Board Minutes - Spring Retreat, May 3-5, 2013, Black River Falls, WI Here is a list of meeting guidelines that will make for a successful meeting: a) discussions kept within the time frame, b) personal computers and phones turned off so we can focus on task at hand (notes will be taken and distributed), c) studying the agenda beforehand and d) be ready to participate. Present: Frank Juarez, Jen Sweeney, Jill LaGrange, Dani Graf, Carol Rokicki, Lee Amborn, Ann Shedivy Tollefson, Erica Becker, Jessica Jones, Lisa Brown, Kimberly Buck, Kate Schaffer, Lori Aschenbrener, Danielle Penney, Tiffany Beltz, Marcia Thompson, Tasha Newton, Sarah Klein, Mary Krause, Jill Fortin, Faith Rockenstein, Liz Rex, Christine Woywod, Amy Kent, Kati Walsh, Dustin Anderson, Gretchen Solinger, Callie Spaltholz and Nathan Kilps. Absent: Brian Sommersberger, Lisa Ulik, Gaylund Stone, Mai Chang Vue, Dr. Julie Palkowski, Sheryl Guse, Samantha Powell, Jayna Hintz Saturday, May 4, 2013 1) Accolades, introductions, and farewells (Frank Juarez) (9:15 – 9:30) Congratulations and thank you to Tasha Newton and Sarah Klein for a very successful Youth Art Month Celebration. Thank you to Lee Amborn, Carol Rokicki, Brian Sommersberger and Jessica Jones for helping implement Idea Exchanges in each region. 2) Approve Minutes from February 2013 (Frank Juarez) (9:30-9:45) Motion by Jen Sweeney, Second by Nathan Klips, No Discussion, Motion Carries unanimously. 3) Overview of Budget for all Teams (Dani Graf) (9:45-10:15) 4) 2013-2015 Nomination Ballot / Board Vacancies (Jen Sweeney) (10:15-10:30) Vacant: Advocacy, Secondary Representative, Northwest Vice President, Historian, Supervision Divisional Representative, President Elect 5) Overview of Retreat (Frank Juarez) (10:30-10:45) Today: Discussion through 3:30, Dinner/Social tonight at Castle Hill Supper Club, Merrillan, WI, Sunday: Motions and Voting 6) Gmail Accounts (Frank Juarez) (10:45-11:00) Must transition Gmail account to new members; Members must update them and make them active/live before August; keep passwords the same 7) WAEA Team Assignments (11:00-12:30) Communication- Jessica Jones/Lisa Ulik (leaders) (Members: Ann Schedivy Tollefson, Dr. Julie Palkowski, Liz Rex, Christine Woywod, Amy Kent and Jill LaGrange) Task(s) for Meeting Fall 2013 Mailing. Discussion on mailing contents, board members in charge of what contributing item, timeline, and due dates. Postcards: do we still use them to promote WAEA? How can we increase WAEA membership? What is our promotional plan? In what ways can keep our webmaster at the pulse of WAEA? How can we as board members consistently and frequently provide her with new & fresh updates to maintain WAEA website moving forward? NASCO Poster Update Use of E-blasts WAEA Mission Statement Revision Hopes and Dreams: What are our goals, new ideas, reflections, why does art education matter and how can we ensure that every child in Wisconsin has a quality visual arts experience? Motion(s) for Meeting: need a record keeper & presenter Motion #1: Move to approve that the 2013 Fall Brochure will include the following: conference information (schedule, keynotes, housing, advertisements, vendor list) – Jen Sweeney, Art Seeds Information – Lee Amborn and Dustin Anderson, New Information on Membership Application – Christine Woywod, Benefits of Membership – Christine Woywod, eArt Times Fall Articles – Liz Rex, Letter from Editor – Liz Rex, Student Events (VAC, Visioneers) – Danielle Penney, Grant Information - ?, Advocacy Information - ?, Professional Development Opportunities - ?, Budget Information – Dani Graf, Awards Information – Ann Schedivy Tollefson, President’s Note – Jen Sweeney. Second by Kate Schaffer. Discussion: Frank suggests listing who are responsible for each of these things. Needs to be to Jen by August 1st, 2013. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #2: Move to continue to use postcards to communicate with members and promote WAEA. Second Nathan Kilps. Discussion: Frank Juarez would like to create a postcard dedicated to the Potowatami Grant as a reminder for people to apply and submit proposals. Can this be included in the Fall Brochure instead? Motion carries unanimously. Motion #3: Move to implement the NAEA Partners Reward Program, targeting students, in order to increase WAEA Membership. Second by Tiffany Beltz. Discussion: This is a promotion, if a person recruits a member, their name is added into a drawing to win Blick art products. This has also become a state competition. Our goal is to increase membership, especially among the student population. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #4: Move to increase e-Blasts to Bi-Weekly. Second by Carol Rokicki. Discussion: We want to increase communication, especially electronically. What will go in these? Depends on what is happening this week. Jen Sweeney will make a schedule of who will include or provide what information and will do these e-Blasts. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #5: Move to table revisions to the WAEA vision and mission. Propose to offer a session at the 2013 conference in Eau Claire, WI to revise the WAEA mission and vision. Second by Lee Amborn. Discussion: Could someone from Western Region come in to lead this discussion? This would make sure that it aligns with the NAEA mission as well. A mission and vision would be brought back to the next board meeting. Who would lead this session? Frank Juarez and Jen Sweeney would both be willing. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #6: Move to provide professional development for new core art standards. Second by Kate Schaffer. Discussion: When are these being revealed? Fall 2014 is our best guess. We need to talk to Julie Palkowski about these. If anyone would like to present about this, give a session proposal to Jen Sweeney. Note: these responsiblities will be shared with the professional development committee. Motion carries unanimously. Professional Development – Lee Amborn (leaders) (Members: Faith Rockenstein, Dustin Anderson, Kate Schaffer, Dani Graf, and Marcia Thompson) Task(s) for Meeting Spring 2014 Workshop for WAEA Members. Workshops/sessions facilitated by WAEA Board. Date and location to be announced. Idea Exchanges: proposed 2013-2014 sites and consistency in Idea Exchange participation fee throughout our regions. Current Proposals are: SW Region, May 18, 2013, Edgewood College, Madison, WI NE Region, Jan 2014 WC Region, Feb, 2014, Black River Falls, WI NC Region, Feb 2014, Wisconsin Rapids, WI SE Region, Mar/April 2014, MOWA West Bend SE Region, September 2014, Milwaukee, WI WAEA Professional Development Survey Results How to increase the connection between Wisconsin museum educators and the WAEA members. Marcia Thompson retirement story o Discussion: Conduct a WI Museum Education session at the Fall Conference in Eau Claire, WI to focus on how museums can help schools. This will assist in the communication between the two and encourage Museum Education to become WAEA Members. Hopes and Dreams: What are our goals, new ideas, reflections, why does art education matter and how can we ensure that every child in Wisconsin has a quality visual arts experience? Motion(s) for Meeting: need a record keeper & presenter Motion #1: Rules for Art Idea Exchanges are as follows: members are always free, costs will be venue appropriate and will come out of Spring Workshop Budget. Second by Jill Fortin. Discussion: Motion carries unanimously. Motion #2: To drop the Professional Development Survey due to lack of participation and survey members at the Fall Conference if necessary. Second by Tasha Newton. Discussion: Why if necessary? Can we give it to them at the conference, they do it right there. If we wait to get it back, we do not get them back. Jen Sweeney would like to have a drawing: anyone who likes our facebook page is entered into win a prize. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #3: To approve additional Retirement Field Trips: one in July and one in November. Locations: Chazen in Madison and MOWA in West Bend. Member Incentives for future trips will be investigated. Second by Dani Graf. Discussion: We would like retired members to feel like there are perks to being a member of this organization. It has doubled in size. It is cost effective and a good opportunity. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #4: Move to accept the proposal from The Vinery for a Stained Glass Workshop in Madison on June 8th and 9th, 2013. $25.00 per member would be paid by WAEA, leaving $75.00 for members to pay out of pocket, not to exceed $750.00 paid by WAEA. Second by Frank Juarez. Discussion: $750 is 30 members. This is a Saturday and a Sunday. Remaining cost is $75 out of pocket for the weekend. This includes time and materials to make a stained glass product. How are we going to promote that? Jill LaGrange will get the information out through e-Blasts and on the website. There is no minimum number. This date is graduation weekend for many members, but is the weekend that The Vinery recommends. Kati Walsh will help provide housing/ rooming with other art teachers in the area if there is interest. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #5: Move to have a mini workshop moved to another time of the year that will be organized and geared toward each region or division. The Region and Divisions will continue to discuss the possibility of conducting these mini workshops. Second by Frank Juarez. Discussion: SE regional VPs usually do YAM and Idea exchange. This would be something else for VPs to do. Motion carries unanimously. Student Events 1 – Tasha Newton and Sarah Klein (leaders) (Members: Sarah Klein, Tasha Newton, Jill Fortin, Nathan Kilps, Kati Walsh and Lori Aschenbrener) Task(s) for Meeting Sargent Art sponsored YAM Award YAM continue to support the tickets to the Children’s Museum? o Discussion: Contract? 3 years? YAM to discuss online Registration by looking at the sample Jill LaGrange made on our website. Pros and Cons and then a vote. Hopes and Dreams: What are our goals, new ideas, reflections, why does art education matter and how can we ensure that every child in Wisconsin has a quality visual arts experience? Motion(s) for Meeting: need a record keeper & presenter Motion #1: Move to accept Sargent Art Award for YAM celebration: A trip to New York City! Second by Tasha Newton. Discussion: There are awards at the YAM celebration from Nasco, Sargent, WAEA and W.T. Graham. Sargent would like to give three prizes: one for each level, elementary, middle, high, and would also like to give one grand prize, who would win an all expense paid trip to New York City (for student, parent, and art teacher). This is a four day, three night tour with museums and such. Also, we will provide a list of art teachers who entered art in the show and each art teacher will receive a thank you of art supplies. The only thing we need to do is to use their logo in our promotions. We should use Nasco, and School Specialty/Sax in these as well. Next year we will have a specific order in which awards will be chosen. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #2: Move to open discussion about a yearly flat rate for admission to Children’s Museum. Second by Jill Fortin. Discussion: Want to suggest a flat rate of $800 per year to the Children’s Museum, regardless of how many come. It will work itself out with attendance from year to year and we are not getting any discount from Children’s Museum. Children and families are able to go during the state YAM show in Madison. We will also look into the Museum of Contemporary Art in Madison, which is free. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #3: Move to ask Wisconsin Museums to give free admission for art educators and students participating in the state art show in honor of Youth Art Month. Second by Carol Rokicki. Discussion: Tasha and Sarah will give them a certificate or something to show at the museums. Perhaps these could be valid through May 1, 2014. Send the museums a list of students and they can check it at the door. (Faith R-contact person) Motion carries unanimously. Motion #4: Move to make Youth Art Month form online only, following the format created by Jill LaGrange, with two exceptions. 1) Only one student will be required in the form. 2) There will be room for three students in the form. Second Tiffany Beltz. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #5: We need to separate the payment options from the rest the motion. There would be a way to pay with a credit card online through PayPal or educators will still be able to pay with a check when they send in the art. – This will be discussed at our next meeting). Second by Jill Fortin. Discussion: Two options: PayPal or Check for payment. Links to these will be on the pages for each region, not on the Youth Art Month page because rules are specific to each region. Motion carries unanimously. Student Events 2 – Danielle Penney (leader) (Members: Gretchen Smith Solinger, Callie Spaltholz, and Mary Krause,) Task(s) for Meeting VAC and Visioneer to discuss online Registration by looking at the sample Jill LaGrange made on our website. Pros and Cons and then a vote. Location for VAC 2014? Hopes and Dreams: What are our goals, new ideas, reflections, why does art education matter and how can we ensure that every child in Wisconsin has a quality visual arts experience? Motion(s) for Meeting: need a record keeper & presenter Motion #1: State VAC will be held on Friday, April 11, 2014; Location TBD, hopefully in Madison. Second by Nathan Kilps. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously. Motion #2: Propose an Art Idea Exchange a UW-Milwaukee in the winter of 2013. This is an initiative to include more art education students and art teachers in WAEA. Led by Gretchen and Callie. Second by Sarah Klein. (Note: paperwork needs to be done). Motion carries unanimously. 8) Lunch (12:30-1:15) 9) Group Activity (1:15-2:15) Kathryn Rulien-Bareis joined us and assisted us in making a reusable tote out of a t-shirt. We tie dyed it using sharpie markers and rubbing alcohol. 10) WAEA Contracts / Board Roster Update (Jen Sweeney) (2:15-2:30) New contracts have been signed. Please return to Jen Sweeney. Board roster was passed around. Secretary Tiffany Beltz will update the roster and distribute to board members. 11) WAEA Blogging (Frank Juarez) (2:30-2:45) Frank Juarez demonstrated how to utilize the blog feature on our WAEA website and also showed us the WAEA Facebook page. 12) Award Nomination Overview (2:45-3:15) Ann Shedivy Tollefson shared with us the process of nominating someone. We have 7 nominees for awards. Voting will occur tomorrow. 13) Conference 2013 Update (3:15-3:30) The 2013 Fall Conference, Out of the Ordinary, Out of the Bag, will be held at the Christ Cathedral Church in Eau Claire, WI on October 24-25th. All are encouraged to attend and present. Turn in presenter proposals to Jen Sweeney before June 7th. 14) Others (3:30-3:45) Faith presented - please email her with what you would like a museum to do for you as an art educator. 15) Announcements (3:45-3:50) 16) Adjourn (4:00) Sunday, May 5, 2013 1) New Board Transition/Recognition of Board Members Ending Term (9:00-9:30) Frank Juarez thanked board members who are leaving and presented them with a certificate: Carol Rokicki, Ericka Becker, Jessica Jones, Kimberly Buck, Lisa Brown, Jill LaGrange. Jill was also presented with a plaque. Jen Sweeney officially became president. 2) Ho-Chunk Dancers (9:30-10:15) A group of Ho-Chunk students from Black River Falls, WI shared their culture and dances with us. 3) Team Presentations and Motions to the Board (10:15-11:00) 4) Voting on Award Nominations (11:00-12:00) The Executive Board met last night and rated each nomination on a rubric. The following award winners are recommended by the Executive Board: Outstanding Art Educator - Elementary Division: Ann Wrzosek-Manor Outstanding Art Educator - Middle Level Division: Jacobo Lovo Outstanding Art Educator - Secondary Division: Jennifer Handrick Wisconsin Art Educator of the Year: Jill LaGrange Concerned Citizen for the Arts Award: Jon Thorpe Distinguished Service Award: Laurie N. Fellenz Motion: Six Award Nominations recommended by the Executive Board become Award Recipients. Second by Frank Juarez. Discussion: Award Nominations are as follows: Motion carried unanimously. 5) Approve the 2013-2014 Budget. Motion to approve the budget by Jennifer Sweeney. Second by Tiffany Beltz. Motion carries unanimously. 6) Adjourn (12:00) Motion to adjourn by Faith Rockenstein. Second Christine Woywod.