), Subodha Kumar (Mays Business School,

Texas A&M University),ala Shetty (Mays Business School, Texas A&M University))

Improving Message Propagation in Social Networks. (Authors: Ram Gopal (University of Connecticut), Hooman Hidaji (University of Alberta) ,Raymond Patterson (University of

Alberta) , Erik Rolland (University of California, Merced) , Dmitry Zhdanov (University of Connecticut))

User Roles in the Time of Crisis: A Social Media Analysis. (Authors: Nargis Pervin (National University of Singapore), Remy Cazabet (National Institute of Informatics), Hideaki

Takeda (National Institute of Informatics), Fujio Toriumi (The University of Tokyo) ,Anindya Datta (National University of Singapore))

Going Down With the Sinking Ship Smiling: Sentiment Analysis of Overconfidence in a Web Forum of a Financial Institution. (Authors: Veda C Storey (GSU) ,Sayed Mahdi

Almohri (GSU), Arun Aryal (GSU), Langtao Chen (GSU) ,Patrick Shane Givens (GSU),Najma Saidani (GSU),Neetu Singh (GSU), Youyou Tao (GSU))

Quantifying Social Influence in an Online Music Community .(Authors: Jui Ramaprasad (Mcgill University),Yijen Ho (University of California, Irvine),Sanjeev Dewan (University of

California, Irvine))

Finding Patterns for Effective Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities. (Authors: Jiexun Li (Fordham University),G. Alan Wang (Virginia Tech),Harry J. Wang (University of

Delaware),Weiguo Fan (Virginia Tech))

Exploring Reviewers’ Contributions to Online Review Platforms

. (Authors: Parastoo Samiei (University of Auckland Business School),Arvind Tripathi (University of Auckland

Business School))

Social TV: Social Media to Predict Offline TV Viewing in Advance. (Authors: Shawndra Hill (University of Pennsylvania),Ofir Ben-Assuli (Ono Academic College))

An Approach for Big-Data Social Media Data Collection - A Prototype Using Boston Marathon Bombing.(Authors: Rajarshi Chakraborty (Suny Buffalo, USA) )

Location-sensitive Friend Recommendation in Online Social

Networks.(Authors: Jiaxi Luo (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA) )

IdeaWorks: A Social Learning Networks Platform to Support Interdisciplinary Student Discoveries.(Authors: J. Leon Zhao (City University of Hong Kong, China))

A New Method for Opinion Mining of Customer Comments.(Authors: Mohsen Farhadloo (UC),Erik Rolland (University of California))

Big Data and Analytics

Economics of IT systems

Information Security

IT and Management

Poster and Prototype Session

December 14-15, 2013

On the Effectiveness of Online Big Data Advertising. (Authors: Linjing Li (Institute of automation, Chinese Academy of Science), Yang Wang (The University of Arizona),Daniel Zeng

(Institute of automation, Chinese Academy of Science), Yong Yuan (Institute of automation, Chinese Academy of Science))

Gender Classification for Product Reviewers in China: A Data-Driven Approach.(Authors: Bin Zhu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China) )

Bridge over Unstructured Text: A Big Data approach to Public Diplomacy.(Authors: Cecil Chua (The University of Auckland),Mala Kaul (Georgia State University),Veda Storey

(Georgia State University))

Integration and Bilateral Sabotage. (Authors: Hong Guo (University of Notre Dame),Yabing Jiang (Florida Gulf Coast University),Asoo Vakharia (University of Florida))

Information Security Investment and Social Welfare. (Authors: Lisa Yeo (Loyola University Maryland) , Raymond Patterson (University of Alberta) ,Bora Kolfal (University of Alberta))

Competion through Exclusivity in Digital Content Delivery.(Authors: Robert Chiang (Fordham University),Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li (Hsing Wu University))

Enhancing information exchange/sharing in virtual teams: A study on the efficacy of techniques. (Authors: Ananth Chiravuri (UAE University),Ramamurthy Keshavamurthy

(UWM),Derek Nazareth (UWM))

IT misalignment risk: A causal approach. (Authors: Shirley Mathias (IIML),Prof. Arunabha Mukhopadhyay (IIML))

Cloudburst - simulating workload for IaaS clouds.(Authors: Andreas Wolke (Technische Universität München, Germany) )

GAMESIT - A Gaming Shell for Information Technology Skill Development – A Design Science Program.(Authors: De Liu (University of Kentucky, USA))

Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Mitigating Supply Chain Risk by Information Technology Usage. (Authors: Minkyun Kim (Sogang University) , Sangmi Chai (Ewha Womans University))

A Generalized Pricing Model for Successive Product Generations. (Authors: Zhengrui Jiang (Iowa State University),Dengpan Liu (Iowa State University),Feng Wu (Xi'an Jiaotong


Implementing Lightweight Conceptual Modeling for User-Generated Content.(Authors: Roman Lukyanenko ( Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) )

Self-Controlled Production: Forecasting with Smart Sensor Technologies.(Authors: Wolfgang Maaß(Wolfgang Maass) (Saarland University, Germany) )

Possibility based Risk Assessment Engine (PRAE).(Authors: Jongwoo (Jonathan) Kim (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA))

Mobile Application

Software Development

E-Contract Enactment through Context-Aware WFMS. (Authors: Himanshu Jain (IIIT-H),Kamlakar Karlapalem (IIIT-H),P. Radha Krishna (SET Labs, Infosys Technologies Limited,


Research in Progress: The Privacy Helper ©2013: A Tool for Mobile Privacy.(Authors: Rob Crossler (Mississippi State University, USA) ) iTunes’ App Ranking Algorithm unveiled: A Ranking Model for Mobile Apps. (Authors: Sangaralingam Kajanan (National University of Singapore),Duwaraka Yoganathan (National

University of Singapore),Tuan Quang Phan (National University of Singapore))

Optimal Incremental Software Development: A Control Theoretic Approach. (Authors: Monica Johar (UNC Charlotte),Vijay Mookerjee (UT Dallas))
