Land Use and Pollution JEOPARDY!! Land Use 1 Land Use 2 Waste 1 Waste 2 Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 Land Use 1 Distinguish among an old-growth forest, a second- growth forest, and a tree plantation (tree farm or commercial forest). 10 Land Use1 *An old-growth forest is an uncut or regenerated primary forest that has not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for several hundred years or more. Old-growth forests are reservoirs of biodiversity because they provide ecological niches for a multitude of wildlife species. A second-growth forest is a stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession. These forests develop after the trees in an area have been removed by human activities such as clear-cutting for timber or cropland or by natural forces such as fire, hurricanes, or volcanic eruption. A tree plantation, also called a tree farm or commercial forest, is a managed tract with uniformly aged trees of one or two genetically uniform species that usually are harvested by clear-cutting as soon as they become commercially valuable. The land is then replanted and clear-cut again in a regular cycle. 20 Land Use 1 What major ecological and economic benefits do forests provide? 20 Land Use 1 Forests provide major ecological and economic services. Ecological services include: support energy flow and chemical cycling, reduce soil erosion, absorb and release water, purify water and air, influence local and regional climate, store atmospheric carbon, and provide numerous wildlife habitats. Economical services include fuel wood, lumber, pulp to make paper, mining, livestock grazing, and recreation jobs. 30 Land Use 1 Distinguish among selective cutting, clear-cutting, and strip cutting in the harvesting of trees. . Harvesting Trees: 30 Land Use 1 *Selective cutting occurs when intermediate-aged or mature trees in an uneven-aged forest are cut singly or in small groups. *Clear-cutting occurs when loggers remove all the trees from an area. *Strip cutting involves clear-cutting a strip of trees along the contour of the land within a corridor narrow enough to allow natural regeneration within a few years. After regeneration, loggers cut another strip next to the first, and so on. . 30 Community 1 40 Land Use 1 What are two types of forest fires? 40 Land Use 1 Two types of fires can affect forest ecosystems. *Surface fires usually burn only undergrowth and leaf litter on the forest floor. They may kill seedlings and small trees, but they spare most mature trees and allow most wild animals to escape. Another type of fire, called a crown fire, is an extremely hot fire that leaps from treetop to treetop, burning whole trees. *Crown fires usually occur in forests that have not experienced surface fires for several decades, a situation that allows dead wood, leaves, and other flammable ground litter to accumulate. These rapidly burning fires can destroy most vegetation, kill wildlife, increase soil erosion, and burn or damage human structures in their paths. 50 Land Use 1 What is deforestation and what parts of the world are experiencing the greatest forest losses? . 50 Land Use 1 Deforestation is the temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses. These losses are concentrated in lessdeveloped countries, especially those in the tropical areas of Latin America, Indonesia, and Africa. 10 Land Use 2 Describe four ways to manage forests more sustainably. 10 *Identify Land Use 2 and protect forest areas high in biodiversity. *Rely more on selective cutting and strip cutting. *No clear-cutting on steep slopes. *No logging of old-growth forests. 20 Land Use 2 What are four ways to reduce the harms caused by forest fires to forests and to people? 20 Land Use 2 *Set small, contained surface fires, such as prescribed fires, to remove flammable small trees and underbrush in the highestrisk forest areas. *Allow many fires on public lands to burn, thereby removing flammable underbrush and smaller trees, as long as the fires do not threaten human structures and life. *Protect houses and other buildings in fire-prone areas by thinning a zone of about 60 meters (200 feet) around them and eliminating the use of flammable materials such as wooden roofs. *Thin forest areas vulnerable to fire by clearing away small fire-prone trees and underbrush under careful environmental controls. 30 Land Use 2 Distinguish between rangelands and pastures. * 30 Land Use 2 Rangelands are unfenced grasslands in temperate and tropical climates that supply forage, or vegetation, for grazing (grasseating) and browsing (shrub-eating) animals. Pastures are managed grasslands or enclosed meadows usually planted with domesticated grasses or other forage. 40 Land Use 2 * What are the major environmental threats to national parks in the world and in the United States? 40 Land Use 2 National parks are threatened because they are too small and fragmented to sustain many large animal species, because of invasions by nonnative species that compete with and reduce the populations of native species, and lack of funding. Around the world, there are also many problems with lack of protection and people entering parks to harvest resources. 50 Land Use 2 What is the buffer zone concept? . 50 Land Use 2 ** The buffer zone concept involves strictly protecting the inner core of a reserve, allowing people to extract resources sustainably around it 10 Waste 1 Distinguish among solid waste, industrial solid waste, municipal solid waste (MSW), and hazardous (toxic) waste and give an example of each. 10 Waste 1 Solid waste is any unwanted or discarded material we produce that is not a liquid or a gas, such as a box. Industrial solid waste produced by mines, agriculture, and industries that supply people with goods and services, such as extra packaging. Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage or trash, consists of the combined solid waste produced by homes and workplaces. Examples include paper and cardboard, food wastes, cans, bottles, yard wastes, furniture, plastics, metals, glass, wood, and e-waste. Hazardous, or toxic, waste threatens human health or the environment because it is poisonous, dangerously chemically reactive, corrosive, or flammable. Examples include industrial solvents, hospital medical waste, car batteries (containing lead and acids), household pesticide products, dry-cell batteries (containing mercury and cadmium), and ash from incinerators and coal-burning power plants. 20 Waste 1 Distinguish among waste management, waste reduction, and integrated waste management. 20 Waste 1 Waste management attempts to manage wastes in ways that reduce their environmental harm without seriously trying to reduce the amount of waste produced. It typically involves mixing wastes together and then transferring them from one part of the environment to another, usually by burying them, burning them, or shipping them to another location. Waste reduction tries to produce much less waste and pollution, and the wastes that are produced are considered to be potential resources that can be reused, recycled, or composted. Integrated waste management uses a variety of strategies for both waste reduction and waste management. 30 Waste 1 Distinguish among refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling in dealing with the wastes we produce. . 30 Waste 1 Waste reduction based on four Rs: Refuse: don’t use it. Reduce: consume less and live a simpler lifestyle. Reuse: rely more on items that can be used repeatedly instead of on throwaway items, and buy necessary items secondhand or borrow or rent them. Recycle: separate and recycle paper, glass, cans, plastics, metal, and other items, and buy products made from recycled materials. 40 Waste 1 What is composting? 40 Waste 1 Composting involves the use of bacteria to decompose yard trimmings and other biodegradable wastes. 50 Waste 1 Distinguish between primary (closedloop) recycling and secondary recycling. 50 Waste 1 Primary, or closed-loop, recycling involves materials being recycled into new products of the same type. For example, used aluminum cans are turned into new aluminum cans. Secondary recycling involves waste materials converted into different products. For example, used tires can be shredded and turned into rubberized road surfacing, and newspapers can be reprocessed into cellulose insulation. 10 Waste 2 What are the major advantages and disadvantages of using incinerators to burn solid and hazardous waste? . 10 Waste 2 Advantages of incinerating solid include: reduces trash volume, less need for landfills, low water pollution, concentrates hazardous substances into ash for burial, sale of energy reduces cost, modern controls reduce air pollution, and some facilities recover and sell metals. Disadvantages include: expensive to build, costs more than short-distance hauling to landfills, difficult to site because of citizen opposition, some air pollution and CO2 emissions, older or poorly managed facilities can release large amounts of air pollution, output approach encourages waste production, and can compete with recycling for burnable materials such as newspaper. 20 Waste 2 Distinguish between open dumps and sanitary landfills. 20 Waste 2 There are two types of landfills. Open dumps are essentially fields or holes in the ground where garbage is deposited and sometimes burned. They are rare in developed countries, but are widely used near major cities in many developing countries. In newer landfills, called sanitary landfills, solid wastes are spread out in thin layers, compacted, and covered daily with a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam, which helps to keep the material dry and reduces leakage of contaminated water. 30 Waste 2 Summarize the problems involved in sending ewastes to less-developed countries for recycling. 30 Waste 2 The value of the metals that can be recycled is such that poor workers are exposed to considerably hazardous conditions to mine the waste of its valuable components 40 Waste 2 What are the major advantages and disadvantages of disposing of liquid hazardous wastes in (a) deep under-ground wells and (b) in surface impoundments? 40 Waste 2 Advantages of deep-well disposal include: safe method if sites are chosen carefully, wastes can often be retrieved if problems develop, easy to do and low cost. Disadvantages of deep-well disposal include: Leaks or spills at surface, leaks from corrosion of well casing, existing fractures or earthquakes can allow wastes to escape into groundwater and output approach that encourages waste production. Advantages of surface impoundments include: low construction costs, low operating costs, can be built quickly, wastes can often be retrieved if necessary and can store wastes indefinitely with secure double liners. Disadvantages of surface impoundments include: groundwater contamination from leaking liners (or no lining), air pollution from volatile organic compounds, overflow from flooding, disruption and leakage from earthquakes and output approach that encourages waste production. . 50 Waste 2 What is a secure hazardous waste landfill? List four ways to reduce your output of hazardous waste. 50 Waste 2 Sometimes liquid and solid hazardous wastes are put into drums or other containers and buried in carefully designed and monitored secure hazardous waste landfills. Three ways to reduce hazardous waste include avoiding the use of pesticides and other hazardous chemicals, using less harmful and substances, and avoiding the disposal of pesticides, paints, solvents, oil, antifreeze, or other hazardous chemicals by flushing them down the toilet, pouring them down the drain, burying them, throwing them into the garbage, or dumping them down storm drains. About 5% of all hazardous waste produced in the United States is regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA, pronounced “RICKra”), passed in 1976 and amended in 1984. The EPA sets standards for management of several types of hazardous waste and issues permits to companies allowing them to produce and dispose of a certain amount of wastes in acceptable ways. Permit holders must use a cradle-to-grave system to keep track of waste they transfer from a point of generation (cradle) to an approved off-site disposal facility (grave), and they must submit proof of this disposal to the EPA. 10 Genetics 2 My name is Bond, Ionic Bond; Taken, not shared! 10 Population Growth From: Mariano Cecowski <> Q: if both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water which one disolves faster? A: The one in Alaska because it is HIJKLMNO 10 Population Growth Alimentary: What Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. Watson. Urinate: What a nurse would say if a patient asked her what room he's in. Urine - The opposite of "You're out!" Benign: What we want when we are eight. Intestine - Currently taking an exam CARDIOLOGY: advanced study of poker playing TERMINAL ILLNESS: getting sick at the airport 10 Potpourri What is a biodiversity hotspot and why is it important to protect such areas? 10 Potpourri Biodiversity hotspots are areas especially rich in plant species that are found nowhere else and are in great danger of extinction. These areas need to be protected because suffer serious ecological disruption, mostly because of rapid human population growth and the resulting pressure on natural resources. One to help sustain the earth’s biodiversity and its people is to identify and protect areas where vital ecosystem are being impaired enough to reduce biodiversity or harm local residents. Proponents of this approach contend that we must identify highly stressed life raft ecosystems. In such areas, people live in severe poverty, and a large part of the economy depends on various ecosystem services that are being degraded severely enough to threaten the well-being of people and other forms of life. 10 Genetics 2 20 What is ecological restoration? Potpourri 20 Potpourri Ecological restoration is the process of repairing damage caused by humans to the biodiversity and dynamics of natural ecosystems. Examples of restoration are reintroducing native species, removing invasive species, restoring grasslands and coral reefs. 30 Potpourri Describe the science-based, four-point strategy for carrying out ecological restoration and rehabilitation. 30 Potpourri *A science-based, four-point strategy for carrying out ecological restoration and rehabilitation: 1. Identify the causes of the degradation (such as pollution, farming, overgrazing, mining, or invasive species). 2. Stop the abuse by eliminating or sharply reducing these factors. This would include removing toxic soil pollutants, improving depleted soil by adding nutrients and new topsoil, preventing fires, and controlling or eliminating disruptive nonnative species. 3. If necessary, reintroduce species—especially pioneer, keystone, and foundation species—to help restore natural ecological processes, as was done with wolves in the Yellowstone ecosystem. 4. Protect the area from further degradation and allow secondary ecological succession to occur. 30 Genetics 2 40 Potpourri What are the major advantages and disadvantages of incinerating hazardous wastes? 40 Potpourri Advantages of phytoremediation include: easy to establish, inexpensive, can reduce material dumped into landfills and produces little air pollution compared to incineration. Disadvantages of phytoremediation include: slow (can take several growing seasons), effective only at depth plant roots can reach, some toxic organic chemicals may evaporate from plant leaves and some plants can become toxic to animals. 50 Potpourri Describe three ways to detoxify hazardous waste. 50 1.Physical methods 2.Chemical methods 3.Use nanomagnets 4.Bioremediation 5.Phytoremediation . Potpourri